Volume 13, Chapter 9: Plot - The Monster, Lyra and Chris

The Order's monster

With a snarl of anticipation, the monster rose from its slumber and began to make its way through the shadows of the underground chamber. It moved with a silent grace, its monstrous form blending seamlessly into the darkness. The relics called to it, their power humming in the air like a siren's song.

As the monster drew closer to Emperor Chris's palace, a sense of foreboding settled over the land. The people whispered of a shadow that moved unseen, of whispers that echoed in empty rooms.

Meanwhile, in her distant place, Lyra felt a shiver run down her spine. Something dark and malevolent was stirring in the world, something that threatened to unravel the delicate balance of power that she had worked so hard to maintain. She gathered her relics close to her, preparing for the confrontation that she knew was coming.

And then, in a flash of movement and shadow, the monster appeared. Its eyes blazed with a fierce and terrible light as it faced Emperor Chris and Lyra, its gaze shifting between the two figures. The relics pulsed with energy, a silent battle cry that echoed through the chamber.

Emperor Chris raised his relics, a sneer of arrogance on his face. "You dare to challenge me, creature?" he spat, his voice laced with contempt. "I am the Emperor, the master of all that I survey. You are nothing but a twisted abomination, a mistake of magic and madness."

But the monster only laughed, a chilling sound that sent shivers down the spines of all who heard it. "I am no mistake," it replied, its voice low and rumbling. "I am the inevitable result of your arrogance and greed. And now, I have come to claim what is rightfully mine."

With a roar of fury, the monster lunged forward, its claws outstretched. The relics blazed with power as the two figures clashed, their energies colliding in a maelstrom of magic and mayhem. The chamber shook with the force of their battle, the very walls trembling with the intensity of their conflict.

And as the dust settled and the echoes faded away, only one figure remained standing. The monster stood victorious, its eyes gleaming with triumph as it surveyed the wreckage of its enemies. The relics glowed with a new and terrible light, their power now bound to the will of the creature that had claimed them.

As the monster turned to leave, a vision of the future flashed before its eyes. A world where relics were no longer hoarded and controlled by the few, but were instead shared and wielded by all. A world where power was not a weapon to be used for domination, but a force for good and unity.

And with that vision burning bright in its mind, the monster vanished into the shadows. The Order of the Arcane had created a monster, but they had also unleashed a vision of hope and change upon the world. And as the sun rose on a new day, the people whispered of a creature that had come from the darkness to soon bring light to a world in need of salvation.


Chris awoke from his sleep. What! What a nightmare, he thought. A monster defeating him and taking his relics? Unimaginable. Horrific. Impossible, he thought. There was no way such a monster could sneak into his palace, with all the guards, magical protection, guard towers and even his powerful wives in the vicinity...

Still...it felt so real. Like a prophecy. A story of imminent doom.

Chris shook his head. And who's this Lyra? Was she just a dream or someone real. Chris felt as if she was real. And so was the monster. Was it the same creature that attacked John the hacker? Or was the monster in the dream the real entity whom the researcher based their creations on?

Whatever, Chris thought. He must find out more...

The nightmare kept flashing in his mind. How could people treat the monster as better than me...maybe I'm not really as good as I want myself to be. Or, not as I think I am.

Maybe I am evil after all...

He sighed...


(545 rating)

In the outskirts of a small, quaint village nestled deep in the forest, there lay a hidden cave that was said to house some of the most powerful relics known to mankind. These relics were known as the "The End", ancient artifacts that possessed destructive powers beyond imagination.

Legends told of a group of powerful sorcerers who had created the "The End" centuries ago in a bid for ultimate power. These relics were said to be imbued with dark energy that could bring about unimaginable destruction. The sorcerers had hidden the "The End" away, afraid of what could happen if they fell into the wrong hands.

One day, a young and ambitious archaeologist named Lyra stumbled upon the cave while exploring the forest. Intrigued by the legends of the "The End", she dared to venture deeper into the cave in search of the relics. As she delved deeper into the darkness, she could feel a strange energy pulsating through the walls, beckoning her further in.

Finally, after what felt like hours of walking through the winding tunnels, Lyra came upon a chamber bathed in an eerie blue light. In the center of the room, she saw them - the "The End". The relics appeared to be pulsating with a dark energy, whispering to her of the power they held within.

Unable to resist the temptation, Lyra reached out and touched one of the "The End". In an instant, she felt a surge of power rush through her body, filling her with a sense of euphoria. But as she basked in the newfound power, she could feel a darkness creeping in, a malevolent force that threatened to consume her.

Terrified, Lyra tried to pull away from the relic, but it was too late. "The End" had already claimed her soul, binding her to its destructive power. As she struggled to break free, she felt herself being consumed by a darkness that threatened to obliterate everything in its path.

Desperate to escape the grasp of the "The End", Lyra called out for help, but her voice echoed off the walls of the cave, unheard by any living soul. As she fought against the dark energy that threatened to consume her, she could feel her mind slipping away, replaced by a primal urge for destruction.

In a last-ditch effort to save herself and the village that lay beyond the forest, Lyra mustered all her strength and used the power of the "The End" to create a portal that would banish the relics to another world, never to be found again.

As the relics disappeared into the portal, the dark energy that had bound Lyra began to dissipate, leaving her weak and exhausted on the cold stone floor of the cave. But as she looked around at the destruction that lay in her wake, she knew that the "The End" would always be a threat, waiting to be unleashed by those who sought ultimate power.

And so, with a heavy heart and a newfound respect for the dangers of the ancient relics, Lyra vowed to never let the power of the "The End" fall into the wrong hands again. For in the wrong hands, the destructive relics could bring about untold devastation and chaos, leaving nothing but darkness in their wake. And that was a fate she could not bear to see come to pass.

* A few minutes later, the original Lyra takes The End from the portal.

Thank you, my beloved avatar.


(484 rating)

In a world where powerful relics exist, Lyra was known as one of the most daring relic testers. She had a reputation for taking on the most dangerous relics and pushing them to their limits. But when she laid her hands on a relic known only as "The End," she knew she was dealing with something far beyond anything she had encountered before.

The relic was said to have the power to destroy entire teraverses - vast dimensions of reality that existed parallel to each other. It was a relic of untold power, and Lyra couldn't resist the challenge of harnessing its abilities. She spent time studying the relic, trying to unlock its secrets and understand how to control its devastating power.

Finally, the day came when Lyra felt ready to test "The End." She stood in a remote location, far away from any known inhabited teraverse, and activated the relic. A surge of energy coursed through her, and she felt the power of the relic flow through her veins.

With a thought, Lyra unleashed the power of "The End." A beam of energy shot out from the relic, tearing through the fabric of reality and obliterating half of the teraverses in an instant. The destruction was catastrophic, and Lyra could feel the raw power of the relic as it consumed everything in its path.

But as quickly as it had come, the power of "The End" faded. Lyra could feel the relic draining of its energy, and she knew that it would take a long time before it recharged to its full power again. She was left with a sense of awe and fear at the incredible power she had wielded, and the consequences of her actions weighed heavily on her mind.

As the days passed, Lyra found herself haunted by visions of the destruction she had caused. She saw the inhabitants of the destroyed teraverses, lost and displaced in the aftermath of her test. There were inhabitants after all! She saw the devastation she had wrought, and she couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that gnawed at her conscience.

But as she grappled with the consequences of her actions, Lyra also saw a glimmer of hope. She realized that with great power came great responsibility, and she vowed to use the relic of "The End" for "good." She dedicated herself to studying and understanding the relic, to unlocking its full potential and using it to protect the teraverses from threats beyond their understanding.

And so, Lyra appointed herself the guardian of the teraverses, wielding the power of "The End" not as a weapon of destruction, but as a tool of protection. She traveled from teraverse to teraverse, using the relic to pretend as a heroine, to thwart threats and defend the innocent. And though the relic would take a long time to fully recharge, Lyra knew that as long as she wielded its power with wisdom and compassion, she could make a difference in the vast and wondrous tapestry of reality.


(703 rating)

Emperor Chris sat upon his golden throne, feeling the weight of the universe on his shoulders. He ruled over countless teraverses, each one teeming with life and energy. But now, his generals had arrived in a panic, reporting a disaster of unprecedented proportion.

"Your Majesty, it is as if a great darkness has swept through the known teraverses, destroying everything in its path," General Rael explained, his stoic demeanor cracked with fear. "Nearly 50 percent of known teraverses have been wiped out in an instant. We do not know who or what is behind this destructive force."

Emperor Chris's heart pounded in his chest as he processed the horrifying news. He had never encountered such a threat in all his years of ruling. The thought of so much devastation, so much loss, sent a chill down his spine.

"Have we received any messages from the perpetrators?" the Emperor asked, his voice steady despite the chaos raging within him.

General Aron shook his head, his eyes filled with uncertainty. "No, Your Majesty. It was as if the destruction came out of nowhere, leaving no trace behind. We have no leads, no clues to follow."

Emperor Chris closed his eyes, trying to calm the storm of emotions swirling inside him. He knew that he needed to act quickly, to protect his remaining territories and prevent further destruction. But how could he fight an enemy that seemed to appear out of thin air?

Rising from his throne, Emperor Chris addressed his generals with a steely determination. "We must gather all our resources, all our forces, and prepare for whatever comes next. We cannot let this unknown enemy bring our empire to ruin. We must be vigilant, we must be strong."

The generals saluted their Emperor, their faces grim with the weight of the task ahead. They knew that the fate of the teraverses lay in their hands, and they would do everything in their power to protect their people and their ruler.

As the days passed, Emperor Chris and his generals worked tirelessly to investigate the mysterious destruction that had befallen their territories. They scoured the remains of the devastated teraverses, searching for any clue that could lead them to the culprits behind the attack.

But time was running out, and the enemy showed no sign of relenting. Each day brought news of more teraverses falling to the same destructive force, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake.

Emperor Chris knew that he needed to find a way to stop this unknown enemy before it was too late. He called upon the greatest minds in his empire, the most brilliant scientists and strategists, to devise a plan to counter the threat.

After weeks of intense research and planning, a breakthrough came. The scientists had discovered a pattern in the attacks, a strange energy signature that seemed to be the key to tracking down the source of the destruction.

With this newfound knowledge, Emperor Chris and his generals launched a daring mission to locate the enemy and put an end to their reign of terror. They traveled through the remaining teraverses, following the energy signature to its source.

Finally, after a long and arduous journey, they arrived at a massive cosmic rift, a tear in the fabric of reality from which the destructive force emanated. Standing before the rift, Emperor Chris felt a surge of power within him, a sense of purpose that drove him forward.

With a fierce determination, Emperor Chris and his generals unleashed all their might against the enemy that lurked within the rift. A titanic battle ensued, a clash of cosmic forces that shook the very foundations of the teraverses.

In the end, it was Emperor Chris's unwavering resolve and his visionary leadership that saved his empire from the brink of destruction. The enemy was vanquished, their dark power scattered to the winds, never to threaten the teraverses again.

As the dust settled and the teraverses began to heal, Emperor Chris stood victorious, his heart full of pride for his people and his empire. The darkness had been defeated, and light once again shone in the universe.

And so, the tale of Emperor Chris and the destruction of the teraverses became a legend, a testament to the power of unity, courage, and foresight in the face of unimaginable adversity.


(583 rating)

In the omniverse of Altrion, there existed a mysterious and powerful sorceress known as Lyra. She was feared by many for her dark magic and ruthless nature. This alternate Lyra had long been a thorn in the side of the good emperors, who had sworn to rid the land of her evil influence.

Lyra, however, was not content with being seen as a villain. In her twisted mind, she saw herself as a heroine, fighting for her own twisted version of justice. She had convinced herself that her dark deeds were necessary for the greater good, and she relished in the fear and chaos she spread wherever she went.

An alternate Emperor Chris had been relentless in his pursuit of Lyra, always one step behind her as she slipped through the shadows. But Lyra was not one to be caught easily. She knew the emperor's tactics all too well, and she had a plan to throw him off her trail once and for all.

As Chris closed in on her hiding place, Lyra opened a rift in space, creating a dazzling display of light and energy that momentarily blinded the emperor and his men. In that moment of confusion, Lyra seized her chance and created a perfect replica of herself, a clone that mirrored her every move and gesture.

Emperor Chris and his men, still reeling from the sudden burst of energy, were taken aback by the sight of two Lyras standing before them. They hesitated for a moment, unsure of which one was the real sorceress and which was the imposter.

Lyra smirked at the confusion on their faces, knowing that she had bought herself precious time with her cunning deception. The clone she had created was a flawless replica, down to the last detail, and she knew that it would be able to withstand the attacks of the emperor and his men long enough for her to make her escape.

As emperor Chris and his men launched their assault, the clone of Lyra did not falter. It stood its ground, deflecting spells and energy blasts with ease, its eyes glowing with an eerie light that seemed to pierce through the darkness.

But despite its impressive display of power, the clone could not hold out forever. Emperor Chris was a skilled warrior, and he knew how to exploit even the smallest weaknesses in his opponent's defenses. With a swift and precise strike, he pierced the clone's heart, shattering it into a thousand pieces.

Lyra watched in horror as her creation fell to the ground, its body dissipating into a cloud of dark energy. She knew that her ruse had been discovered, and that she was now truly alone against the might of the emperor and his men.

With a defiant glare, Lyra turned and fled into the shadows, disappearing into the darkness as emperor Chris and his men gave chase. She knew that she could not escape forever, but she was determined to fight to the bitter end, to prove once and for all that she was not just a villain, but a heroine in her own twisted way.

As the echoes of their battle rang through the night, the people of Altrion whispered in fear and awe of the sorceress who dared to defy the emperor, who dared to challenge fate itself. And in the heart of the darkness, Lyra laughed, a cruel and bitter sound that echoed through the night, a sign that even in defeat, her twisted spirit would never be truly broken.


Christine has written another short story, but she felt as if it does not fit in her collection...

Greed for relics? Realizing the gravity of her mistake, Lyra made a desperate choice. With a heavy heart, she used the gem to seal the relics' powers once more, sacrificing her own desires for the greater good. The teraverses began to stabilize, the destruction slowly fading as the relics' energies were contained once more.

As she stood amidst the ruins of the worlds she had inadvertently destroyed, Lyra vowed to never again tamper with powers beyond her understanding. The gem glowed faintly in her hands, a reminder of the danger that lurked within the relics.

And so, with a heavy heart and a newfound sense of humility, Lyra set off on a new journey, determined to right the wrongs she had unleashed upon the teraverses. With the gem as her guide, she embarked on a quest to restore balance to the worlds she had unwittingly torn asunder, her heart heavy with regret but hopeful for redemption.

And so, the tale of Lyra and the relics became a cautionary legend, a warning to all who sought to wield powers beyond their comprehension. For in the depths of the teraverses, the relics lay dormant once more, their powers waiting to be unleashed by a more deserving hand. But for now, they remained hidden, their secrets guarded by the very woman who had unleashed their destructive force.

* Christine archived the file, unwilling to include it in her novel. It's not canon, she thought.
