After the plan, all of them waited for the opportunity to come. One month passed like clouds in the sky. Ankush and Madhumitha, become closer to each other. Their love is at its peak. Ankith and Ankitha will start to become friends. Ankitha becomes the head of the Mumbai branch. Currently, for the last month she is able to handle all the work in Mumbai. 

She is the girl who likes to do things that make her happy. She is a determined and strong girl, who always takes suggestions from others, and wants to learn new things from others. She started getting everything and she felt lost. 

Ankith is also happy for his friend because, in his friend's life, all good things happened. He can find his childhood lover, who came to him like the light of his life. A brightness of her spread into his life and the darkness of his life brightened with his lost father and sister. He misses them.

Ankith is also happy that he finally got the girl, who will stay beside him in every step of his life. But whenever he sees her he is so confused to express his love for her. She is such a beauty, that he only stands still when she approaches him. But they are now good friends and like each other's company very much.

Within one month she got a good friend, a good brother, a loving sister, and a lost love of her father. She feels like heaven on Earth, and her family is a light of heaven, which includes small fights. During these fights, Madhu always protects her from her brother and Ankith. She becomes an eight-year-old when she fights with her brother.

Life is not a brief candle. It is a torch that shows a new path if we hold it properly. If the torch of life is not proper, it will show you the wrong path and lead you to darkness. 

Here in the office for the last few days, Ankush is busy with a load of work and conference meetings, after a week today he is a bit free. He just wants to relax and go through his social media pages, he just saw some messages from his old friends. 

He is talking to one of his friends in the college named Milan and who is a lawyer by profession. He said to Ankush that I am very stressed out, and fainted in the courtroom yesterday. The Doctor told me to take a rest and not to take a lot of stress. 

Ankush said shockingly "Yaar, taking your profession very seriously and involving yourself in that is a ridiculous thing. Then they shared their happy moments and explained to him that spending some time with your family is also an important thing. They share their feelings and emotions and many things about themselves

He told his friend, Life is an ocean where there is no beginning and no end. An ocean of life is stretched beyond the waves of emotions and feelings. We have to swim along the waves to reach our destination, if you want to reach your goals you have to drink the salted water of the ocean to be alive.

Problems and happiness are the life-saving boats of life. They will come and go like the clouds of the sky but you have to go in-depth into the ocean of life to grab the treasure which is unique and expensive. Human beings are the real players in this ocean of life where everything is systematically organized.

Milan was filled with peace hearing those words from Ankush. He shockingly said, "You are so much more mature, nowadays. It is the general thing but it feels like the words of satisfaction and relieved me with stress."

After talking to Milan, he went to his Facebook and twitter account and started searching for reviews of the companies. On his Twitter account, he has many animation industries which can help him be progressive and move ahead.

Suddenly, he saw a request from Hartman International to merge with them, So that they can grow equally. It is a request from his Uncle's Son. Mr. Prateek Dhawan. This is the opportunity that Ankush has been waiting for for the last month. He accepted the request for the proposals and told Ankith and Madhumitha to arrange the conference meeting of the companies.

Ankush went to the marketing and advertising team and told them to gather in the conference room. Everyone gathered in the hall. He said happily" Hello, my team today I am going to announce a piece of good news to all. There is a company named Hartman International. They are a manufacturer of toys, they want to collaborate with us, in this way we can give toys along with our comics, and our company becomes much more popular.

Everyone is happy to hear that and they supported the collaboration. He turned to the marketing team and told them, My dear marketing executives, you have to do a job for me. You should collect the toys which they manufacture and give that sample to me. One thing that should be kept in mind is that you should not reveal your identity as a Tauten Animation, but approach them as an individual, who is buying toys for their children.

He then turned to the research team. He told them to get the graphical analysis report from their website, or anyone can go to the company and get their report of sales of the products. If they ask you, then you should say that Tauten Animation will always do research before collaborating with anyone.

Then he turned to the Advertisement team and told them to go through the product reviews and other promotion things which they do and when the sample comes they should send them to the product testing lab. If you find any fish in the product then immediately report it to me. 

Also if you find anything, badly put the negative reviews from your personal fake social media account. Everyone was shocked to hear all that as if he preplanned and told them to implement them. Any questions you have, you can ask me. One of them asked him" Why are you curious to get information about this company? We collaborated with many companies, but you are not as excited as you are now."

Ankush, shocked at hearing that question," smiled a nice smile at them and said calmly, " The companies which we collaborated with are all related to animation and charity trusts. But this one is different, Children are the future of the world. If our target customers are children, then we should provide them with good quality products, otherwise, we are ruining the future.

I also heard rumors about the company, that they don't have good quality products, and they are doing some other business also, I don't know what they are doing. Hence, I told you to go through a proper survey. If no other questions, then you all can leave, and you should accomplish the work allotted in two weeks.

Then he called the meeting of the HR department team, and told them gladly."Hello, all of you, we should establish a new spy team in our company, who can pull out all the secret information of the companies with whom we collaborate.

I need a team of four spies, who can collect information about the competitors and update us on every recruit in such a manner that they do not reveal their identity, also they should be secretly protected by our bodyguards.

If they are well trained then they can protect themselves. Also, I have one of my friends, he is a corporate lawyer, he will take care of all our cases, I will go and meet him tomorrow. All the work to be done within two weeks, 

He then called Ankith and Madhu to his cabin. They started discussing the 2nd part of their plan and updated them about the distribution of works and what should be done to implement their plan. After the discussion, he told me to go to the house early, so that he can wake up happy tomorrow. 

First, he hesitated to leave, then Ankush told angrily," Leave this place right now, Ankith made fun of him and told him to send his sister with me, otherwise, I will not leave" Ankush then ordered him to get lost. Ankith does not listen. Finally, Ankush called his sister and told her that someone is picking her up from the house, go with him and have fun and be ready to go shopping.

Ankush looked at him weirdly and said," are you satisfied now," please leave. Finally, he left. Ankush has taken a deep breath, Madhumitha also started to leave, but Ankush told, hesitatingly, Who told them to leave, come sit here near to me, when she went, he slept on her lap and told her lovingly, not to leave, "Madhu please don't leave for now. Just do it, please. Madhu hesitatingly wants to tell him this is an office, we cannot be close. 

But before she could say something, he was already on her lap and his innocent gesture made her loveable and graceful. After a long time he relaxed, she kissed his forehead and silently massaged him on his head. He is enjoying this moment. He planned to take her somewhere tomorrow, but wanted to keep it a surprise. He is happy today because in his heart the plan is going to be implemented after a long time.

Both of them left together, by 5.00 pm. Madhumitha asked "Why are we leaving early? He said, we will go to a place. Here in the nice evening, the dusty road trail leads through the desperate looking, Juniper, along the food street there are two couples. 

Ankith and Ankitha, who had been shopping, and wandering in the streets starving to have something to eat, had a good talk and had eaten samosas and puha, the sun is setting up, the air is filled with winter Jasmine and it is cold. 

The half moon came over their head, and the season turned and the night was clear. Ankith has taken Ankitha to a place far from the city, where they can sit and watch the stars together during the night. Ankitha shockingly, asked" Where are you taking me, we are already out of town" 

Ankith smiled and said," I am taking you to the place where I spent my time alone when I am happy as well as sad." The night sky is filled with inky darkness. The lights are filtering lazily through the cool restful shady trees as if they are stopping the natural moonlight to enter the eyes of the couples.

Ankith stopped his car, in front of a valley, surrounded by mountains, and trees. It has a small cottage. The Eastern Ghats are welcoming them, Ankith pointed out towards the stars, crackers are burnt above the sky. Ankith said, Happy Birthday to you my dear friend. 

Ankitha was shocked to see all this and she lost her balance and leaned toward him. He holds her waist to protect her from falling. The hands are warm and smooth, the first time she felt an amazing warmth of a man. Ankith makes her stand safely, his heartfelt pain, fear of losing her. But today he has to propose to her. 

He said, with confusion, all kinds of expressions and emotions came and went through his face, today she is more beautiful than usual. He gathered confidence and said, Ankitha will you be my girlfriend. 

Ankitha is standing still, due to a lot of surprises. Ankith said lovingly, the day when we met you looking dashing your eyes captured my heart and soul. The first gaze pierced my heart and decided you are only mine. Even if you don't love me, I will wait until you change your mind.

Listening to all this Ankitha stood still, she stuttered and she wanted to tell that I am waiting for this moment, the day we met, your body and personality, and your handsome and innocent looks captured my body and started dreaming of the future staying beside you. She was unable to control her emotions and hugged him and kissed him. 

The damp air is filled with the whizzing chirr of the insects, she asked him, "how do you know about my birthday, He hesitatingly told that when I am talking to your dad I asked your date of birth."They went to the small cottage and celebrated her birthday, with wine.

Here, Ankush and Madhumitha, driving a car through the vineyards of Nagpur, grasshoppers are clicking in the air, the slight rain is lashing through the vineyards, and a rough-skinned frog is camouflaged against the night. The sky is wearing a thick blanket and getting ready to sleep. 

The mountains of the Konkan Ghats look more beautiful and mesmerizing. Earth is wearing a gown made of water droplets, which looks like a diamond. The water droplets are coming down from the window pane of the houses. The car is cheering the silence of the night sky. Grapes in vineyards are shining like a purple gem in the night sky. 

Madhumitha is looking through the doors of the car window, they share their feelings but nearly half an hour passed Ankush was not told where he is taking her. It's already 9.00 pm. She runs her hands on the glass, but she feels that the rain is making fun of her, saying what a childish act.

After 15 minutes, he stopped the car in front of the resort. She felt, finally she could get out of the car. He held her hand and went near to the beach, a streak of light was coming from the light tower on the beach. He held her in his arms, she felt a different feeling which cannot be expressed in words, they hugged each other lovingly. 

Ankush said," Madhu, "look around, will you remember this place? She shockingly saw the surroundings and was filled with happiness. She shockingly said" how I forget this place, this is the place where we first met. The first meeting and the place we started our love.

Ankush said"Yes, this is the first place where we met and began a new life, today we are giving a new start, will you be with me, for my lifetime. He held her hand and gave her a ring, and said, "Will you marry me."

Madhumitha didn't want any other thing but to stay beside him for her life, she readily accepted the proposal. Then he held her hand and went to the resort. She saw that it was not a resort but the old guest house of her uncle.

She surprisingly said to him "Why did we come, here they polished the resort, it looks pretty good".Ankush said I want to spend some time with you alone, we will be working for a long time, so I planned this surprise party with you. Come to that table, Our table is that. When they sat at the table, a band started playing violin, lights were switched off, and candles were lit. 

Red wine is poured into the glasses and the dinner is set on the table. Madhumitha is experiencing all these things for the first time, she pinched her hand and understood that it is not a dream. This is the moment she always wants to experience in her life, it is unbelievable for her but she knows he is the prince charm of her life," She is so happy that she felt as if she is in a different world.

Ankush said to her my dear, "Life is an ocean where there is no beginning no end. An ocean of life is stretched beyond the waves of emotions and feelings. We have to swim along the waves to reach our destination, if you want to reach your goals you have to drink the salted water of the ocean to be alive. 

Problems and happiness are the life-saving boats of your life. Will you be my boat of life, to experience the ups and downs, so that we can row it together until we reached the destination, will you be with me until we reached the shore. She won't know what to say but she hesitatingly said, I will be with you throughout your, life, if you accept my condition, she clear her throat and said, I will be with you if you promise me that you will always give me surprises like this, and Every men and woman are important every new sapling have to grow under the care of his or her parents without ego. The policy of giving respect and taking respect applies to both of us. You should cherish every moment with me, then only I will be with you in every stage of life.

Life is the stage where we have to nurture according to the environment we lived in. You cannot expect a change in the person's personality. Every soul of human beings is pure and beautiful. Everyone has a different point of view on the different problems. No one is high standard or low standard every worker has its image and every work is having its beauty. 

We are the players of life. We are the seed of procuring and emphasizing life and also we are the persons who give birth to and nurture the life of the new saplings. So no one is above or under anyone. Both are interrelated no one is up or down. If you have to cross the ocean of life you have to hold the log of the establishment without ego, and without fear, because to establish new life both the persons have to think and propagate them.

Ankush told us we have to stay here for today, tomorrow, you have one more surprise and then by evening, we leave to city. She said one more surprise, the night sky is becoming darker and more peaceful, they slept due to the long journey and tiredness.

A new chapter is started in the life of both the couples? One enters into a new stage, another moved into more surprises? If their plan works what are the surprises and how are they going to implement that plan. Wait and see the surprises to come.