The Princess of Dragonstone



He walked through Aegon's garden, led by Valaena Velaryon, one of his aunt's handmaidens. The garden was a hidden gem within the castle grounds, with tall pine trees providing ample shade. Wild roses bloomed with vibrant colors, and towering thorny hedges created a maze-like feel.

There was a table arranged in a small clearing, and as they approached the table, he saw Daenerys waiting for him.

He had felt an instant attraction the moment he saw her. She looked like a vision, almost unreal in her beauty.

'She is your aunt,' a voice in his head said, trying to dissuade him.

'You are Targaryens,' another voice said, much louder.

'Well, I am convinced..... we are Targaryens,' he thought easily giving in.

As they drew nearer, he could hear her fretting over the table. "Are these cakes good? I don't know what he likes," she said worriedly to Bess Bracken, one of her handmaidens.

He then saw her take a bite of one of the cakes.

It was then she saw him approaching, her eyes widening in surprise. "Oh! Prince Maekar, you're here already!" she said, her cheeks flushing slightly.

He chuckled softly. "No need to worry, Princess. Everything looks wonderful."

"Thank you," she replied, visibly relieved. "Please, sit. I've been looking forward to this."

The others left, and he took his seat. Daenerys looked nervous, taking a cake and beginning to eat it again. He took one as well, and they sat silently, eating cake, neither initiating a conversation.

He slowly realized what his uncle meant—his aunt was a bit shy.

"So, what is it like living in Dragonstone?" he asked, breaking the silence.

"It's great," she answered quickly.

He looked around, seeing the moody atmosphere. "Truly?" he asked with a smile.

"What's wrong with it?" she asked, looking genuinely hurt.

He quickly backtracked, "I was just jesting. It's a beautiful place."

"Oh," she said, still sounding unsure.

The conversation continued with him coaxing her out of her nervousness. She began to open up a bit more.

"What is Winterfell like? I have read so much about it! Is it really as cold as they say? Are the walls truly made of metal? Do the direwolves roam freely in the forests?" she asked in rapid fire.

"Slow down, Princess," he said, laughing.

"I am sorry, Prince Maekar, like I said before, I can get..." she said, almost ashamed.

"First of all, call me Maekar. We are family, after all. And you can ask me any question you want, just a bit slower," he said, taking a bite of the lemon cake.

She smiled a wide smile, and his heart beat faster as he looked at her. 'Wow, she is beautiful,' he thought.

"Then you can call me Dany. That is what my brother calls me and what my mother used to call me," she said sadly. "Or you can call me Daenerys," she added quickly.

"Dany is fine, dear aunt," he said, to her relief.

She blushed. "So, about Winterfell," she began.

They talked until the sun went down, and as she got out of her shyness around him, he found her wonderful to be around. They discussed her life in Dragonstone and his life in Winterfell.

She asked about the rumors of the North's rise and if it was true he had a hand in it.

She also asked about his adventures during the rebellion, wondering if it was true that Euron was trying to summon a demon from the Seven Hells.

"So the bards have been singing about me then?" he asked, amused.

"Maekar the Demonslayer is a favorite among the children on the island. I suppose it's the same in all the kingdoms," she replied with a smile.

"There was no demon, just a mad Greyjoy," he said as the sight of the dragon came into his mind.

She recited a part of the song that had been made about him.

"Sounds like you were very brave, Maekar," she said, her eyes shining with admiration.

"You have a beautiful voice, Dany," he said.

"Thank you," she paused. "Mother never liked me singing for some reason," she confessed. "But Viserys, he always loved it," she added with a wide smile.

As the sun set, they continued their conversation in the castle and had dinner together. The conversation flowed easily between them.

"So why stay here and not return to the Red Keep?" he asked, curious.

"Mother always said she brought us here to escape from all the scheming in the Red Keep, but Viserys had always told me that Mother had a fight with my brother," Daenerys explained.

"You mean..." he began.

"Yes, Rhaegar. Your father. You were even supposed to come with us. Mother was against sending you north."

"I would have liked to meet her," he said, a touch of sadness in his voice.

"She wished to see you as well. We even planned to travel to Winterfell, and then... then..." She paused, her voice trailing off as memories flooded back.

"You don't need to continue," he said gently, reaching out to touch her hand.

"Thank you," she said, a bit of tears forming at the edge of her eyes. She quickly wiped them away and smiled weakly.

"Will you join me at the Red Keep then?" he asked.

"I always wanted to go back, but always stopped myself. I've lost count of how many times Viserys has tried to convince me," she said, looking at the moonlit sea through the window.

"You should come. You could keep me company," he said with a wide grin, catching her gaze.

She blushed and looked away. "Mayhaps when Viserys returns," she said softly.

"Well, I'll hold you to your word," he replied, following her gaze to see the stars were beautiful that night.





Kings Landing

He left Dragonstone a day later than planned, having spent an extra day with Daenerys as she showed him around the castle and its surroundings.

'No, Maekar,' he thought, 'if you want the throne, you have to marry someone like Margaery or a Lannister.' He tried to push thoughts of his beautiful, innocent aunt out of his mind as King's Landing drew closer.

King's Landing came into view, with its sprawling docks and densely packed buildings. He could see the towering Great Sept from here. The city was as chaotic and vibrant as ever, and also smelled very badly.

'Improving the sewage system is first on the list,' he thought.

The ship docked at the royal docks, where a large contingent of soldiers awaited him. Leading them were Arthur Dayne and Oswell Whent, both in their Kingsguard armor.

"Prince Maekar, welcome to King's Landing," Arthur said with a bow.

"Ser Arthur, good to see you again," he replied.

"This is—" Arthur began, motioning to Oswell.

"Oswell Whent," he finished for him.

"See, my name is well known," Oswell said, grinning at Arthur.

"That is a lot of men," he said, looking at the large entourage.

"You are a prince of the realm. Anything less is an insult," Arthur said with a serious tone.

He laughed. "Very well, it's time for my return. I am eager to see my father," he said, forcing a smile.

Arthur's genuine smile reflected his happiness at hearing him mention his father. "He has been waiting for you for a year, my prince. If not for your uncle..." Arthur trailed off.

He didn't respond to that, simply smiling and asking them to lead the way.

He mounted his horse, which was provided for him, and they began riding through the bustling streets of King's Landing. As they rode, people lined the streets, craning their necks to get a glimpse of him, the returning prince.

The squalor was evident, with narrow, dirty alleyways and dilapidated buildings. He could hear the murmur of the crowd:

"That's him!"

"The Stark prince!"

"The demonslayer!"

The whispers followed him, and he couldn't help but smile and wave at the people. The crowd's cheers grew louder in response.

'Have to begin the PR early,' he thought, continuing to smile and wave.

As they neared the Red Keep, he spotted someone very familiar. Away from the crowd, standing near some more finely dressed people, was Ros, flanked by two guards. They made eye contact, and she winked at him.

He winked back.

'Now that reunion I'm looking forward to,' he thought.

They dismounted inside the Red Keep, where a large crowd of courtiers from all seven kingdoms had gathered. He could hear them speaking:

"So, it's true. He is here."

"The new crown prince."

"Shut your mouth! He is not a Targaryen."

"Looks like a Stark."

"No, too pretty to be Stark."

He ignored the courtiers' whispers and followed Arthur and Oswell inside.

"The king…your father, is in the Great Hall. He wishes to greet you there," Arthur said.

He nodded, his heart beating faster with each step. They walked through the corridors until they reached the massive doors of the Great Hall. Arthur and Oswell pushed them open, revealing the grand chamber beyond.

The Great Hall was majestic and imposing, with high vaulted ceilings and walls adorned with rich tapestries depicting the history of House Targaryen. The floor was made of polished marble, reflecting the light from the large windows. At the far end of the hall stood the Iron Throne, a twisted mass of swords and iron, sharp and menacing, a symbol of the power and bloodshed that had forged the realm.

Courtiers filled the hall, their eyes fixed on him as he entered. Their murmurs ceased, replaced by an expectant silence.

He noted that only five Kingsguard were present, including Arthur and Oswell.

On the dais, he saw a Dornish woman looking intently at him. He quickly recognized her as his sister Rhaenys, surrounded by their mother's family, the Martells of Dorne.

Aegon was nowhere to be seen.

His gaze finally settled on the figure seated on the Iron Throne.

Rhaegar Targaryen…his father.

'He was not the dreamy prince of his youth. Robert really did a number on him,' he thought, stifling a chuckle.

He walked forward, the echo of his footsteps the only sound in the hall. As he walked, his eyes met his father's. For a brief moment, he saw something in his father's eyes that he hadn't expected—fear. It flickered and then was gone, replaced by a guarded look.

He stopped in front of the throne.

'Father, your son has returned,'he thought as a grin began to form on his lips.



Read up to chapter 41 here : (check the chapter summary i have it there as well)

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