What is she up to

-Hey you can you call someone to get rid of these?

-Yes,these books?


-Um.....if you don't mind can i have them?

-Huh.....do you even have a place to store them?

-It's just they are new and some of these are the novels i wanted to read.

-Whatever i don't care.


-By the way,what was your name again?

-Ah...Elizabeth Eleanor.

-Eleanor....Eleanor...ah are your baron Eleanor's daughter?

-Yes do you know my father?

-Ah....not that i know him that well. I just heard he was a great scholar.

-Yeah he was really knowledgeable.

-Is he alive?


-Looking at your expression,it's look like you don't have good relationship with him.

-(Can she read mind or what.) Not that bad i guess.

-Anyway,leave now and don't come here unless i call you.

-Yes....sigh. (Is she crazy. She is definitely not normal. Should i report this to the lord.)

-Oh Elizabeth? You look unwell. Did something happen?

-Ah....nothing. (Gosh in the end,i didn't tell him anything.)

Elizabeth was afraid to break the sister and brother relationship. But she also knew the lady wasn't up to anything good.

-Lizzy look.

-Huh...is that a package?

-Yeah Rowan said,someone send it for you.

-For me?


-Hm....a letter and this is....a pendant?

Dear Elizabeth,

I know you will never forgive me. After your mother died,i just couldn't contain myself. I wanted to comfort myself. That's why i burned all of your mother's possession because i thought i could forget about her. But I was wrong. It made me remember her even more. This pendant is the last keepsake of your mom. I saw her wear it all the time. She once said,it was her family heirloom. I hope you will take care of it. From now on,you don't have to sent money for me. I am leaving the house. I will be giving the key of the house to Mrs.Emily. If you ever come back,you can ask her for the key. Thank you for being my daughter Elizabeth.


-Ah.....i am sorry.

-Is that from your father?


-Wow such a beautiful pendant. Where did you get that.

-Ah it's my mother's keepsake.

-Let me put it on for you.


-I thought you didn't hate your father. But after reading the letter,why do look so upset?

-Who knows.

-Mortan can you call that child?

-Which one my lady?

-That orange haired one.

-You mean Lizzy?

-That's right. Call her.

-You are here Elizabeth. Now do me a favour.

-A favour?

-Smirk....that's right.

-(She is definitely up to no good. I am really doomed.) What do you want me to do?

-Go and bring some pen and paper.


-Now then....start with dear husband...and then...

-(Why did she made me write a letter to her husband on behalf of her. She has two hands. She could have written it.)

-Give it to me.

-Yes here.


-(Euck.....did she...did she..just kiss the letter.)

-Don't look at me like that. I can read your expression. It's just a way of showing my affection. Anyway,your handwriting is really beautiful. Whom did you learn it from?

-My mother.

-Baroness Eleanor....hm.....


-Nothing. Give it to Tom.

-Yes. (I wonder if she knows my mom.)


-Ah...oh it's you Lizzy. What happened?

-I just want to sent this letter. Do you know where Tom is?

-Ah...i am also going to sent a letter. You can give it to me.

-Thanks a lot.

-No problem. See ya.

-(She is such a good girl.)Now then let's get back to work.

-Oh my you cleaned the whole mansion Lizzy.

-Ahhahah...i was so focused that i forgot that i cleaned the whole mansion.

-You must have missed your lunch. Come with me.

-Ok. By the way,it's usually very noisy in the mansion but why is it so quiet today?

-Ah....the lady went to shopping that's why.

-(She really has a great impact on the house.)

-Oh Mary did you see Lizzy?

-Ah nope. She is probably in the library.

-Lizzy? Lizzy?

-Lilian here.

-Oh my what are you doing on the second floor.

-Ah...i found some new novels.

-Sigh....the lady is calling for you. Let's go quickly or else God knows what she will do.

-You are late Elizabeth.

-I am sorry my lady.

-Whatever....wait that pendant...

-It's my mother's.

-That can't be. Is it really your mother's?

-Yes. Perhaps do you know...

-I think your mother was my saviour.


-Yes,growing up i was confined into house. I would sneak out to go outside. Unfortunately one day i got caught by slave traders. That's when your mother saved me. I wanted to thanks her for saving me. But after that day i never met her again. I was very young at that time so i only remember that she wore a emerald pendant. I tried hard to remember her face but i couldn't but now after seeing this pendant i remembered her face. Elizabeth you resemble your mother.

-Thank you.

-Since i am indebted to to your mother,if you ever need my help just ask me. I will help you.

-Thank you for your generosity my lady.

-I guess perhaps it's fate that brought us together.

I remember my mother very clearly. It's true i resembled my mother more than my father. I wonder the reason my mother would always go out,if it's connected to lady Annie. But it doesn't make any sense. She said,she didn't see mother again. Then why did my mother always left the house at the same time every day. Is it because.....