Chapter 97

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Hearing Thor's plea, the Destroyer Armor hesitated, halting its attack. It seemed Loki was conflicted.

Seeing this, Thor's face lit up with a hopeful smile.

However, as if provoked by his smile, the Destroyer Armor turned back and delivered a heavy punch to Thor's face.


Thor was sent flying.

In the distance, Jane and the others were horrified.


Jane ran over and cradled the severely injured Thor.

"It's all over..." Thor said weakly.

"It's not over yet!" Jane shook her head.

Thor forced a smile, "At least you are safe."

"It's all over..."

As he spoke, his eyes closed, seemingly passing out.

The Destroyer Armor slowly turned away.

Jane and the others were visibly saddened.

In the distance, SHIELD agents, who had come to investigate, were shocked as they recorded the events unfolding.

In Asgard, Odin, who was in the Odinsleep, seemed to sense all of this, and a tear rolled down his closed eyes.

Just when everyone thought it was all over, a figure enveloped in electricity emerged from the corner of the street.

"Who is he?"

Sif and the other Asgardians were stunned.

Jane, in a daze, murmured, "It's him, the one who lifted Mjolnir!"

Hearing her, Sif and the others looked at his right hand, where he was holding a silver hammer, indeed Mjolnir.

From the lightning surrounding him, it was clear he had been recognized by Mjolnir, not using any trickery.

The Valkyrie and the Warriors Three were astonished, finding it incredible.

"Why would Mjolnir acknowledge a Midgardian?"

And looking at his demeanor, he seemed more like Thor than Thor himself!

Could Thor have been right?

Especially since he had twice predicted events concerning Asgard, shrouding him in mystery.

Who is he?

In the distance, Loki, watching the scene, was equally puzzled.

A Midgardian? How?

SHIELD agents in the distance immediately recognized who he was.

"That's the fugitive!"

It was clear they knew him.

"What's he doing here?"

"And that hammer in his hand..."

As they were stunned, Syd shook his head, letting go of the eager Mjolnir.

With a swoosh, the hammer flew to the unconscious Thor's hand.

Dark clouds gathered in the sky, and a bolt of lightning struck Thor.

Layers of silver armor covered Thor's body, and he awoke, his powers restored amidst the flashing electricity.

At the same time, the power of Mjolnir disappeared from Syd, causing the latent divine power within him to surge back.

In an instant, he was enveloped in a golden glow.

The Valkyrie and the others, initially focused on Thor, were stunned, turning their gaze to the mysterious figure in white.

"Is that divine power?"

Sif and the other Asgardians, including the now smiling Thor and Loki, were all dumbfounded.

They wondered if they had sensed wrong. How could they detect divine power from a Midgardian?

Although it was only in its nascent form and not fully awakened, it was still divine power, the power of a god!

Moreover, they felt this divine power was familiar, seemingly belonging to Asgard, possibly even royal!

Typically, only the Odin lineage possessed this power.

In Odin, it was called the Odinforce. In Thor, it was the power of Thor, though Thor had not fully awakened and was still just the God of Hammers.

The golden glow didn't last long and quickly faded, but Sif and the others were still in shock.

Not only them, but Heimdall, frozen as punishment for letting people pass the Bifrost unauthorized, also witnessed everything.

His golden eyes flashed with astonishment.

In the Odinsleep chamber, Odin sensed it too, his mind echoing one thought.


On Earth.

How is it possible!

Sif and the others doubted their senses. How could they detect divine power from this figure in white?

Who is he?

This question deeply rooted itself in their minds.

Jane and the others, not understanding, saw their stunned expressions and asked, "What's wrong?"

Sif replied, "We sensed divine power from this man in white..."

Jane and the others were shocked.

"You mean, he's also a god?"

They were astonished.

While they were in shock, the Destroyer Armor began to glow yellow, its head opening, seemingly preparing to fire an energy beam.

Judging by its aim, it was targeting the man in white.


Thor and the others were alarmed.

This was the Destroyer Armor's energy beam. Whether Midgardian or Asgardian, being hit meant certain death!

"There's no time to stop it!"

"We're doomed..."

Fandral and the others seemed to see the man in white being hit by the energy beam and turning to ashes.

Thor, Heimdall, and Odin instinctively tensed, wanting to prevent this but unable to do anything, forced to watch the impending tragedy.


In the next instant, a massive yellow energy beam shot towards the man in white.

It's over!

But just when they thought it was over, Syd Castell's right hand moved slightly, red light flashing, and a red shield appeared in front of him.

[Chaos Magic Experience +1]

In the next second, the Destroyer Armor's energy beam collided with the Chaos Magic shield.


A violent explosion ensued, flames and hot winds engulfing everything.

The strange red shield blocked the Destroyer Armor's energy beam!

The energy beam kept firing, with residual energy spreading around the red shield, creating a scene of destruction.

Syd frowned.

If not for the Chaos Magic counteracting the impact, he might have been blown away by the energy beam.

Even so, he was struggling to withstand the Destroyer Armor's energy beam.

The Destroyer Armor was indeed formidable, more challenging than the Sentinel robots.

With this thought, he flicked his hands, red light flashing as he used Chaos Magic to attack the Destroyer Armor.

In Jane, Thor, and the others' eyes, the man in white used a strange red shield to block the energy beam.

Thor and the others were shocked.

Then, they saw the man in white move his right hand, causing the Destroyer Armor to lose control and fly into a nearby building.


The building was left with a huge crater!

Watching the man in white seemingly effortlessly gain the upper hand, Sif and the others were dumbfounded.

This was the Destroyer Armor!

Previously, it had made them, Asgardians, struggle and retreat. Now, it was being held off by one person and even knocked back!

It was unbelievable!

As the Destroyer Armor stood up from the rubble, unharmed, Syd Castell's frown deepened, red light flashing as he gathered Chaos Magic energy.

[Chaos Magic Experience +1]

He flicked his hand, sending Chaos Magic energy balls at the Destroyer Armor.

Boom, boom, boom!

Sif and the others watched in awe as the energy balls bombarded the Destroyer Armor, making it stagger.

The Destroyer Armor was completely suppressed!

While they were in shock, Syd Castell realized that Chaos Magic was ineffective against it. Despite suppressing it momentarily, it barely caused any damage.

"What kind of material is this? So durable?"

Not only was the material hard, but it also had magic immunity, reducing the effectiveness of Chaos Magic.

Syd Castell felt that his current Chaos Magic was too weak. Maybe at level five, it would be different, but at level four, it wasn't enough.

His right hand glowed red, extending the light to the Destroyer Armor.

He exerted his power, holding it in place for a moment, then glanced at Thor.

Snapping out of his shock, Thor spun Mjolnir and took to the sky.

In an instant, lightning filled the sky.

Thor spun Mjolnir, forming a massive tornado.

Finally, he leaped down, wielding Mjolnir.


Mjolnir struck the Destroyer Armor's head with immense speed.


A blinding light covered everything.

Then, the residual energy from the Destroyer Armor's destruction spread!

Buildings collapsed, and windows shattered.

Luckily, Sif and the others had taken Jane and the others to safety in time, avoiding serious injury.


However, the SHIELD agents in the distance, in their shock, didn't react in time and were blown away by the energy wave.

They soon lay on the ground, unable to move.

Syd frowned, using Chaos Magic to shield himself.

As the smoke cleared, he glanced at the nearly destroyed Destroyer Armor and shook his head.

Loki and Thor had wasted such a divine artifact.

Despite its recent performance, the Destroyer Armor was created by Odin to fight the Celestials, beings capable of destroying stars!

The Destroyer Armor needed to be worn to maximize its power, not used like a robot...

Syd sighed at Asgardians' wastefulness.

At this moment, Thor, having dealt with the Destroyer Armor, strode over.

Standing beside him, Thor stared at him, shocked, and asked, "Asgardian power?, who are you?"

(End of Chapter)