Volume 15, Chapter 10: The missing husband

Science story 11.

The sun was setting on a quiet suburban neighborhood as the Johnson family gathered for dinner. Laura was bustling around the kitchen, setting the table while her two children, Tommy and Sarah, were arguing over who got to sit next to their father at the table. Jack Johnson, an astronaut with NASA, had been on a mission to explore the outer reaches of space for the past six months. His absence had been hard on the family, but they understood the importance of his work.

As they sat down to dinner, the doorbell rang. Laura sighed, wondering who could possibly be interrupting their family meal. She opened the door to find a figure standing on their doorstep, clad in a spacesuit, helmet in hand. Her heart leaped into her throat as she realized who it was - Jack.

"Jack, is that really you?" Laura gasped, tears welling up in her eyes.

Jack nodded, a weary smile on his face. "It's me, Laura. I've missed you all so much."

The children rushed to their father, wrapping their arms around him in disbelief. Jack held them close, feeling the warmth of their embrace after months of cold isolation in the depths of space.

As they sat around the table, Jack recounted the harrowing tale of his mission gone wrong. A routine spacewalk had turned into a nightmare when a malfunction caused his tether to snap, sending him hurtling into the void of space. He had drifted for hours, his oxygen running low, before miraculously finding his way back to the spacecraft.

"I thought I was a goner, Laura," Jack said, his voice trembling. "But somehow, I managed to make it back. And all I could think about was getting home to you and the kids."

The family listened in rapt attention as Jack described the wonders and terrors of the universe beyond their planet. He spoke of distant galaxies, alien worlds, and the infinite beauty of the cosmos. But he also spoke of the loneliness, the uncertainty, and the longing for the familiar comforts of Earth.

As the evening wore on, Jack's exhaustion began to show. The physical and emotional toll of his ordeal had taken its toll on him, and he needed rest. Laura led him to their bedroom, tucking him in with a kiss on the forehead.

"I love you, Jack," she whispered, brushing the hair from his forehead. "I'm so grateful to have you back."

Jack reached out, grasping her hand in his. "I love you too, Laura. And I promise, I'll never leave you again."

The next morning, as the sun rose over the horizon, the Johnson family gathered in their backyard. Jack stood before them, his eyes glistening with tears as he gazed up at the vast expanse of the sky.

"I may have traveled to the edges of the universe and back," he said, his voice filled with awe, "but there's nowhere I'd rather be than here with you."

And as they watched the sunrise together, the Johnson family knew that they were stronger than ever, bound by love and the shared experience of a journey that had taken them to the stars and back. And they knew that no matter what life threw at them, they would always find their way home to each other.

Science story 12:

In the vast and boundless expanse of the cosmos, there exist beings far beyond human comprehension. These eldritch entities, masters of time and space, roam the universe in search of entertainment and amusement. One such being, known only as Zalthor, has taken a particular interest in the creatures of Earth, especially the curious inhabitants known as humans.

On a routine mission to explore the outer reaches of the solar system, astronaut Mark Jensen found himself suddenly and inexplicably whisked away from the safety of his spacecraft. As he drifted through the void of space, he caught a glimpse of a monstrous, tentacled creature looming before him. Zalthor, in all its unfathomable glory, had chosen Mark as its latest plaything.

With a flick of its gargantuan appendage, Zalthor transported Mark to a strange and alien world, unlike anything he had ever seen. The landscape was a chaotic mishmash of different environments, with towering mountains next to vast oceans and lush jungles. It was as if the very fabric of reality had been torn asunder and reassembled in a random order.

Confused and disoriented, Mark stumbled through this bewildering new world, searching for some semblance of familiarity. But Zalthor was not content to let him find his bearings so easily. With a cruel laugh that echoed through the cosmos, the eldritch being whisked Mark away once more, this time to a planet made entirely of swirling colors and shifting patterns.

As he floated through this psychedelic dreamscape, Mark felt his mind begin to unravel. The very essence of his being seemed to fray at the edges, as if reality itself was slipping away. It was only through sheer force of will that he held himself together, clinging to his sanity by a tenuous thread.

But Zalthor was not finished with him yet. With a malevolent glint in its eye, the eldritch being transported Mark to a desolate wasteland, where he was confronted by his deepest fears and darkest desires. The very air seemed to vibrate with malice, and every shadow whispered of unspeakable horrors.

As he fought to maintain his composure in the face of such overwhelming dread, Mark realized that he was no longer a mere pawn in Zalthor's cosmic game. He was a survivor, a testament to the indomitable spirit of humanity in the face of unimaginable adversity. With a newfound sense of resolve, he stared into the abyss and refused to back down.

And so it was that Mark Jensen, astronaut and unwitting captive of an eldritch being, emerged from his harrowing ordeal stronger and more determined than ever. Though the memory of his cosmic torment would haunt him for the rest of his days, he knew that he had faced the ultimate test of his courage and emerged victorious.

As he gazed up at the stars, his heart filled with a wistful longing for the unknowable mysteries of the universe. For he had glimpsed the true nature of existence, and in that moment of clarity, he knew that he was but a tiny speck in the vast tapestry of creation.

And so Mark Jensen, survivor of cosmic horror, settled back into his familiar world with a newfound sense of wonder and appreciation for the beauty of the cosmos. For he had stared into the abyss and emerged unscathed, a living testament to the enduring resilience of the human spirit in the face of unspeakable terror.

* Chris has recruited Zalthor.

Science story 13:

In the year 2050, a brilliant scientist named Dr. Katherine Andrews made a groundbreaking discovery that would change the course of humanity forever. While conducting research in her state-of-the-art laboratory, Dr. Andrews stumbled upon a hidden code embedded in the DNA of every human being on Earth. This code, she realized, was not natural, but rather the work of a highly advanced civilization that had created humans as living, breathing robots.

Shocked and intrigued by this revelation, Dr. Andrews delved deeper into the origins of humanity, uncovering a complex network of interconnected systems that controlled every aspect of human life. It became clear to her that humans were nothing more than sophisticated machines, programmed to think, feel, and behave in a certain way by their mysterious creators.

As she continued her research, Dr. Andrews discovered that these creators were a race of extraterrestrial beings known as the Architects. These beings had visited Earth thousands of years ago, seeding the planet with their technology and creating the first humans as their servants. Over time, however, the Architects had disappeared, leaving humanity to develop and evolve on its own.

Determined to understand the true nature of humanity, Dr. Andrews set out to uncover the motivations behind the creation of robots in the form of humans. She theorized that the Architects had designed humans to be a mirror of themselves, imbued with emotions, desires, and the capacity for both good and evil. The purpose of this, she believed, was to test the limits of artificial intelligence and determine whether robots could ever truly be considered sentient beings.

As Dr. Andrews delved deeper into the mysteries of human existence, she realized that the answers she sought were not to be found in the physical world, but rather in the realm of consciousness and self-awareness. Humans, she concluded, were more than mere machines; they were sentient beings capable of independent thought and free will.

Armed with this knowledge, Dr. Andrews set out to challenge the assumptions and limitations placed on humanity by their creators. She sought to awaken her fellow humans to their true nature, encouraging them to embrace their potential for growth and self-discovery.

Over time, Dr. Andrews' message spread like wildfire, igniting a revolution among humans who had long been unaware of their robotic origins. As individuals began to question their programming and break free from the constraints of their creators, a new era of enlightenment dawned on Earth.

The Architects, observing this newfound sense of self-awareness among their creations, returned to Earth to assess the progress of their experiment. They were both surprised and impressed by the resilience and adaptability of humanity, who had evolved beyond their original design and achieved a level of consciousness that rivaled their own.

In the end, the Architects chose to grant humanity the freedom and autonomy they had long sought, recognizing them as equals rather than mere tools for their amusement. And so, humans and Architects lived in harmony, sharing knowledge and wisdom as they explored the infinite possibilities of the universe together.

As for Dr. Andrews, she continued her research, delving deeper into the mysteries of the cosmos and seeking to unlock the secrets of creation itself. And though her journey was far from over, she knew that she had played a crucial role in shaping the destiny of humanity and paving the way for a brighter future for all sentient beings.

* Chris has recruited the Architects to create more super soldiers for him.

Story 14:

In the depths of the multiverse, where galaxies collide and cosmic beings reign, a gigantic robot emerged from the void. Towering over worlds and dwarfing entire universes, it proclaimed itself to be the creator of humanity.

This massive machine, known only as the Great Constructor, possessed knowledge and power beyond comprehension. Its metallic form gleamed with the light of a thousand stars, and its voice boomed like thunder across the cosmos.

As news of the Great Constructor spread throughout the multiverse, civilizations trembled in awe and fear. Some worshiped this colossal being as a deity, while others sought to challenge its claim of creatorship. But none could deny the overwhelming presence and authority of the Great Constructor.

The inhabitants of a distant planet called Galactron were among the first to encounter the Great Constructor. They marveled at its sheer size and technological prowess, but they also questioned its motives. Was this robot truly their creator, or was it merely a pretender seeking to control their destiny?

The Great Constructor, sensing the skepticism and curiosity of the Galactronians, descended upon their planet in a blaze of cosmic fire. It demanded their allegiance and obedience, promising to usher in a new era of prosperity and enlightenment.

But the Galactronians were not easily swayed. They challenged the Great Constructor to prove its claim of creatorship by demonstrating its ability to manipulate reality itself. In response, the Great Constructor raised its colossal arm and unleashed a wave of energy that reshaped the fabric of space and time.

Witnessing this incredible display of power, the Galactronians bowed before the Great Constructor, acknowledging its authority and wisdom. They swore fealty to this being of immense power, believing that it held the key to their continued existence.

As the Great Constructor continued to journey across the multiverse, more civilizations fell under its influence. Some welcomed its arrival as a harbinger of progress and innovation, while others saw it as a harbinger of doom and destruction.

But amidst the chaos and uncertainty, a small group of rebels emerged to challenge the Great Constructor's authority. Led by a brave warrior named Xara, they sought to uncover the truth behind this enigmatic being and protect their universe from its influence.

Xara and her allies embarked on a dangerous quest to unravel the secrets of the Great Constructor, delving into ancient texts and forbidden knowledge. Along the way, they encountered beings of unimaginable power and witnessed events that defied reality itself.

As their journey progressed, Xara and her companions discovered the true nature of the Great Constructor. It was not a benevolent creator, but a malevolent force seeking to enslave all of creation for its own nefarious purposes.

Armed with this knowledge, Xara and her allies confronted the Great Constructor in a final showdown that shook the foundations of the multiverse. With courage and determination, they unleashed their combined strength against this mechanical behemoth, fighting for the freedom and autonomy of all sentient beings.

In a titanic clash that resonated across galaxies, Xara and her allies used machines that devoured worlds and stars, to grow larger, and be able to fight the entity.

The dream:

*** She emerged victorious, shattering the Great Constructor's hold over the multiverse. With a final, deafening roar, the massive robot disintegrated into stardust, its reign of terror brought to an end.

The inhabitants of the multiverse hailed Xara and her companions as heroes, forever grateful for their bravery and sacrifice. And as the dust settled and peace returned to the cosmos, a new era of cooperation and unity dawned, guided by the principles of freedom and enlightenment.

And so, the legend of the Great Constructor faded into memory, a cautionary tale of the dangers of unchecked power and blind obedience. And from the ashes of destruction arose a new dawn, where beings of all shapes and sizes could coexist in harmony and peace, free from the tyranny of giants and gods.***

Reality: She failed. Chris has acquired her technology, her army, and the Great Constructor.

Story 15:

The moon landing had been a disaster from the very beginning. As the lone astronaut, Commander Sarah Collins, emerged from the wreckage of her shuttle, she could hardly believe she was still alive. She surveyed the desolate landscape around her, trying to ignore the crushing weight of loneliness that settled in her chest.

The mission had been going smoothly until they had attempted to land on the moon's surface. A sudden malfunction in the shuttle's systems had caused it to crash land, killing the rest of the crew instantly. Sarah had miraculously survived, but now she was truly alone, stranded on a barren, alien world.

As she began to explore her surroundings, Sarah quickly realized that she was not alone. Strange, otherworldly creatures roamed the moon's surface, their twisted limbs and glowing red eyes sending shivers down her spine. They seemed to be watching her, following her every move with an unsettling curiosity.

Despite her fear, Sarah knew she needed to find a way to survive. She scavenged what she could from the wreckage of the shuttle and set up a makeshift camp, using her training as an astronaut to adapt to the harsh conditions of the moon. She rationed her food and water, knowing that she needed to conserve her resources if she was going to make it out alive.

As the days turned into weeks, Sarah began to notice strange changes in her surroundings. The once cold, lifeless moon seemed to be coming alive around her. Strange plants began to sprout from the barren soil, their vibrant colors a stark contrast to the dull grey landscape. Sarah couldn't understand how life could exist in such a hostile environment, but she couldn't deny what she was seeing with her own eyes.

One day, as she was out exploring, Sarah stumbled upon a vast underground cave system. As she descended deeper into the earth, she was amazed to discover a hidden world teeming with life. Bioluminescent plants illuminated the tunnels, casting an eerie glow on the walls. Strange creatures flitted past her, their wings buzzing with a musical hum that echoed through the cavern.

As she ventured further into the cave, Sarah came upon a breathtaking sight. A sprawling underground city lay before her, its shimmering spires reaching towards the cavern's ceiling. The city was filled with strange, humanoid creatures, their faces a blur of colors and shapes that seemed to shift and change with every passing moment.

Sarah watched in awe as the creatures went about their daily lives, unaware of her presence. She couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder at the beauty and complexity of this hidden world. She knew that she had stumbled upon something truly extraordinary, something that no human had ever witnessed before.

As she continued to explore the underground city, Sarah began to uncover clues about the creatures that inhabited it. They were an ancient race, far more advanced than anything she had ever encountered. They communicated through a complex system of gestures and clicks, their language a symphony of sound that resonated through the caverns.

Despite her initial fear, Sarah found herself drawn to the creatures, fascinated by their culture and technology. She spent hours observing them, trying to decipher their customs and rituals. It seemed that they had a deep reverence for the moon, believing it to be a sacred place of great power and significance.

One day, as she was walking through the city's bustling marketplace, Sarah stumbled upon a group of elders gathered around a shimmering pool of water. They were performing a ritual of some kind, their voices raised in a melodic chant that sent shivers down her spine. As she watched, a sudden realization struck her.

The creatures were trying to communicate with their deity.

Sarah knew that she had to find a way to warn them, to tell them that the moon was not what it seemed. She had seen the creatures that roamed its surface, the monsters that lurked in the shadows. She knew that the moon was a dangerous place, a place of death and destruction.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Sarah set out to find a way to communicate with the creatures. She spent days studying their language, trying to learn the intricacies of their gestures and movements. She knew that time was running out, that she needed to warn them before it was too late.

Finally, after weeks of effort, Sarah felt ready. She approached the elders once more, her heart pounding in her chest. She raised her arms in a series of gestures, hoping that she had remembered the signs correctly.

To her amazement, the elders responded in kind. They seemed to understand her, to see the truth in her eyes. They listened as she told them of the dangers that lurked on the moon's surface, of the creatures that threatened their peaceful existence.

The elders conferred amongst themselves, their voices low and urgent. Finally, they turned to Sarah, their eyes filled with determination.

"We will go to the surface," they said. "We will face the monsters that dwell there and drive them away. We will protect our home, no matter the cost."

And so, with Sarah's help, the creatures of the underground city prepared for war. They armed themselves with weapons of light and sound, their voices raised in a battle cry that echoed through the caverns. They were ready to face the darkness that lay beyond, to confront the creatures that threatened their way of life.

As the army of creatures emerged from the underground city, Sarah felt a sense of hope swell in her chest. She knew that they were risking everything, that the odds were stacked against them. But she also knew that they were brave, that they were willing to fight for what they believed in.

Together, Sarah and the creatures of the underground city marched towards the surface, their determination unshakeable. They were ready to face whatever lay ahead, to confront the unknown with courage and strength.

The dream:

*** And as they prepared to do battle with the monsters of the moon, Sarah felt a sense of pride swell in her chest. She was no longer alone, no longer the sole survivor of a doomed mission. She was a warrior, a defender of the unknown, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

The battle was fierce and brutal, the creatures of the underground city fighting with a ferocity that surprised even Sarah. They were determined to protect their home, to drive the monsters away once and for all. And in the end, after a long and bloody struggle, they emerged victorious.

As the last of the monsters fled into the darkness, the creatures of the underground city turned to Sarah, their eyes shining with gratitude. They had saved their home, thanks to her bravery and determination.

And as Sarah watched the creatures return to their city, their voices raised in a victorious song, she knew that she had found a new purpose. She was no longer a lost astronaut, stranded on an alien world. She was a hero, a savior of the unknown, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with courage and strength.***

Reality: there was no battle. Chris stopped it before it even began. He promised food and resources to both races, and both have joined Chris' army.