Interlude pt.2

Two Goldcloaks, Ed and Thom, trudged along the cobbled streets of King's Landing, making their way to the barracks. The city was bustling as usual, with merchants peddling their wares and children playing in the streets.

"I cant believe Hayford is gone." Thom said, his voice low and wary.

"Aye," Ed replied, his eyes darting around nervously. "Prince Maekar is the new commander now. I'm worried Thom, I think the prince will kill us too."

"Don't be daft, Ed," Thom said, trying to sound reassuring. "Hayford is dead, and it's over. There's no way to prove what we did. So many in the watch were involved, we just have to stop now."

Ed sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I know, but I can't help but think about the money we got from the shops and taverns. I'll miss that."

"Well, it's over now. Come on, the celebration will begin soon," Thom said, slapping Ed on the back.

They reached the barracks, the familiar stone building looming before them. As they entered, they were greeted by one of the new captains, a stern-looking man named Ser Giles.

"You are late, Change out of your armor and go to the dining hall," Ser Giles ordered.

They nodded and quickly made their way to their beds.

"Where is everyone?" Ed wondered aloud as they arrived at their beds.

"They must all be in the dining hall," Thom replied, shrugging. They took off their armor and slipped into simple tunics before heading towards the source of the laughter and music.

As they entered the dining hall, they saw their comrades gathered, but there were fewer people than they had expected. The tables were laden with food and drink, and a few men were already well into their cups, laughing and joking loudly.

"Where is everyone?" Ed asked Lokaer, a fellow Goldcloak, as they made their way to the table.

"Don't worry," Lokaer replied with a grin, "the others will be here soon. We can have all the food and drink until they come."

"Hah" Thom said laughing.

Ed and Thom joined in the merriment, talking and joking around with their comrades. As they laughed and shared stories, as they did so Ed saw a raven fly into the hall and it began pestering him the raven looked like it had forgotten to fly.

"Damn raven! Where did that come from?" Ed exclaimed, swatting at the bird.

Thom laughed at his friend's discomfort, but then he noticed something strange about the raven. Its eyes were completely white.

"That's a strange raven," Thom said, his laughter fading as he stared at the bird. "Look at its eyes."

Ned looked closer, and a shiver ran down his spine. "Yeah, that's not normal."

"And it flys like it's drunk as well," Thom said.

The men around them took notice of the raven as well. The raven flew onto the roof, and sat there observing them.

Ed saw Ser Giles enter the hall again but this time he was confused by the men behind him; it was Prince Maekar's personal guard, the Varangians. Their presence was like a sudden drop in temperature, freezing the room with dread.

'Why are they armored? ' he thought.

"Ser, why are these northern fucks here?" one of the Goldcloaks asked, he was well into his cups.

'No no' Ed thought as he began to realize what was about to happen.

Ed could feel his heart beat faster. He looked at Thom, whose face had gone pale as he too realized what was happening. The Varangians moved forward, their swords drawn, their expressions cold and unyielding.

"What is this?" Lokaer asked.

"The end," Ser Giles said, his voice devoid of emotion.

The Varangians surged forward, and the room erupted into chaos. Ed watched in horror as the first of the Varangians' swords found its mark, slicing through flesh and bone with ease. Blood sprayed across the walls, and the sounds of laughter and merriment were replaced with screams of agony and terror.

Ed's eyes darted around, looking for an escape, but the Varangians had them trapped. The room was a cage, and there was nowhere left to run. He knew, deep down, that they were never going to let them leave.

One of the Varangians advanced on him, his eyes cold and merciless. Ed stumbled back, tripping over a fallen comrade. He landed hard on the floor, his breath knocked out of him. He looked up just in time to see the Varangian's sword descending. The blade sliced through his chest, and a searing pain erupted through his body.

Ed gasped, blood bubbling up in his mouth. The world around him blurred, the screams and the blood becoming distant. His vision tunneled, narrowing to a single point of light. He thought of the crimes he had committed, the things he had done under Hayford's command.

As the life drained out of him, he felt a strange sense of relief. It was over. All of it. The lies, the fear, the guilt. He closed his eyes, and his last thought was of his mother's face, smiling at him from a time long past, a time when he was innocent.

The darkness took him, and he knew no more.




Basil entered his Prince's solar, his small frame running swiftly to inform his prince of the news he had just received. Basil Saw him leaning back in his chair, his head laid back in a way that seemed almost unnatural. Basil slowly approached, and was shocked to see his prince's eyes completely white.

Fear gripped him as he wondered if he should call for the Maester. Was he poisoned? His mind raced with terrifying possibilities. Basil was about to touch the prince's face, his hand was suddenly caught by the prince. 

Basil let out a scream.

Maekar laughed, the sound echoing through the room. "Did I scare you, Basil?" he asked, his eyes returning to their normal color.

"What was that?" Basil asked, his voice trembling.

"Skinchanging," Maekar said, trying to get up but falling back down, holding his head. "I've only been trying to do this for a month… Still learning."

Basil's worry didn't fade, but he suddenly remembered why he was there. "My prince, it's done. Order 66 is complete."

Maekar laughed again, muttering "Order 66." Basil wondered why it was so funny to his prince.

"Yes, I know, Basil. I saw it all."

"You mean..." Basil asked, his eyes widening in astonishment.

"Yes, I skinchanged into a raven," Maekar said, a hint of pride in his voice. "I saw what happened in the eastern barracks."

"I see," Basil said, amazed.

Maekar stood up and began walking around the room, trying to get his bearings as he shook off the disorienting effects of skinchanging. His mind raced with thoughts, and he couldn't help but feel a gnawing sense of unease.

"Basil," Maekar called out, his voice steady but laced with frustration.

"Yes, prince," Basil answered, his eyes wide with concern and curiosity.

"I feel like I've underestimated some people here," Maekar said, his tone contemplative yet annoyed.

"Underestimated?" Basil echoed, trying to grasp the meaning behind his prince's words.

"Yes," Maekar affirmed. "I feel like someone is using me in their own schemes. Everything that's happening... it seems like it's all falling into place for someone else's plan."

 Maekar turned to Basil, his eyes sharp. "And I don't like it."

"Who, my prince?" Basil asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.

"I don't know," Maekar admitted, his frustration evident. "But I feel like I will find out soon, especially with all the Seven Kingdoms converging on the capital for the tourney."

Basil nodded, understanding the gravity of Maekar's words. "What shall we do, my prince?"

"Leave me, Basil. I need some time to think," Maekar said, sitting down heavily in his chair.

Basil bowed deeply and left the room.

As the door closed behind Basil, Maekar leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes. 'Interesting times are ahead,' he thought, a mixture of anticipation and dread filling him. 'Interesting times.'

