Chapter 12: Part 3 - Re-establishing the Parameters of the Facade

= Ryan POV =

I looked to the side to find Anna squatting next to me as she patted me on the back.

"Yeah, you're fucked. Last night, I had to explain to Luna and my new love interest, Judy, who I wanted to introduce to you, but you left so suddenly, rude. Anyway, I had to tell them I'd talk to you and sort this out. I said I'd tell Rachel, and she probably would be fine with how….Ryan slept with Luna last night, but honestly," Anna said and sat down cross-legged " If I found out that my fiancé had cheated on me, even if it was an arranged marriage, I would be super pissed off. I'd be throwing things and banging up furniture. I'd kill the guy who fucked with my fiancé, so, at this point, I need you to figure out, if you were a girl, what would you do if you found out that Luna had slept around the very next day after being engaged with you. Would you be ok with that?"

I shook my head. " No, I would hate it. It would make me feel like shit."

"Exactly, so if this arrangement will continue to work, we need to sit down and strategize our next moves. There is no way we can drop either persona on pain of death and disownment, but what happened yesterday can never happen again. Promise?" Anna asked, and I looked away.

"But Ana…Luna was so cute….and the sex…it was kind of…I am trying my best to hold back here…" I mumbled under my breath.

Anna grabbed my forearm and pushed me to face her. She grabbed my face in her tiny but firm hands and looked me in the eyes. " You better promise to keep your pervert hands to yourself, or so help me, God, I will kill you."

I nodded. Anna's anger was scary. I had seen her with knives. She kept a collection of Authentic Japanese Knives in her room as keepsakes. They cut through meat like butter.

Anna released me and patted me on the head. " Good, good talk. I'm going to get something to eat, and I'll come and join you for brunch. Then we can discuss the new game plan," she said as she, in much higher spirits, fetched my breakfast trolley from the corner isolation and brought it over to the lounge area near the window, where there was a coffee table and chairs for guests to sit and eat.

I gingerly got up and followed her over. As I sat down, Anna reached out and snatched the phone from my pocket and slipped it into hers.

"Hey! What if Luna calls!" I gasped, and Anna's long, judgemental finger wagged at me.

"We will not communicate with the victim until we have sorted this out," Anna replied, leaving with a spring in her step.

"Victim? Aren't I, too, a victim of this cruel arrangement?" I said out loud to empty walls and the sound of footsteps fading down the hall.