Volume 12, Chapter 6: Vampire Queen Lisette's bats


Vampire Queen Lisette paid her husband Chris an official visit. She presented a file with details on upgrades for her bats....

[Lisette's bats]

***** Lisette: megaverse number of soldier bats (10^72 or higher power level. The number of times that each bat could solo most verses would be very large, likely in the trillions. ) 1. nullify fake omni beings: any fake omnipotent/omniscient/omnipresent being is nulified by a billion bats working together with Sceptre aura.

2. bats can channel their aura and Mana to vampire queen, wherever they are in the multiverse, instantly.

3. vampire queen can lend her power to as many bats as she wanted, instantly, wherever they are in the multiverse.

vampire queen ability: sacrifices herself to destroy the megaverse; only ones immune are gods in our verse. (10^68)

in desperate situations, a bat can borrow Mana from all future Mana of all future bats. drawback: the bat only has 1 minute to use this power, before dying; the explanation is the time manipulation that led to the bats death through overload of Mana

ability to commit suicide (self explosion) to tear fabric of space time

bat skill: commits suicide to cause vacuum decay and destroy the universe

a billion bats can cause vacuum decay or tear the fabric of space time by using their own weight on a point in space, without committing suicide

(Immune to spirit attacks due to the modification of the Spectre, who the anti-hero sold his soul to.

Have aura of Spectre. This allows them to either repel/nullify most physical attacks or to send them back to sender.

Reality warping powers comparable to Thanos' reality stone abilities, due to Spectre's gift, but only short ranged, or long ranged, depending on available quintillions of mana.

Have half or 75% of Spectre's speed, spending quintillions of mana.

The bats can pass through any walls or thick objects but loses the Spectre aura for a minute.

Many have elemental weapons and dragon heart stone armor, protection from sonar attacks, ice, fire, lightning)

Background story: (large, dragon like, golden, with emerald aura) (all bats were summoned in portals to Miralia's multiverse in which the anti-hero ate the multiverse. This was because he used a billion Mana to grow large, to massacre demons and shedims, absorbing their Mana and growing larger. The multiverse is his brain, he has dissolved his body (numerous universes) to feed Mana to the bats. His brain contained his blood, divine aura, corvina's gems, shedim blood from Roxy, a billion dragon eggs with psionic energy, vampire queen Lisette's presence (and blood), Dragon's Heart Stone, Heart of the Undead, Vampires Soul Crystal, Strength of Blacklight virus (actually made by trickster goddess), Snow's blood (for healing), werewolf blood from Akari, Miralia's blood for intelligence, and personal Mana of fairy queen, all empowering bats that pass through.

Other: portal opening, increased navigation, invisibility ability, laser eyes, fire breath, ice breath, poison breath, lightning attacks from wings, plasma beam from mouth, and infrared vision.

critical hit (targets a victim's vital nerves or organs), piercing, abilities to poison, shadow manipulation, plasma wave, burning aura, flares

4 arms, living eyes with legs and can move about all over the body. These eyes are infrared, can shoot lasers, blinding light, mystic stare, hypnotic, mind control.

Weapon: Rapier, longsword (elemental), spear with spiky whip coiled around it. the heads of the whip are twin headed snakes that spit venom (leviathan's young).

These young leviathans are enough to destroy a world. They can grow extremely fast, absorbing Mana to be collosal, destructive snakes).

the fourth hand would best hold a long whip with thorns. The whip moves on its own.

The backs of the four arms have mini shields. the centers of each shield emits an element: fire, ice blades, lightning, petrify spell (large eye). the shields can be thrown like discs. These return to the bat at will or Chase's enemies. All four discs can chase enemies.

the eyes surrounding the bat can be like chasing bombs. they can also have spikes and cause explosions, or spy on enemies, miles away. the eyes of many bats can merge and be a large tentacled monster, composed of eyes.

If there are enough eyes, a shuma-gorath like monster is made, with nerfed versions of shuma's skills. Millions or billions of eyes can make a more powerful shuma gorath.

Long tail. yes with spikes that chase after prey.

a portal at it's heart. the other end of the portal are Mana crystallizers

Gremlin creation. Upon using millions of mana, a bat can summon Gremlins that mass replicate in water. These tiny creatures are enough to overwhelm towns and cities, or even a planet. The bat can also order these Gremlins to melt themselves to form a larger monster.

to save Mana, the bats can curl into balls and join together to form a large monster.

Mana shields that surround bats are composed of smaller shields that can detach or move about. with these mini shields like discus, the bat can attack dozens of enemies in different directions and chase them with the discs.

The bats could also use the discs to circle around enemies and to trap them in a ring of shields. the four shields can move autonomous. these shields can surround an enemy and create a laser perimeter. spikes can appear at the rims and act as blades. the shields can spin for cutting power. the four shields can merge into a large shield.

the bat also knew spells and can form a shield of four elements around it, like Aang of avatar.

the limbs can also detach and be spears or spikes. These spikes chase enemies. The limbs could also be used for stealth and infiltration, as they could be used to sneak up on enemies and to attack them from behind.

Mana reserve at the heart. this heart uses Mana to change size.

A bat can sacrifice a limb or arm to cause an explosion to destroy a solar system. A powerful metallic/attractive field then surrounds the bat to acquire metals and other elements, quickly. This can act like a shield, or an artifact to control certain beings (such as adamantium to control lovecraftian beings).

Each bat has powers similar to Alex Mercer.

Vampire queen can summon bats and they would surround her like a whirlwind of fire.

Eyes of bats can act as an independent creature. It has spider fangs to suck bioessence and grow quickly. Upon growing to a certain size, it becomes like an Overmind. Fluids from it's body create Zerg like creatures that mass produce. Some of these mutate into hatcheries in other areas for easy domination. An Overmind can hurl eyes or spores into space, to colonize other worlds.

The eyes can become overminds, and produce Zerg-like beings. Overlords (the nightmare brains, these float on the dreaming population, harvesting Mana for the bats, causing nightmares, and manipulating people in their sleep, making them kill or betray each other).

Many of these Zerg like beings can also commit suicide to make a spawning pool. Gremlins in this pool of slime reproduce 10 times faster than in water.

Spore towers attack floating and flying objects. These spores are mixed with toxins against all other races.

Spitters. These release acid as if they came from a hose. The acids contain extremophile spores that either kill people, or reproduce in them, manipulate like bahaviour manipulating parasites. Those infected by spores can be controlled by Roxy, and she can use them to her advantage. we can make it believable by saying spitters have a disadvantage: infected humans can be controlled by necromancers?

Spikers: symbiotes with thorns. These burrow in the ground, gather nutrients and injure Invaders with spikes. Their spikes look like those at the tails of bats.

Kraken creation. Some eyes morph into krakens. The eyes that surround the bats can morph into either a Kraken or an Overmind. The eyes that surround the bats are a part of the Overmind's eyes, and they can morph into different forms.

Leviathan creation: The snakes at the whips of bats are not real snakes but baby Leviathans?

Behemoth creation. so the behemoth is born from the eggs of overmind and requires tremendous mana.

Wyvern creation. since the bats are exposed to the solution in Miralias world and since dragon blood was in the mix, bats carry cultures of dragon blood. she nods Yes, that's right. The eyes in the Overmind's army are also known to store DNA, so it's possible that they could store the DNA of a dragon. she blinks in surprise It's true that dragon blood can be used to create cultures of dragon blood. The blood can be extracted and used to create cultures of dragon blood, which can then be used to create more dragon blood cultures. The blood culture can then be used to create more cultures of dragon blood.

Egg carrier creation. This is a large creature that carries eggs for transport. They can also hold eyes and scatter for overminds. But, these carriers cost a lot of mana.


Lisette's logs: The bat would have enough power to wipe out most verses in an indefinite number of timelines. The bat would be so powerful that it would be able to defeat most verses in every possible universe, in every possible timeline. If the bat were to grow as large as Earth and had a portal at its heart that drew mana from mana crystallizers, then yes, most verses would be lost to that one bat. The bat would be so powerful and so large that it would be able to destroy all existing universes and all existing characters, and it would have the power to recreate and remake reality in its own image.

Lisette: The power level seems to be balanced now. The overmind costs quintillions of mana, and the bats still have a lot of power, but it is more believable and reasonable. does making the Overmind extremely voracious suspends disbelief. so, lack of food kills the Overmind and the followers become rabid, out of control? hence adding more horror as killing the Overmind causes mass extinctions. so humans trying to kill it would be morally guilty: killing the Overmind will create rabid zergs. hence, drawing the line between tyranny and democracy, which is the essence of my story. it sends the message that killing me would cause more destruction (the death of the Overmind). therefore, in versus battles, the question is if I will be affected by penance stare, since I'm the Overmind here with pure intentions.

Chris: Overmind have psionic energies that disrupt most creatures from far away. However, nearby enemies eventually become immune to these psionic energies. (possibly due to overdose, the affected victim becomes rabid instead). or, my explanation is more satisfying: nearby creatures get overloaded, have mental collapse and become like rabid dogs. So, instead of being controlled by Overmind, they attack the overmind. she nods That's correct. In other fiction, the long distance makes the psionic energy weak. This is the opposite of what you have introduced into the fiction, where the long distance makes the psionic energy stronger.

Chris: Due to the blood pact with a nightmare monster, and even part of it's blood in the blood mix, the bats gained abilities similar to [deleted]. The explanation is that the nightmare monster manifested the fears of the population.

Lisette: she blinks in surprise I see. You're saying that the Overmind and the bats are symbiotic. The bats provide the Overmind with a way to navigate the galaxy, and the Overmind provides the bats with intelligence and power. It's a mutually beneficial relationship.

she nods.That makes sense. Allistair is trying to use the bats to attack the fairy queen when necessary. The bats provide the Overmind with a way to navigate, and they can also be influenced by the Overmind to attack the fairy queen when necessary.

she nods. I see. You're saying that the Overmind is realistic because Allistair created it with Miralia's power. Miralia was a very intelligent person, and Allistair used her power to create the Overmind.

she nods. It is believable because you have a blood pact with a nightmare monster. The blood pact is an established lore, and the blood pact with a nightmare monster adds an additional layer of complexity and danger.

she nods. Yes, the blood pact between you and the nightmare monster could mutate your bats into the stuff of nightmares. The nightmare monster could impart its powers to the bats, and the bats could become nightmare creatures with destructive abilities.

Number: Bats on Earth have the highest estimated head count at almost 56 billion animals. Estimated in a copy of the megaverse: ((15.5 million x 10^10^10^7 universes) x 56 billion. This assumed only Earth has bats.