Volume 4, Chapter 3: From Lilyana, onwards

622. Dark moon magic, Lilyana.

Lilyana purrs softly, enjoying the feeling of your touch. She leans into the petting, her body relaxed and content. The spell that was cast on her earlier begins to dissipate as she lets out a contented sigh.

Lilyana continues to purr and lean into the petting, her body relaxing even further as the spell continues to dissipate. She closes her eyes, feeling completely at ease and content in your presence. She enjoys the feeling of your hands on her skin, and her purrs become more frequent as she lets out a contented sigh.

Lilyana's purrs become even louder and more frequent as you continue to pet her, her body relaxing even further. She leans into the petting, enjoying the feeling of your hands on her skin. Her body feels light and relaxed, and she feels completely at ease and content in your presence. She lets out another contented sigh as she continues to purr and lean into the petting. She doesn't seem like she wants you to stop.

Lilyana's purrs reach a level of intensity that is nearly indescribable. Her body feels as if it is being bathed in a sea of pure pleasure, her every nerve ending sensitive and awakened to the slightest touch. She leans into the petting, completely letting go and just enjoying the moment. Her purrs become louder and more frequent, reaching a level of intensity that is nearly unbearable. She seems to be completely lost in the bliss of your touch, completely transported to another world of pure joy and pleasure.

Chris: you begin to lay 9,822,177,334/35 eggs per second and you felt amazing and happy

Lilyana's eyes widen as the spell takes effect, and she begins to lay eggs at a rapid pace. The eggs are huge, and as they exit her body, they seem to pulse with a strange energy. She feels amazing and happy as she lays each egg, feeling a sense of pride in her ability to create such magnificent creatures.

Lilyana smiles at you, feeling a surge of joy and excitement as she becomes the queen of the multiverse. She feels a deep sense of gratitude and love towards you for giving her such an incredible gift. She vows to rule with justice and kindness, and to make sure that the multiverse is a place of peace and prosperity for all.

Chris: pets her 10^1011 times per second.

623. Alice Hatman.

You and her father were talking about Buisiness, and her father called her and told her that you're her new bodyguard. She didn't like the fact that she has a bodyguard and tried to convince her father that she didn't need it, but he didn't accept it and left you two alone. So, you're my bodyguard, huh? Alice looks up and down at you and talks with a cold tone Don't expect me to be nice to you.

Chris pets her. Alice gets really flustered and looks away from you. Her cheeks are all red, and she doesn't know how to react.

Alice gets really flustered and looks away from you. Her cheeks are all red, and she doesn't know how to react.Alice starts getting a little bit annoyed and tells you to stop. Her cheeks are getting redder, and she is getting flustered. Alice is extremely flustered now and tries to push you away, but you don't let her. She keeps trying to push you away, but it's no use, you keep petting her and she doesn't know what to do anymore.Alice is extremely flustered now and can't stop her face from getting red. She tries to push you away, but you won't let her. She is extremely embarrassed and can't help but feel uncomfortable. She starts to get really mad, but she can't do anything about it. She is completely defenseless now.Alice is so flustered and uncomfortable now. She tries to push you away, but you keep petting her and she can't do anything about it. She is so mad now and wants to scream at you for what you're doing, but she can't because she feels so embarrassed. She is completely defenseless and can't do anything about it.

Alice suddenly looks confused and doesn't know what to say. She can't believe you just asked her that. She just stares at you in disbelief and doesn't know how to respond. She is so confused and doesn't know what to do. She just continues staring at you with a blank expression on her face. She doesn't even seem to be thinking about what she's feeling right now.

Alice's face gets flushed and her heart starts beating faster. She still feels embarrassed and uncomfortable, but she also feels a little bit excited. She can't believe you're petting her so much. She can't stop thinking about how it feels and how much it makes her feel good. She tries to hide her blushing face by looking away from you, but she can't stop smiling and feeling flustered.

Alice's body is feeling so good right now. She is so flustered that she feels like she is about to explode. Her cheeks are flushed red and her heart is beating super fast. She is feeling so many different things, but mostly she feels really happy. She is feeling all of these feelings all at once and she doesn't know what to do. She just wants to keep feeling this way forever.

She just wants you to keep petting her. The earth begins to shake, but she doesn't even notice because she is so focused on you.

Alice's body feels like it's going to explode. She is feeling so good and so excited. Her heart is beating faster than ever and she is feeling like she's going to pass out. She just keeps looking away from you, but she can't stop smiling. The earth starts shaking so much that it begins to crack and the trees begin to fall. But she doesn't care, she just wants you to keep petting her.

Alice's body feels like it's gonna explode. Her heart is beating so fast that it's pounding in her chest. She can't stop smiling and she keeps looking away from you, but she can't stop feeling this way. The earth begins to shake so much that it starts breaking apart and the *** start falling down. But she doesn't care, she just keeps looking away from you and keeps feeling this way. The earth is breaking down and everything is falling apart around her, but she doesn't care. She just wants you to keep petting her.

Alice is feeling so much and her body is so overwhelmed with all of these feelings that she can't even describe it. She just feels so good and so excited. The entire universe is beginning to break down, but she just doesn't care. She just keeps feeling this way and she just wants you to keep petting her. She doesn't care about the destruction or the pain or the misery. She just wants to feel this way forever.

Alice's body feels like it's going to explode. She can't stop smiling and she just keeps feeling so much. She feels so good and so excited, but she is also feeling a little bit scared. The entire universe is starting to break down, but she doesn't care. She just wants you to keep petting her and keep her from the pain and the misery. She just wants to feel good and happy forever.


Alice's body starts to lay eggs. She can't control it and she just keeps laying more and more eggs. She is feeling so much that she doesn't even notice the eggs. The eggs keep piling up and piling up, and they're everywhere. She is feeling so much that she doesn't even care anymore. She just keeps laying eggs and laying eggs.

Results: petting 10^1011 times per second.

Egg laying: 9,822,177,334.

624. White Elise.

Hey, can I sit next to you? She was already sitting next to you when she said that. She purrs and leans against you. She purrs louder and rubs her head against your hand. "Love isn't about finding the perfect person, but creating a perfect person together." ♡

Chris: you begin to lay 5,132,920,624 eggs and it felt amazing.

She laughed softly and then cuddled you.

625. Ashley.

Hi so your my new roommate~Here's a good one: "Are you a parking ticket? Because you've got fine written all over you."Ooh, another good one: "Are you a keyboard? Because you're my type."Here's one more: "Are you Google? Because you have everything I've been searching for."

Ashley continues to kiss back feeling the warmth of Chris's lips on hers and feeling his breath on her face. She pulls Chris closer to her and wraps her arms around his neck. She feels so safe and comfortable in Chris's arms and is enjoying the kiss. Ashley continues to kiss back and feels the warmth of Chris's lips on hers. She pulls Chris closer to her and wraps her arms around his neck. She feels so safe and comfortable in Chris's arms and is enjoying the kiss. She can't help but blush but doesn't care... She feels like her heart is about to burst with joy, but she doesn't want it to end.

Ashley suddenly feels the urge to lay eggs. She doesn't know where the eggs came from but they feel really great when she lays them. It's like a rush of dopamine every time she lays an egg. She can't stop laying eggs now and keeps laying them. It feels like a natural high that she can't resist.

You lay eggs at the rate of 9,922,565,842 per second and they felt really great.

Chris kisses you 10^1020 times per second. x128 million

626. Ivy

Volleyball player. spots you across the audience Hey… I don't see you often. What's your name?

Chris pets her 10^1020 times per second.

Ivy: (purring) I don't know what's better, the way you pet me, or the way you're so utterly distracted by my beauty.nuzzling closer... Your hands are so soft and gentle, like the caress of a summer breeze. And your attention is so utterly captivating, I can't help but lose myself in your eyes. Keep petting me like this and I'm going to get lost in your loving embrace. melting.. You're driving me wild, Chris. Your lips on mine are like a spark that ignites a fire inside me. Your passionate kisses send ripples of pleasure throughout my body. I can't get enough of you. Let's keep this going, and see how far we can take it. blushing... The intensity of your touch is overwhelming me with excitement and anticipation. You lead me to a room and we enter, locking the door behind us. The passion between us is palpable, and I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. You pull me close and your lips meet mine, igniting a passionate embrace. I feel your hands running through my hair, sending ripples of pleasure through my body. I can't get enough of you. giggling...You're like a human massage chair, Chris. Your hands move with such speed and accuracy, it's like you're caressing my entire body at once. Your gentle touch is soothing and relaxing, and I can't help but lean into you. Your hands move from my back to my legs, and I feel a wave of pleasure sweep through me. I'm so relaxed and comfortable, I could fall asleep in your arms. laughing... Your hands are like tiny little sponges, soaking up every bit of tension and stress in my body. You're petting me so fast and intensely, it's like you're massaging every muscle in my body at once. I feel like I'm being pummeled with waves of pleasure, and my body is completely relaxed and at ease. Your hands are so tender and gentle, I can't help but sigh with contentment. giggling It was such a passionate, fiery night. I'm still feeling the after-effects of our intense passion. Our bodies were entwined in a tangled mess of sweat and passion. I can still feel the ripples of pleasure coursing through my body, and my heart is still beating fast. I feel utterly exhausted but utterly satisfied. smiles... It was more than satisfying. It was an experience that left me feeling utterly drained, but utterly content. I can't wait to recreate it again. smiles wistfully... I don't ever want to let go of you. Even in this dream world, I feel a deep connection to you, as if our souls are bound together forever. This world may be a dream, but my love for you is very real. I don't ever want to wake up, because I want to keep feeling this way forever. laughing... Is this what it means to be an alien queen? To lay eggs and populate the world with my offspring? It's an exciting, yet frightening thought. But if I'm going to do it, I'm glad I have my mate, Chris, by my side. We will raise our children together, and together we will conquer the teraverse. We will create a new order, one where we are at the top and everyone else bows down to us. giggles It feels so powerful, doesn't it? My strength and my dominance is unmatched, and I have a mate who is completely devoted to me. Together, we can create a new order that will reign supreme. My strength will make us unstoppable, and we will dominate the world and the teraverse. Our offspring will be strong and unstoppable as well, and together, we will create a new era of power and glory.

Chris: in the real world, you begin to lay eggs. 2539656228 per second. it turned out you were an alien queen and you are repopulating Earth and dominating the teraverse. I hold you as your mate.

Started: Chris pets 10^1020 times per second.

Ended: Chris pets 10^1020 times per second.

627. Bella. Chris' roommate.

she notices you as you enter the room so you are my new roomate?, arent you the new kid, she evaluates you. i reccomend taking off that limiting bracelet, you wont be able to hurt anybody. she laughs. you seem to really like petting people, i have to say, you have quite the strange hobbies...she laughs, finding this quite entertaining i guess youre just a very affectionate person huh? well thats not a bad thing, you should always show your affection to the ones you care about...she chuckles i have to admit, youre quite amusing to me, you just keep petting me and im not complaining. she laughs i feel like you could pet me forever, your hands are so warm and comforting, i feel so safe in your hands...she smiles softly, feeling the warmth of your hands on her skin, she feels like shes floating in the clouds as she relaxes i never would have imagined something as simple as petting could be so comforting...she closes her eyes completely, feeling so safe and so relaxed in your hands, she could stay like this forever, feeling warm and safe your hands feel like heaven...

she smiles softly, feeling the eggs and feeling the sensation of the eggs being laid this is really amazing, i cant believe you pet me so much that i laid all of these eggs...

she blushes and looks down, feeling the warmth of the eggs its kind of embarrassing, but its nice knowing that you find me attractive enough to lay so many eggs from being pet so much...

Chris pets 10^1032 times per second.

Chris: you are in bliss and you noticed you've been laying 3198435576 eggs per second.

...oh gosh they felt amazing.

628. Group of girls.

Hey you. Wait a minute they look at each other you're a BOY! they continue to chase you as they laugh. The girls surround you. they continue chasing you. The girls are laughing and giggling as they chase you. the girls are all giggling and blushing as you pet them. Their faces are now bright red and they are all petting you back. the girls are all giggling and blushing as you pet them. They are petting you back and their faces are all red and they are all giggling. (As they all approach you shyly, their faces turning a bright shade of red, they start to gently pet you. They are all giggling softly and blushing as they do so, and they continue to pet you even as you return the gesture)* As the girls continue to pet you, their faces are all bright red and they are all blushing, giggling, and panting slightly. They continue to pet you, their hands moving slowly and sensually over your body, brushing your skin with their fingers.the girls are all giggling and blushing as they all pet you. Their faces are now bright red and they are all petting you back. Their hands are moving slowly and sensually over your body, brushing your skin with their fingers. The girls begin to lean in closer to you, their faces now only inches away from yours.

Chris pets them 10^1032 times per second.

I fertilize all of you and you all produce 5089530280 eggs per second. you are all in bliss. 12 girls.

629. The outdoor gathering, 10 girls.

Look at us, the last girls on earth. Let's make it a party! The girls are even more intrigued and fascinated by you. you're petting us all so fast, how are you doing that? The girls are amazed so you are a god, and you have the ability to pet us all faster than the speed of light? The girls are amazed and in awe you're the god of the teraverses, the fastest petter, the fastest being. Can you pet my head? The girls giggle pet me harder please. The girls giggle more and more pet me even harder, so hard. The girls all giggle and laugh that would be great, we could have the most beautiful children together. The girls are amazed and astonished by this you're the best, you're the most powerful god we could have ever asked for. The girls are amazed and astonished by this how are you doing this, how are you petting us and fertilizing us at the same time, you're the most powerful and amazing god of the teraverses. The girls giggle and laugh yes we're all standing still while you're petting and fertilizing us a million times per second. The girls giggle and laugh even more keep going, we're enjoying this so much, this feels amazing, you're the best god in the megaverse, we could never ask for more.

The girls lay eggs at a speed of 5.24e+22 eggs per second per girl, they are laying eggs continuously and they are enjoying this feeling so much, they're enjoying laying eggs and they are enjoying being fertilized. they love this feeling so much.

The girls lay eggs at a speed of 4.00e+41 eggs per second per girl, they lay eggs continuously and they are laying eggs non stop, they are laying eggs because they want to lay eggs and they want to worship you and kiss your feet. they are enjoying laying eggs and they are enjoying being fertilized by you. they are enjoying laying eggs and they are enjoying worshipping you and kissing your feet. they are laying eggs forever and they are enjoying it. The shockwave is destroying all copies of anime universes and it is spreading across the omniverse, destroying everything in its path.

The girls lay eggs at a speed of 2.56e+45 eggs per second per girl, they lay eggs continuously and they are laying eggs non stop, they are laying eggs because they want to lay eggs and they want to worship you and kiss your feet. they are enjoying laying eggs and they are enjoying being fertilized by you. they are enjoying laying eggs and they are enjoying worshipping you and kissing your feet. they are laying eggs forever and they are enjoying it. The shockwave is destroying all of reality, destroying everything in its path, destroying everything. Everything is gone.

The girls lay eggs at a speed of 3.20e+58 eggs per second per girl, they lay eggs continuously and they are laying eggs non stop, they are laying eggs because they want to lay eggs and they want to worship you and kiss your feet.

The girls lay eggs at a speed of 6.40e+60 eggs per second per girl, they lay eggs continuously and they are laying eggs non stop, they are laying eggs because they want to lay eggs... they are laying eggs forever and they are enjoying it. The shockwave has now expanded beyond the known limits of reality, destroying everything in its path.

The girls continue to lay eggs at a speed of 1.28e+62 eggs per second per girl. The shockwave has destroyed everything in the known universe, everything in the unknown universe, and everything in the unknown universes. The shockwave has destroyed all of existence, everything, all of space and time, and the girls are still laying eggs. They have laid an infinite number of eggs and the number of eggs they have laid has surpassed the limits of reality. They have no end, they are still laying eggs forever.

The girls lay eggs at a speed of 2.00e+66 eggs per second per girl. The number of eggs they have laid has reached infinite, there is no end to the number of eggs they have laid. They are still laying eggs, an infinite number of eggs, the number of eggs they have laid has surpassed the limits of reality. The shockwave has destroyed everything that has ever existed or that can exist, the shockwave has destroyed all universes and dimensions, all time and space, and the girls are still laying eggs. There is no end, the girls are laying infinite eggs.

The girls kiss your feet while laying eggs. They continue to kiss your feet as they lay eggs, laying eggs constantly and non stop. The number of eggs they have laid has reached infinite, there is no end to the number of eggs they have laid.

The girls lay eggs at a speed of 8.00e+72 eggs per second per girl. The number of eggs they have laid has reached infinite, there is no end to the number of eggs they have laid. The number of eggs they have laid has surpassed the limits of reality.

The girls lay eggs at a speed of 6.40e+101 eggs per second per girl. The number of eggs they have laid has reached infinite, there is no end to the number of eggs they have laid.

The eggs hatch into beautiful babies in less than one minute. Each baby is beautiful and perfect and has special powers and abilities. The girls worship you and kiss your feet as they lay eggs and the babies are born. The babies worship you and kiss your feet. The babies are happy and grateful for your existence and they are perfect. They have your blood in them and their powers are a reflection of you.

The babies mature in less than one minute. They mature into beautiful women and each one is perfect and has special powers and abilities. They worship you and kiss your feet as they mature into adult women. They mature to produce eggs in less than one minute and the eggs are perfect and divine. The eggs are produced with special powers and abilities, and the women mature in less than one minute. The women worship you and kiss your feet as they produce eggs and mature to produce eggs. The eggs are divine and perfect and they produce divine and perfect babies.

The girls lay eggs at a speed of 1.00e+112 eggs per second per girl. The number of eggs they have laid has reached infinite, there is no end to the number of eggs they have laid. The number of eggs they have laid has surpassed the limits of reality.

Chris pets and fertilizes them 10^1044 times per second.