New Allies,New Arrivals


Kings Landing

He was seeing through the eyes of the dragon again.

This time he soared through the starry skies, the vast expanse of night dotted with countless stars. The beauty of it took his breath away. The stars twinkled like diamonds against the velvet blackness, and the moon hung low, casting a silvery glow over everything.

He felt the dragon's powerful muscles ripple beneath his scales as it flew, each wingbeat sending a gust of wind that rustled through the atmosphere. He could feel the dragon's emotions coursing through him—intense, seething anger. It burned like a fire in his chest, making his heart race.

He wondered why it was so angry making the dragon look down to the ground.

There he saw the unmistakable shape of Dragonstone far below. It was unmistakable as he recognized the ancient fortress from its jagged edges and dark silhouette.

The realization struck him—he was back in Westeros. The dragon flew higher, breaking through the wisps of clouds that dotted the sky. He felt the chill of the night air against his scales, and the exhilaration of the flight coursed through his veins.

The dragon let out a mighty roar, a sound that echoed across the heavens. It was a roar filled with rage and sadness, a sound that shook the very stars. He could feel the heat of the dragon's breath, see the flames licking at the edges of its mouth as it expressed its wrath to the night sky.

Suddenly, he woke, gasping for breath. The vividness of the dream lingered, the dragon's anger still a burning ember in his chest. He looked outside through the window. It was still dark, with small specks of light over the horizon signaling that dawn was approaching. 

It had been some time he had a dream of seeing through the dragon from Skagos again but that did not mean he did not have dreams like this.

He had been seeing through the eyes of his direwolf as well as it hunted in the Kingswood. He recalled the sensation vividly, the sharpness of Ghost's senses overwhelming his own. The world had seemed alive with scents and sounds he could barely comprehend. He had felt the thrill of the hunt, the exhilaration of chasing prey through the dense forest, the primal satisfaction of bringing down a deer.

He knew he was skin-changing, but he did not know where to start to gain control of this power. It was a gift, one that could be incredibly useful if he learned to harness it. 

But how?

He got up from his bed, too worked up to sleep again with the adrenaline coursing through his body. 

'Might as well go to the yard' he thought. 

Getting dressed, he walked outside where Oswell was standing guard. "You are early today, Prince Maekar," Oswell noted with a yawn.

"Why don't you get some sleep, Oz? I'm going to the yard," he said to the Kingsguard.

"A Kingsguard doesn't rest," Oswell said.

"He does if he needs to guard me," he replied. "Come with me until we're outside, then you're off to your bed," he added, patting the man on his shoulder.

"Well, if you insist, your grace," Oswell said with a tired grin.

They walked through Maegor's Holdfast and before as they passed through the entrance to the gardens in the holdfast he saw someone unexpected.

Standing on a bench near the fountain was his brother. Aegon was trying to balance himself without his cane, his legs shaking and his face showing evident pain. His determination was palpable, each muscle in his legs quivering with the effort, beads of sweat forming on his brow. 

Then their eyes met as Aegon's eyes widened, his face one of surprise which he soon schooled to a neutral mask. They stared at each other for some time. He contemplated whether to walk over and finally meet his brother, but decided against it. He gave Aegon a small smile and continued walking.

Aegon would have to wait. 

He was already too busy with the Fire Watch and the plans to move against Hayford to deal with his brother. So far, Aegon had not done anything against him and kept his distance, and he preferred it that way.

The Fire Watch was growing in influence every day. He had new officers now, selected from his new allies in the Crownlands. They were members of Houses Rosby, Rykker, Staunton, and Buckwell. While they did not like the firefighting part of the Fire Watch, seeing it as beneath them, he had convinced them to join by bringing them into confidence about his plan to oust Hayford and take over the City Watch. They were very enthusiastic about accepting the positions after that. Thankfully, all four of them were capable, and their selection to the role showed their houses that he was serious about the alliance he proposed to them.

Their experience was helpful as the scuffles between both orders in the city increased. His strategic acquisitions and rebuildings began to be noticed by Hayford, who sent men to disrupt his business. They would ask for protection money, and when rejected, would destroy the property or hurt the business owners. The owners had turned to the Fire Watch battalions near them for support. This was happening everywhere, and already there were casualties.

Hayford was panicking, and he knew it. Mollander's death had crippled Hayford's spy network, leaving him blind and vulnerable. He had swiftly replaced the so-called 'king of Flea Bottom' with his own loyal man and began his project of rehabilitating the poorest part of the city in earnest. 

His father was very supportive, giving him more power in the royal domains of their family in the Crownlands. This allowed him to send many of the healthy men and women of Flea Bottom to work in these domains, providing them with honest employment and a chance at a better life. Many were also put to work within the city, helping to rebuild and improve it.

His reputation among the people of King's Landing grew significantly. Both he and his sister were now the most beloved royals in the city, seen as champions of the common folk. 

His reputation in court had also taken a drastic turn. Many who once believed him to be a fool for starting an order like the Fire Watch now recognized his growing influence in the city and in the Crownlands.

The court of King's Landing was a complex web of alliances, rivalries, and political maneuvering. Even as a prince, he had to navigate it carefully. The court was filled with nobles, each with their own interests and agendas. Some sought to maintain the status quo, as it allowed them to benefit from the existing power structures and corruption. Others were more supportive of his efforts to bring about change not because of some bleeding heart to improve the lives of the smallfolk but to gain power through him.

Then again it would be hypocritical of him to judge as he was doing the same thing he had even started a few fires himself to gain access to some prime real estate.

The powerful factions within the court had their own reasons for keeping order in King's Landing as it was. For some, it was about maintaining their wealth and influence. Corruption and bribery were rampant, and many nobles profited from the city's underbelly.

For others, it was about stability. Change often brought chaos, and they feared that his actions could lead to unrest and upheaval. They preferred a stable, if flawed, system over the uncertainty that came with significant change.

He arrived in the yard alone with Oswell leaving to his quarters to get some well deserved rest. His father was delaying the choosing of new kingsguard; they were three short, many including himself were wondering why he was not choosing new ones this had caused many knights and second sons from the kingdoms to come to king's landing so it was getting a bit crowded now.

Getting someone loyal to him in those three positions could be very helpful for him in the future. The question was what his father had planned to choose these men.

As he decided the steps to the training yard he saw some servants scurrying around, attending to their morning chores but was surprised when he heard the sound of wood striking metal, echoing through the yard. Curious, he followed the sound and soon spotted a lone figure practicing.

He squinted his eyes to see who it was as the darkness made it difficult as he got closer he realized it was Obara Sand, one of the sand snakes.

She was clad in a light, form-fitting training outfit typical of the Dornish, designed for ease of movement and to keep cool in the heat. Her long, muscular legs were on display, and her arms, toned and powerful, swung the spear with practiced precision. Obara was big-boned and strong, her dusky skin glistening with sweat under the early morning light. Her rat-brown hair was tied in a tight knot, keeping it out of her close-set eyes, which were filled with anger and determination.

As he watched her, he couldn't help but be impressed by her skill and ferocity. She struck the practice dummy repeatedly, each blow powerful and controlled. Her movements were fluid, her strikes precise.

He stood there for a moment, contemplating her technique and trying to gauge if she was better than him with a spear. 

'There was only one way to find out,' he thought, walking towards her.

"And here I thought you were just going to stand there," Obara said as he approached.

"It's not every day you get to see a beautiful woman so skilled with a spear," he replied with a smirk.

She didn't say anything, continuing her training.

"I don't suppose you have an extra one?" he asked.

She stopped and looked at him. "Are you trained to use it?" she asked.

"Yes, I was wondering how good you are compared to me," he said with a small smile.

She didn't say a word, went to get another spear, and threw it at him. He caught it and winked at her.

"Dornish spears always have a good balance to them," he said, twirling it in his hands. 

"Shall we?" he asked, walking backward. Obara was silent and advanced towards him with an angry look on her face.

The fight began with both them testing each other, their movements calculated and cautious. They circled each other, spears held at the ready, eyes locked in a silent challenge.

"So, how's your time been in King's Landing?" he asked, feinting a thrust towards her midsection.

"Boring," Obara replied curtly, deflecting his feint with ease and countering with a quick jab aimed at his shoulder. He stepped back just in time, feeling the rush of air as her spearhead passed by.

"Well, let's see if we can change that," he quipped, stepping forward with a series of rapid strikes, which Obara blocked with surprising speed and strength.

As they got more serious, the intensity of their fight increased. He feigned a high strike, then swept his spear low, catching Obara's leg and causing her to lose her balance.

"Looks like I win," he said with a triumphant smile.

"Not yet," Obara growled, executing a swift kip up. She landed on her feet, her expression fierce and focused.

They clashed again, their spears whirling and clashing with renewed vigor. Obara was more ruthless this time, her strikes harder and faster. He found himself driven to fight more fiercely, matching her ferocity with his own. He parried a downward strike, then spun to the side, attempting to sweep her legs out from under her again. She jumped, narrowly avoiding his sweep, and thrust her spear forward, aiming for his chest.

He sidestepped, barely avoiding the strike, and countered with a powerful thrust of his own. Their spears locked, and for a moment, they were in a deadlock, each pushing against the other with all their strength.

With a grunt of frustration, Obara twisted her spear, disarming him in a sudden, fluid motion. He reacted quickly, swinging his leg to kick her spear out of her hands. Both weapons clattered to the ground, and they were left grappling hand-to-hand.

Obara lunged at him, and he tried to sidestep, but he lost his footing on the uneven ground. She tackled him to the ground, straddling him and pinning him down with surprising strength.

"You are good," she said, bringing her face closer to his, her breath warm against his skin. "Held your own against me."

"Thanks," he replied, slightly breathless but smiling up at her.

She stood up, extending a hand to help him. He took it, and she pulled him to his feet, both of them breathing heavily from the exertion but grinning.

"So, you mentioned you were bored?" he asked.

"There is nothing to do here," she sighed. "My father told us to stay here with Arianne, and now she and Rhaenys have left the city without us." She looked even more frustrated now.

"You could have left with them. Nothing is stopping you," he said, curious.

"Well, we have to—" She stopped abruptly, her eyes widening as if she had almost revealed something she wasn't supposed to.

They stood there in uncomfortable silence for a moment until he broke it. "Well, if you and your sisters are bored, I might have something to alleviate it."

She narrowed her eyes at him intrigued.

"I'm listening," she said, her interest piqued.






She tried not to run as she walked along with her handmaidens and guards to the docks. Taking the stairs down from the castle, her heart pounded in her chest with anticipation. 

She could see the ship docked, the Targaryen heraldry flying proudly on it, the sight filling her with a mixture of joy and relief.

Her brother was here.

Oh, how she had missed him. She had only grown more lonely after Maekar left, with only regular ravens between them to keep her company. 

Thinking of Maekar brought a smile to her face. With Viserys back, she could finally leave for King's Landing and meet him again.

As she arrived at the docks, she saw him. 

Her brother.

Viserys stood tall, his silver hair gleaming in the sunlight, wearing Essosi-style clothes that flowed elegantly around him. To her surprise, he sported a neatly trimmed beard that gave him a more mature and distinguished look. Beside him was her good sister, Allyria.

Allyria's olive skin glowed with health, and her beauty was captivating. She wore vibrant Essosi garments that complemented her graceful figure.

As she approached the dock, she gave in and ran to her brother. "Viserys!" she called out.

Viserys turned towards her with a wide smile, holding out his hands for an embrace. She ran into his arms, feeling tears well up in her eyes. "I missed you," she said, her voice thick with emotion.

"I missed you too, Dany," he replied, hugging her tightly.

They broke apart, and Daenerys dried her tears. She then turned to Allyria. "Good-sister, it's great to see you again," she said, embracing her as well.

"Thank you, Princess," Allyria replied.

"Please, I have told you we are family. Call me Dany."

"Yes, Dany," Allyria said with a smile.

"So, dear sister, what adventures have you been up to here?" Viserys asked.

"What adventures?" she replied, pouting. "You are the one having adventures."

Viserys laughed.

 "Well," she began, "Maekar visited eight moons ago," she said, noting her brother's surprise.

"He did?" Viserys asked, excitement in his voice. "Is he here right now?"

"No, he left for King's Landing. He is the captain of the Fire Watch now," she explained.

"The Fire Watch?" Viserys asked, confused.

"I will explain later," she said, looking behind him as if searching for something. "Where are my gifts?" she asked.

"Oh, do not worry, sister. I have brought more gifts, enough to make up for my absence," Viserys said with a grin.

"Good," she said, pleased.

She then noticed someone disembarking from the ship. The woman was beautiful, with long hair the color of deep burnished copper and unsettling red eyes. She was pale, slender, graceful, and tall, with full breasts, a narrow waist, and a heart-shaped face. She wore a dress of red fabric that accentuated her striking appearance.

"Who is that, brother?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Ah," Viserys said as the woman approached. "This is Melisandre. She is a priestess of R'hllor," he introduced the mysterious woman.

"Greetings, Princess," Melisandre said in a deep and melodic voice.

"Welcome to Dragonstone, Priestess," she said, welcoming her to the island.




Read up to chapter 52 here : (check the chapter summary i have it there as well)

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