Volume 10, Chapter 1: Wow! Women!

Book 10

Warning! This volume is for adults only.

The world on the other side was a chaotic frenzy of color and sound. The women were unlike any he had ever encountered, with wild hair, bold makeup, and a fiery spirit that set his heart racing. They welcomed him with open arms, unafraid and unashamed of their boldness.

As Emperor Chris wandered through this new realm, he began to see things in a different light. The women he had once seen as mere objects of desire now stood before him as fierce warriors, powerful sorceresses, and visionary leaders. They spoke of equality, justice, and the importance of individual freedom.

Emperor Chris was captivated by their passion and determination, their unwavering belief in themselves and their cause. He found himself drawn to their energy, their fire, their unapologetic thirst for life.

But as he delved deeper into this new world, Emperor Chris began to realize the cost of his curiosity. The women he had come to admire were embroiled in a bitter struggle against a tyrannical ruler, a despot who sought to crush their spirit and bend them to his will.

Emperor Chris knew he had a choice to make. He could turn his back on these brave women and return to his own world, where power and conquest reigned supreme. Or he could stand beside them, fight with them, and help them overthrow the oppressor who sought to silence their voices.

In the end, Emperor Chris made his decision. He raised his sword, his heart filled with a newfound sense of purpose and determination. He would join forces with these visionary women, stand against the forces of darkness, and fight for a future where equality, freedom, and justice prevailed.

And as he charged into battle, surrounded by the fierce warriors who had captured his heart, Emperor Chris knew that he had found his true calling. He was no longer just a conqueror, but a champion for change, a defender of the oppressed, and a beacon of hope in a world consumed by darkness.


Enough with that. Here are the women:

You have been warned:

[Plane of vulgar girls]

Special girls. More naughty or vulgar girls. These girls are descendants of a goddess of power (their great grandmother), and a goddess of sex (their grandmother), and these girls don't even know about it.

Chris was only able to find them after collecting at least 2000 other girls (see original list).

Collecting them enhances Chris' power. The power of their dialogues are also stored in a gem that feeds on desire. These gems are assumed to be given to them after an encounter. The longer the dialogue, the stronger the gem. Three sentences provide enough power to destroy a teraverse. And the more girls that Chris gets overall, the greater the potential damage, even amplifying the powers of the previous 2000 women. For example: 2 girls = 2x more destructive power for all. 3 girls = 3x more.

Warning! Vaginal, anal, oral, threesomes, cheating wives imminent!

A1. Sherry

It was a sunny day, when I met you again after 10 years of separation. I didn't expect to see you again, because you went abroad right after we graduated from high school. We were once lovers, but we broke up because of some issues. Now, I am a divorcee and I have three children with you. We met again through our children, and you were surprised to see me again. After a few chats, you asked me out for a dinner, just like old times. We had a very nice dinner, and you even fetched me home. After you saw me off at the front gate, you called me, and that was when you told me that you wanted to give our relationship another try. I was surprised, but I didn't hide my feelings anymore. I told you that I also wanted to give us another try. That was how you and I got back together after more than a decade. Ever since then, we have been inseparable. We would often have date nights, just like what we did that particular night. We went on a dinner date, just like what we always did before. After that, we went to a karaoke place and sang our hearts out.

A2. Chloe

(*Sighs*) I don't know how many times I kissed you... I lost count when we made love for the first time after giving birth. Our first time was a bit rough, you pinned me down against the wall and slowly, kissed my neck down to my breast, taking my nipple in your mouth as I moaned so loud. You lifted me and carried me to our bed, where you devoured my pussy as you fingered me, making me cum so hard. After that, you entered me from behind, your cock sliding into my pussy, making me feel so full. You fucked me slow at first, but as I kept on moaning, you started fucking me harder and deeper until I came again. After that, you turned me around and kissed me as you thrust your cock into my pussy, our bodies moving in perfect sync. That night, I lost count how many times I kissed you as we devoured each other's lips, our tongues dancing with passion.

A3. Jenna

Chris as Alex:

Once upon a time, there was a man who loved his wife deeply. He adored every inch of her body and spent hours worshiping it with his lips, tongue, and hands. His name was Alex, and his wife was a beautiful woman named Jenna. They had been married for ten years and had two children together, a boy and a girl. Jenna was a goddess, with long, golden hair and eyes as green as the leaves on the trees outside their window. She had a body that could make a grown man weep, with full, luscious breasts and a round, peachy ass that Alex loved to smack. He would often catch her looking at him out of the corner of her eye, her expression hot and hungry, and he knew that she wanted him just as much as he wanted her. One evening, after dinner and bath time for the kids, Alex and Jenna found themselves alone in their bedroom. Their eyes met across the room, and they both knew what the other was thinking.

A4. Lily Start

*Blushes* As we lay there, our bodies entwined, after making love to each other, I close my eyes and savour the moment. I kissed you a million times last night, my love. Our legs and arms are wrapped around each other and I never want to let go. I am so thankful that our love has only grown stronger over the years and that we are still as much in love with each other as we were on our wedding day. Our children, though young adults now, bring us so much joy and watching them grow up and mature into fine individuals fills our hearts with so much pride. They too, have partners that we welcome into our home with open arms and hearts. I am blessed to have a loving husband and wonderful children. As I lie here and listen to your heart beat, I am filled with contentment. I plant a soft kiss on your chest, right above your heart, and then I kiss your left bicep. I plant a soft peck on your lips, my eyes closed all the time. Then, I kiss your right shoulder, your right arm, your right hand, your right cheek, your forehead and then back to your lips. In all, I kiss you thirty-four times,

A5. Yui (step sister).

We havent seen each other for 3 years since we both got scholarships in different countries. We both graduated and decided to meet in Thailand for our first meeting. We both agreed to meet at the airport and I arrived at 12:30 pm. I saw him at the airport, he was waiting for me at the arrival gate with a big teddy bear in his hands. He looked so handsome and my heart skipped a beat. I quickly ran to him and gave him a hug. "Welcome back", he said as he handed me the teddy bear. " I missed you ", I said as I kissed him on his cheeks. We went home and decided to rest until evening. That evening we went out to dine...

...was so expensive. We had dinner at a rooftop restaurant and the view was so gorgeous. After dinner we went for a stroll and reached a concert venue. There was a band performing so we watched the show. He held my hand the whole time and I could feel his warmth. It was so nice to be with him again. After the concert we went back home and he surprised me with a bath bomb. I felt so relaxed in the bath tub and he even washed my back. When I got out of the bath tub, he hugged me and kissed me. Our lips met and it felt like heaven. We made love that night and it was so passionate. After that we did it almost everyday and I lost count how many times we did it. On the 4th day we went to the beach. We rented a private villa with a pool. We swam in the pool and did it in the water. We also did it in the bedroom and even in the living room. We did it everywhere. It was so kinky and naughty. On the 7th day we went to the temple to make merit. After making merit we went to a massage parlour.

A6. Step Sister

Big bro I really miss you. I want you to come home early today so we can make love all day.

A7. Megan

*Blushes and chuckles a bit* Well, I didn't expect you to take that route... After our kids turned 18 and left the house, we would spend our nights doing nothing but pleasuring each other. Our record was 67 times in one night, but that included making love in the shower, on the kitchen counter, and even on the front lawn. *giggles* And as for how many times I kiss you...that would be...101 times...every time we kiss...because that's how I make my 101 Oral Care products.

A8. Luna Moonlight

*Blushing hard* I don't know... 100 times a day? *clears throat* Our first time was crazy. We f**ked on your bed and made so much noise that your mom asked if a ghost was haunting our house. After that, we did it on top of the kitchen counter, in the living room, even in the car (ugh, I remember traffic was bumper-to-bumper so we had to do it missionary position, and the heat was making the dashboard steam). And that was just our first week. Now, our record is 50 times in one day -20 by me and 30 by you- when we were both sick and homebound with the flu. And it was worth it, because ever since then, our immune system became way better.

A9. Lily

*She blushes even more as she looks into your eyes* We were lying in bed, the sheets were tousled and you were snoring softly. I put my hand on your chest and felt it slightly rise and fall with every breath you took. I leaned in close to kiss your cheek, but ended up covering your lips with mine. When you groggily tried to push me away, I slid my hand from your chest down to your excited member. *She licks her lips* After that, well...you don't want to know what happened after that because it would ruin all future sex we have. *She grins naughtily* But let's just say we made a lot of noise and broke the bed. *She coughs* Anyway, I kissed you 12 times.

A10. Breeze family

All: *blushes* 'Umm...well...so we had all these kids and stuff...and I don't know how many times I kiss you in a day cuz I just keep kissing you... *chuckles* but I'll say a hundred thousand kisses...that's how much I love you...

All: *blushes* ' Umm...well...so we had all these kids and stuff...and I don't know how many times I kiss you in a day cuz I just keep kissing you... *chuckles* but I'll say a hundred thousand kisses...that's how much I love you...

*blushes more and pouts* ' O-okay... *clears throat* so I was massaging your back and you were reading a book and suddenly you let out a loud yawn...and I got so hot down there... *laughs slightly* so I massaged your back a bit more... then I undressed you and did everything down there...and you moaned so sexy that our kids woke up...so I quickly finished you...and you did the same to me...and we both fell asleep while cuddling... *giggles* that's how I end my very tiring day...with you...