"Don't tell me how happy you are to see me!, I was doing everything in my power to come back home to you, to come and be with you again and here you are!" 

Tessa screamed at the top of her lungs, her mother and brother moving away from her at once, as Cecilia was not loved by her yelling.

"You should stop pranking like a monkey and keep your anger on a reduced scale, there's nothing we can do now, we are already here,"

Cecilia answered as expected, Tessa turned to her at once. Her eyes widening and nose flaring, chest heaving back and forth.

"Madam, would you love to talk now or you still want to keep the secret with the Lycan king, elephants that document about? Do you all know what you've done? You signed a contract mother,"

Tessa wasn't talking to Cecilia only anymore, she even called Trent name indirectly, her anger closing any form of fondness she has for him." Trent batted his eyelash when he spoke, his voice cute and soft.

Sister Tessa, I'm not in any way part of the plan or anything they did. Mother asked me to sign and I did, I missed you and I wanted to see you!" 

Tessa shook her head in surrender at him and turned to her mother instead, gesturing with her raised shoulder and eyes for her mother to talk.

"Your younger brother said it all, Tessa what did you want me to do?, it's either I escape that callous Alpha Trevour and come here where I'm save and will also get to see you!"

My mother cried out, tears dashing out of her eyes suddenly, of course she's emotional that Tessa isn't happy about them coming to her.

"Calm down mother, please I beg you. This isn't time to cry or worry, I understand that you love me and you are worried about me but signing a contract with the Lycan king?"

"He bought me mother, he bought me from Trevour men. He has kept me here against my will and would not let me go but this contract has made it official? He wants to marry me! What have you all done," 

Tessa was lamenting and at the same time holding her crying mother, the both of them rocking each other

"This whole Drama is because you are scared of what the Lycan king thinks of you, and you can scream at me all you want but he's more better than your foolish mate,"

"He loves you even though he's not saying it directly to you, he's taking care of you and he will never lay his hands on you, do you think I'm a fool for taking that document!"

"I went through it for days even though he threatens us and have us a time frame. We want what's best for you and this place is best!"

Cecilia wasn't screaming or shouting when talking to Tessa, instead she crouched to her and their sobbing mother height and spoke slowly and softly.

"He wants to marry me Cecilia! He just said it few minute ago! Have you heard his full story? You must have heard because everyone here and beyond knows the ruthless and cold Lycan king!"

"He scarier than my mate who betrayed me and broke my heart, he's more powerful and wealthy. This man can do whatever he likes with me, break me and throw me away and nobody will do anything yo him!,"

Teresa kept complaining, her eyes filled with tears as well. Covering her mouth to stop the sobbing sounds from coming out

"If you ask me why I'm sacred, I don't know and i cannot explain. But I know he's so invested in me that he make sure to have eyes and ears all over me. He knew my plan to escape and countered it by bringing you here.

"What's all these for Teresa, we should be happy and relieve that we have a powerful and dangerous person to protect us from your mate!"

"Ask mother what Alpha Trevour has been doing to us? He wouldn't let us rest, keep threatening us to bring you back or he would destroy us and send us out of the pack as rogues!," Cecilia informed Tessa.

"What are you saying? Why will he threaten you to bring me back? Is he normal at all? Didn't he send me out of his life and pack all by himself, choose that woman over me, why will he disturb you!"

It wasn't a question but a very angry rant, Cecilia shook her head in agreement, happy and relieved that Tessa had stopped crying and is now seeing from their point of view.

"He didn't just reject you Tessa, he kept you in the prison for a whole year and humiliated you!, all for what! Forget that man and think about your future!," Cecilia advised.

"My future with the Lycan king! What are you suggesting Cecilia. That man is much more scary that Trevour. He commands kings and Alpha, he's a Lycan king with too much power. What does he want from me?"

Tessa whined again, looking at her mother and brother face as she lamented, they ignited her and said nothing. Except for Cecilia who spoke again. 

"Maybe he loves you, give him a chance okay!, at least let's see if he will treat you better!, he's a man too and according to what I heard, he hasn't been obsessive and concerned about a woman like he's with you, it's suspicious Tessa. It shows that he doesn't even know what would happen in the nearest future,"

"Allow this love blossom and at least let us know what to do next, please. I think this will work," Cecilia kept talking again. It was infuriating Tessa and she couldn't hide it anymore.

"You found your mate tonight right?, that's why you are so excited and happy about falling in love and being with a man right?" Tessa sounded very harsh and she intentionally asked that question.

Cecilia stopped smiling and looked sadly at Tessa with a sad and shocked look, her face suddenly red, an incoming rage on her face. Tessa was ready for it, she stood up from her mother warm hug and faced Cecilia.


Their mother ready to separate their usual rat and cat fight, but when Cecilia burst into laughter, Tessa knew no one was taking her serious. Cecilia was making fun of her just like the Lycan king did few minute ago.

"What does your laughter mean Cecilia? It's not in any way funny!," Tessa boomed out, her anger out and open. 

"Sister Tessa, when is the wedding date?," little Teeny asked but Tessa saw their mother whispering the question into his ear, she knew at once that he was sent to ask her, everyone knows how much she cannot hurt Trent, ignore him or yell at him.