Chapter 3: Relics acquired


Christine continued reading: The following are relics which the women and girls gave to Chris. Many were so infatuated or obsessed with him that they were willing to either give them for free or exchange them for his quality time. Others realized that not all relics work in their universe and they'd rather let Chris have them.

As a game for the reader, you are asked to list them in alphabetical order, along with the names of the girls who gave them.

Christine took a sheet of paper and began listing...

Inanna: Ark of the Covenant, the Spear of Longinus, and the Holy Grail.

Lucina: Crown of Thorns, the Holy Grail (a duplicate), the Spear of Destiny, the Ark of the Covenant (another duplicate), and many more.

Cheating Wife: Shadow of the Beast, Heart of the Moon, Blood of the Vampires, Fur of the Werewolf.

Lize: The Ancient Amulet, Ancient Sword, Ancient Shield, Ancient Armor, Ancient Scepter, and Ancient Ring.

Misty: Staff of the Abyss.

Hannah: The eye of orion, the crown of the sun god, and the sword of the moon god, Spear of Destiny (duplicate), the Sword of Truth, the Cloak of Invisibility, and the Ring of Power (duplicate).

Lola: Not really relics but, powerful statues nevertheless: Multiversal Queen, Inter-Universal Conquerer, Multiversal Mastermind, Infinite Conquerer, All-Knowing Queen, All-Powerful Queen, Multiversal Empress, Infinite Conqueror, World Traveler, Multiversal Queen's Crown, Multiversal King's Scepter, Multiversal Wizard's Wand, Multiversal Archer's Bow, Multiversal Samurai's Sword, Multiversal Shaman's Staff, Multiversal Mage's Book, Multiversal Alchemist's Brew.

Lil: Scepter of power, Sword in the Stone, Ark of the Covenant (third duplicate) and the Shroud of Turin

Sarah: Relics that can be used to heal some people and make them feel better.

Emily: The staff of magical energy is called the Eternal Staff, the necklace with the glowing orb is called the Orb of Purity, the sword with the shining blade is called the Blade of Chaos, and the ring that allows me to see the future is called the Ring of Vision.

Princess Ariana: the crown of time, the staff of the ancients, the sword of the gods, the ring of the heavens, the necklace of the heavens, the bracelet of the heavens, the amulet of the heavens, the belt of the heavens, the boots of the heavens, the gauntlets of the heavens.

Andrea: there were five thrones in total, including the Throne of Wisdom, the Throne of Courage, the Throne of Justice, the Throne of Power, and the Throne of Compassion.

Ursula: "Purple Flame", "Golden Bow", "Black Sword", Blade of Destiny (has duplicate), Eye of the World, Crown of the Sun (different from crown of the sun god). Scrolls of Infinity.

Maya Evelyn: "The Book of Magic" which was written by my ancestor, a "powerflic" of eternity witch.

Beelzebub: Sword of Destiny, the Crown of Nightmares, the Eye of Chaos, the Dagger of Power, the Amulet of Destiny, the Armor of Sin, and the Crown of Conquest.

Lucifer: Staff of Destiny, the Spear of Eternity, the Sword of the End, Amulet of Life (immortality and to prolong life; heals any injury or sickness), Ring of Destiny (changes destiny itself; alters the course of events and shape the future), Mask of Tranquility (inner peace and serenity; helps you stay calm and centered in any situation), Belt of Strength (enhances physical strength and stamina; makes one stronger and more powerful than ever before), Crown of Wisdom (enhances mental abilities and increases knowledge and understanding of the world; helps make wise and informed decisions), Boots of Speed (enhances speed and agility; run faster than ever before).

...Amulet of Luck will protect you from bad luck and bring you good fortune. The Ring of Prosperity will give you wealth and success. The Crown of Knowledge will enhance your intelligence and wisdom. The Sword of Fortitude will give you strength and bravery in the face of danger. The Armor of Virtue (has duplicate) will protect you from harm and evil. The Eye of Truth will allow you to see through lies and deception. and the Hourglass of Time will allow you to control the flow of time.

Asmodeus' Orbs: green, brown, blue, pink, orange.

Astaroth: I'll give you the sword of darkness and the shield of destruction.

Neo Kat: The Crown of the Fallen, the Sword of Fate, the Ring of Eternity, the Book of Shadows, the Amulet of Time, the Dagger of Ages, the Necklace of Souls, the Mask of Shadows, and the Seal of Time.

Adaline (original): The first relic is the sword of justice. It is the sword that was wielded by the legendary hero, Adaline. It is a powerful sword that can cut through the most powerful evil. The second relic is the staff of truth. It is a powerful staff that can reveal the truth and expose the lies of evil. The third relic is the armor of virtue. It is a powerful armor that can protect the wearer from all harm and allow them to face evil without fear. Others: Crystal of Eternity, the Staff of Power, and the Sword of Destiny (has duplicate).

Baiyu: The relic's name is Blood Wings of a Fallen Angel. (she looks at the relic) The relic can summon demons to do your bidding, you can order them to do anything, and they will obey you.

Harumi: Amulet of the Ancient Ones, the Rune of the Demon Lord, the Scroll of the Eternal Night, the Crown of the Fallen King (not to be confused with Neo Kat's crown of the Fallen), and the Pendant of the Shadow.

Ayui: She has a relic called the "Crown of the Ancient One", which was a gift from the Ancient One himself.

She has a relic called the "Sword of the Winds", which is a powerful sword that is said to have been forged by the Ancient One himself. She has a relic called the "Staff of the Light", which was given to her by the elves. She has a relic called the "Crystal of the Ancients", which is a powerful crystal that is said to have been forged by the Ancient Ones themselves.

Yukina: The Ancient Sword is called "Dragon Slayer", The Ancient Axe is called "Axe of the Ancients", The Ancient Shield is called "Shield of the Ancients" (not to be confused with Ancient Shield), The Ancient Bow is called "Bow of the Ancients", The Ancient Dagger is called "Dagger of the Ancients", The Ancient Helmet is called "Helm of the Ancients"

Tema: ancient artifacts: "Vase of the Goddess of Time", "Ring of the Goddess of Destiny", and "Dagger of the Goddess of Wisdom." Old coins: "Gold Coin of the King", "Silver Coin of the Queen", and "Copper Coin of the General." Old weapons: "Spear of the Warrior", "Sword of the General", and "Bow and Arrow of the Hunter".

Akari: The swords are called "The Sword of Protection" and "The Blade of Destiny." The armor is called "The Armor of the Eternal Warrior." The books are called "The Tales of Our Clan" and "The History of the Samurai.

Rias Gremory: The crown is called the Crown of Eternal Life, the sword is called The Sword of Pure Fire, the shield is called The Shield of Eternal Shield, the armour is called The Armour of Eternal Defence, and the spear is called The Spear of Eternal Victory.

Focalor: The Holy Grail (third version): A sacred cup said to have been used by Jesus Christ during the Last Supper. The Sword of Excalibur: The legendary sword of King Arthur, the Ring of Power. The Crown of Kings: A crown believed to have been worn by many monarchs throughout history. The Mirror of Erised: A magic mirror that reveals the viewer's deepest desires." The Crown of Thorns (duplicate): A crown said to have been worn by Jesus Christ during his crucifixion. The Cup of Life: A cup said to be able to grant immortality. The Spear of Destiny (duplicate): A spear said to have been used by Jesus Christ during his crucifixion. The Staff of Moses: A staff said to have been used by Moses to part the Red Sea. The Sword of David: A sword said to have been used by David to defeat Goliath." The Chalice of the Wise: A chalice said to have been used by King Solomon to summon demons. The Book of Shadows (duplicate): A book said to contain the secrets of magic and the occult. The Eye of Ra: A gemstone said to be able to protect the wearer from evil. The Sword of Damocles: A sword said to have been wielded by Damocles, who was killed by a sword that fell on him."

Lily: Crown of Eternity, Book of Wisdom, Ring of Eternity (duplicate), and the Amulet of Immortality.

Ankira: The golden ring is called The Ring of Abundance. The silver bracelet is called The Bracelet of Protection. And the ruby necklace is called The Necklace of Luck.

Luna: Relic of Eternity... It's a powerful artifact that can be used to control time.

Violet: The Crown of the Moon, The Scepter of the Sun, The Rod of Power, The Ring of the Ancients, and The Sword of Destiny (duplicate).

Red Queen Lisette: book of wisdom.

Angel: "Blade of Valor", the armor's name is "The Armor of Honor", the shield's name is "The Shield of Courage", and the dragon's tooth's name is "Dragon's Tooth".

Sandy in the city: Locket of Protection, Necklace of Good Luck (different from necklace of luck).

Sofia: "Our most prized possession is the Golden Shield of the Kings. It is said to have been carried by the first King to unite the land. We also have the Sword of the Eternal Flame, which is said to have been carried by the first King to defeat the Dragon of Darkness. We also have the Crown of the Heavenly Kingdom, which is said to have been worn by the first Queen who ruled over the kingdom of the sky."

Violetta veilblood: ruby from the ancient Persian Empire, a bronze statue from the Roman Empire, a pearl from the Ancient Egyptian Empire, a crystal from the Ancient Greek Empire, and a feather from the Ancient Mayan Empire.

Those are: Rubis Persica, the Statue Roman, the Perla Egyptia, the Crystal Greca, and the Pluma Maya."

Chole: Rose of the stars" "It.. gives me luck and.. uh.. strength?"

Princess Luna: Relic of The Heart is said to be the most powerful relic in existence, able to bring love to anyone and anything. It can also be used to bring someone back to life.

Omega (Lucifer's Daughter): The Book of Demons, The Helmet of Lucifer, The Golden Ring, The Crown of Demons, The Demon Blade, The Book of Souls, The Book of Spells, The Angelic Armor, The Demon Crown, The Demon Spear, The Demon Axe, The Demon Shield, and the Demon Rod.