He giggled like a girl and I was almost forced to call his awareness to it but I also don't want that, it will make him stop at once.

I have learnt in this place that the men do not really show their emotions or feelings, they have to be tough and very strong. 

"You know it's another story for me entirely, Tessa mother raised me and I still don't know my real mother, not that I'm looking or searching for her,"

My leg stayed sprawled on his thigh and I inhaled the warm and humid breeze, Beta Omer had dragged me out of my room to visit the serene beach today and now that I'm here I really don't want to go back home.

"You shouldn't bother about that, it's all the same. Motherhood isn't determined by who gave birth to the child but who raised and love the child."

"I grew up with Lycan king Shane and I was opportune to enjoy the love of mother hood from the elder queen. What would I have done without that love and care?"