Volume 19, Chapter 1: Spaceship Orion...

Volume 19.

This volume is divided into two parts:

1. The continuation of the adventures in the Science Plane and

2. Chris' review of some of the women...


[Part 1]

Science Plane continued from the previous book:

Science Plane Story 163. Iris.

(610 words)

The crew of the spaceship Orion had been traveling through deep space for what felt like an eternity. Their mission was to explore a distant planet that showed promising signs of habitability. As they neared their destination, the crew began to grow restless with the monotony of space travel.

One day, as they were going about their usual routines, the sensors on the ship began to pick up a strange signal. The crew gathered around the control panel, trying to decipher the source of the transmission. After a few moments of intense concentration, the communications officer announced that they were receiving a video message from an unknown source.

The captain, Captain Reynolds, instructed the crew to patch the message through to the main viewing screen. As the image cleared, the crew was shocked to see a ship that was identical to their own. It was a mirror image of the Orion, down to the smallest detail.

As they watched in disbelief, the captain of the other ship appeared on the screen. He looked exactly like Captain Reynolds, but there was something different about him. His eyes held a wisdom and experience that the crew had not yet seen in their own captain.

The man on the screen introduced himself as Captain Conner, and explained that his crew was also on a mission to explore the same planet. He requested to meet with Captain Reynolds in person to discuss their findings and share information.

The crew of the Orion was intrigued by this strange turn of events, and eager to meet their doppelgangers. Captain Reynolds agreed to the meeting, and the two ships docked together in the vast expanse of space.

As the two captains met face to face, they were struck by how similar they looked. It was like looking into a mirror, but seeing a reflection of a future self. The crew members of both ships mingled and exchanged stories, finding that they had more in common than they could have ever imagined.

Captain Conner explained that his crew had been traveling through space for over a year longer than the crew of the Orion. They had encountered many challenges and obstacles along the way, but had also made incredible discoveries that had changed the course of their mission.

The crew of the Orion listened in awe as Captain Conner described the wonders of the distant planet they were on their way to explore. He spoke of strange alien creatures, beautiful landscapes, and ancient ruins that suggested a long-lost civilization.

As the meeting drew to a close, Captain Reynolds and Captain Conner exchanged data and information that would help both crews in their respective missions. They bid farewell to each other, knowing that they may never meet again in this vast universe.

As the Orion crew watched the other ship drift away into the endless void of space, they couldn't help but feel a sense of connection with their counterparts. They had shared a brief moment of camaraderie with a crew that was essentially their own, only older and more experienced.

As they resumed their journey to the distant planet, the crew of the Orion felt a newfound sense of purpose and determination. They knew that they were not alone in this vast universe, and that somewhere out there, their counterparts were blazing a trail of discovery and adventure.

And as they finally touched down on the surface of the mysterious planet, they could only imagine the incredible sights and experiences that awaited them. The crew of the Orion had embarked on a journey that would forever change their lives, and the knowledge that they were not alone in their quest gave them the courage to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Alternate: Iris.

(594 words)

It had been a long journey for the crew of the spacecraft Endeavor. They were on their way to a distant planet in the Andromeda galaxy, tasked with exploring its potential for colonization. The crew, led by Captain Chris Bennett, consisted of a team of highly trained specialists in various scientific fields.

As they traveled through the vast emptiness of space, their ship suddenly detected a strange anomaly on their radar. There appeared to be another spacecraft approaching them, and what was even more bizarre was that it looked identical to their own.

As they drew closer to the mysterious ship, they received a video message request from the captain of the other vessel. To their shock and disbelief, the captain was none other than Iris Bennett, Chris' wife. The entire crew was stunned, unable to comprehend how Iris could be piloting a ship that was exactly the same as theirs.

As they communicated with the other crew, they soon realized that they were looking at themselves, only a year older. The other crew had the same members, the same uniforms, and the same ship. It was as if they were looking into a mirror of their future selves.

The older Iris explained that they had stumbled upon a powerful technology that allowed them to travel through teraverses, creating replicas of themselves in different timelines. They had discovered the ability to manipulate reality, to create and destroy universes at will.

Chris and his crew were both amazed and terrified by this revelation. They had always dreamed of exploring new worlds and discovering new lifeforms, but they had never imagined such power could exist. The older crew explained that they had been using their technology to explore different universes, seeking out new civilizations and resources to sustain their ever-growing population.

However, with great power came great responsibility. The older crew warned Chris and his team of the dangers of tampering with the fabric of reality. They had witnessed firsthand the devastating consequences of their actions, the destruction of entire universes and the loss of countless lives.

The dream of one member of the crew:

* Chris knew that they had to stop the older crew from using their technology for destructive purposes. They could not allow them to continue on their path of self-replication and expansion, threatening the very existence of all universes.

With the help of his crew, Chris devised a plan to disable the older ship's power source, effectively cutting off their ability to travel through multiverses. It was a risky mission, fraught with danger and uncertainty, but they knew it was the only way to prevent catastrophe.

As they engaged in a fierce battle with their older selves, Chris and his crew fought with all their strength and determination. They refused to let their counterparts destroy everything they held dear, risking their own lives in the process.

In the end, they were successful in their mission. The older crew's ship was disabled, and their power source was destroyed. The older Iris, with tears in her eyes, thanked Chris and his team for saving them from themselves.

As the two crews bid farewell to each other, Chris couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the infinite possibilities of the universe. He knew that their encounter with their older selves would forever change them, reminding them of the importance of humility and respect for the natural order of the cosmos.

And as they continued on their journey to the distant planet, Chris and his crew carried with them a newfound sense of purpose and responsibility, knowing that they were not just explorers of the unknown, but guardians of the multiverse itself.*

Real story: Chris has imprisoned his rebellious crew and instead worked with his older self.

Story 164. Elly.

(533 words)

In a world where time travel is outlawed, the consequences of altering the past could have catastrophic effects on the present and future. The Temporal Enforcement Agency (TEA) was formed to ensure that time travelers obeyed the laws set in place to protect the timeline. The protagonist, Agent Ava Thompson, was one of the top agents within the TEA, known for her sharp mind and unwavering dedication to preserving the integrity of time.

One day, Ava received a tip from an informant regarding a sophisticated criminal organization known as the Chrono Syndicate. This group had been operating in the shadows, using black market time travel devices to carry out heists throughout history. Their latest plan involved a massive heist that would take place five years in the past, and Ava knew that she had to stop them at all costs.

Armed with her trusty time travel device, Ava set out to track down the members of the Chrono Syndicate. She traveled through various points in time, following their trail of breadcrumbs until she finally caught up with them in the year 2050. The Syndicate had set up their headquarters in an abandoned warehouse, surrounded by a sophisticated array of temporal shields and booby traps.

As Ava infiltrated the warehouse, she marveled at the advanced technology that the criminals had at their disposal. They had clearly spared no expense in their quest to bend time to their will. Ava knew that she would have to be careful and cunning if she was going to take them down.

Using her own time travel device, Ava was able to move through the warehouse undetected, gathering valuable intel on the Syndicate's plans. She discovered that they were planning to steal a rare artifact from a museum five years in the past, a heist that would have disastrous consequences for the timeline if successful.

With the clock ticking, Ava knew that she had to act fast. She set up a series of traps and diversionary tactics to distract the Syndicate members while she made her move. As she finally reached the artifact, she was met with the leader of the Syndicate, a cunning and ruthless man named Viktor. The two engaged in a fierce battle, each using their time travel devices to gain the upper hand.

In a tense showdown, Ava finally managed to outmaneuver Viktor, disarming him and retrieving the artifact before he could escape. With the timeline restored, Ava returned to the present, victorious in her mission to stop the Chrono Syndicate's heist.

As she filed her report with the TEA, Ava knew that her actions had saved countless lives and preserved the course of history. But she also knew that the threat of rogue time travelers would always loom over the timeline, and that she would have to remain vigilant in her role as a time cop.

Despite the dangers and challenges that came with her job, Ava felt a sense of satisfaction in knowing that she was protecting the fabric of time itself. And as she gazed out at the vast expanse of the temporal landscape, she felt a renewed sense of purpose in her mission to keep the past, present, and future safe from those who would seek to disrupt it.

Alternate: Elly.

(452 words)

In a world where time travel is outlawed, there will always be those who seek to defy the laws and use it for their own gain. The black market for time travel devices and supplies is thriving, with criminals continuously finding ways to manipulate the timelines for their own purposes.

Enter Chris and Elly, a husband and wife duo who work as time cops, tasked with stopping criminals from altering the past and potentially causing catastrophic consequences for the future. They are a formidable team, skilled in combat and strategy, but their latest mission will test their limits like never before.

The couple is tasked with stopping a sophisticated criminal organization from performing a massive heist five years in the past. The stakes are high, as the content of the case they are investigating is a baby eldritch being, a Type Omega that has the potential to destroy entire multiverses if unleashed.

Chris and Elly delve into the world of underground time travel, using their skills and resources to track down the criminal organization and prevent them from carrying out their dangerous plan. The duo must navigate through various timelines and realities, facing dangerous obstacles and enemies along the way.

As they get closer to unraveling the mystery behind the heist, Chris and Elly uncover the true intentions of the criminal organization. They learn that they plan to use the eldritch being as a weapon, harnessing its immense power to dominate the multiverse and establish themselves as rulers of time itself.

Determined to stop this catastrophic event from occurring, Chris and Elly confront the criminals head-on in a final showdown. The battle is fierce and intense, with the fate of all realities hanging in the balance.

The hallucination of Chris' boss:

* In a moment of desperation, Chris and Elly manage to trap the eldritch being in a time loop, preventing it from being unleashed and causing untold destruction. The criminals are defeated, their plans foiled, and the timeline restored to its proper order.

As they return to their own time, Chris and Elly reflect on the dangers of time travel and the responsibilities that come with their jobs as time cops. They know that they will always be needed to protect the timeline from those who seek to manipulate it for their own selfish desires.

With their mission successfully completed, Chris and Elly return to their duties, ready to face whatever challenges the future may hold. The world may be full of dangers and uncertainties, but as long as they have each other, they know they can overcome anything that comes their way.

And so, the time cops continue their endless battle against those who would seek to disrupt the fabric of time, ensuring that the multiverse remains safe and secure for all who inhabit it. *

Real story: Chris and Elly took care of the baby Eldritch, and it gave their boss these hallucinations.

Story 165. Roza.

(600 words)

The Year was 1885, but not as we know it. In this alternate timeline, the world had undergone a massive transformation due to the invention of time travel technology. Years of experimentation and advancements had led to the creation of different timelines that people now traveled to for fun or work.

One of the most popular timelines was known as "The Wild West 2.0". A mashup of the Wild West with futuristic technology, this timeline was a favorite among adventurous travelers looking to experience a unique blend of history and science fiction.

As I stepped off the time machine and onto the dusty streets of "The Wild West 2.0", I was immediately struck by the sights and sounds of this strange new world. Steam-powered carriages whizzed by, their engines churning out thick clouds of black smoke. Clockwork robots roamed the streets, performing menial tasks for their human masters.

I made my way to the local saloon, a bustling establishment filled with cowboys and cyborgs alike. The air was thick with the smell of whiskey and gunpowder, and the sound of mechanical piano music filled the room.

I settled in at the bar and ordered a drink, taking in the sights around me. The bartender, a grizzled old man with a metallic arm, poured me a shot of moonshine and struck up a conversation.

"So, what brings you to The Wild West 2.0?" he asked, wiping a glass with a dirty rag.

"I'm just here to explore," I replied, taking a sip of the potent liquor. "I've always been fascinated by the combination of old-fashioned charm and futuristic technology."

The bartender nodded, his metal arm gleaming in the dim light of the saloon. "We get a lot of folks like you around here. The mix of steampunk and cowboy culture draws them in like moths to a flame."

As I chatted with the bartender, I couldn't help but marvel at the ingenuity and creativity that had gone into creating this alternate timeline. The visionaries behind The Wild West 2.0 had managed to seamlessly blend the aesthetics of the Old West with the advancements of the future, creating a world that was both familiar and alien at the same time.

I soon found myself drawn into the excitement of this new world, joining a group of cowboys and robots on a daring train heist. Armed with laser pistols and steam-powered contraptions, we raced across the desert, dodging bullets and explosions as we fought against a band of outlaws hell-bent on stealing our cargo.

The adrenaline rush of the heist was unlike anything I had ever experienced, and as we rode off into the sunset, victorious and exhilarated, I knew that The Wild West 2.0 was a place I would never forget.

As I boarded the time machine to return to my own timeline, I couldn't help but feel a pang of wistfulness. The allure of The Wild West 2.0 had captured my imagination in a way that no other timeline had before, and I knew that I would always carry a piece of its magic with me wherever I went.

As the time machine hummed to life and I was whisked away from The Wild West 2.0, I made a silent vow to return one day. For in that strange and wondrous world, I had found a sense of adventure and excitement that I had never experienced anywhere else.

And so, with a heart full of memories and a mind brimming with visions of steampunk cowboys and clockwork robots, I bid farewell to The Wild West 2.0, knowing that its mix of history and science fiction would always hold a special place in my heart.

Alternate: Roza.

(592 words)

In a world where time travel was as commonplace as taking a vacation, Chris and Roza found themselves exploring a timeline that was a curious blend of the Wild West and futuristic technology. The steam-powered trains chugged along tracks that crisscrossed the desert landscape, while hovercrafts zipped overhead, leaving trails of exhaust in their wake.

Chris and Roza were a daring couple, always seeking out the most unique and exciting timelines to explore. They were thrill-seekers, always in search of their next adrenaline rush. And the timeline they found themselves in now was certainly no exception.

As they wandered through the dusty streets of a bustling frontier town, Chris and Roza couldn't help but marvel at the strange juxtaposition of old-fashioned saloons and high-tech gadgets. It was a world unlike any they had ever seen before, and they were eager to delve deeper into its mysteries.

Their exploration led them to a remote outpost on the outskirts of town, where they stumbled upon a crate filled with strange, otherworldly eggs. The eggs pulsed with an eerie green light, and Chris and Roza knew immediately that they had stumbled upon something truly remarkable.

But as they examined the eggs more closely, they realized the danger they posed. These were eldritch eggs, ancient relics that had the power to destroy entire multiverses when they hatched. It was a chilling thought, but Chris couldn't bring himself to destroy them. Instead, he made a bold decision.

Chris decided to take it upon himself to train the eggs, to raise them as his own. He knew it was a risky move, but he couldn't bear the thought of such powerful creatures falling into the wrong hands. And so, he and Roza set about the task of nurturing the eggs, teaching them right from wrong, and instilling in them a sense of morality.

As the eggs grew, so too did their power. They displayed extraordinary abilities, harnessing the energy of the timeline itself to do incredible things. Chris and Roza watched in awe as the eggs learned to release massive amounts of psionic energies that caused a widespread earthquake.

But as the eggs grew closer to hatching, Chris and Roza knew that they had to be prepared for whatever came next. They couldn't predict what these creatures would do once they emerged from their shells, but they were determined to guide them down the right path.

And so, when the time finally came, Chris and Roza stood ready, their hearts pounding with anticipation. The eggs cracked open, revealing enormous, otherworldly creatures with glowing eyes and shimmering scales. But instead of unleashing destruction upon the timeline, they turned to Chris