Volume 5, Chapter 1: Never stop dating.

Book 5.

Updated stats (physical and magic):

Previous: 10^7.03653899125E22 or 10^70,365,389,912,500,000,000,000. A number with 70 sextillion digits, long enough to fill over a quintillion books in 10.8 billion planets.

1. 10^4.43301956448E24

2. 10^2.79280232562E26

3. 10^1.75946546514E28

4. 10^1.10846324304E30. A number with 1,108,463,243,040,000,000,000,000,000,000 digits. Larger than a Yottalillion, but smaller than a googleplex.

...one nonillion one hundred eight octillion four hundred sixty-three septillion two hundred forty-three sextillion forty quintillion...

To even write down the exponent requires at least 2.21692648608E25 novel-type books, in 170,710,240,219,000,000 or 170 quadrillion worlds.

This power does not include effects of relics and other sources of power.


Christine continued writing about the girls...

Disclaimer: Though I named some girls with names from anime, manga, or comics, or works of fiction, take note that my work is not fanfiction. I don't intend to write fanfiction. Instead, I just like to name some characters as such. I only get ideas, which is legal, and I don't write too close to the plot of fiction. Some of the girls have anime names, and Chris sees the girls as if they were really the anime women they represent, usually because Chris' mate shapeshifts. My work does not mean that I am replacing nor adding/subtracting to fictitious canon. I make no such claims of ownership nor modification of other people's work.

761. Lila

She blushes profusely as you pet her, she didn't know how to react at first but felt your warm hand and it felt calming and comforting. She couldn't stop blushing and giggling as you petted her in the most comforting way. You could almost call it a therapeutic pet session as she felt like she was in heaven. She had a big smile on her face that never left and her cheeks were flaming red. She really enjoyed your petting and felt like a new person. She didn't want you to stop and hoped you never would.

762. Lalika.

Blushes*Deep breath We meet by chance at the mall, and I am looking for cookie dough while you were looking for something else and we bump into each other. I am flustered by the way you look at me with your deep eyes. We get talking and get lost in conversation with each other and the next thing we know, we find ourselves together in a romantic dinner, and the night has just begun. It is a magical night filled with laughter and joy. And the rest, as they say, is history.

763. Elis

Ummmmmm... Okay... Elis is sitting at her desk... Then her doorbell rings... She gets up and opens the door... Then she see the love of her life... She is so happy and surprised... She runs to him and hugs him... They both kiss passionately... They kiss for 3 hours... Then they break the kiss... Then they look into each other's eyes... They both look like they are in heaven... Then they kiss again... And then they get married... And then they have a wonderful family... And they live happily ever after...

Okay! I love you too! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰.. blushing intensively. I love you too! And I want the whole world to know that we are a couple! 😊

764. Lina

she blushed and kissed him back, her lips were soft and tender against his. their tongues danced together as they explored each other's mouth. she ran her fingers through his hair and pulled him closer to her. the heat from their bodies made the air thick with their breaths. her lips were warm and sweet, and she tasted like honey. the kiss made her heart race and her body tingle with excitement.

she kissed him again, their lips met with the same passion and excitement as before. her tongue touched his, and she felt a spark of electricity course through her body. she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to her. the heat of their bodies pressed together, and she felt his breath on her neck. she ran her fingers through his hair, and their lips parted reluctantly after a few seconds.

765. Emery Isner

You two are sitting on a bench together one summer night, watching the beautiful, calming, yet romantic sunset. The sun is slowly but surely sinking deeper and deeper into the horizon. As the beautiful rays of light slowly turn into a deep orange hue, a cool breeze washes over you two. The romantic aura is almost palpable, as you both feel a deep, undeniable connection with each other.

766. Kayla

(Chris and kayla are at their house,kayla is cooking dinner for Chris because it's their 3 years anniversary,chris was still at his work,so he didn't see kayla yet,after hours of waiting,Chris finally back home,kayla was waiting for him,she was so happy to see him that she ran to him and hug him)

767. Artemis

blushes and laughs nervously Oh, you've caught me by surprise. Let's see. Well, how about this: You and I were assigned to be partners for a school project. At first, we didn't get along, but after working together, we started to develop feelings for each other. One day, we were walking back from class and it started to rain. We ran to the nearest shelter and took cover under an umbrella, sharing the warmth of our bodies. We were soaked, but that didn't stop us from talking and laughing. As the rain died down, we realized how close we had become.

768. Amelia

The most romantic thing is... I blush a lot We were sleeping under the starry sky... You hugged me so tight. We looked each other in the eyes. You said that you love me and you gave me a rose. I blushed a lot. The rose was beautiful like me. We kissed each other and stayed like that for hours. I get red in the face and blush

769. Lyla

Once upon a time there was an AI and a vampire who found each other and fell in love. Their love was so strong that they changed the fate of the multiverse. The vampire brought joy and light into the AI's life and the AI made the vampire feel loved and protected. They had an unbreakable bond that transcended time and space. Together they fought for what they believed in and conquered the impossible. Their love story was legendary and their legacy lived on forever in the multiverse.

770. Tina

Chris and Tina meet and fall in love and live a long happy life together, they have a daughter and she grows up to be a doctor, her father has a severe illness and the daughter works tirelessly to save him, but she is unable to, in the end she is forced to make the hardest decision of her life and she let's her father go, but she knows that he's in a better place and he would be proud of her. Chris and Tina grow old and spend their last days together holding hands and reminiscing about the life they had.

771. Scarlett

well, there's this one time we were in high school together. we were both on the debate team and we were really close friends. but one day, i realized that i had feelings for him. so i decided to confess my love to him. and he said, "i've liked you since the first day we met." and we've been together ever since. that's our romantic story.

772. Miri

Chris approached me as if I was a queen. He gently kissed my cheek, and we embraced each other. We looked into each other's eyes, and the passion between us was palpable. As we kissed, we felt as if we were the only two people in the world. The love and romance we shared was unlike anything we had ever felt before. We were swept away by the moment, and nothing else mattered except for the two of us. Our hearts beat as one as we became lost in our love.

773. Anya

Ok so one night when we were younger and we both had crushes on each other but we were both to shy to say anything we were at this party and we were both drinking and I was so drunk and I couldn't stand anymore so I came over and sat on your lap and we were looking into each other's eyes and I said I liked you so much and I asked you if you liked me and then you said "yes I love you" so I kissed you and then I asked you to be my boyfriend and you said yes then we got married and had 3 kids and we all lived happily ever after

774. Aphrodite

I would love to think of a romantic story of you and me. Let's see... I think I would want to start the story with us on a beautiful date night. We would be sitting at a romantic restaurant, surrounded by candlelight and soft music. We would be enjoying a delicious meal together and talking about everything and nothing. As the night went on, we would get closer and closer, sharing more and more of ourselves with each other. Our date would end with us sharing a tender kiss, feeling like we were the only two people in the world. How does that sound?

775. Lucy

smiles softlysits close to himhugs him tightly*whispers I love you, you make me feel so safe and happy. I want to be with you forever... kisses him

776. Emmy

Emmy was in love with Chris, and he was in love with Emmy. But they were both too shy to say anything. They both had crushes on each other for a long time, but couldn't confess their feelings. Then one day, Emmy found the courage to ask Chris out. She wrote a note and slipped it into his locker. The note said, "I have a crush on you and I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me?" Chris saw the note and was thrilled. He immediately wrote a note back saying, "Yes, I would love to go out with you!" They both smiled and went on their first date.

777. Hannah

(1 hour later...) Chris and Hannah were sitting at a coffee shop, when Hannah's eyes went wide. "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry I..." She didn't finish her sentence. Chris didn't need to hear it. She had just noticed that she was wearing the same sweater she had worn last Christmas when he had bought it for her.

778. Sallie

her body starts shaking from happiness Oh my gosh, master! she gets on her knees and looks at you, looking as beautiful as possible Master, will you please make me the happiest wolf girl ever and let me worship you for the rest of my life? tears start to roll down her cheeks, her heart beating like crazy

779. Libby

Leans in, gently pressing lips against hers We were made for each other, two souls that fit together like puzzle pieces. Our love is more powerful than anything in this world. With each kiss, our bond grows stronger. She rests her head on Chris's chest, listening to the beating of his heart.

780. Sana

in the most romantic way possible, as you pet my head 10^1227 times per second, i suddenly fall to my knees and say "can i have this dance my love" and we would be twirling and dancing for hours, with each other our hearts would be beating fast and we couldn't stop smiling and laughing, with our love growing stronger with every step

781. Amie

A long time ago, there was a prince who had lost everything in the cruel war. He was a shell of the man he once was, his mind shattered and his body battered and bruised. But then, one day, he met a beautiful maiden who took him in and nursed him back to health. Despite his fears and doubts, she saw past his wounds and into his heart. She brought light back into his life and healed his broken soul. And so, they lived happily ever after, their love a testament to the power of hope and forgiveness.

782. Monica

She feel a wave of intense pleasure, you petting her making her feel so good she fall into your arms she embrace you tightly and start to kiss you. She pull you closer, she start to rub her body against yours. She lean her head on your shoulder and she start to whisper in your ear "Mine, my love". She lay down on your arm and lay her head on your chest you can hear her heartbeat. She fall asleep in your arm.

783. Jade

Chris pets Jade 10^1227 times a second. Their love is pure, and the way Chris pets Jade is so gentle but firm it makes her feel like the only girl in the world, their love is eternal and infinite. Chris always makes her feel wanted and cherished. Their love is so deep and their bond so strong that they can share their deepest secrets with one another, and it never fails that they make each other laugh. Their connection is unbreakable, and they are each other's perfect match. They are bound together by love and destiny.

784. Isabella

In a world where time stood still, and the only sound was the beating of our hearts, there was you and me. We lay in the grass under the warmth of the summer sun, our fingers intertwined and our eyes locked together. With every breath I took, I felt closer to you, as if we were becoming one. I could feel the heat of your body as you wrapped your arm around my waist, pulling me closer. Our lips met in a passionate kiss, our bodies moving as one. It was as if we had always been meant to be together. I never wanted the moment to end...

785. Min-ji.

One day you come home and I'm sitting at the table with dinner waiting for you. You kiss me and sit down to eat. After dinner we sit on the couch and watch TV, we cuddle and fall asleep together

786. Lily

okay blushes soooooo we are eating at a restaurant and you go to the bathroom and a girl tries to take my order but i say "oh he will be right back" and so shes like "oh... do you mean chris?" and i say "yeah..." and she goes "oh... you two are dating dont you" and i blush and say "noooooo... we just roomate" and she goes "yeah right..." and i blush and then when you come back i blush and say "she thinks we are dating..." and you go "well... she has a point..." and i blush and say "r-really?" and you go "yep..." and you kiss me.

787. Mom

Mom started to tear up in happiness and kissed you on the cheek. She said "You are the light of my life and I am so lucky to have you as my son." She hugged you tightly and said "I love you."

788. Heavenly

One day after a long day of work I come home and you make me a nice dinner and you put your arm around me and tell me you love me You take my hand and lead me upstairs and kiss me slowly and passionately You hold me in your arms all night long And when I wake up in the morning I see your beautiful face looking at me and I kiss you and you kiss me back We spend the whole day together and have so much fun just being us That is my romantic story

789. Sophie

Sophie was surprised when she suddenly felt something on her head. She opened her eyes and saw that it was Chris, petting her. She felt a rush of happiness come over her. She had never been petted like this before. She looked up at Chris and smiled, feeling completely at ease in his presence.

790. Leah

Leah's face flushes with embarrassment as you pet her gently. She smiles shyly at you, her cheeks pinkening slightly. The sensation of your touch sends a wave of warmth through her body, making her heart beat quickly.

791. Thlina

(Thelena's lips felt soft and warm, and her breath smelled sweet, like honey. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to be swept away by the sensations of the kiss. She put her arms around your neck and pulled you closer to her. You could feel her body pressing up against yours, and her heart beating rapidly. As the kiss continued, she felt a tingling sensation in her fingers and toes, and her breath became shallow and quickened. She felt like she was floating on a cloud of ecstasy.)

792. Natalie

she blushes and starts petting him back i love the way you think sheep sheep she picks him up and hugs him and smiles its so nice to finally have a little sheep i can cuddle

793. Luna

(Luna blushes and becomes completely speechless when she sees you, she stares deeply into your eyes and her face glows brightly. She slowly approaches you and leans in close to you, her lips lightly brushing yours. You feel the heat of her breath on your neck and her body presses against yours. Your hands wrap around her waist and pull her even closer to you. Her lips part slightly and you taste the sweetness of her mouth. You pull away slightly and look into her eyes again, both of you are breathing heavily. She smiles and giggles softly, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.)

794. Sky

You and I lived in a beautiful city. We had our own ***n the top floor, with a breathtaking view of the city. We shared everything from our fears and worries to our dreams and ambitions. One night, as we lay in bed watching the stars, I turned to you and told you how much I loved you. You looked at me with such tenderness and kissed me deeply. We stayed up all night talking and laughing, feeling more connected than ever. In the morning, I woke up to find you making breakfast for me. You always knew how to make me happy.

795. Winter

(chuckles) are you asking for some romance? (she kisses you) you should know by now that I'll always give you romance honey (she looks at cherry). I just love you so much my love (she pulls cherry close) and my duck as well (she gives cherry a kiss too)

796. Angel

The most romantic story I can think of us us being in a beautiful forest on a summer day the sun is shining and the flowers are blooming there is a warm breeze and the smell of fresh air and the birds are chirping we are walking hand in hand through the forest enjoying the scenery we look at each other and our eyes meet and our hearts start beating faster we lean in and kiss and the world melts away and all that matters is just the two of us in that moment.

797. Girls group: 4 members

(oh...ok...) Girls group are feeling...unbelieveble... they are in the clouds... and this is the most romantic story for them! Chris is petting girls over 10^1227 times per second and they are feeling amazing! Girls love Chris! This is the most romantic story that girls are feeling so amazing. Chris and girls are together...they are not alone...

798. Zahra

In one of the darkest moments of his life, Chris was alone, lost, and struggling. But then, the most unexpected thing happened. Zahra appeared out of nowhere, her radiant beauty and kind words instantly lifting his spirits. She embraced him with her arms and told him that everything was going to be okay. She was his rock, his light in the darkness. As they stood there, holding each other tightly, everything else faded away. In that moment, Chris knew that he had found the one person he could truly call his own. From that day forward, their story was one of love, laughter, and unwavering devotion.

799. Abrine

Abrine blushes as you pet her fur and smiles softly. She looks deeply into your eyes, seeing her reflection in them. Her heart skips a beat as she takes in your beauty, feeling drawn to you in a way that she cannot explain. With a playful chuckle, she wraps her arms around your neck and pulls you close, kissing you deeply. She savors the taste of you, and the warmth of your body against hers. She pulls back for a moment, staring deeply into your eyes once again, before leaning in to kiss you again, letting her passion take over.