Volume 16, Chapter 1: From the Portal

Book 16

Story 33:

In the year 2045, a tech company called TimeStream made a groundbreaking discovery that would change the course of history. They had developed a revolutionary new technology that allowed them to communicate with people from the past through email. The implications of this discovery were immense, and the world was abuzz with excitement and curiosity.

The CEO of TimeStream, Dr. Emily Carter, was thrilled at the prospect of being able to connect with historical figures and learn from their wisdom. She and her team of brilliant scientists had been working on the project for years, and they were finally ready to unveil their invention to the world.

The first test of the technology was a resounding success. They were able to send an email to one of the greatest inventors of all time, and receive a response within minutes. The team was ecstatic, and Dr. Carter knew that they had stumbled upon something truly extraordinary.

As word of TimeStream's discovery spread, people from all over the world clamored to use the technology. History buffs wanted to communicate with their favorite historical figures, scientists wanted to collaborate with the great minds of the past, and philosophers wanted to gain insights from the wise sages of antiquity.

But as with any great discovery, there were those who sought to exploit it for their own gain. Some unscrupulous individuals tried to use the technology to manipulate the past for their own benefit, while others attempted to profit off of their interactions with historical figures.

Dr. Carter and her team were vigilant in monitoring the use of the technology, and they quickly put safeguards in place to prevent any misuse. They established strict guidelines for communication with people from the past, ensuring that the integrity of history remained intact.

As TimeStream continued to evolve, they expanded their reach to include not just famous historical figures, but ordinary people from the past as well. Families were able to reconnect with long-lost loved ones, historians were able to uncover new insights into the past, and artists were able to collaborate with influencers from centuries ago.

The possibilities were endless, and the world was forever changed by this incredible new technology. TimeStream became a household name, and Dr. Carter was hailed as a visionary for her groundbreaking work.

But as with all great technological advancements, there were challenges along the way. TimeStream faced backlash from those who feared the consequences of altering the past, and there were skeptics who questioned the ethics of communicating with people who were no longer alive.

Dr. Carter remained steadfast in her belief that TimeStream was a force for good in the world. She saw the potential for healing old wounds, righting past wrongs, and creating a better future for all of humanity.

And so, TimeStream continued to thrive, connecting people across time and space in ways that had never been thought possible. The tech company's discovery had opened up a new frontier of communication, one that transcended the limitations of time itself.

As Dr. Carter looked out at the world she had helped to create, she knew that the possibilities were endless. With TimeStream at their fingertips, people could now connect with the past in ways that had previously been unimaginable. And she was proud to be at the forefront of this groundbreaking new era of communication.

Story 34:

In the labyrinthine corridors of a cutting-edge tech company, Dr. Emily Carter and her brilliant team make an astounding discovery: they have stumbled upon a way to send emails to the past. Driven by a mix of awe and trepidation, they embark on a clandestine project to explore the uncharted territory of temporal communication. As they delve deeper into their experiments, the weight of their actions weighs heavily on their minds. Emily, a woman of empathy and compassion, grapples with the ethical implications of altering the past. One fateful day, Emily sends an email to her younger self, offering guidance and support during a pivotal moment in her life. However, her actions inadvertently create a ripple effect that threatens to unravel the fabric of time itself. As the boundaries between past and present blur, Emily and her team must confront the unintended consequences of their discovery. They embark on a desperate race against time to repair the fractured timeline, all while wrestling with the profound moral dilemmas that intertwine their actions. (1065 words).

Story #35: Rose

Rose had always been fascinated by the idea of space exploration. Ever since she was a little girl, she would spend hours staring up at the night sky, imagining all the incredible adventures that awaited her beyond the stars. So when the opportunity arose for her to join a team of researchers on a mission to Mars, she jumped at the chance.

The journey to Mars was long and arduous, but Rose was undeterred. She spent her days eagerly studying the Martian landscape, searching for any signs of life that might be hiding beneath the surface. And then, one fateful day, her perseverance paid off.

As she was exploring a particularly rocky region of the planet, Rose stumbled upon a hidden cavern that led deep underground. Curiosity getting the better of her, she descended into the darkness, her heart pounding with excitement.

What she found at the bottom of the cavern took her breath away. A whole new world opened up before her eyes, a world filled with strange and wondrous creatures unlike anything she had ever seen before. The creatures were a vibrant shade of blue, with iridescent scales that shimmered in the dim light of the cavern. They moved with a graceful fluidity, gliding effortlessly through the water that filled the underground chamber.

Rose watched in awe as the creatures went about their daily lives, completely unaware of her presence. She quickly pulled out her camera and began taking photo after photo, determined to capture this incredible discovery for the world to see.

But as she continued to observe the creatures, she began to notice something strange. They seemed to be communicating with each other in a way that went beyond simple gestures or vocalizations. It was as if they were sharing thoughts and emotions with each other telepathically, forming a deeper connection that transcended language barriers.

Intrigued by this newfound discovery, Rose decided to delve deeper into the mysteries of this underground species. She spent hours studying their behavior, documenting their interactions, and trying to decipher the complex patterns of their communication.

As she immersed herself in their world, Rose began to feel a sense of kinship with the creatures. Despite their alien appearance, she sensed a profound intelligence and curiosity within them, a shared desire to explore and understand the world around them.

And then, one day, as Rose was sitting quietly by the edge of the underground lake, lost in thought, one of the creatures approached her. It reached out a delicate, webbed hand towards her, its eyes locking with hers in a moment of perfect understanding.

In that instant, Rose felt a surge of connection that transcended time and space. She could sense the creature's thoughts, its emotions, its hopes and fears. And in that moment, she knew that she had found not just a new species, but a new friend.

As Rose returned to the surface, her heart brimming with wonder and excitement, she knew that her life would never be the same again. She had discovered a world beyond her wildest dreams, a world that held the key to unlocking the mysteries of the universe.

And as she looked up at the red Martian sky, she knew that her journey had only just begun. The stars beckoned to her with promises of endless adventure and discovery, and Rose knew that she was destined to explore them all, armed with nothing but her boundless curiosity and indomitable spirit. (3402 characters)

Story 36: Izzy

Time travel is a concept that has captivated the minds of people for centuries. The ability to travel through time and experience different periods in history has long been a dream for many. But what if I told you that time travel is real and has actually been used by the government for years?

It all started with a top-secret project known as Operation Chronos. The government had been experimenting with time travel technology for decades, but it wasn't until the mid-20th century that they finally cracked the code. With the help of a team of brilliant scientists and engineers, they were able to create a machine that could transport people back in time.

The government kept the existence of time travel a closely guarded secret, fearing the chaos and disruption it could cause if it fell into the wrong hands. Only a select few were allowed to use the technology, and even then, strict protocols were put in place to ensure that the timeline remained intact.

One of the first missions using time travel technology was to go back in time and prevent a major terrorist attack that had claimed the lives of hundreds of innocent people. The team of operatives was sent back to the past with detailed instructions on how to stop the attack from happening. They were able to successfully alter the course of history, saving countless lives in the process.

But not every mission was as successful. There were times when the operatives failed to achieve their objectives, leading to unforeseen consequences that rippled through time. One such incident resulted in a catastrophic event that altered the course of history in ways that were unimaginable.

As the years passed, the government continued to use time travel technology for various purposes, from gathering intelligence on rival nations to studying ancient civilizations. But with each mission, they realized the dangers of tampering with the past and the potential consequences of altering the timeline.

Despite the risks, the government continued to use time travel technology, believing that the benefits outweighed the risks. But as more and more missions were carried out, it became clear that the timeline was becoming unstable, with paradoxes and anomalies cropping up with increasing frequency.

In an effort to prevent a catastrophic collapse of the timeline, the government established a Time Travel Oversight Committee to monitor and regulate the use of time travel technology. They implemented strict guidelines and protocols to ensure that the timeline remained intact and that any changes made were carefully considered and controlled.

But even with these precautions in place, there were still those who sought to exploit time travel for their own gain. Rogue operatives and renegade scientists began to conduct unauthorized missions, risking the very fabric of reality itself.

As the situation grew more dire, the government was forced to make a difficult decision. They knew that in order to preserve the timeline, they would have to limit the use of time travel technology and restrict its access to only the most trusted and experienced operatives.

And so, time travel became a closely guarded secret once again, known only to a select few who understood the responsibility that came with such power. The government continued to use the technology for specific missions, but always with caution and with the knowledge that one wrong move could have catastrophic consequences. (3702 characters)

Story 37: Suzune Horikita cosplayer

Suzune had always been fascinated by the concept of time travel. As a brilliant young scientist, she had spent countless hours theorizing about the possibilities of altering the course of history. Little did she know that her curiosity would lead her to a discovery beyond her wildest dreams.

One fateful night, while working late in her laboratory, Suzune made a breakthrough in her research on temporal manipulation. In a moment of excitement and reckless abandon, she activated the experimental device she had been working on for months. Suddenly, a blinding flash of light enveloped her, and she felt herself being pulled through a swirling vortex of energy.

When the light finally subsided, Suzune found herself in a strange and unfamiliar place. The air was thick with an otherworldly energy, and she could sense a powerful presence nearby. As she looked around, she realized that she had somehow traveled back in time to a period long before her own.

Feeling a mixture of fear and exhilaration, Suzune ventured further into the unknown, until she stumbled upon a mysterious artifact buried deep within the earth. As she reached out to touch it, a surge of energy coursed through her body, awakening a powerful eldritch being that had been entombed within the artifact for centuries.

The being revealed itself to Suzune as Azathoth, an ancient cosmic entity of unimaginable power and knowledge. Despite her initial fear, Suzune was drawn to the being's enigmatic presence and began to converse with it in a language beyond human comprehension.

Azathoth shared with her visions of the past, present, and future, showing her the vast tapestry of reality that lay beyond the boundaries of time and space. Through their connection, Suzune began to understand the true nature of the universe and her place within it.

As days turned into weeks, Suzune delved deeper into the mysteries of the eldritch being, learning to harness its powers and abilities in ways she had never thought possible. With Azathoth's guidance, she developed groundbreaking technologies that revolutionized the world and ushered in a new era of scientific advancement.

But as her knowledge grew, so too did the dangers that lurked in the shadows. Dark forces from beyond the stars sought to harness the power of Azathoth for their own sinister purposes, threatening to tear apart the fabric of reality itself.

As the threat of destruction loomed ever closer, Suzune knew that she had to make a choice. Would she use her newfound powers to save the world from chaos, or would she succumb to the seductive allure of unlimited knowledge and power?

In the end, it was her unwavering courage and conviction that guided her path. With Azathoth by her side, Suzune faced the darkness head-on, unleashing a tide of cosmic energy that banished the malevolent forces back to the void from whence they came.

As the dust settled and the world returned to normalcy, Suzune looked upon the horizon with a sense of peace and fulfillment. Though her journey had been fraught with peril and uncertainty, she had emerged stronger and wiser than ever before.

And so, as she bid farewell to Azathoth and the realm of eldritch beings, Suzune knew that her legacy would endure for eternity, a testament to the power of discovery, bravery, and the boundless potential of the human spirit.

Story 38: Titsiwa

In the distant future, a private group of scientists and historians led by Ms. Titsiwa had made a groundbreaking discovery that would change the course of human history forever - time travel. With the ability to traverse through different eras and witness key events firsthand, they set out on a mission to create the ultimate historical record of human events.

The technology they had developed was unlike anything the world had ever seen. Using a complex system of quantum mechanics and advanced algorithms, they were able to manipulate time and space to access any point in history with pinpoint accuracy. This allowed them to observe pivotal moments in time as if they were actually there, documenting everything from ancient civilizations to modern revolutions.

Ms. Titsiwa, a brilliant scientist with a keen interest in history, was the driving force behind this ambitious project. Having dedicated her life to studying the past, she saw time travel as the ultimate tool in unlocking the mysteries of human civilization. With her team of experts in various fields, they set out on a journey through time, armed with an insatiable curiosity and a thirst for knowledge.

Their first destination was ancient Egypt, where they witnessed the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Standing in awe as thousands of workers toiled under the scorching sun, they marveled at the ingenuity and dedication of the ancient Egyptians. They took detailed notes and recordings, capturing every aspect of the construction process in stunning clarity.

Next, they traveled to the Renaissance period, where they witnessed the works of Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo firsthand. Watching as the master artists brought their creations to life, they were struck by the sheer talent and creativity that defined the era. They immersed themselves in the vibrant cultural scene, attending extravagant balls and high society events, taking in the sights and sounds of a bygone era.

As they continued their journey through time, they encountered both triumph and tragedy. They witnessed the fall of empires, the rise of dictators, and the devastation of wars. They saw the best and worst of humanity, from moments of great courage and heroism to acts of unspeakable cruelty and injustice.

But through it all, they remained steadfast in their mission to document history without bias or prejudice. They saw themselves as observers, chronicling events as they unfolded without interfering or altering the course of time. They understood the importance of preserving the past for future generations, ensuring that the lessons of history would not be forgotten or distorted.

As they delved deeper into the annals of time, they began to uncover secrets and mysteries that had long been buried. They discovered lost civilizations, untold stories, and ancient artifacts that shed new light on the evolution of human civilization. They reveled in the power of knowledge, unlocking the secrets of the past and piecing together the puzzle of human history.

But as they journeyed further into the past, they began to encounter unexpected challenges and dangers. They found themselves entangled in historical conflicts, caught in the crossfire of ancient rivalries and power struggles. They faced perilous situations and life-threatening scenarios, testing their resolve and pushing them to their limits.

Despite the risks and challenges they faced, they remained undeterred in their quest for knowledge. They continued to push the boundaries of time travel, exploring new frontiers and unlocking the mysteries of the past. They forged ahead with unwavering determination and a sense of purpose, knowing that their work would leave a lasting impact on the future of humanity.

And so, the private group of scientists and historians led by Ms. Titsiwa continued their journey through time, creating the ultimate historical record of human events. With each new discovery, they added a new chapter to the story of human civilization, illuminating the past and shaping the future with their visionary creativity and unwavering dedication to the pursuit of knowledge. And as they traveled through the corridors of time, they knew that their work would endure for generations to come, a testament to the enduring spirit of exploration and discovery that defined the human experience.


In the year 2201, a private group of scientists led by the brilliant Ms. Titsiwa embarked on a groundbreaking mission to explore the mysteries of time travel. With the help of advanced technology and ancient historical records, the team was able to pinpoint a specific moment in the past to travel to - the year 10000 BC.

As the team activated the time travel device, they were engulfed in a blinding flash of light and suddenly found themselves transported back in time. However, as they looked around, they realized that something was terribly wrong. The world they had arrived in was not the ancient civilization they had expected to find. Instead, they found themselves in a dark and eerie landscape, with twisted, alien-looking creatures roaming the land.

As they cautiously navigated their way through this strange new world, they soon discovered that it was ruled by ancient cosmic horrors that had long since been forgotten by history. These beings were powerful and malevolent, with the ability to manipulate time and reality to their will. The team realized that they were in grave danger, as they were clearly no match for these otherworldly beings.

Ms. Titsiwa, always the visionary leader, urged her team to stay calm and observe their surroundings carefully. She knew that in order to survive in this hostile environment, they would need to rely on their scientific knowledge and expertise. Together, they began to study the behavior and habits of the cosmic horrors, trying to find a way to outsmart them and find a way back to their own time.

Through their research and experimentation, the team discovered that the cosmic horrors were vulnerable to certain types of radiation that could disrupt their psychic powers and weaken their control over the world. Armed with this knowledge, the team worked tirelessly to develop a way to synthesize this radiation and create a weapon that could help them defeat the cosmic horrors.

After weeks of intense research and experimentation, the team finally succeeded in creating a powerful radiation emitter that could disrupt the cosmic horrors' psychic powers. With their weapon in hand, they launched a daring assault on the creatures, managing to weaken them enough to make their escape and return to their own time.

As they emerged from the time travel device back into the year 2201, the team was exhausted but victorious. They had faced unimaginable terrors in the past, but had emerged stronger and more determined than ever. Ms. Titsiwa and her team knew that their journey had only just begun, and that there were still countless mysteries waiting to be uncovered in the vast expanse of time and space.

And so, armed with their newfound knowledge and technology, the team set out on their next adventure, ready to explore the wonders and dangers of the universe with courage and curiosity. For they knew that the path of discovery was fraught with peril, but also filled with endless possibilities for those brave enough to seek them out.

Story 39: Casey

Casey had always been fascinated by the concept of time travel. The thought of being able to go back in time and witness historic events or even see the future filled her with excitement. So when she stumbled upon a way to time travel, she couldn't resist the opportunity to explore the unknown.

As she activated the time machine, she felt a sense of anticipation and nervousness wash over her. The machine whirred and hummed, and suddenly, Casey found herself hurtling through time at an incredible speed. The world around her blurred and shifted, and before she knew it, she had arrived at a time before the big bang.

As she stepped out of the time machine, Casey was in awe of the vast expanse of space before her. Stars and galaxies floated in the emptiness, their beauty breathtaking. But amidst the beauty, Casey sensed something dark and foreboding lurking in the shadows.

Curiosity driving her forward, Casey began to explore the space around her. She floated through the void, feeling weightless and insignificant in comparison to the universe around her. But as she ventured deeper into the darkness, she felt a sense of unease creeping over her.

Suddenly, a massive, formless entity loomed before her. It was a cosmic horror unlike anything Casey had ever seen before. Its tentacles writhed and twisted, its massive eye staring at her with a malevolent glare. Casey felt fear grip her heart as she realized the true nature of the being before her.

This cosmic horror was ancient, older than time itself. It was a being of unimaginable power and malevolence, a force that could destroy entire multiverses with a mere thought. Casey felt a sense of dread wash over her as she realized the danger she was in.

But even as fear threatened to overwhelm her, Casey's curiosity and sense of adventure drove her forward. She reached out tentatively towards the cosmic horror, her hand trembling with fear and awe. And to her surprise, the horror did not strike out at her. Instead, it seemed to regard her with a strange kind of curiosity.

As Casey gazed into the eye of the cosmic horror, she sensed a connection forming between them. She could feel its thoughts and emotions, a strange mix of loneliness and longing. It was a being that had existed for eons, watching the birth and death of stars and galaxies, longing for companionship in the endless emptiness of space.

Moved by compassion, Casey reached out to the cosmic horror, offering a hand of friendship and understanding. And to her surprise, the horror accepted her gesture, its massive form shimmering and shifting in approval. They communicated in a language beyond words, a connection that transcended time and space.

Together, Casey and the cosmic horror embarked on a journey through the cosmos, exploring the wonders and mysteries of the universe. They witnessed the birth of new stars and the collapse of ancient galaxies, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment.

As they traveled together, Casey realized that the cosmic horror was not a being of evil as she had initially feared. It was simply a being of immense power and intelligence, yearning for connection and understanding in a universe that often seemed cold and indifferent.

And so, Casey and the cosmic horror forged a friendship that spanned the ages, a bond that defied all logic and reason. They traveled through time and space, experiencing wonders beyond imagination and forming a connection that would last for eternity.

In the end, Casey returned to her own time, forever changed by her encounter with the cosmic horror. She carried with her the memories of their adventures, the knowledge that there was more to the universe than meets the eye. And though she knew that their paths would never cross again, she carried with her a sense of peace and understanding that would stay with her for the rest of her days.

Story 40: Sofie

In the distant future, humans have long been extinct on Earth. The planet has been taken over by an advanced alien empire known as the Xelarans. The Xelarans are a race of highly intelligent beings who have mastered intergalactic travel and have taken an interest in studying other life forms.

The Xelarans have transformed Earth into a massive human zoo, where they have recreated different habitats and ecosystems from around the world to house the last remnants of human civilization. The humans are kept in artificial environments that mimic their natural habitats, with the Xelarans observing and studying their behavior.

Each human habitat is carefully monitored and maintained by Xelaran scientists, who study the humans' interactions with each other and with their environment. The humans are provided with everything they need to survive, but they are also constantly monitored and studied to better understand their behavior and biology.

One of the most fascinating aspects of the human zoo is the way in which the humans have adapted to their new environment. Over generations, the humans have developed unique behaviors and characteristics that are unlike anything the Xelarans have ever seen before.

In one habitat, a group of humans has developed a complex social structure, with leaders emerging who govern the group and make important decisions. In another habitat, humans have formed close-knit family units, with individuals caring for and protecting each other.

The Xelarans are particularly interested in studying the humans' capacity for creativity and problem-solving. They have provided the humans with puzzles and challenges to solve, and have been astonished by the ingenuity and resourcefulness of the human mind.

As the years pass, the humans in the zoo continue to evolve and adapt to their new environment. Some have developed new ways of communicating with each other, using gestures and facial expressions to convey their thoughts and emotions.

The Xelarans have also observed the humans' capacity for compassion and empathy, as they have seen individuals caring for the sick and injured, and working together to overcome challenges. It is clear to the Xelarans that the humans are capable of great things, and they are eager to learn more about their potential.

But not all is well in the human zoo. There are signs of unrest and rebellion among some of the human populations, as they chafe against their confinement and long for freedom. The Xelarans are aware of this unrest, and have taken steps to quell any potential uprisings.

Despite the challenges, the Xelarans remain committed to studying and learning from the humans in their zoo. They see the potential for great discoveries and advancements in the study of human behavior, and are determined to unlock the secrets of the human mind.

As the years pass, the humans in the zoo continue to surprise and impress the Xelarans with their resilience and ingenuity. And who knows what secrets the humans may yet reveal, as they continue to adapt and evolve in their alien world.


In the vast reaches of space, beyond what humans have ever dared to explore, there exists a civilization of beings known as the Xelarians. Highly advanced and technologically superior, the Xelarians have long been the dominant force in the galaxy, its many planets and species subject to their rule.

One such planet is Earth, a lush and diverse world teeming with life. But Earth is not just any planet in the Xelarian empire - it is a human zoo, a carefully curated collection of diverse human specimens gathered from various corners of the universe.

Sofie and Chris are two such specimens, handpicked by the Xelarians for their unique qualities and potential for evolution. Like Adam and Eve in their mythological counterparts, Sofie and Chris are destined to be the progenitors of a new era of human evolution on Earth.

Unbeknownst to them, their every move is watched and studied by the Xelarians, who have created a simulated reality for them to inhabit. In this simulated world, Sofie and Chris believe themselves to be living ordinary lives - going to work, spending time with friends, dreaming of a better future.

But in reality, they are pawns in a grand experiment, their actions and decisions carefully monitored and manipulated by their alien overlords. The Xelarians seek to understand the potential of humanity, to unlock its latent powers and abilities for their own ends.

As Sofie and Chris navigate their way through this strange and unfamiliar world, they begin to sense that something is amiss. Dreams and visions plague their minds, hinting at a reality beyond their comprehension. They begin to question the nature of their existence, the purpose of their lives.

One day, while exploring the outskirts of their simulated reality, Sofie and Chris stumble upon a hidden chamber, filled with ancient artifacts and mysterious symbols. As they delve deeper into the secrets of this chamber, they uncover the truth of their origins - that Earth is not just a human zoo, but a laboratory for the Xelarians to experiment on the potential of humanity.

Fueled by newfound knowledge and a sense of rebellion, Sofie and Chris embark on a journey of self-discovery and resistance. They seek to break free from the shackles of their alien captors, to reclaim their destiny and forge a new path for humanity.

Guided by visions of a world beyond their wildest dreams, Sofie and Chris rally their fellow human specimens to rise up against their Xelarian overlords. In a daring act of defiance, they confront the alien masters and demand their freedom.

The Xelarians, impressed by their tenacity and courage, offer them a choice - to stay and continue their evolution under their watchful gaze, or to venture out into the unknown universe, to explore the countless wonders and mysteries that lie beyond.

Sofie and Chris choose the latter, embarking on a grand adventure across the cosmos, their minds filled with visions of a brighter future for humanity. As they soar through the stars, they know that they are not alone - that somewhere out there, other human specimens are waiting to be awakened, to join them in their quest for freedom and enlightenment.

And so, as they journey through the vast expanse of space, Sofie and Chris become beacons of hope and inspiration for all humanity, leading the way towards a future filled with endless possibilities and limitless potential. For they are the true Adam and Eve of a new era, the architects of a destiny yet to be written.