A Mysterious Girl, She Might Be A Heroine?

--- Chapter 7 ---

The green-clothed young man is Zhao Kai.

And the blue-dressed young lady is Feng Yumeng. 

They are famous in the Earth Hunting City recently because they hunted a 4th-level Demonic Beast one-on-one without an injury. Still, because of their frequent meeting in the wilderness, they always had conflicts against each other.

When Sun Yi learned this, he couldn't help but find this situation funny. 

Why does this sound like a drama plot? 

A local genius boy meets an unknown talented girl in the wilderness, and they compete by hunting wild beasts. After their fierce rivalry, they slowly developed feelings for each other, but the girl disappeared because of her family's call. 

Then, the boy chased after the girl and explored the world. 

'What a waste, though. The girl has 169,000 potential values, higher than mine.' Sun Yi thought while rubbing his chin. 

As Sun Yi watched the fight, Zhao Kai brandished his battle ax and ran toward Feng Yumeng. 

Feng Yumeng pulled a blue ribbon and coated it with her Spiritual Qi, making it appear like a straight sword. 


They clashed in the arena, causing the air to tremble one way or another. 

Clouds of dust and rubble fly everywhere, causing the fight to look more cinematic than it already is.

At last, Zhao Kai raised his battle ax and shouted, "Mountain Breaker Slash!" 

Feng Yumeng smiled and whispered, "Snow Sword Arts - Frozen Dew." 

A golden energy beam and cold white energy clashed in the air, creating sparks here and there. 

Everyone in the area is fascinated by the two youths' strength, but it is normal for 2nd Tier Qi Master to be this strong.


Zhao Kai's ax shattered into pieces as he kneeled on the ground with a disbelieving look. 

"It's my win. With this, you must give up on the second hunting ground and scram in my presence!" Feng Yumeng said indifferently.

Zhao Kai gritted his teeth and vowed, "I will surpass you sooner or later, Feng Yumeng!" 

"Hmph, you're just country bumpkin." 

Even though the blue-dressed young lady said such an arrogant and cold line, one could see a faint smile forming on her beautiful face. 

Many people cheered for Feng Yumeng because they had won money by betting on her victory. 

Sun Yi smugly glanced at Lu Xia and said, "Hehe, you lost Sister Xia." 

Lu Xia was speechless, "How could this be? A genius from the Broken Moon Sect actually lost."

"Brother Yi, that girl, Feng Yumeng, is not simple." 

"Of course." Sun Yi rolled his eyes at Lu Xia. "What she used earlier is peak Spiritual-grade Martial Art." 

"Even the Broken Moon Sect wouldn't teach peak Spiritual-grade Martial Art to ordinary disciples. So, she's either from a powerful clan or a disciple of Heaven-rate Sect." 

Lu Xia nodded in agreement, "True." 

"But why would a high-profile person like her in the wilderness?" 

Sun Yi shrugged, "Who knows? To enjoy life, probably." 

"Or run from a contracted marriage between two families." 

Lu Xia giggled, "Brother Yi, your imagination is rich." 

"Hey, I'm just saying." Sun Yi put on a funny expression. 

Unknown to Sun Yi, Feng Yumeng overheard his comment and froze in the arena. She glanced at him warily before disappearing into the crowd.

Sun Yi shivered instinctively, 'What was that? Why do I feel cold all of a sudden?' 

'Maybe it's just my feeling.' 

After that, Sun Yi and Lu Xia returned to their inn. They also ordered some local cuisine. Soon, people filled the inn's first floor and ordered food and drinks. 

Welp, Sun Yi didn't expect the inn's first floor to be a pub in the evening and night. It doesn't look like one.

He sighed and minded his own business while eating with Lu Xia.

"Is the seat empty?" Someone with a pleasant voice asked.

Sun Yi chewed on a roasted demonic beast's meat and replied, "Nope, it's full. Go find another seat." 

"No, I want that seat beside you." The person added.

Lu Xia frowned and glanced at the person, finding it was none other than Feng Yumeng, the mysterious girl!

Sun Yi also glanced at Feng Yumeng and cursed in his mind, 'Fuck, what are you doing here?' 

Feng Yumeng smiled beautifully and univitedly sat beside Sun Yi. 

She tapped her slender finger on the table and said, "So, are you going to open your mouth, or do we have to use the hard way?" 

"About what, exactly?" Sun Yi made a distance between himself and this mysterious girl. 

Feng Yumeng snorted, "Don't play dumb." 

"Who sent you here? Is it my third uncle? No, he wouldn't send someone like you to chase me."

"Are you perhaps my second uncle's subordinates?" 

"Look here, lady. I think we have a misunderstanding here." Sun Yi sighed because he caught this girl's attention for no reason.

"I didn't work for anybody." 

"In fact, I don't think I will work under anyone in my life." 

"My life motto is to laze around every day." 

"Pfft." Lu Xia couldn't help but laugh. 

She coughed, "Pardon my rudeness." 

"Brother Yi and I aren't affiliated with any power in the wilderness." 

"We just arrived at the Earth Hunting City from the far northwest." 

Feng Yumeng grimaced, "The hard way it is..." 

"Sister Xia, neutralize her." Sun Yi facepalmed.

"Yes." Before Feng Yumeng could make her move, Lu Xia locked her Spiritual Qi on her. 

Feng Yumeng's eyes widened, 'Middle-stage Spiritual Realm.' 

'Unless my uncle can train a new Spiritual Realm Expert, it seems this guy is telling the truth.' 

'Still, how did this guy know I ran away from my engagement?' 

Sun Yi stared at Feng Yumeng and said, "Let me finish the meal first." 

"After that, we can talk."


Feng Yumeng felt Lu Xia's threatening Spiritual Qi and nodded after some thoughts. If this is really a misunderstanding, then it is her fault. 

Sun Yi and Lu Xia finished their meals and brought Feng Yumeng to the inn's rooftop. 

"So, why did you suddenly act hostilely toward us, strangers?" Sun Yi crossed his arms. "Ah, I forgot to introduce myself." 

"My name is Lu Yi." 

"This big sister is Sun Xia." 

Lu Xia's body trembled when Sun Yi called her Sun Xia. It felt like a dream to her. After all, females only take another surname when they are married to a man.

"I see..." Feng Yumeng mumbled. 

"But do you have proof that you're not lying?" 

Lu Xia awakened from her stupor and replied, "We can show you our Qi Breathing Technique if you want to." 

"That would do." Feng Yumeng calmly returned.

Sun Yi ran the Northern Qi Breathing Technique, and Lu Xia showed her the Wind Qi Breathing Technique. 

Feng Yumeng observed their Qi Breathing Techniques and sighed in relief, but she felt complicated. To think she would make a mistake like this.

Her over-cautiousness at its finest. 

She bowed to Sun Yi and Lu Xia, "Sorry, it was my fault." 

"I will compensate you." 

"No, it's alright." Sun Yi rejected her immediately. "We don't lack money." 

"I insist." Feng Yumeng was a prideful person.

"Fine, 1,000 gold coins would do." Sun Yi gave up. 

Feng Yumeng immediately grabbed a pouch from her spatial storage and handed it to Sun Yi. 

Sun Yi felt the heaviness of the pouch and thought, 'A normal elite family couldn't casually throw 1,000 gold coins.' 

People used copper, silver, and gold coins as currency in the Northern Qi Continent. They also used low-grade Primal Qi Stone as currency equal to 10,000 gold coins, but only Heaven Realm Experts used those.

Sun Yi's mother prepared 100,000 low-grade Primal Qi Stones for Sun Yi's cultivation. He didn't lie when he said he doesn't lack money. 

Feng Yumeng probably didn't know that Sun Yi tested her. She felt guilty and shameful for ruining Sun Yi and Lu Xia's time.

She was curious, though. 

"Can I ask something?" 

Sun Yi stored the free money he got, "Sure, ask me." 

"How did you know I ran away from my engagement?" Feng Yumeng gazed at Sun Yi's blue eyes intensely.

'No way, Your Highness actually guessed correctly.' Lu Xia covered her mouth in awe.

"Uh, this..." Sun Yi finally knew why Feng Yumeng acted like this.

"Would you believe me if it was a fluke?" 

"I'm guessing your origin from your duel with Zhao Kai." 

"After eliminating several options, I thought you either go out from your hidden sect to know more about the world or run away from your strict family." 

"..." Feng Yumeng couldn't believe her ears.

'What? Am I this easy to read??'

If Sun Yi knew what Feng Yumeng was thinking, he would probably answer like this.

'No, I simply have no life and read too many novels and dramas with the same cliche.' 

Well, that's how Sun Yi and Feng Yumeng met.