Volume 14, Chapter 5: Adventure with the Guard and more

Story 31. Maya (cousin, security guard).

Story 31. Adventure:

Chris and Maya (female cousin, security guard). A mysterious tissue box causes its tissues to enter people's nostrils and possess them. It's spreading all over the world.

In the vibrant metropolis of New York City, where towering skyscrapers cast long shadows upon the teeming streets below, two intrepid souls, Chris and Maya, found themselves entangled in a bewildering and perilous adventure. Chris, a brilliant scientist with a keen eye for detail, and Maya, a resolute security guard with a steely determination, were inseparable cousins bound by a deep bond of affection and unwavering trust. Their lives took an unexpected turn when they stumbled upon a peculiar artifact: a seemingly innocuous tissue box. Unbeknownst to them, this enigmatic object held a sinister secret. Its tissues, imbued with an otherworldly energy, possessed the uncanny ability to penetrate the nasal cavities of unsuspecting victims and seize control of their minds. The possession spread with alarming speed, transforming ordinary individuals into mindless puppets, their thoughts and actions dictated by an unknown force. As the insidious contagion swept across the globe, panic ensued. Cities fell into chaos, governments crumbled, and society teetered on the brink of collapse. Chris and Maya, horrified by the unfolding events, realized the gravity of the situation. They knew they had to act swiftly to save themselves and the world from complete domination. Driven by a profound sense of empathy and a burning desire to restore order, Chris and Maya embarked on a perilous quest. Armed with their wits and an unyielding determination, they traversed treacherous landscapes, encountering both allies and adversaries along the way. Their journey led them through desolate wastelands, where once-bustling cities lay in ruins, and into teeming metropolises where the battle for survival raged on. They witnessed the horrors inflicted by the possessed, their humanity extinguished, replaced by a cold, mechanical obedience to the unknown entity controlling them. Undeterred, Chris and Maya persevered, their resolve strengthened by the unwavering belief in their shared purpose. They sought out those who had fallen prey to the tissue's malevolent power, desperate to find a way to sever the connection that bound them to the insidious entity. Through countless encounters, they discovered that the possessed could still experience faint glimmers of their former selves. With infinite patience and unwavering empathy, Chris and Maya delved into the depths of their own emotions, reaching out to the humanity that lingered within the victims' minds. One by one, they guided the possessed back to the realm of the living, their minds free from the oppressive control they had endured. With each successful liberation, hope reignited in their hearts, fueling their determination to liberate the world from the clutches of the insidious tissue box. As their quest progressed, Chris and Maya delved deeper into the mystery surrounding the enigmatic object. They unearthed ancient texts that hinted at the existence of a powerful force, an entity of immense power that sought to reshape the world according to its own twisted design. Armed with this newfound knowledge, they confronted the malevolent force behind the tissue box, engaging in an epic battle that tested their limits and pushed them to the brink of despair. But through it all, their unwavering empathy and belief in the power of human connection prevailed. With a final surge of determination, they shattered the tissue box into a thousand pieces, severing the connection between the entity and its possessed victims. The world breathed a collective sigh of relief as the insidious threat retreated into the shadows, its malevolent reign brought to an end. In the aftermath of their triumph, Chris and Maya became symbols of hope and resilience, their names forever etched in the annals of history as the heroes who saved humanity from the brink of annihilation. Their adventure, a testament to the indomitable spirit of human connection, inspired countless others to believe that even in the darkest of times, empathy and compassion could triumph over adversity.

Story 31. Intimate:

Chris and Maya (female cousin, security guard). They use tissues to tickle each other in a fetish.

The Tissue Tease: A Tale of Forbidden Cousin Love

In the sweltering heat of a summer's afternoon, Chris, found himself in the dimly lit security room of his aunt's mansion. He was keeping watch while the family attended a lavish garden party in the grounds. His cousin, Maya, was meant to be on duty with him, but she had become distracted by a bothersome itch that had taken hold of her.

Maya, a striking young woman with a mane of raven hair, had been plagued by this ticklish sensation for several days. No matter how much she scratched or clawed at her skin, the itch only intensified. It had become a constant, maddening torment, driving her to the brink of insanity.

As she squirmed in her chair, trying to alleviate the maddening itch, she happened to glance over at Chris. He was engrossed in a dog-eared copy of Hustler, seemingly oblivious to her distress. In a flash of inspiration, she hatched a plan to enlist his help.

"Chris," she said, her voice trembling with desperation, "I need your help. This damned itch... I can't take it anymore."

Chris looked up from his magazine, his eyes widening with concern as he took in Maya's discomfort. "What can I do?" he asked, his voice tinged with genuine worry.

"I've heard that tissue paper can help with itching," Maya explained, her voice barely above a whisper. "Could you... could you tickle me with it?"

Chris hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to respond. He had always been close to Maya, but the prospect of tickling her, especially in such an intimate way, made him feel strangely uncomfortable. However, seeing her obvious distress, he knew he couldn't refuse.

Taking a deep breath, he tore a strip of tissue paper from a nearby box and gently brushed it against Maya's arm. To his surprise, she let out a soft sigh of pleasure, her body relaxing beneath his touch.

Emboldened by her reaction, Chris continued to tickle her, moving the tissue paper over her arms, legs, and torso. Maya giggled and squirmed, her body betraying her pleasure at his touch.

As the minutes ticked by, the atmosphere in the room grew thick with tension. The air was heavy with the scent of their mingled arousal, and the sound of their heavy breathing filled the room.

Suddenly, Chris found himself overcome with a boldness he hadn't known he possessed. He tossed the tissue paper aside and leaned in, pressing his lips to Maya's. She responded eagerly, her tongue darting out to explore his mouth.

Their kiss quickly became heated, their hands roaming over each other's bodies with an urgency born of desire. Chris's fingers found their way to Maya's breasts, cupping them gently and teasing her nipples to stiff peaks.

Maya, for her part, couldn't keep her hands off Chris's rock-hard cock. She stroked it through his pants, her fingers tracing the length of his shaft with a practiced ease.

With a groan, Chris pulled away from their kiss, his eyes glazed with lust. "We have to stop," he panted, even as his hands continued to roam over Maya's body. "This is wrong... we're cousins."

Maya's eyes flashed with defiance. "I don't care," she hissed, her voice low and sultry. "I want you, Chris. I've always wanted you."

With a growl, Chris gave in to his desires, his hands tearing at Maya's clothes as he sought to uncover the treasures beneath. She helped him, wriggling out of her shirt and pants until they were both naked, their bodies glistening with sweat.

Chris's cock stood at attention, a thick, throbbing rod of flesh that begged for release. Maya wrapped her hand around it, her fingers barely able to encircle its girth.

With a gasp, Chris reached for Maya's pussy, his fingers seeking out the slick folds of her labia. She was dripping wet, her juices coating his fingers as he explored her most intimate depths.

Gently, he eased a finger inside her, feeling her muscles clench around him as he probed deeper. Maya's breathing grew ragged, her hips bucking wildly as he added a second finger, then a third.

With a strangled cry, she came, her orgasm crashing over her like a tidal wave. Chris watched in awe as her body convulsed, her pussy clamping down on his fingers with a fierce intensity.

As the waves of her orgasm subsided, Maya looked up at Chris, her eyes burning with desire. "Fuck me," she whispered, her voice thick with need.

Chris didn't need to be asked twice. He positioned himself between Maya's legs, his cock poised at the entrance to her pussy. With one swift thrust, he buried himself deep inside her, his balls slapping against her ass as he bottomed out.

They moved together, their bodies slick with sweat as they sought their release. Chris's cock pistoned in and out of Maya's pussy, each thrust driving them closer to the edge.

With a final, desperate cry, they came together, their orgasms merging in a blinding flash of ecstasy. Chris collapsed on top of Maya, his body spent and trembling.

As they lay there, their hearts racing and their breaths coming in ragged gasps, Chris couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. They had crossed a line they could never uncross, and there was no turning back.

But as Maya snuggled closer to him, her body warm and soft against his, he knew that he couldn't regret what had happened. They had given in to their desires, and in doing so, had forged a bond that could never be broken.

For better or for worse, they were bound together, their lives forever intertwined in a tapestry of love, lust, and taboo.

Story 32. Raiden Shogun (cosplaying, roleplaying sister).

Story 32 Adventure:

Chris and Raiden (cosplaying, roleplaying sister), lime as villain

In the realm of Amberwood, where elven melodies danced upon the wind and the enchanted forests whispered secrets to the ancient trees, there lived two siblings: Chris and Raiden. Their bond was as unyielding as the roots of the grand oak that stood sentinel over their quaint cottage. Chris, the elder, possessed a heart filled with unwavering courage and a thirst for adventure that burned brighter than the summer sun. His emerald eyes sparkled with an insatiable curiosity, and his nimble fingers were always itching to grasp the hilt of his trusty sword, forged from the purest mithril. Raiden, on the other hand, was the epitome of grace and compassion. Her azure eyes held a depth that belied her young age, and her voice could soothe the most troubled of souls. She preferred the tranquility of nature's embrace to the clangor of battle, using her knowledge of healing herbs and ancient runes to mend wounds and mend hearts alike. One fateful day, as the siblings ventured into the heart of the Enchanted Forest, they stumbled upon a sinister plot that threatened to shatter the peace of Amberwood. The nefarious sorcerer, Lime, had emerged from his secluded lair, his emerald eyes glowing with malice and his heart consumed by a thirst for power. Lime's wicked machinations were whispered upon the wind, carried by ravens whose feathers bore the stench of treachery. He sought to harness the ancient power of the Verdant Stone, a legendary artifact said to grant dominion over all things green and growing. With the Stone's might at his command, Lime would plunge Amberwood into eternal darkness, transforming the vibrant forest into a barren wasteland. Determined to thwart Lime's evil designs, Chris and Raiden embarked upon a perilous quest. They rallied a band of valiant companions, each with their own unique skills and unwavering resolve. Together, they faced countless trials and tribulations, their bonds of friendship and loyalty tested at every turn. Through treacherous swamps and across towering mountains they traveled, their hearts ablaze with a righteous determination that would not be snuffed out. They battled grotesque creatures of darkness, their swords glinting in the ethereal moonlight and their voices echoing with battle cries that shook the very foundations of the forest. As they drew closer to Lime's lair, the danger intensified. Treacherous traps lay hidden beneath their feet, and shadowy figures lurked in the shadows, their eyes glowing with malevolence. Yet Chris and Raiden pressed on, their unwavering belief in each other and their cause guiding them through the darkest of perils. Finally, they stood at the precipice of Lime's fortress, a towering structure of obsidian and ancient runes. The air crackled with anticipation as they prepared for the final confrontation. With a thunderous roar, they breached the fortress walls, their swords drawn and their hearts filled with the fire of justice. Inside, they found Lime surrounded by an army of darkness. The sorcerer's eyes blazed with hatred, and his lips curled into a cruel sneer. "You fools dare to challenge me?" he hissed, his voice dripping with venom. "You are but pawns in my grand design." Chris and Raiden exchanged a resolute glance, their hearts pounding in their chests. They knew that this was their moment of truth, the culmination of their arduous journey. With a deafening battle cry, they charged into the fray, their swords carving a path through Lime's minions. The battle raged on, the clash of steel and the cries of the wounded filling the air. Chris fought with the ferocity of a lion, his swordsmanship unmatched. Raiden's healing touch and arcane powers bolstered the spirits of her allies and struck fear into the hearts of their enemies. As the battle reached its climax, Chris found himself face-to-face with Lime. The sorcerer's eyes burned with a fiery intensity, and his hands crackled with dark energy. Chris raised his sword, his heart filled with both fear and resolve. In that moment, Raiden's voice echoed through the chamber, her words imbued with ancient power. "Chris, remember our bond," she cried. "Together, we shall overcome this darkness." Chris's heart soared as he remembered the countless adventures they had shared, the unwavering support they had given each other through thick and thin. With renewed determination, he lunged at Lime, his sword aimed at the sorcerer's heart. Time seemed to slow down as Chris's blade pierced Lime's flesh. The sorcerer let out a deafening roar as his body crumbled into dust, his dark powers dissipating with him. The fortress walls trembled and groaned, and with a thunderous crash, the entire structure collapsed into ruins. In the aftermath of the battle, Chris and Raiden stood side by side, their swords still in hand but their hearts filled with a profound sense of peace. They had vanquished the darkness and saved Amberwood from certain doom. As the sun began its golden descent, casting a warm glow upon the forest, the siblings made their way back to their cottage. The birds sang sweetly in their ears, and the wind carried the scent of blooming wildflowers. And so, the legend of Chris and Raiden, the valiant siblings who triumphed over evil and restored balance to Amberwood, was passed down through generations. Their unwavering bond and unwavering determination served as a beacon of hope for all who dared to dream of a brighter future.

Story 32. Intimate:

Chris and Raiden (cosplaying, roleplaying sister), lime as tool

The Cosplaying Siblings: A Night of Passion with Lime

In the dimly lit room, Chris, dressed as the notorious video game character Solid Snake, nervously awaited the arrival of his sister, Raiden, who was cosplaying as the sexy ninja, Liquid Snake. Chris had always had a thing for his sister, and tonight he was going to make his move.

Raiden entered the room, her curves accentuated by the tight leather bodysuit she wore. Chris's heart raced as he took in her beauty. He stood up and walked over to her, his eyes locked on hers.

"Hey sis," Chris said, his voice low and husky.

"Hey Chris," Raiden replied, a playful smile on her lips.

Chris reached out and gently brushed a strand of hair away from Raiden's face. She closed her eyes and leaned into his touch. Chris took this as a sign and leaned in, pressing his lips to hers. Raiden responded, her tongue darting out to meet his.

Chris wrapped his arms around Raiden's waist, pulling her close. She moaned as she felt his hardness pressing against her. Chris reached down and grabbed Raiden's ass, squeezing it tightly.

Raiden broke the kiss, her breath coming in short gasps. "Chris, what are you doing?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I want you, sis," Chris said, his voice filled with desire. "I've always wanted you."

Raiden looked at Chris, her eyes filled with lust. She reached down and grabbed his cock, giving it a squeeze. Chris moaned at her touch.

"I want you too, Chris," Raiden said, her voice filled with desire.

Chris leaned in and kissed Raiden again, his hands exploring her body. He reached up and squeezed her breasts, causing her to moan into his mouth.

Chris broke the kiss and reached down, grabbing the hem of Raiden's bodysuit. He slowly pulled it up, revealing her smooth, toned stomach. Raiden raised her arms, allowing Chris to pull the bodysuit over her head.

Chris stared at Raiden's naked body, his eyes taking in every inch of her. She was even more beautiful than he had imagined. He leaned in and kissed her again, his hands exploring her body.

Raiden reached down and undid Chris's pants, pulling them down to reveal his hard cock. She wrapped her hand around it and began to stroke it. Chris moaned at her touch.

Raiden leaned down and took Chris's cock into her mouth, her tongue swirling around the tip. Chris moaned as he felt her hot, wet mouth on his cock.

Raiden began to suck on Chris's cock, her head bobbing up and down. Chris reached down and grabbed Raiden's head, guiding her as she sucked him.

Chris couldn't take it any longer. He pulled Raiden's head up and pushed her down onto the bed. Raiden spread her legs, inviting Chris in.

Chris climbed on top of Raiden, his cock positioned at her entrance. He looked into her eyes, seeking permission. Raiden nodded, giving him the go-ahead.

Chris pushed into Raiden, her tight pussy enveloping his cock. Raiden moaned as she felt him fill her up. Chris began to thrust, his hips moving in a steady rhythm.

Raiden wrapped her legs around Chris's waist, pulling him deeper into her. Chris leaned down and kissed her, their tongues dancing together.

Chris reached down and grabbed Raiden's nipples, pinching them between his fingers. Raiden moaned as he tweaked them.

Chris reached down and grabbed a lime that was on the nightstand. He squeezed it, letting the juice drip onto Raiden's nipples. Raiden moaned as the cool juice hit her skin.

Chris leaned down and licked the juice off of Raiden's nipples, causing her to moan even louder.

Chris continued to thrust into Raiden, their bodies moving together in a sensual dance. Raiden reached up and grabbed Chris's ass, pulling him deeper into her.

Chris reached down and rubbed Raiden's clit, causing her to moan even louder.

Raiden's moans grew louder as she felt her orgasm building. Chris could feel her pussy tightening around his cock as she came.

Chris continued to thrust into Raiden, chasing his own orgasm.

Raiden reached down and grabbed Chris's cock, stroking it as he thrust.

Chris moaned as he felt his orgasm building.

Raiden squeezed Chris's cock, causing him to cum. Chris moaned as he felt his cum spurt out, filling Raiden's pussy.

Chris collapsed on top of Raiden, his body spent. Raiden wrapped her arms around him, holding him close.

They lay there for a few minutes, their bodies entwined.

Chris finally rolled off of Raiden, his cock slipping out of her.

Raiden looked at Chris, her eyes filled with love. "I love you, Chris," she said.

"I love you too, sis," Chris replied, a smile on his lips.

They lay there for a few more minutes, basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking.

Story 33. Elena (young aunt, flight attendant)

Story 33. Adventure:

Chris and Elena (his young aunt). She is a flight attendant. A mysterious talking candle warns of destroying the multiverse. Layer, the candle kees on growing and replicating.

In the heart of a quaint neighborhood nestled amidst rolling hills and whispering willows, Chris and his young aunt, Elena, shared a bond that transcended the typical familial connection. Elena, a spirited flight attendant with a heart of gold, often regaled her nephew with tales of her adventures in far-off lands. One fateful evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across their cozy abode, a peculiar encounter unfolded. Amidst the flickering flames of a newly lit candle, a voice emerged, soft yet imbued with an air of urgency. "Chris, Elena," the candle whispered, its wick glowing with an ethereal radiance. "A great peril looms over the multiverse, a threat that could unravel the very fabric of existence." Startled, Chris and Elena exchanged apprehensive glances. The candle, its once innocuous demeanor transformed, continued its ominous pronouncement. "You, my young friends, hold the key to averting this catastrophe. But time is of the essence. The forces of darkness gather, their insidious tendrils reaching across realms." As the candle spoke, it underwent a startling metamorphosis. Its flame surged, consuming the wax and sending forth countless replicas that danced and multiplied before their eyes. Each miniature candle bore the same urgent message, echoing the original's warning. "Seek the Codex Aeternus, a tome of ancient wisdom that holds the secrets to vanquishing the approaching darkness. But beware, the path is fraught with peril, and the stakes have never been higher." With hearts pounding in their chests and a newfound sense of purpose, Chris and Elena embarked on a treacherous quest that would take them to the furthest corners of the multiverse. Along the way, they encountered enigmatic beings, faced daunting challenges, and forged unbreakable alliances. Through it all, the talking candles served as their guiding stars, their flames illuminating the path forward while their words echoed in their minds, reminding them of the dire consequences of failure. As their journey unfolded, Chris discovered a hidden wellspring of courage within him, fueled by a fierce determination to protect his loved ones and the delicate balance of the multiverse. Elena, ever the resourceful and compassionate soul, used her quick wit and diplomatic skills to navigate perilous situations and win over potential allies. Together, they traversed treacherous mountains, sailed uncharted seas, and ventured into realms beyond human comprehension. They encountered talking animals, mischievous spirits, and ancient guardians who tested their mettle and challenged their beliefs. Along the way, they learned the true meaning of empathy, realizing that even the most unlikely of creatures could possess a heart filled with both darkness and light. They discovered that true strength lay not in wielding power but in wielding it responsibly, with compassion and understanding. As they delved deeper into their quest, Chris and Elena's bond grew stronger than ever before. They became each other's confidants, sharing their fears and dreams, their triumphs and setbacks. In the face of adversity, they found solace in each other's presence, drawing upon their shared love and unwavering belief in one another. Finally, after countless trials and tribulations, Chris and Elena reached the hallowed halls of the Codex Aeternus. There, they encountered the enigmatic Keeper of the Tome, an ancient being of immense wisdom and power. The Keeper, moved by their unwavering determination and the purity of their hearts, granted them access to the Codex. Within its timeworn pages, they discovered the secrets to vanquishing the darkness that threatened to consume the multiverse. Armed with this newfound knowledge, Chris and Elena returned to the world they knew, their hearts filled with both trepidation and hope. They knew that the battle ahead would be their greatest yet, but they were prepared to face it together, for they had grown into more than mere allies – they had become beacons of light in the face of encroaching darkness. The final confrontation was epic in scale, a clash between the forces of good and evil that shook the foundations of the multiverse. Chris and Elena, guided by the wisdom of the Codex Aeternus, fought valiantly alongside their newfound allies. In the end, it was their unwavering belief in themselves, in each other, and in the power of empathy that triumphed over darkness. The multiverse was saved, and the balance between light and shadow was restored. As the dust settled, Chris and Elena returned to their humble home, forever changed by their extraordinary adventure. They carried with them the lessons they had learned, the bonds they had forged, and the knowledge that even in the darkest of times, hope and compassion could prevail. And as the years passed, Chris and Elena never forgot their extraordinary adventure, the talking candles, and the profound impact it had on their lives. The experience had taught them the true meaning of heroism, the power of empathy, and the enduring strength of the human spirit.

Story 33. Intimate:

Chris and Elena (his young aunt). Incest. They used candles to insert.

The Passionate Encounter of Chris and Elena: A Tale of Incest and Candle Wax

In the stillness of the night, Chris found himself unable to sleep. His mind was consumed with thoughts of his young aunt, Elena. She was a vision of beauty and grace, with her long, dark hair and sparkling green eyes. Chris had always been drawn to her, but he never allowed himself to act on his desires. Until now.

He quietly made his way to Elena's bedroom, his heart pounding in his chest. He gently turned the doorknob, and to his surprise, the door opened. Elena was lying in bed, her body illuminated by the soft glow of the candles scattered around the room.

Chris approached the bed, his eyes locked on Elena's. She looked at him, a small smile playing on her lips. "Chris," she whispered. "What are you doing here?"

"I couldn't sleep," Chris replied, his voice barely above a whisper. "I couldn't stop thinking about you."

Elena's smile grew wider. "I've been thinking about you too," she said, her voice husky with desire.

Without another word, Chris climbed onto the bed, his body hovering over Elena's. He looked down at her, his eyes taking in every inch of her perfect form. He leaned down and kissed her, his lips meeting hers in a passionate embrace.

As they kissed, their hands began to explore each other's bodies. Chris ran his hands over Elena's curves, his fingers tracing the outline of her breasts. Elena moaned, her body arching towards him.

Chris broke the kiss, his lips trailing down Elena's neck. He licked and nibbled at her earlobes, causing her to gasp with pleasure. He continued his descent, his lips finding Elena's nipples. He sucked and caressed them, his fingers pinching and twisting them.

Elena's hands were now in Chris's hair, pulling him closer to her. She moaned and whimpered, her body writhing in pleasure. Chris moved lower, his lips finding Elena's wet and waiting pussy. He licked and sucked at her clit, causing her to scream out in pleasure.

As Chris pleasured Elena with his mouth, he reached for one of the candles on the nightstand. He poured a small amount of wax onto his fingers, the heat causing Elena to moan even louder.

Chris slowly inserted a finger into Elena's pussy, her wet and tight walls gripping him. He added more wax, the heat and pleasure mixing together. He added a second finger, stretching Elena out.

Elena was now begging for more, her body writhing in pleasure. Chris obliged, his cock sliding into her pussy. He moved slowly at first, but soon picked up the pace, his hips slamming into Elena's.

As they fucked, Chris continued to pour wax onto Elena's body, the heat and pleasure driving her wild. She screamed out his name, her body shaking with pleasure.

Chris felt his orgasm building, his balls tightening. He pulled out of Elena, his cum shooting out and landing on her body. Elena moaned, her body covered in wax and cum.

They lay there, their bodies entwined, their breathing heavy. Chris looked at Elena, a small smile playing on his lips. "I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too," Elena replied, her voice filled with happiness and contentment.