Ankush continued, "When the pirates stuff clothes they make the clothes light and help them to float, the papers which come in contact with water become light which helps the ship to float and protects the ship from sinking.
They saw that the driver was getting down from the ship, half an hour before they reach the destination. The ship gets blasted and the goods inside the ship reach the shore without causing damage to the drugs loaded. In the blast, the ceramic toys are scattered and taken by the sea in the big waves.
Ankush thought, till now it is fine but how come the blast was caused without any equipment? It seems that someone is controlling the ship from somewhere. Prateek said, "I think. I feel that the blast is happening naturally.
Everyone was shocked to hear that, they said how is it possible. Prateek said," It is possible. You know that there is a formation of radiocarbon in Earth's atmosphere by the interaction of cosmic waves that form Sulphur while coming in contact with ceramic toys and the highest reaction of radioactive current can cause damage to the ceramic and cause blast.
Otherwise, another reason will be a reaction of Magnet which is kept inside the boxes or somewhere in the ship will cause a magnetic field and cause fluctuating in the cosmic waves and attract the anchor of other ships and cause a spark that lives a reaction and form the blast.
Ankush said," The first one will be the reason I think. They copied the content and kept the pen drive safely inside the pouch of devices. The agent said, "Sirs if still confusion then we will meet the Chief officer of the marine and navigation company who is also an officer on watch. Officers on a watch are the persons who keep the updates on every ship which moves in the dock.
The agent said," If we meet him we will get the actual reason and we can solve the mystery of the ship, and also take action legally. I have one friend who is in charge on that day we will meet him tomorrow. What you say, sirs. Ankush and others agreed to meet but they should keep their identity secret. Everyone agreed to that and they went home after a long and tiring day.
The next day they went to the chief officer of the marine and navigation company who is also an officer in charge on that day. Everyone introduce themselves as friends of the agent and told that they want to get the information about the ship which went from this dock to somewhere. They asked about the ship loaded with ceramic toys.
They said that the satellite communication is showing that the ship is burst out but the things loaded in it did not get damaged. That safely reached the destination without damage. Is this kind of thing possible?
Prateek explained the natural reason for the blast, but the product is not damaged at all, how is it possible? He told me the ship that is loading the toys is Hatmen International and I am the owner of the company. I am very curious about it and can you explain the reason for it.
After listening to all this the officer said that. I was also watching the ship for a long time, it is going smoothly, the natural reason that you mentioned cannot be the reason because there are no rogue waves in the area and yesterday the ocean was calm.
The magnet cannot be placed inside the ship boxes because the magnet can pull other ships towards them by using the anchor. That is not happening if you want to find out then tomorrow the same ship is loaded with goods passed from here we can hide inside the ship without the driver's notice and watch it out.
I will tell my people to capture the movement of the ship and it will be evidence for your work. All of them are happy to hear that. They got further information from the officer that in the current scenario so much modern equipment is invented. The blast can be manmade because today so much modern equipment was invented for the safety of ships and travelers.
The cause will be man made by using the autopilot mode, everyone asked in one-go Autopilot mode what it is. It is the mode where the captain keeps his ship in automatic mode and goes to drive the wheel or do some safety checks. The ship will move automatically without the driver. The officer continued, "This automatic mode may cause damage to the ship if it is not safely programmed, if the captain intentionally does that then it can cause a blast inside the system. To find out the actual reason then we have to investigate deeply and start with the manufacturing units of the ship.
These all ships are manufactured only in the factory near the dock. So, if you are free we can have a look tonight. Ankit and the agent will go to the factory and the three follow the ship. Everyone agreed because today is Friday and they need some relaxation after a long week. When night fell Ankit and the agent went to the manufacturing unit and the others went inside the cabin of the ship and hid themselves inside the secret cabin of the ship, until they heard a noise.
They slowly came out from the hideout, and saw a man entering the ship and went near the motor of the ship to check whether the diesel was full. He checked and confirmed and went to the operator room headed towards the autopilot operator and turned it on and placed the time bomb behind the machine.So, they understood that the blast is man-made only. They found out that the man jumped into the ocean and swam like a fish to the shore. So he is a good swimmer. All of them had the safety measure, so they opened the parachute and fly above the sky. They saw the blast and the officer said it is an Island in Africa where a large amount of drug dealings take place.
So my friends hope you understand the story, don't forget to comment and like. Don't forget to join the chatroom so that we can chat and have fun talking with you.