The whole hall was chaotic when I was ushered in, but immediately the pack people noticed me come in with the Lycan king holding on to me like I'm his breathing bag, the place went silent at once

"You all can have your seat and Omer help my flower to get seated, make sure she's comfortable!," he barked the latter part, eyeing his Beta carefully.


He stood there in the center of that hall, making sure Beta Omer did exactly what he's been ordered to do, the people were smiling and waving at me.

"Do we really need to do this? It's really not necessary and I don't need anyone to fight on my behalf," I whispered to Beta Omer when he finally reached us.

He bowed slightly to the Lycan king and smiled sweetly at me, rolling in eyes as a warning for me not to piss Shane off. 

Sincerely I didn't like Beta Omer until few days ago? When I realized I was the one who didn't give Cecilia a chance to explain who he is in details to me.


He's such a sweet and calm man, very soft and kind. The opposite of Shane, he has been taking good care of me since the incident of Doreen and her bullies.

"I heard what you said and I promise that we will discuss that later, not now!," the Lycan king seemed to be angry.

I watched as he moved away from me quickly to cling the tall steps where his mighty chair was waiting, the Luna chair is right beside it but since we aren't married yet, I have no right to seat there yet, the same chair Doreen almost kill me for.

"You should seat close with Cecilia, this meeting will be very short and boring, just don't take it to heart too much," I heard Omer voice. It jerked me back to reality.

The murmuring and various comment returning slowly, I could hear different opinion about Doreen and how callous she is for beating me up. I felt embarrassed, since I will be the Luna, I felt defeated.


"You all know why I called for this urgent meeting, you might not be able to see the extent to which Doreen hurt my woman, because she's almost healed, but it was brutal,"

The Lycan king started talking, Beta Omer took my hand and pulled me away from the center of the large hall, everyone went dead silent almost immediately he started talking.

Cecilia was by my side to catch me, I haven't seen her since the incident, thankfully the real guard patrol caught Doreen about two minute into their bullying, there was nothing I could do, they were about twelve of them.

"Are you okay? Shane wouldn't allow me see you!, I was worried. Mother can't attend the meeting, she predict it to be bloody, she's scared of things like this!" Cecilia rubbed my back while talking.

"The memory of what happened few hours ago is too harsh, I still can't believe she planned to kill me, isn't that too extreme," the disbelief on my face was evident while I ask Cecilia.

She looked at me with her mouth agape, Beta Omer stood rigidly by my side, I noticed from the corner of my eyes, two hefty guards by my other side too.

Although the place wasn't as crowded as when the Lycan king announced our wedding date but aside from the jury and other elder in council, some pack members, especially those who live in the pack house at the far end in the mansion were present.

"Doreen was my whore and she understood what that mean, I thought she did, until today when she decided to lay hands on my woman,"

"What's the use of showing her to all of you then? I thought I did the introduction, she's off limit. My whore's are my mistress and she's my wife, my one and only legal woman!"

"What's so hard to understand! Must I go on in killing spree it spell it out?, the Lycan king wasn't shouting Like I expected but his eyes was depleting fire. Nobody dared to make a single sound.


Even Cecilia clamped her mouth shut, the only sound was the emerging wailing and pleading voice of Doreen, everyone looked toward where the sound was coming from and we couldn't keep the sound of exclamation and surprises that flew out of my mouth.

"Did you know he will go this far? She's almost dead!, look at her, she can't keep her head up and the huge chains are barely keeping her legs up!" It was Cecilia turn to sound scared.

She wasn't there when I had a heated argument with Shane before he dragged me down to this place, insisting on teaching Doreen a lesson.

"You caused it in the first place, were you expecting your women to hug me and welcome me to their circle, give me the biggest chair and throw a party for me?"

"You insisted on getting married to me after buying me right in their presence! What do you want from me!!, I don't want any punishment or show, please just let it go, luckily she didn't kill me, it was a warning and the plan was to beat me up," I had scolded him.

He looked long and hard at me, his furrowed forehead deepened and I knew he wasn't really listening to all my rant, probably thinking of ways to teach Doreen a lesson.

"Look here flower, you are right! Anything you say right now is right, I should have put them in their place, especially Doreen. One time she broke the leg of one of my bed warmers and I let it slide, she just have thought you aren't so important!"

I had chuckled and rolled out of my hospital bed when he said that, jealousy overwhelmed me, I stared at him and made sure he saw how I felt, he smiled at me and tried holding me to himself but I ran before he caught me.

Plastering my self to the hospital wall, he didn't come after me. Just stood there and smile.

"You don't know it but you are healing me already, I can feel somethings. I can't explain them Anisha but I haven't felt them before, I need to make some changes now, I have to, please don't stop me From putting Doreen in her place."