Surprising and Explosive Changes

--- Chapter 10 ---

Sun Yi is fucked up.

Like, literally. 

To think Sun Yi would get cursed by an unknown artifact and become Dhampir is bad enough already, but he also marks Lu Xia as his mate in the process. 

Sun Yi went to the bathroom and let cold water cool his head. He couldn't help but sigh because this happened too suddenly, which left him no time to react. 

First, Sun Yi has already done damage control and promised Lu Xia to take responsibility for this matter. 

Sun Yi had to pull himself together because he couldn't possibly discard Lu Xia. She's a beloved person in his heart.

"Wait, beloved?" Sun Yi's blue eyes widened because he somehow had a resounding, obsessive affection for Lu Xia. He knew he was attracted to her and had some fantasy, but it was not to the point of loving her this much. 

They were friends. 

But now.

Sun Yi's heart pounded rapidly, and a newfound feeling washed through his body, making him more calm and collected.

"Sirius's Bloodline is something else..." 

"No, it probably also has something to do with Dhampir Transformation." 

Sun Yi was helpless, "Aih, it seems we must stay in the Earth Hunting City until Lu Xia recovers." 

Sun Yi exited the bathroom and brought a basin with a towel to wipe Lu Xia's body. After all, she couldn't move from the bed due to a beast.

"Your Highness." Lu Xia was covered in a blanket and saw Sun Yi walking to her.

Sun Yi smiled, "You can call me Sun Yi, Xia." 

"Ah, I'm just too used to call Your Highness..." Lu Xia was embarrassed. 

Sun Yi went to bed and asked Lu Xia to lift the blanket so he could wipe her body. Lu Xia shyly nodded and exposed her beautiful body to Sun Yi, stunning him for a second.

'Lu Xia is a beauty.' Sun Yi sighed in his heart. He controlled himself and wiped Lu Xia's body with all seriousness, not daring to think dirty thoughts.

Lu Xia blinked her crescent eyes and watched how careful and gentle Sun Yi was. Yes, this alone makes her happy. 

After wiping every part of Lu Xia's body, Sun Yi changed her clothes into a more comfortable one. 

He glanced at the destroyed bed and laughed wryly, "Let's get another room." 

"Mm." Lu Xia nodded in agreement. This room isn't worth staying in, though it has some fond memories. 

They also had to compensate the inn for the scratch marks on the walls and floor. Some furniture also gets destroyed.

After cleaning the room, Sun Yi ensured there wasn't blood or sticky liquid left because the gods knew what people could do with those things. He doesn't want to find a clone of himself several years later. 

Sun Yi nodded in satisfaction and carried Lu Xia like the princess she was to a bench in the hallway. "Wait here. I will pay for this room's damage and rent another one." 

As Sun Yi went to the first floor, Lu Xia waited and noticed Feng Yumeng coming from the other side of the corridor. 

"Oh, what are you doing, Sister Xia?" Feng Yumeng asked. She obviously sensed an incredible change in Lu Xia but couldn't put her hand on it.

Lu Xia smiled a little, "It's nothing." 

She wasn't annoyed by Feng Yumeng's presence anymore because Sun Yi had taken her as his first wife. 

"How was your hunting, Young Lady Feng?" 

Feng Yumeng sighed and put on a bitter expression, "It was so bad. I only found 1st Level of Demonic Beasts in the hunting ground and ran three miles away to catch them." 

"I will clean myself first." 

"See you on the first floor for lunch." She waved her hand and entered her room. 

Lu Xia felt the soreness in her nether region had become much better and popped a recovery pill. She stretched on the bench, waving her long legs for a few seconds. 

Although she couldn't fight in this condition, she shouldn't have a problem doing regular activities. As much as Lu Xia likes to get pampered by Sun Yi, she is still his maid and bodyguard and doesn't want to burden him.

Sun Yi returned to the second floor with a key and brought her to the new room. He puts Lu Xia on the bed and tells her to rest more. 

They still had forty-five minutes before their lunch appointment with Feng Yumeng, and Sun Yi decided to explore the result of his transformation.

Sun Yi sat on the floor and meditated, checking his energy core.

"Holy!" Sun Yi couldn't help but curse.

"What's the matter your-! I mean, Sun Yi?" Lu Xia was startled by Sun Yi's shout.

Sun Yi's body trembled as he looked back awkwardly, "M-My Blood Qi has increased by two thousand drops." 

"I currently have 2,170 drops of Blood Qi, which made me 2nd Level of Earth Realm. I also noticed that my Primal Qi has increased significantly, though I haven't refined it yet." 

Lu Xia's eyes widened in awe. She knew Dhampirs possessed immense Blood Qi due to their origin, but wasn't this too much?

Above all else, Sun Yi's Primal Qi also increased, which means his Blood Qi has been consumed and refined into Primal Qi. In other words, Sun Yi has more than two thousand drops of Blood Qi but has yet to recover some portion.

Lu Xia considered something, "Sun Yi... Why don't you run your Qi Breathing Method and see if your Blood Qi is increasing." 

Sun Yi nodded and used the Northern Qi Breathing Method, feeling his Blood Qi rise rapidly. It broke over 2,982 drops, making him close to the third level of Earth Realm.


Lu Xia hissed in amazement and commented, "When you took me as a mate, I assumed your Blood Qi would rise due to the Dual Cultivation and disparity of our Cultivation Base." 

"A couple hundred drops should be sufficient." 

"But I didn't expect it to raise this much." 

Sun Yi gazed at the mirror and checked his potential values, seeing a new string of numbers. "Damn! 850,000 potential values?" 

"My potential aura also changed into a gray color and shaped like a bloody knife." 

"This is insane!"

Lu Xia pondered and said, "Sun Yi, give me your hand." 

"Hmm? Okay." Sun Yi stretched his left arm to Lu Xia. 

Lu Xia checked Sun Yi's pulse and was shocked even more because Sun Yi's first gate had opened, which was a sign of unlocked potential. The transformation and bloodline awakening is a blessing in disguise.

"No wonder." 

"No wonder your Blood Qi increased so much." 

"Sun Yi, you have opened the Eight Gates of Wonders!"

Sun Yi blinked, "Eight Gates of Wonders." 

"Eight Gates of Wonders or Eight Great Meridian Points was rumored to be the seal of cultivators' hidden and untapped potential. Once opened, the rumor says the Qi Master's cultivation speed will increase twice as fast." 

"The Eight Gates of Wonders are difficult to unlock and located on the brain, spine, and heart. People spend a fortune to open one, but it still doesn't guarantee success." 

"Sun Yi, your potential is limitless. Without a doubt. You're going to be a great Qi Master!" Lu Xia hugged Sun Yi tightly as she was happy for him.

Sun Yi also felt happy about this whole fiasco. He had just begun training two days ago and encountered such a lucky chance.

Strictly speaking, Sun Yi must thank Zhao Kai. 

Zhao Kai's protagonist's luck rubbed on Sun Yi and made him get the weird-shaped knife. 

However, there is one more surprise for Sun Yi. 

Sun Yi felt blood pumping in his chest, and his Blood Qi circulated all over his body, forming a thin layer of armor. His skin became slightly stronger and gained this slight metallic luster.


"Sirius Titanium Body, 1st Level."

"Bronze Wolf Skin." 

"Hahaha~! I'm so lucky!" Sun Yi laughed while kissing Lu Xia instinctively. 

Lu Xia was momentarily stunned before smiling foolishly and letting Sun Yi do whatever he wanted with her. Unfortunately, he only kissed her and did nothing more.

"Ah, my bad." Sun Yi realized his mistake. 

Lu Xia shook her head, "I'm your wife. Even though we haven't officially married, how could I stop my soon-to-be husband if he was that excited?"

"T-Thank you, Lu Xia." Sun Yi was genuinely thankful to Lu Xia. " I don't know what to do if you weren't around." 

Lu Xia giggled, "After I recover my strength, let's test your new strength in the hunting ground." 

"Yeah. That's the plan." 

After that, Sun Yi and Lu Xia cuddled on the bed. They enjoyed each other's presence and felt a strong connection. 

Knock! Knock!

They heard someone knocking on the room beside them. 

"Young Master Yi, aren't we going for lunch?" It was Feng Yumeng.

Crap, Feng Yumeng doesn't know they have changed rooms.

Sun Yi and Lu Xia awkwardly glanced at each other before laughing hopelessly. 

"Can you stand?" Sun Yi asked while rubbing Lu Xia's thighs gently. He was worried about Lu Xia's condition.

Lu Xia nodded, "As long as I'm not doing extreme stuff, I can walk around normally." 

Sun Yi smiled warmly at Lu Xia, "You must be hungry, Xia." 

"Let's get lunch." 

"Mm." Lu Xia hugged Sun Yi's left arm.