
Important Warning: While I cannot impose a minimum age for reading this work, you should be aware that what lies before you is merely one interpretation of history. If I am correct, it is by the grace of Allah; if I err in any way, it is from myself and from the devil. I hope this warning is clear to all.


Al-Bayhaqi said: "There is no event without precedent."

Ibn Khaldun, in his Muqaddimah, stated: "Know that the art of history is a noble discipline, rich in benefits and with a noble purpose. It acquaints us with the conditions of past nations in their morals, prophets in their paths, and kings in their states and policies. Thus, it allows those who seek it to emulate them in matters of religion and worldly affairs."

There are several points I'd like you to be aware of:

I am neither a historian nor a religious scholar, but I have thoroughly researched the information presented in this work. It is based on references written between 700 and 1000 years ago.

This work recounts true stories that have been passed down to us, though with some slight modifications to enhance the narrative flow.

Each chapter draws from various sources, which I will list at the end of each complete chapter in a dedicated section, as the chapters are divided into several scenes.

Not everything the seven characters say is entirely accurate; there are always multiple perspectives, with elements of truth and error. Each of the seven characters holds a distinct viewpoint, despite their distorted understanding of the events surrounding them. I will clarify these discrepancies through the provided notes.

I understand that placing the notes at the end of each scene may be disruptive - I even attempted to use the recently added "author's notes" feature on the site, but the limited word count proved insufficient for my extensive commentary. I know many readers may be unfamiliar with this type of information, and I will try to find a more suitable solution.

The first scene might seem dull due to its reliance on analytical discussion rather than narrative storytelling.

Publishing schedule: I will publish each chapter as soon as I finish editing and revising it.

Regarding the lack of physical descriptions for the characters, I prefer to leave room for imagination. You are free to envision the seven characters (all male) as you see fit.

As for the absence of any notes or descriptions of the external world, the time is not yet right. We will unveil the outside world when the walls that confine them are lifted.

I hope you find my stories enjoyable.