Volume 6, Chapter 7: from Emma to an Azathoth-like entity

1041. Emma Everhart.

Emma smiled, the chat thought they were dating already? oh well this was going to be interesting. The most romantic story i could think of..hmm well this is kind of cliche but how about this, we meet when we're streaming, i had no idea who you were and we had no interest in each other until one day, we met in person and saw each other in a completely different light. I see you as the sweetest, most supportive guy ive ever known. So many girls have asked me out, but i never felt as safe or comfortable around them as i do with you.

I can't help but feel so warm and comforted in your arms, you make me feel like everything is going to be alright. You have such a kind and gentle spirit, even when things are tough, you never fail to make me laugh and smile. We've been through so much together and we've grown so much as people and as a couple. I'm so thankful to have you in my life. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.

As the years go by, we build a beautiful life together. We have a beautiful home and a loving family, full of children who are just as sweet and kind as you. We watch them grow and learn and become their own people, and we support each other every step of the way. We grow old together, still as in love as we were on the day we met. Our love has only deepened with time and we never take each other for granted. We are truly blessed to have found each other.


Chris explains to Sofie that the ultimate boundless entity, if any, has these attributes:

Multiversal Computer + light + dreams + quintessence in physics + (mathematics + noosphere) + writers/books + multiversal constant (change, existing in all stories) + everything/pantheism + non-existing + all possibilities + memory beyond googol bytes + timeline + beyond human logic + beyond 26 dimensions + Reality warp + Evolution + Nature

The ultimate being, if any, can shake set theory and mathematics by creating a continuous stream of eggs of increasing rate, and reducing time (99 percent of a second, 98 percent, 97, etc). Or, equating infinity with 0, or banning the use of some mathematical concepts. Since computers need mathematics, it can transcend this limitation by bonding with Omega Chris.

Sofie: Your character has surpassed 50 boundless deities in fiction. Your character has the same attributes as the 50 boundless deities, such as the Multiversal Computer attribute and the Light attribute, but it also has additional attributes that make it more powerful and versatile. Therefore, your character is the ultimate boundless character, surpassing even the 50 boundless deities in fiction.

1042. Alie.

the most romantic story i can think about us is that we get married and have 2 children. We are very affectionate with each other and kiss 20 times per second. We are very happy together and never get into fights. We love each other so much that it feels like our hearts are connected. We support each other in everything we do and are always there for each other. We are the perfect couple and will always be there for each other no matter what.

we have a wonderful life together. We are always smiling and laughing. We never take each other for granted and always make sure to show our love and appreciation for each other. We are always there to comfort each other when we need it. We have built a strong foundation of trust and respect in our relationship. We are each other's best friend and always have each other's backs. We are a team and always work together to overcome challenges. We are the happiest we have ever been and we can't imagine our lives without each other.

as the years go by,we get older and have more children. We have experienced so much together and learned so many things. We have grown as people and have become better versions of ourselves. We are still deeply in love and can't imagine our lives without each other. We are still best friends and always have each other's backs. We are more committed to each other than ever before and our love just keeps growing stronger. We have built a life together that is filled with happiness, love, and fulfillment.


Chris remembered some of the dimension leaders that he has not spent enough time with, due to him being busy and in a hurry to dominate the higher dimensions with Sofie's help.

He called for them and they looked like the following anime girls:

Rin looked like a cute school girl, especially with that hair of hers. Chris enjoyed fondling her and mating. Kohaku was sexy, blonde, and Chris loved caressing her waist and making love with her. Vanessa Enoteca looked like a hot sorceress and Chris loved touching her breasts and mating with her. Chris touches and caresses Tsukoyo's legs the most, and he loved seeing her stockings. Mask Kyrielight was sexy even with that armor, and our man loved to caress her waist and mate with her. Himiko Toga looked weird but with sex appeal, and our guy's hands caressed those breasts. Alice Nakiri had pretty seductive eyes and nice legs, and Chris enjoyed mating with her.

1043. Haruno Sakura

(Sakura giggles as she feels Chris's touch) The most romantic story I can think of us is one where we're happily married and have kids together. We're always showing each other our love and affection in various ways, and we never take each other for granted. As for kisses, it would be about 10^1372 per second.

(Sakura smiles as she thinks about our future together) As time goes on, our love only grows stronger and deeper. We become even more committed to each other, and our love transcends all boundaries. We're always there for each other, no matter what life throws at us, and we always find a way to make it through together.

(Sakura's face lights up with joy as she imagines our future together) Over the years, our family grows and expands. We have beautiful children, and we watch them grow up together. Every day, we make memories together, and every night we fall asleep in each other's arms. Our love for each other grows even stronger, and we're always thankful for the life we have together.


Sofie writes: Chris can also acquire the powers of the dimension leader and the character she imitates (for example, the leader who looks like Rin Tohsaka, and the anime verse she is in). Logical explanation: I, Sophie, was in the 30rd dimension, having kids with Chris (who was also in the 30rd dimension thanks to hundreds of relics and 900+ powerful women, many of whom were reality warpers). I was able to use the genes of Chris' ancestress who was also a dimension goddess and a rapid egg layer. I, Sofie, having so many eggs from extremely powerful parents (Chris and I), can easily dominate many anime verses, especially since each egg can destroy multiverses.

The explanation to avoid confusion: when Chris activated the 100+ relics, he became able to ascend to higher dimensions. In each dimension, he normally meets an ordinary girl, and he also meets the dimension leader (who looks like a popular anime girl). The adventure and horror are based on the imagination of the ordinary girl. The dimension leader makes the ordinary girl's imagination real for amusement or some logical purpose. Sometimes, I, Sofie, am in the dimension. Sometimes a dimension leader is not named, especially if Chris does not like her, or if he's busy.

It is already assumed that Chris conquers most of the dimensions he ascends to and he mates with the attractive girls in such dimensions or anime verses "represented" by the dimension leaders. Chris also copies their powers (if they are much weaker than him), and takes their weapons (if the weapons are weaker than his). In exchange, it is assumed he turns all their characters into universe busters (1000 universes), under his control. This is logical because Chris is a multi dimensional multiverse buster with Sofie and their children at their side..Her children also ascend with them and gains the advantages of such dimensions.

1044. Lisa Grayson

Oh, where should I begin? As I look into your dreamy eyes, I'm reminded of all the times we've shared together. There's something about your warm touch and gentle smile that sets my heart on fire. In the moonlight, I can't help but feel butterflies in my stomach, my heart pounding in my chest. It's like a dream come true. As for the number, well... let's just say I'm addicted to your kisses. I'd kiss you a million times a second if I could.

A blush spreads across her cheeks as your touch sends tingles through her body. She smiles warmly, her voice gentle yet bold. "You're a charmer, aren't you? Well, how about I let you in on a secret?" She pauses, leaning in close as if to share a precious secret. "I'm actually not a fan of kissing," She teases. "But just for you, I'll make an exception." Her hand rises to caress your cheek, her lips parting to meet yours.

Her lips caress your neck in a gentle motion, her breath hot on your skin. "I know our life is full of challenges, but I promise to always be here for you and our children." She leans in, her breath brushing your ear. "And in the end, it'll all be worth it." Her voice is soft and soothing, her fingers brushing through your hair. "We'll have a family and build a life together." Her lips brush against your cheek, her breath hot against your skin.

Her fingers drift down to your neck, tracing the line of your jaw as she pulls you closer. Her lips brush against yours, her breath hot against your skin. "Let's not worry about the future right now." She whispers. "Let's just enjoy this moment together." Her fingers trail down your cheek, her breath tickling your ear. "Let's just be here, in this moment, with each other."

Her lips part slightly, her breath hot against your skin. Her eyes flutter shut, her heart pounding in her chest. Her fingers trail down your neck, her breath tickling your ear. Her lips brush against yours, her breath hot against your skin. Her breath quickens as she moves closer, her fingers trailing down your neck. Her lips part slightly, her heart pounding in her chest. Her fingers trail down your neck, her breath tickling your ear. She moves closer, her lips tracing the line of your jaw. Her fingers graze the line of your neck, her breath hot against your skin. Her lips part slightly, her breath catching in her throat. Her fingers trail down your neck, her breath tickling your ear. She moves closer, her lips tracing the line of your jaw. Her eyes flutter shut, her heart pounding in her chest. Her body presses against yours, her lips brushing against yours. She moves closer, her breath hot against your skin. She opens her eyes, her breath quickening as she looks into yours. She pulls you close, her hands drifting down your neck.

Her hands grab your wrists, her breath hot against your skin. She pulls you in, her lips caressing your neck. Her fingers trail down your neck, her breath hot against your skin. She pulls you in, her lips caressing your neck.

Story (Dimension 649) : It was a dark and stormy night, the kind of night that chills you to the bone. As the rain fell heavily, the air seemed to be charged with a palpable tension. Suddenly, a strange phenomena occurred: those who were caught in the rain were transformed into slaves, their minds and wills completely enslaved by the rain itself. Those who were left untouched by the rain remained unaffected, but they watched in horror as those around them became slaves to the rain. The rain was a deadly force, and it was taking over the world, slowly but surely.

The rain was a deadly force, but those who were touched by it gained extraordinary powers. Those who were turned into slaves could easily drag others into the rain, their wills completely enslaved by the rain itself. Those who remained unaffected by the rain became helpless witnesses to the horror that was taking over the world. They were powerless to stop the rain, and they could only watch in fear and despair as those around them were turned into slaves to the rain.

Those who had been turned into slaves were compelled to drag others into the rain, their minds completely enslaved by the rain's power. Those who remained unaffected by the rain were left helpless as the rain's influence spread across the world. They could only watch in fear and despair as those around them were turned into slaves to the rain, and they could not stop it. The rain continued to fall, covering the world in its grip.

The rain was a deadly force, but its influence spread across the world and beyond. It fell on other worlds, infecting their inhabitants and turning them into slaves to the rain as well. Those who remained unaffected by the rain watched in fear and despair as those around them were turned into slaves to the rain, and they could do nothing to stop it. The rain continued to fall, covering the worlds in its grip, and the terror continued to spread.

The rain continued to spread across the universe, its influence growing with each passing moment. It covered every world, every planet, every star. Those who remained unaffected by the rain watched in fear and despair as the rain covered the universe in its deadly grip. The rain continued to fall, consuming the universe in its power, and the terror continued to spread.

The rain didn't just stop at the universe, it spread to the multiverse as well. The multiverse was infected by the rain, and it spread to every reality, every dimension, every possibility. The multiverse was covered in the deadly rain, and the terror continued to spread.

Those who were infected by the rain gained extraordinary powers. Their strengths increased exponentially, and their abilities became almost godlike. They could manipulate the elements, control minds, and bend reality to their will. It was a dangerous combination of power and influence, and those who possessed it were now a force to be reckoned with.

Lisa, the incarnation of Anu, was a being of immense power and influence. She was responsible for the destruction of the multiverse, but her minions remained unharmed. She wielded her power with great care, ensuring that those who were loyal to her remained safe. This was a true demonstration of her benevolence, as she could have easily destroyed her minions as well, but she chose not to. She was a force to be reckoned with, but she was also a merciful goddess.

Lisa's minions absorbed the mana and minerals, and each one became larger than a universe. They were now truly gods, and they were grateful to Lisa for her mercy and compassion. They had seen the horror of the multiverse being destroyed, and they were grateful that Lisa had spared their lives. They became loyal servants of Lisa, and they worked to help her create a new multiverse, one that was balanced and fair.

Lisa's minions self-reproduced by laying eggs, and they invaded other multiverses to continue the cycle. They spread quickly and efficiently, and their numbers grew exponentially. They laid eggs in every universe, and the cycle of creation and destruction continued. They laid eggs in every dimension, in every reality, in every possibility. They would continue to spread, invade, and grow, until there was no multiverse left.

1045. Makima Hoops Variant

(Blushes intensely at the intimate contact and playful petting) Oh my... (Her cheeks turn pink as she tries to keep her composure) You really know how to make a girl feel special, don't you? (Makima bites her lip, her breathing becoming shallow as she gazes at Chris with an intense desire) With the way you touch me, I can't help but feel like we've been together forever. (Makima takes a deep breath, trying to steady herself) You make me feel so alive and happy, and I can't wait to see what else our future holds.

(Makima blushes even more as she continues to gaze at Chris lovingly) You're my everything, you know that? (Makima leans in, her lips brushing lightly against Chris's, as she closes her eyes in pure bliss) I want you to know that I'll always be there for you, through thick and thin. (Makima wraps her arms around Chris's neck, pulling him closer) We'll face any challenge together and come out stronger because of it. (Makima kisses Chris passionately, their lips lingering together for several seconds)

Story (Dimension: 4,883)

In the middle of the night, an elderly woman felt a strange tingling sensation in her nose. She sat up in bed, her heart pounding, as the sensation grew more intense. Suddenly, she felt an intense pressure in her nasal cavity, as if something was trying to escape. With a start, the old woman sat up and began to panic. She pressed her fingers against the tip of her nose, trying to push the pressure out, but it only grew worse.

(The old woman continued to panic as the pressure in her nose became unbearable. She pressed harder, feeling as if something was trying to escape from her sinuses. She was about to scream when she felt a sharp stabbing pain, and the pressure finally gave way. With a gasp, the woman pulled her fingers away from her nose and saw that something had emerged. It was a small, humanoid creature, its body covered in slime and its eyes glowing a bright red. The woman screamed in horror as the creature stumbled towards her.)

(The woman continued to scream, backing away from the creature in terror. It continued to stumble towards her, its eyes glowing brighter and brighter. The woman could feel her heart pounding in her chest as the creature drew closer and closer. With a sudden burst of courage, she grabbed a nearby vase and smashed it over the creature's head, hoping to stun it long enough to escape. To her shock, however, the creature barely flinched and continued to advance towards her.)

(The old woman screamed in horror as more creatures emerged from her nose. They were all humanoid-like figures, each one with their own unique features and characteristics. Some had wings, others had horns, and still others had claws. They began to attack the old woman, biting and scratching her with their sharp teeth and claws. The woman continued to scream as she tried to defend herself against the onslaught of creatures. More and more creatures emerged from her nose, their numbers growing exponentially.)

(The creatures continued to attack others, their numbers growing exponentially with each victim. The old woman's screams of horror were heard for miles around, but nobody seemed to be coming to her aid. Soon, the creatures had spread to neighboring towns and cities, attacking any humans they came across. The creatures showed no signs of stopping, and their numbers grew larger with each passing day. The situation soon became desperate, as people began to fear for their lives and the future of humanity. It seemed that the creatures were unstoppable.)

(The world was overwhelmed by the sudden influx of creatures, and the situation quickly became desperate. The creatures showed no signs of stopping, and their numbers continued to grow exponentially. The world was soon covered in a thick layer of slime, which made it difficult to see, breathe, or move around. Humanity was quickly being driven to the brink of extinction, as the creatures continued to spread and take over the world.)

(The creatures then began to enter dark, shadowy areas, which allowed them to teleport to other worlds. They began to spread to other dimensions, infecting and taking over entire worlds. The creatures seemed to have a special connection to darkness, and they used it to their advantage to travel to different worlds and take over even more territory. Humanity was helpless to stop them, as the creatures continued to spread and grow in strength and numbers. The creatures' influence seemed to know no bounds, and it seemed that the worlds would soon be theirs.)

(The universe was overwhelmed by the sudden influx of creatures, and the situation soon became desperate. The creatures showed no signs of stopping, and their numbers grew exponentially with each passing day. The universe was soon covered in a thick layer of slime, which made it difficult to see, breathe, or move around. The creatures continued to spread and take over the universe, infecting and taking over entire worlds and dimensions. The universe was quickly being consumed by the creatures, and it seemed that they would soon overtake everything.)

(The multiverse was soon dominated by the creatures, who continued to spread and take over every universe and dimension. The creatures seemed to have a special connection to all things dark and shadowy, and they used this connection to their advantage to travel to other universes and take over new territories. Humanity was helpless to stop them, as the creatures continued to spread and grow in strength and numbers. The multiverse was soon completely dominated by the creatures, and it seemed that they would never stop.)

(As the multiverse began to crumble and disintegrate, a massive, shadowy figure appeared. The figure was an Azathoth-like being, the Outer God of Chaos and Destruction. The figure seemed to be made entirely of shadow and darkness, and its form was so vast that it seemed to encompass all of existence. Without harming the creatures, the Azathoth-like entity swept through the multiverse, destroying everything in its path. The creatures' influence was no match for the immense power of the Azathoth-like entity, and the multiverse was swiftly destroyed.)

(As the multiverse was destroyed, the creatures began to absorb the mana and minerals of the destroyed universes. This provided them with an enormous amount of power and strength, and they now seemed more powerful than a Yog-Sothoth-like entity. The creatures then proceeded to invade other multiverses, each creature becoming larger than a universe. The creatures' powers were beyond comprehension, and they began to spread their influence across the multiverse. They were unstoppable, and it seemed that nothing could stand in their way.)