As the morning of winter approached, Sun was melting the fog spread over the western ghats. The cold breeze touched the faces of Madhu, Ankitha and Deepika. They all woke up in the morning. It was a Spring season, and the mother Earth was wearing a red gown of Sunlight. Decorating her gown with the flowers of yellow and red. The green leaves were like a wings to support her heavy gown. The rivers, streams, oceans and seas are cleaning her gown which was bit dusty due to rain showers of yesterday.

Madhu, was thinking that the changing seasons have their beauty that has fascinated the human mind for centuries and will continue to impress until the end of the universe. Spring is the most beautiful of the seasons and is undoubtedly the queen of the seasons. During this period, the earth was filled with lush vegetation, colours, and aromas. Spring is a time of beauty and love, hope and happiness, life and happiness. Forests, lush plains, fields, and meadows prowl the lush vegetation to attract attention. Spring has endless and countless charms and beauty. Madhu, Ankitha, and Deepika done all the morning chores, as usual and went to kitchen to help Anamika, she was preparing a heavy breakfast, with so many things, Madhu asked," Mom, today so many food items you prepared, what so special today. Anamika said," Today I am very happy, I want to give party, so I am preparing food for it, hurry three of you help me do this work, so that I can complete my work soon.

Deepika and Madhu helped her in kitchen, and Ankitha, helped Narayan to clean the house. Madhu was become suspicious, her mother never given any party because they are middle class family, but today something special that she is preparing this much. She can gave order also if she was doing party, and the food is not look like for party. Madhu thought," May be someone special was coming, she just doesn't want to tell us.

Ankitha was cleaning the Varanda and after that, she was watering the plants, Narayan went out for some work, after giving some work to Ankitha. While watering the plants, suddenly a black colored Audi car stopped in front of the gate. Ankitha opened the gate, Narayan, and Ankith came out of the car, Ankitha's water can slip out of her hand, in shock, seeing Ankith and she ran towards him, beaten him, and hugged him tightly, and she scolded him for not calling, and messaging them in these two months.

Hearing the gate sound and voice of Ankitha, Deepika, Anamika, and Madhu came out, because they felt that something happened to Ankitha, and seeing the scene outside three of them stayed dumbstruck. Seeing all of them Prateek and Ankush also came out and greeted Narayan and Anamika. Then they both naughtily approach towards Deepika and Madhu. Both of them made their angry cute face and went inside, as if they don't remember both.

Ankush and Prateek understood that they both were really angry with them. They went inside and Anamika showed their room so that they rest until the breakfast is ready. Both Prateek and Ankush were searching for girls. Ankith and Ankitha, were went to terrace for chat. Prateek and Ankush searched the girls and found them in kitchen, but Anamika was their so they don't dare to call them. Ankush told to Anamika," Auntie, can you make two coffees for us, we don't have anything while coming here. Anamika said," Ok you can go and talk to uncle I will bring them. Ankush said," Auntie you need not have to bring them, tell them to bring, one cup each they are simply standing." Hearing this both Deepika and Madhu become angry, but they not told anything to them. Ankush and Prateek also told Anamika to bring the coffee on the roof top.

Anamika understood that they want to talk to them personally, and smiled and agreed. After fifteen minutes both Deepika ands Madhu, went to upstairs holding the cup of coffee. Prateek and Ankush was sitting in the place where two chairs are kept and having a small stool in the middle. Seeing both of them coming they made angry face, seeing these girls, kept the coffee on the table, and turned to leave, suddenly both manly hands, hold their waist, tightly, and a reunion kiss was touched the hair and neck, and shoulder, both the girls tried to push them, but they can't, because they also want the gesture of love, after long time.

Ankitha, and Ankith was on the backyard, sitting holding their hands, and Ankith, hold her hands, and leaned forward to kiss her and she closed her eyes, as if she was craving for his manly touch, Ankith, pulled her towards him and kissed her until they become breathless, in this midst, his hands were moving throughout her backs, hips and abdomen waist etc. She was as if readily accept his touch and adorable loveable moments. Prateek, taken a chain, made of gold, from his pocket, with om pendent on it and put on her neck. Ankush, taken golden watch, with diamond encrypted on it, and it looks very expensive and the glittering of diamonds, were piercing the eyes. Ankush kissed her on the lips and wished her Happy Birthday, that time only Madhu realized that, today is her birthday, and that's why mom was preparing her a good meal, and she is really doing party, because it was her birthday.

Deepika, also accepted the, chain, but she started pouring tantrums, and scolding Prateek complaining about the disappearance of him in two, months. To calm her nerves, he also kissed her in her mouth, and he went deep into her mouth, circling his tongue round her mouth, and that kiss made Deepika breathless. She hugged him because she cannot breath after his kiss. Both stayed same for five minutes. Ankush after kissing and hugging taken a small gift from his pocket which was tied with red ribbon, and for my love from Appu was written on that gift pack. It was the same handwriting, of young Ankush, beautiful and elegant. She slowly opened that gift pack, and saw a notebook, with stickers, of the cartoon, and a pencil shading drawings of their childhood memories, the house, parents and so many childhood memories. Tears filled in her eyes, and she hugged and kissed, her continuously without stopping. After that she remembered something, hold Ankush's hand and went downwards holding a coffee mug.

Ankush finished his coffee, while coming down, and Madhu taken him to her room. She taken her sketching pad, from charging and opened a file named, to my sweetheart. She showed the images and story titled, Waves of Life, in which it contains, their first meeting in the office, and all those memories, and ups and downs which they faced throughout their journey, was drawn beautifully, and dialogues were written as same as they happened.

Ankush hugged her, and thrown her to the bed, today he wants to understand every breath of her. But, Anamika, called them to have breakfast, and everyone was on dining table.