Chapter 10: Part 2 - Salmon Onigiri and Sweet Notions

Luna wobbled to his feet and threw himself onto the empty space next to Judy. Judy was already unwrapping and onigiri and shoved it into his open mouth.

"There, that should fix you right up. Anna, could you help get plates? Luna has his piled up on the sink over there" Judy asked and pointed to the tiny kitchenette set up next to the door.

"Ok~!" Anna said cheerfully and walked over to gather some plates and cutlery.

"Can I use your desk seat?" Anna asked and Luna nodded, so Anna pulled it over so that she could sit across from the sofa.

"You don't wanna sit next to me? There is room" Judy said and grinned, patting the space next to her.

Anna looked at the space, looked at Judy, and then blushed.

"It's ok, I'll sit over here. I can reach the food better" she said and proceeded to put down the plates and busied herself with sorting out the food.

Luna sat up straight, he looked from Judy to Anna, and then back.

" Dww Yww Tww Dw Iw?" Luna asked in a muffled voice as he still had a mouth full of onigiri.

Judy kicked him in the shin which made Luna keel over.

"Sorry? I didn't hear what you said" Anna replied, looking up but pointedly looking away from Judy.

"Ignore him, he doesn't know talking with his mouth full is rude. Besides, I hear the two of you had a great time at the ball last night" Judy grinned and sat back, crossing her arms and staring at Luna.

Luna took a big gulp and swallowed the rest of the onigiri.

"Anna, how much did you tell this woman?" Luna asked, glaring at Anna as he reached for another onigiri.

"Not everything. I just said I was tired because you and I were at a dinner last night…with Rachel" Anna said and shrugged, trying to look all innocent.

"Yes, but something tells me that something happened. Something big. Spill it, Luna. In fact, I brought you two more onigiris than usual so that you DO spill it, you owe me" Judy replied, glaring at Luna.

Luna groaned and sunk back into the sofa. He didn't want to say anything but the onigiri was so good.

"Ok fine. I was dragged to this dinner hosted by the Lovewins, Rachel's family, where I was sold to Rachel as her fiancé. There, you happy? I am now, unofficially officially engaged to one of the wealthiest heiresses in town" Luna said and finished eating his second onigiri.

Judy sat up straight like a terrier on full alert "Seriously?"

"Seriously" Anna confirmed "It was such a sight to see. Rachel ran away crying into the garden and like some prince charming Luna ran after her and caught her in his arms" Anna said, dramatizing the moment by hugging herself as if she was Luna and her body was Rachel.

"You were there too! You ran after her too! Why are you not a prince charming too?" Luna piped up, pouting.

"Because I'm not the one engaged to her" Anna laughed and stuck her tongue out at him.

"Is this a thing that happens often in elite circles?" Judy asked, looking at Anna.

Anna shrugged "Well, not really, most of the time we know what's coming, but Luna is new as he only came to live with his aunt and uncle recently, and well, Rachel is a recluse. Either way, no one enjoys these types of arrangements, however, yeah, it's pretty standard" Anna explained as she unwrapped a delicious-looking strawberry cream roll for herself.

"Wow. That sucks" Judy said and sat back looking at Anna contemplatively, "So does that me you-"

"I will fight! I will escape! I just need to find someone to elope with me, and I am moving to Italy!" Anna said vehemently.

Judy smiled and reached out a hand "I don't mind eloping with you" she said coyly.

"Stop it! No flirting in my room. You want to flirt, go back to your room" Luna said and smacked Judy's hand down.

Luna turned to Anna but the girl was almost as red as a tomato.

Judy hadn't noticed as she had laughed and was rubbing her hand so Luna gave Anna the eye and indicated that she should go to the bathroom with his chin.

"Umm I think you have some cake on your face Anna" Luna said and Anna jumped up immediately, picking up what he was putting down.

"Umm I'll go wash it off, hold on a sec," Anna said and hurried off to the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

"Eh, I could have helped her with that," Judy said, realising Anna had disappeared.

"Judy" Luna whispered "You are coming off way too strong again! Chill! The girl can't even look at you right now"

Judy looked at Luna a little taken aback "Maybe it's cause she doesn't know what to say after coming on strong to me, literally an hour ago"

Luna's eyes went wide "Really? You two?"

"Yup, but ok I'll calm down with the antics. I just…think she's really cute" Judy smiled and cracked open a can of soda.

"Awe, that's adorable. Well, you have a lot of odds stacked up against you, considering who her family is" Luna said as he reached for another onigiri.

"Do I look like I'm scared of a challenge?" Judy smirked.

Luna nodded "Point taken"