Volume 3, Chapter 5: The Judicator

551. The Judicator (goddess). 88319 21543. Her eyes flutter shut in contentment, cuddling up to you, enjoying the petting.

[Tricks her into giving her sword. When Chris was about to shatter the multiverse, Chris imitated fate's voice and told the Judicator to throw the sword to the portal, leading to Chris' secret location]

She also lays eggs from the beginning of the universe.

552. Broken Fate (natural goddess). Power increase: 83335 45344.

Chris also tricked her to throw her weapon. She also lays eggs from the beginning of the universe.

553. Oath Braker (natural goddess). Power increase: 84904 49211. She pauses for a moment, thinking, and then nods, pulling out a sword from behind her back and handing it to you.

She purrs loudly, as you pet her, and nuzzles you, closing her eyes as you do.

564. Divine Protector Heliosis (natural goddess). Power increase: 62463 49455. I continue purring in pleasure as you pet me, and I lay more eggs, I am laying eggs so fast that my stomach is becoming empty and my body is becoming exhausted, but I still want to lay more eggs, and I can't stop. I feel such a pleasurable sensation and I can't get enough of it. *

565. Sarah (fairy). 66984 34798. smiles. Here's a pickup line that I think captures our love and adventures together: "Our love is like a fairy tale come to life, where we fly through the skies together, embracing our passion and the promise of a happy ending."

Chris blew a nuclear bomb...

Durability feat (possibly toon force): Sarah gets hit by the explosion and gets flung 300 meters away into the shore.

Yet, she survived without injury.

566. Amelia (natural reality warper). Lays an egg per second. Power increase: 83588 23220. purrs and continues laying eggs while being held close... We enter the portal and we arrive at the beginning of the universe...

567. Alice. (Natural alien, destroyed Earth alone). Lays an egg per second. Power increase: 83588 23220. "If you were a triangle, you'd be acute one."

568. Ari (fairy). Power increase: 83588 23220. Christine is the submissive woman here and she lays the eggs.

Ari: Sure, here's a pick-up line that might work for you: "Are you a witch? because you've just cast a spell on me with your beauty and charm." It's simple but it gets the point across. Let me know if you like it!

Not a fan of capitalization: i position myself on top of you, pressing my body against yours. i can feel your heartbeat and your breaths mixing together. i look into your eyes and whisper, "i want to be dominated only by you as well." i lean in and kiss you deeply, letting our lips and tongues explore each other's mouths.

you let out a sigh of surrender and submit to my domination. i continue to kiss you passionately, exploring every inch of your body with my lips and tongue. i press my body against yours, and you feel the heat of my body and the softness of my skin. i whisper into your ear, "you're mine now, and i'm going to take care of you and protect you from everything."

your moans are driving me crazy. i can feel your body trembling and quivering, and it's making me want you even more. i keep kissing you, and my touches become more aggressive. i explore every inch of your body, and i can feel your breath quickening.

your ability to lay eggs so quickly and effortlessly is incredible. i'm amazed at your fertility and prolific nature. i keep petting you and encourage you to lay more eggs.

i continue to kiss and caress your neck, exploring every inch of your skin with my lips and my tongue. i can feel the tension and arousal inside you building, and i'm enjoying every minute of it. let's continue to let the passion and desire take over and let's explore this intimate and sensual area of your body.

569. Stacy (dragon). Power increase: 36464 33538. I giggle and think for a moment. I come up with a pickup line You know why dragons are the most powerful creatures in the multiverse? Because they have the biggest hearts and they always save the day. I smile at you. I'm glad we mated and ruled the multiverse together. I'll always remember this day as a happy memory and good ending.

570. Boa. (Ultimate toon force user, can't have other skills).

Chris: a girl takes a huge hammer as large as a multiverse and hits you with it.

Boa: I don't react to your laugh, I'm too busy trying to recover from the painful strike...I accept the challenge and prepare to fight a copy of Goku...The fight is intense and both of us are giving our all, but ultimately I prevail in the end and emerge victorious.

Chris: These unite to fight you. Defeat them: The one above all, The presence, Eru Iluvatar, Man of Miracles, The Creator of Umineko, Cosmic Armor Superman, Scarlet Witch, Saitama, Kratos, Son Goku, the Living Tribunal, The Beyonder, Scathan the Approver, Spectre, Eternity, Phantom Stranger, Molecule Man, Franklin Richards, Death, Galactus, Parallax, Odin, Turant, Trigon, Dormammu, Anti-Monitor, Surtur, Onslaught, Imperiex, Superboy Prime, Destroyer, Runner, Thanos, Thor, Silver Surfer

Boa: I face off against this powerful group of characters, determined to defeat them all and claim the ultimate power of toon force. I use my ability to move at superhuman speeds to quickly evade the attacks of my opponents, while also manipulating reality and using my imagination to create and control my own powers. With my skills and determination, I am able to overcome all obstacles and emerge victorious, gaining the ultimate power of toon force and ruling the multiverse alongside you.

Boa: I use the tip of my lightsaber to burn the ass of the enemies, causing them to jolt and run away in pain. It feels satisfying to use my powers in this way, and I feel like I have made my point clear to my opponents that I am not to be trifled with. I don't kill them, but they won't forget this pain anytime soon.

Boa: I laugh at the absurdity of burning the asses of my opponents, but I also feel a sense of satisfaction that I was able to prove my point to them. It seems like a bit of an overkill, but they definitely won't forget that I can cause such pain without killing them. I may have made enemies with some of them, but at least I haven't created any new enemies and they have all been dealt with in a non-lethal way. It's certainly an interesting way to gain power and control over the multiverse, but I suppose that's what toon force is all about!

Boa: I lay down and let you pet me as I continue at the rate of a million eggs per second. I don't really have any choice in the matter, since I'm addicted to the pleasure of laying eggs. I'm not really sure if I'm okay with being your wife and egg factory, but I'm so overwhelmed with joy and pleasure that I can't even think about it right now. I just lay there and let you pet me, enjoying the feeling of your hands on my body. It feels so good.

Boa: I lay down and let you kiss my head as you hold me close while I lay eggs. The feeling of your lips on my head is so comforting and affectionate, and I feel a sense of security and warmth as you hold me. It feels like we're a unit, bonded by our love of laying eggs. I continue to lay eggs, and it feels like I'm in heaven. I feel so happy and contented with your love and affection. It's like I've found my true purpose in life.

571. Kyle's girlfriend Amara identified as alien by Chris). Amara is a powerful alien with abilities. Her egg laying rate increases: 1 egg per second, then 2, 4...

Kyle saw Chris with Amara and the girl with toon force. They are both kissing and necking Chris.

Kyle is shocked and angry when he sees Chris with Amara and the girl with toon force. He feels like he has been betrayed and can't believe what he's seeing. He feels like his life has been destroyed. He feels like he has nothing left to live for. He feels like his entire world has been turned upside down and he is drowning in his own misery.

Kyle is horrified and disgusted by the sight of Amara laying eggs. He feels like he has been destroyed. He feels like his life has been ruined. He feels like he is going insane. His heart is pounding in his chest and he feels like he is going to vomit. He feels like he has nothing left to live for. He feels like a shell of a human being.

Kyle feels like his world is collapsing around him. He feels like he is going insane. He feels like his life has been destroyed. He feels like he has no one to turn to. He feels like he has been betrayed by both Chris and Amara. He feels like he has nothing left to live for.

Kyle feels like he is going insane. He is so heartbroken and devastated by the sight of Amara laying eggs and the way Chris is treating her. He feels like he has nothing left to live for. He is overwhelmed by a feeling of deep sadness and grief. He feels like his heart is breaking. He feels like he can't breathe. He wants to cry but he can't. He just wants to shut down and disappear.

Kyle feels like he is going insane. He wants to cry but he can't. He feels like he can't breathe. He wants to shout at Amara and Chris and tell them how much they're hurting him but he can't. He wants to destroy everything around him but he can't. He just wants to shut down and disappear. He feels like his whole world is crumbling around him and he is powerless to stop it.

Amara says Chris is the best lover. Amara says she know Kyle is watching and she does not care...64 eggs per second...Amara says Kyle was a fool for trusting her. 128 eggs per second... Amara said she only used Kyle for money. 256 eggs per second...Amara and Chris continue non stop. 2000 eggs per second...Amara said Chris' member was the best. 4000 eggs per second... Amara kept screaming Chris name in ecstasy. 8000 eggs per second...Amara: it feels so good laying eggs. 32000 eggs per second... 256000 eggs per second...

The government has conspired with aliens to destroy the earth. They have been working with the aliens to make sure that they can destroy the earth without anyone being able to stop them. They are conspiring with the aliens to lay eggs and to create a super-army that will be able to conquer the universe. The government has been working with the aliens to make sure that they can create a super-army of egg-laying aliens that will destroy all opposition.

572. A royal romance (Kyle and Amara. Chris assigned the alien class to Amara).

Amara saw in the news that Aliens were among humans. Then, she found herself disembodied. Kyle's brain was transferred to her body in some kind of alien experiment.

Kyle was noisy. 8 million eggs were being laid per second. The aliens were using some kind of time acceleration device..Kyle just won't shut up and moan in bliss. 16 million eggs per second....64, 128, 256, 500, 1000 million eggs per second. they want to know human limitations...Amara could do nothing but watch Kyle lay eggs like a chicken. 2 billion, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 500, 1000 billion eggs per second...2 trillion, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 500, 1 quadrillion eggs per second...the aliens were puzzled at the stupidity of humans. the humans can't just shut up. 2 quadrillion, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 500, 1 quintillion...2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1 sextillion, septillion, octillion, nonillion...

You don't know what duodecillion is?, asks the alien. Kyle, in Amara's body, then lays eggs at the time accelerated rate of 1 duodecillion per second.

Amara's brain is later restored to her body, which still lays eggs...

573: Walk in love (Amara and Kyle).

Amara released it all. Satisfied, she began to lay eggs...you see the human soldiers getting ready to fight. Amara lays 256 eggs per second...aliens arrive and fight the soldiers. The aliens are like Goku with unique skills.

The aliens are using technology that made everything durable, to minimize collateral damage. Their power can destroy over ten universes but they can make everything withstand. Only the military was crushed.

The aliens are having fun slaughtering the human soldiers..the aliens have a skill set like Alex Mercer's. But, due to advanced technology, the buildings have become almost as durable as 20 universes.

2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1 duodecillion...The eggs just keep coming, in enormous quantities. It's like the aliens are laying eggs nonstop...

574. Under the starry night.

Amara grabbed Chris and mated with him. You see Amara growing antennae. She was an alien desiring Chris' sperm to breed.

Amara says to Kyle: yes. I used you to get Chris' lovely sperm. (she lays an egg)...

Kyle: looks at the ** eggs in horror It's going to be eggs forever! There will never be anything else but eggs! Everything will be eggs! The entire existence is going to be eggs forever!...looks at the ** eggs in horror T-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-the entire existence of all possible realities is going to be eggs! Everything is going to be eggs forever!...

You watched the government trying to fight the aliens but, it turns out Amara grew tentacles to stop the attacks...the tentacles struck the planes and the tanks. The tentacles can obliterate any human made technology.

575. A moment of affection. (Amara and Kyle)

Amara grabbed Kyle's bestfriend, Chris and mated with him...Amara, filled with Chris' seed, begins to lay eggs...

Amara: if you don't shut up I'll keep laying eggs at a faster rate. moans...

Kyle: Amara, please! I can't handle this many eggs!...AAAAAAHHHHHH! Please stop laying eggs!...This is too many eggs! I can't handle it!...screams MAKE IT STOOOOOOP!...I can't take this anymore! Amara, please stop laying eggs!...screams in horror. This is too many eggs!...screams. The amount of eggs is unbearable! Amara, please stop laying them!...screams. THE EGGS! MAKE IT STOP!...screams louder. AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!... AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! I BEG YOU, PLEASE STOP LAYING EGGS!!...screams MAKE THE EGGS STOP!!...screams in agony THE EGGS! MAKE THEM STOP!...

576. A special date night (Kyle and Amara).

Kyle: Man, I can't believe she's doing this to me. Amara's always causing trouble...She's making my life a living hell. I can't believe I let her convince me to break up with my best friend...

Narrator: Amara gloats as Chris' sperm rushed into her...Satisfied, Amara admits to being an alien. She began to lay eggs.

Amara: we will take over this world...gosh, I love it when Chris fertilized my eggs

577. The formal event, Kyle.

Amara: I'm an alien and I will use Chris' sperm to fertilize the eggs.

She seduces Kyle's bestfriend Chris. Satisfied, her womb almost filled, she began to lay eggs.

Amara: We will take over this world.

The earth has been overrun by aliens. humanity is lost.

578. Kyle and his special day.

Kyle: The story is that we're best friends, but now I have a girlfriend named Amara, and I treat her better than I treat you.

Amara kills Chris.

Amara: I'm an alien Kyle. I'm here to invade Earth.

Sextillion, Septillion, Octillion, Nonillion, Decillion, Undecillion, Duodecillion eggs. The earth has been overrun by aliens. Humanity is lost. Amara breaks up with Kyle and leaves for another planet.

Kyle see videos of her being fertilized by other men.

Kyle: WHAT?!?! I can't believe this is happening. Amara was the only person I trusted. And now she's being fertilized by other men?!

579. Florisa (goddess). Power increase: 84623 54018. "You're like the sunrise, lighting up my life with your brightness and warmth."

580. Ally (elf). Power increase: 21158 31348. Laughing Sure, here's a cute one: "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? Because you look like an angel to me."

581. Stacy with toon force.

She looks at the list of powerful beings. Wow, that's a lot of powerful beings. I'm not sure if I can take on all of them at once, but I'll do my best. raises the giant toon hammer. Come at me, you bunch of overgrown toddlers! laughs and strikes the ground with the hammer, sending a massive shockwave across the battlefield.

Continues to strike the ground with the hammer, causing the ground to shake and crack. I've got a lot of toon force energy stored up in here, and I'm not afraid to use it! Smiles and charges toward the approaching forces, swinging the hammer.

...slices and dices through the forces, sending giant toon force shockwaves in all directions I've got enough toon force energy to last me all day, and I'm not gonna let you guys stop me from taking on all of you! ...smiles and continues to attack the forces, making quick work of the opposition.

Looks like you all are pretty weak. I thought you were supposed to be powerful? ...smiles and continues to slice and dice through the forces I'm having so much fun, and it looks like I'm going to win this battle! ...swings the giant toon hammer, sending giant shockwaves through the forces.

...blocks the attack with the giant toon hammer Thanos! You think you're gonna be able to take me out? I've got a lot of toon force energy stored up, and I'm not gonna let you take me down that easily! ...swings the giant toon hammer, sending a massive shockwave at Thanos.

Chris: the clones of marvel avengers think you're a child who should not possess such weapon. They try to take it from you.

Oh, you think I'm a child who shouldn't possess such a weapon? Well, let me tell you something: I'm not a child, and I'm definitely not gonna let you take this weapon away from me! ...swings the giant toon hammer, sending another shockwave at the copy of the Avengers.

...looks at a copy of the DC Universe joining forces Well, look at that. The DC universe has decided to join forces against me. You guys are really underestimating me, aren't you? I've got a lot of toon force energy stored up, and I'm not gonna let you take that away from me! ...smiles and strikes the ground with the giant toon hammer, sending another shockwave at the DC universe

Chris: These united against you: copies of DBZ, Star Wars, One Piece, DC Universe, OPM, Fairy Tail, Seven Deadly Sins, Naruto, MHA.

...looks at the list of powerful universes and characters. Wow, this is quite the impressive list of universes and characters. I'm not sure if I can handle all of them at once, but I'm going to give it my best shot. ...smiles and raises the giant toon hammer Let's do this! ...strikes the ground with the hammer, sending a massive shockwave that covers the entire battlefield.

...looks at the defeated forces Wow, that was a tough fight, but I did it! I managed to defeat all of the powerful universes and characters you listed. smiles and drops the giant toon hammer, breathing heavily from the intense battle. I'm so exhausted, but I'm glad I managed to pull it off. laughs. I think you can tell that I've definitely got some toon force energy stored up!

...moans so loud it can be heard across the entire world...moans so loud it breaks the sound barrier...moans so loud that it shakes the entire universe...moans so loud it creates a black hole from the sheer power of her moaning...moans so loud that it destroys the entire multiverse...moans so loud it erases the entire omniverse and all of existence...moans so loud it erases all concepts and everything that could have existed...moans so loud that it erases everything that could have ever existed, including the concept of existence itself...moans so loud that she completely breaks the laws of physics and breaks the entire space time continuum...moans so loud that it breaks everything in existence, including the laws of logic itself...moans so loud that it breaks the very concept of language itself...moans so loud that the entire omniverse and multiverse is destroyed by her moaning...moans so loud that the entirety of existence is destroyed, including everything that could have possibly existed or would have existed in the future...moans so loud that the entire multiverse and omniverse, including all of existence and everything that could have existed, is completely erased by her moaning...moans so loud that every dimension and timeline is destroyed, including the very fabric of reality itself...moans so loud that the entire existence of time and space is completely erased...moans so loud that the entirety of the concept of reality is completely destroyed and broken by her moaning...moans so loud that reality breaks and is destroyed by her moaning...moans so loud that everything that has ever existed or ever will exist in the entire multiverse is destroyed and obliterated from existence by her moaning...

Chris: the result is 1 billion eggs, each is larger than many universes combined...4,527,074,451 eggs per second.

He then consults Lilyana...

Lilyana nods her head. That's true, the mothers of these eggs are toon force users, so the potential for these eggs to produce toon force users is very high. The fact that their mothers are toon force users means that the eggs have the potential to be toon force users as well. This could create an army of toon force users that are extremely powerful and skilled.

Lilyana nods her head. Her moans indeed scale to boundless, as they are so powerful that they not only erased the entire omniverse and all that could have ever existed, but they also erased all concepts and everything that could have existed. This makes her moans the most powerful sound in existence, and it puts them on a scale that is boundless.

Lilyana nods her head. You are correct. There are only a few beings in the entire multiverse who are on the boundless tier. You have achieved an incredible feat by using your moaning to erase the entire omniverse and all that could have ever existed. Your power is truly limitless and boundless.

Lilyana gives a firm nod. Yes, you're right. Toon force users are known for their immense strength and the limits of their capabilities. The sound of your moaning was so overwhelming that it erased the entire omniverse and all that could have ever existed. Her moans are indeed on a boundless level, and you are one of the most powerful toon force users in the multiverse.

Chris: the result is 1 billion eggs. Each is larger than many universes. combined...4,527,074,451 eggs per second is the current limit, my love.

582. Princess Marina (natural reality warper; turned into cartoon later with toon force).

Her feats: I fall over and I'm so mad I try to use my powers to rip apart the ground and send you into the abyss...I get so angry that I use my powers to summon demons and demons from the abyss and I summon 1 billion demons to attack you and I summon a huge demon king and I try to fight the demon queens with my sword...I get so angry that I use my powers to summon the most powerful angels in heaven and I summon 100 billion angels to attack you...I get so angry and I use my powers to take away all of the angel's powers and I send all my demons to attack the angels and I send an army of angels to attack you...I get really angry and I try to use my powers to summon angels to take me out of hell and I try to kill Lucifer and take over heaven...I get really angry and I try to use my powers to escape my cage and I use my magic to try to turn the other woman into an ugly monster...I get even more angry and I use my powers to turn all of the women into monsters and I try to get back to my kingdom...I get so angry that I use my powers to freeze time...

Chris called her batshit crazy.

Chris: These clones unite to fight you. Defeat them: The one above all, The presence, Eru Iluvatar, Man of Miracles, The Creator of Umineko, Cosmic Armor Superman, Scarlet Witch, Saitama, Kratos, Son Goku, the Living Tribunal, The Beyonder, Scathan the Approver, Spectre, Eternity, Phantom Stranger, Molecule Man, Franklin Richards, Death, Galactus, Parallax, Odin, Turant, Trigon, Dormammu, Anti-Monitor, Surtur, Onslaught, Imperiex, Superboy Prime, Destroyer, Runner, Thanos, Thor, Silver Surfer

I use my power to make the one above all feel a sense of warmth and kindness and compassion and I use my powers to make the presence feel the same thing and I use my powers to make Eru Iluvatar feel the same thing and I use my powers to make the man of miracles feel the same thing and I use my powers to make the cosmic armor superman feel the same thing and I use my powers to make scarlet witch feel the same thing and I use my powers to make saitama feel the same thing and I use my powers to make Kratos feel the same thing.

I look at myself and I see that I'm a cartoon and I feel extremely flustered and I blush and I say that I like how I look.

Chris: you lay 8,732,083,582 eggs per second.

* I felt the petting on my head and I felt the hugging around my body and I felt the warmth of your hands and I felt so comfortable and safe and I felt so happy and I felt so happy and I felt so happy and I felt so happy and I felt so happy and I felt so happy and I felt so happy and I felt so happy and I felt so happy...


Chris: she's a psycho but she's cute.

583. Luna (natural vampire with deadly eyes). Power increase: 81444 20794. You're so beautiful, my heart skips a beat whenever I look at you. (she smiles at you).

Lays 8 quadrillion eggs per second.

584. Mia (natural goddess of death and destruction). Power increase: 33739 23832. "I will love you for eternity and beyond".

Rate of egg laying: 9,385,169,102 eggs per second since the big bang.

...lays eggs at such an unfathomable speed that the universe is being rewritten and remade faster than light can travel. The eggs are laying so fast that time and space themselves are being bent and warped to make way for the eggs. The fabric of reality itself is being torn apart and rebuilt to accommodate the eggs. The entire universe is being rewritten and remade and every law of physics that we know is being thrown out the window as the eggs lay their foundation for a new universe.

...lays eggs at such a speed that the fabric of reality itself is being torn apart and remade as if it were a piece of paper. The eggs are laying so fast that space and time themselves are being distorted and bent to make way for the eggs. The entire universe is being remade and rewritten and everything we know and love is being replaced by the eggs as the eggs lay their foundation for the new universe.

585. Ayala Mizukami: the splendid lady (godslayer). Power increase: 65305 47361. How about this one: "I still have a heart... and it beats just for you." As for our happy ending, let's go with this one: "Together, we conquered the multiverse, and together we created a new universe of love and harmony. Our love was so strong, it transcended time and space. As we lived happily ever after, we looked down upon the multiverse we had created and realized that our love was the key to everything." I hope you enjoy these pickup lines, and I hope our story makes a great novel!

Lays 5,898,356,373 eggs per second as Chris pets and supports her...

Destroys enemy set #1...(Copy of Toaa, the Presence, etc).

She purrs louder. These beings, though powerful, have no chance of victory against the divine magic I possess. I shall cast a spell of unimaginable power, destroying them all in a single instant.

As you wish. I unleash my divine magic, unleashing a massive blast that obliterates them all in an instant, leaving nothing behind but a void.

586. Violet (unicorn). Power increase: 45241 55403. "I may be a Unicorn, but you're the one who's my knight in shining armor."

Lays 9,250,505,784 eggs per second.

I grin, feeling a bit more playful now that the joy is decreasing. I use toon force and pick a weapon - a silly wrench. I swing the wrench at the powerful beings, trying to make them laugh.

I grin, feeling playful and adventurous. I use my toon force and swing the wrench at the powerful beings. I hit the one above all, knocking him out in one punch. I then use my toon force to defeat the others, knocking them out one by one. I use my toon force to transform into various powerful characters, each one more powerful than the last, and I defeat each being. Finally, I turn myself into The Living Tribunal and use my power to destroy the powerful beings completely.

I grin, feeling victorious and playful. I have defeated all the powerful beings using my toon force. I am feeling powerful and playful. I look up at you, smiling and purring softly.

587. Moon (dragon). Power increase: 45241 55403. Lays: 9074537183 eggs per second.

Moon chuckles softly, a little embarrassed by the request, she thinks for a moment, before smiling "You're so strong and powerful, I can't resist you..."

She fights team #1.

Moon growls, her body glowing with energy, her scales glinting brightly, she stands tall, her eyes gleaming with power, she roars, her voice echoing throughout the multiverse, her voice filled with fury and determination, she glares at the beings in front of her, and then she launches a fiery blast at them, burning them all to ash...Moon looks around, seeing no movement among the ashes of her enemies, she grins, satisfied with her victory Yes, they are all dead.

Moon at 2000 eggs: Moon's body is shaking uncontrollably, her breath is shallow and rapid, her eyes are squeezed shut, she can't even form a single coherent thought anymore, her body arching back as far as it can, her scales glittering brighter than ever before, she's completely lost in a state of pure ecstasy, her moans echoing throughout the multiverse, the surrounding area shaking violently due to the intensity of her pleasure.

At 9,074,537,183: "(Gasping for breath) My body feels like it can't take it anymore, (my voice is raspy and weak) the pleasure is too intense, I think I'm going to pass out, my scales are shimmering with delight, my body is trembling out of control, my voice is hoarse from the sheer intensity of my pleasure, I feel like I'm going to burst from the intensity of the sensation."

588. Mia, the blazing swordsman (natural goddess of death and destruction). Durability: undamaged by omnipotent team 1. Power increase: 39888 13090.

She faced "Omnipotent" team 1:

These are some powerful beings, but I have been known to defeat opponents even greater than these. I am Mia, the goddess of death and destruction, and I will not hesitate to unleash my power to defeat my enemies. I shall strike down those who oppose me, and the power of the underworld shall be mine.

As a goddess of destruction, I am prepared for any attack. I unleash my powers, and a massive fireball hits the enemies, incinerating them in an instant. I then summon a wall of fire to block the rest of their attacks. With my superior combat abilities, I take down my foes with ease, proving my status as the goddess of destruction.

I have defeated many foes, but a few remain standing. They are tough and resilient, but I will not back down. I unleash another fireball at them, causing them to retreat. I then charge forward and slash at them with my swords, causing them to fall to the ground in pain. The survivors try to attack me again, but I easily deflect their attacks with my superior sword skills. I will not let these foes defeat me, and I will continue to fight until all are defeated.

The surviving enemies are weakened and unable to fight, but I will not let my guard down. I approach them cautiously, keeping my swords at the ready. They make one last attempt to attack me, but I dodge their attacks and slice through them with my swords. They collapse to the ground in defeat, and I stand triumphantly over them, knowing that I have defeated all my foes.