For the first time ever in his life he couldn't control himself around a woman!, she flinched away from his touch and he grabbed her neck to hold her still. Something doesn't feel right, he didn't like it at all, when she moved away from his touch.


He didn't care about such things until this night, his wolf was prancing around in his head, his body felt so alive and different and he knew immediately that there was something about the women in his bed.


She pushed at his chest and tried to escape from underneath him, like she had been doing since she was brought to him, but he wouldn't budge, his senses wouldn't even allow it, right now he felt like his life is connected with hers.


He wouldn't let her go until he had his fill. She entered his room about five hours ago and since then he had been jamming his cock mercilessly into her, putting his hard and relentless cock in every one of her holes.


Having a woman wasn't his problem, he had thousands of them waiting for him, but the new woman with ginger red hair was doing things to him, he couldn't understand.


But right from when he laid his eyes on her teary and beautiful hazel eyes, he knew she wouldn't be able to escape from him again, his wolf claimed her immediately.


His curse wasn't supposed to allow him to have any feelings or emotional attachment with anyone, he didn't have a mate as well, but with this woman he couldn't help it, he would need to talk to his priests and spiritual doctor in the morning, maybe they would have an explanation for it.


But right now he would have her till she could take no more of him, she was panting and begging for help now. Few hours ago, she was so fierce and stubborn, he enjoyed her tantrums and struggles against him.


He found it amusing, that a woman would reject him and try to rule over his decisions, the thought made him increase his thrusting pace again and she squirmed beneath him.


Her voice sounded very low and tired now, she wasn't screaming at the top of her voice anymore, he could feel her energy draining and knew she would faint anytime soon.


But still his wolf and darkness would not let her rest yet, they wanted all of her, he wanted his scents and mark all over her. His satisfaction when he found out he's the first man to have her was unexplainable.


Like she was made only for him, he would go crazy if any man came close to her or tried to take her away from him, she came into his life unexpectedly and she's never leaving.


"Please…. I think… I think I would faint, it hurts please, let me go" her soft voice sounded like music in his ears, instead of him listening to her words and pleading.


It only fueled his cock again, he tried to stop. Let her rest but he couldn't, something about her drove him crazy and he knew he wouldn't let her rest until she fainted.


For the next one hour, he kept her tied to his bed and fucked her like a crazy man, even when she winced and cried in pain, when he saw the bruises he had caused all over her body.


He just kept going wild, until she went limp in his arms, even after that he kept going, closing his eyes to the fact that she had fainted, he took all of her and had to force himself to stop with the realization that she would die and he won't see her again if he doesn't eventually stop.


So after six years banging the ginger hair girl like a crazy and angry hungry man, starved for sex for the last twenty years; which isn't true, he just had Doreen that evening, an hour before this new girl was brought to him.


He finally let her go and yelled for his doctor, his senses coming back at the bloody sight before him, he had beaten her when she resisted him and battered her private parts.



She laid on his bed and stared into the very high and beautiful ceiling above her, the doctors and some other strange people were there, they were whispering among themselves.


She didn't have the courage to cry anymore, she just wanted to disappear forever after what happened last night. She fainted and had only been revived back and cultured to health by the numerous doctors who are now moving up and down in the room.


The man who did it to her, sat directly across from her on a sofa and watched her like an owl, his eyes never leaving her, even when the doctors spoke to him, he just kept his gaze on her.


She didn't dare to look back at him, instead she stared at the chandelier and beautiful colorful lights in his ceiling. A woman rushed into the room, searched around and knelt beside the bed, immediately she sighted Tessa.


Touching her hair and massage her body. She introduced herself, "I'm the king's mother… Please pardon my son… You will understand what's going on soon enough" she whispered softly to her, smiling sadly at Tessa.


Tessa felt relieved with the woman beside her, she rushed into her warm hug and just stayed there, the memory of her mother and family coming to her senses, she missed their warmth so much and only this woman seemed close enough to give it to her.


The comfort she needed right now, "everybody out!" Tessa jerked at once at his voice and buried herself further into the woman's warm hug, the woman murmuring some sweet and calm words to her like she was a baby.


"You should go too… Let her rest… Please" the woman talked to the Lycan king, "I need to be close to her… You heard the priest, I can't function properly if she's not there… She's my cure… Mine!" he protested, growling back at his mother.


"She need her rest and sanity son… Please for me, she's not going anywhere…. Just go, she's scared… Can't you see!" the woman responded, her voice firmer this time.


The Lycan king groaned and eventually listened to his mother, he left them. Promising to be back in three hours time. Immediately everyone left, Tessa released the woman and breathed out in relief.


Without being asked she started telling the woman how a white-haired lady had taken her out of the cage last night, dressed and cleaned her up just to bring her to this room.


"I was served like a dinner to him… He had me all through the night and wouldn't let me go… I begged… I pleaded, It felt like I was dying… It hurt so much and he just kept going, like a beast!.. I thought I would die" she exclaimed, choking on her tears.


"I asked him to kill me… Even gave him a knife and barred by neck to him, but he wouldn't… Your son is cruel…" she burst into loud and uncontrollable tears, all the while the woman watched her calmly and just kept quiet.


After she finished crying and expressing herself, the woman told her about how the other ten surviving guards who were captured with her sold her to Alpha Shane in exchange for a lot of money and their own freedom.


They left with the money without looking back, this time Tessa didn't feel too hurt, she had barred her mind from feelings, the woman stayed with her, making sure she ate and felt better. Two maids were also allocated to her.


They bathed her and made her feel like a princess, the Lycan king mother was very nice to her, before she left she warned Tessa to put away any escape plan from her mind as it wouldn't work.


"You are more special than you think… I know my son, he would never let you go… He has claimed you already, every one knows now, if you love your life…." she left with those words.


But Tessa wouldn't listen to those words, she won't stay here as a whore to some crazy and mighty Lycan king. She must plan her escape immediately.