Volume 20, Chapter 8: Scarlett, daughter of tycoon

226. Scarlett (daughter of a powerful businessman)

(538 rating)

Scarlett was the daughter of a powerful businessman who ruled over the city with an iron fist. She was used to getting everything she wanted and had never faced a challenge that she couldn't overcome. That is, until she met Chris.

Chris was a mysterious and enigmatic figure, known for his prowess in both physical combat and magic. He had a reputation for being unbeatable in battle, and Scarlett was intrigued by the challenge he presented. She longed to prove her superiority over him, to show that she was not just a pampered heiress but a force to be reckoned with in her own right.

When they finally met on the battlefield, the tension in the air was palpable. Scarlett's father had arranged the duel, eager to see his daughter emerge victorious and solidify their control over the city. But as soon as the fight began, Scarlett realized that Chris was unlike any opponent she had ever faced before.

His movements were fluid and graceful, almost as if he were dancing instead of fighting. Scarlett struggled to keep up with his speed and agility, her attacks falling short as he effortlessly dodged and countered each one. And when he unleashed his magic, she was truly astounded.

The air crackled with energy as Chris called forth the elements, channeling the power of the cosmos itself to decimate his opponent. Scarlett could do nothing but watch in awe as the universes seemed to shatter around them, the very fabric of reality bending and twisting under the force of their conflict.

Despite her best efforts, Scarlett found herself outmatched and overpowered by the sheer magnitude of Chris's abilities. In a final, desperate attempt to turn the tide, she summoned all her strength and focused her energy into one last attack. But it was too late. Chris's power overwhelmed her, leaving her defeated and humbled.

As she lay on the ground, gasping for breath and nursing her wounds, Scarlett looked up to see Chris standing over her, a look of pity in his eyes. And in that moment, something shifted inside her. She realized that the true victory was not in winning the battle, but in discovering her own limits and learning from her defeat.

And so, Scarlett reached out to Chris, offering him her hand in friendship. As he helped her to her feet, she felt a connection between them that went beyond mere physical or magical combat. It was a bond forged in the fires of adversity, a shared experience that had changed them both forever.

From that day on, Scarlett and Chris embarked on a new journey together, exploring the depths of their own abilities and pushing each other to new heights. And as they traveled through the myriad worlds and dimensions that lay before them, they knew that their love was a cosmic force that could not be contained or defeated.

And so, Scarlett and Chris became legends in their own right, their names whispered in hushed tones across the galaxies. For theirs was a romance that transcended time and space, a love born from the ashes of battle and tempered by the flames of destiny. And as they danced under the stars, their hearts beating as one, they knew that their bond would endure for eternity.

Reward for Chris: Helm of the Host. Sees any hidden artifact of the enemy and analyzes the artifact. Destruction: Spheres of the Endless containing Spheres of existence.


From here on, up to female #286, the destruction escalates up to Pure Epic. Check the end of this volume for the hierarchy. Each female offered a reward. The list can also be found near the end of the volume.

227. Fubuki (daughter of an influential man, goddess angel, mated 25 times with Chris in a day)

Once upon a time, in a world where gods and mortals coexisted, there lived a young woman named Fubuki. She was the daughter of an influential man, known for his wisdom and strength. Fubuki herself was a rare and special being, a goddess angel with powers beyond mortal comprehension. Her beauty was unmatched, her grace was unparalleled, and her heart was pure.

One day, as Fubuki wandered through the forests that surrounded her home, she stumbled upon a man named Chris. He was a mortal, a warrior of great skill and courage. Their meeting was not by chance, for fate had brought them together for a reason neither of them could yet understand.

Chris was struck by Fubuki's beauty and grace, and he was drawn to her like a moth to a flame. He could sense that she was something more than human, something divine and otherworldly. Fubuki, too, felt a connection to Chris, a spark of recognition that ignited deep within her soul.

As they spent more time together, their bond grew stronger and stronger. They laughed and talked, shared stories and dreams, and found solace in each other's presence. And then, one fateful day, their relationship took a dramatic turn.

Fubuki and Chris found themselves caught in a heated argument, their emotions running high and their words sharp and biting. It seemed as though their differences would tear them apart, leaving nothing but broken hearts and shattered dreams in their wake.

But then something unexpected happened. In the midst of their conflict, Fubuki and Chris realized that what they were fighting for was not to prove who was right or wrong, but to understand each other better, to bridge the gap between their worlds and find common ground.

And so, they made a choice. They chose to set aside their differences and open their hearts to each other, to let love and compassion guide them instead of anger and pride. In that moment, a miracle occurred.

Fubuki and Chris fell in love.

Their love was unlike anything either of them had ever experienced before. It was powerful and all-encompassing, pure and true. It transcended the boundaries of their worlds, uniting them in a bond that could never be broken.

And so, Fubuki and Chris embarked on a journey together, exploring the wonders of the universe and discovering the depths of their souls. They faced challenges and obstacles along the way, but they never faltered, for their love was stronger than any force in the cosmos.

In the end, Fubuki and Chris emerged victorious, their love shining like a beacon in the darkness, lighting up the world with its brilliance. And as they stood together, hand in hand, gazing into each other's eyes, they knew that they were meant to be together for all eternity.

For Fubuki and Chris were not just two souls in love - they were two halves of a whole, destined to be together forevermore. And as they embraced each other, their hearts beating as one, they knew that their love would never die, but would live on for all time, a testament to the power of true love in a world filled with darkness and despair.

And so, Fubuki and Chris lived happily ever after, their love lighting up the heavens and inspiring mortals and gods alike to believe in the power of love and the magic of destiny. And as they looked out into the vast expanse of reality, hand in hand, they knew that their love would endure forever, a shining beacon of hope and joy in a world that so desperately needed it.

228. The curious reader Addi. (fairy)

(496 rating)

Once upon a time, in a magical realm full of fairies and mystical creatures, there lived a curious little fairy named Addi. Addi was known throughout the land for her insatiable thirst for knowledge and her unwavering sense of wonder. She spent her days pouring over old tomes and exploring the hidden corners of the forest, always searching for something new and exciting to learn.

One day, as Addi was wandering through the forest, she stumbled upon a handsome young man named Chris. Chris was a traveler from a distant land, and he had come to the fairy realm in search of adventure. Addi was immediately captivated by Chris, his rugged good looks and air of mystery drawing her in like a moth to a flame.

At first, Chris was wary of Addi. He had heard tales of the mischievous fairies who inhabited the realm, and he was hesitant to trust her. But Addi's kind and gentle nature soon won him over, and before long the two of them became fast friends.

As they spent more time together, Addi and Chris began to discover that they had more in common than they had ever imagined. Addi's thirst for knowledge matched Chris's own sense of adventure, and the two of them embarked on a series of thrilling quests and daring escapades together.

But as they journeyed deeper into the forest, they soon found themselves facing a formidable enemy. A dark sorcerer had taken up residence in the heart of the woods, and he was determined to destroy everything in his path. Addi and Chris knew that they had to stop him, but they also knew that the battle would be dangerous and fraught with peril.

As they prepared for the final showdown, Addi and Chris found themselves growing closer and closer. Their shared experiences had forged a deep bond between them, and they began to realize that their feelings for each other went far beyond friendship.

When the day of the battle finally arrived, Addi and Chris stood side by side, ready to face whatever dangers came their way. The sorcerer unleashed a torrent of dark magic upon them, but Addi and Chris fought back with all their might, their love for each other giving them the strength to overcome any obstacle.

In the end, it was Addi's quick thinking and Chris's bravery that saved the day. Together, they defeated the sorcerer and drove him out of the forest, restoring peace and harmony to the realm once more.

As the dust settled and the birds began to sing again, Addi and Chris stood together, victorious. They looked into each other's eyes and knew that they had found something truly special in each other. And as the sun began to set on the horizon, they shared a tender kiss, knowing that their love would endure for all eternity.

And so, in the magical realm full of fairies and mystical creatures, Addi and Chris lived happily ever after, their love shining like a beacon for all to see.

229. Cerelia (demon queen and dragon)

(483 rating)

In the realm of Aria, where magic and mythical creatures roamed freely, there lived a fearsome demon queen named Cerelia. She was known for her beauty and power, ruling over the underworld with an iron fist. But beneath her hardened exterior, Cerelia harbored a deep loneliness, longing for someone to see past her dark reputation and love her for who she truly was.

On the other side of the realm, there was a young dragon named Chris. He was the protector of the sacred mountains, valiant in battle and wise beyond his years. Chris had always dreamed of finding a love that would transcend all boundaries, someone who would accept him for both his strength and his vulnerability.

One fateful day, Cerelia and Chris found themselves drawn together by a powerful force neither could resist. As they stood face to face, their eyes locked in a heated gaze, they knew that destiny had brought them together for a reason.

Despite their initial distrust and animosity towards each other, Cerelia and Chris soon realized that they shared a deep connection that could not be denied. As they spent more time together, they discovered that they were more alike than they had ever imagined. Both yearning for love and acceptance, they found solace in each other's arms.

Their romance blossomed amidst the chaos of the realm, as Cerelia and Chris fought side by side against the forces of darkness that threatened to consume their world. With each battle they faced together, their love grew stronger, like a beacon of light in the darkest of nights.

But their happiness was short-lived, as a powerful enemy emerged from the shadows, intent on destroying everything they held dear. As Cerelia and Chris prepared for their greatest battle yet, they knew that their love would be put to the ultimate test.

In a flurry of magic and fire, Cerelia and Chris fought against the enemy with all their strength, their love fueling their determination to emerge victorious. As the dust settled and the enemy lay defeated at their feet, Cerelia and Chris stood together, their hearts beating as one.

In that moment, they knew that they were destined to be together forever, bound by a love that transcended time and space. With a shared vision of a brighter future, Cerelia and Chris pledged their love to each other, promising to stand by each other's side for all eternity.

And so, the demon queen and the dragon embarked on a new chapter of their lives together, their love shining as brightly as the sun in the sky. As they soared through the clouds, hand in hand, they knew that their love would never falter, no matter what challenges lay ahead.

And in the realm of Aria, where magic and love intertwined, Cerelia and Chris reigned as king and queen, their love story becoming the stuff of legend, whispered by all who knew of their undying devotion to each other.

230. Hikari (kitsune)

(588 rating)

Hikari was not your average kitsune. She possessed a rare gift - the ability to see into the future. Her visions were both a blessing and a curse, as they often revealed troubling events that she was powerless to prevent. Despite this, Hikari lived a peaceful life in the mountains, using her gift to help those in need and protect her fellow kitsune from harm.

One day, while exploring the forest, Hikari stumbled upon a young man named Chris. He was wounded and disoriented, having lost his way while hiking. Hikari approached him cautiously, her silver fox ears twitching with curiosity. As she tended to his wounds, she felt a strange connection to him that she couldn't explain.

Chris was unlike anyone Hikari had ever met. He was kind and gentle, with a spark of curiosity in his eyes that mirrored her own. They spent hours talking and laughing, discovering they had much in common despite their vastly different backgrounds.

As the days passed, Hikari found herself falling for Chris. His presence brought her a sense of peace and joy that she had never experienced before. She longed to reveal her true self to him, to show him the world beyond the human realm. But she knew that her powers and her true nature were dangerous secrets to entrust to a mere mortal.

Despite her reservations, Hikari couldn't resist the pull of her heart. She confided in Chris about her visions, showing him glimpses of the future that both fascinated and terrified him. He listened intently, his eyes widening with wonder at her otherworldly abilities.

But as their bond deepened, Hikari's visions took a dark turn. She saw a future where Chris was in grave danger, his life hanging in the balance. Desperate to protect him, she tried to alter the course of events, using her powers to steer him away from harm.

But fate is a fickle thing, and Hikari soon realized that some events were beyond her control. She watched helplessly as Chris was drawn into a web of deceit and betrayal, his trust shattered by those closest to him. As the shadows closed in around him, Hikari knew that she had to act swiftly to save him from a fate worse than death.

With a heavy heart, Hikari made a fateful decision. She would use her powers to guide Chris through the darkness, to show him the way to his true destiny. But in doing so, she would risk everything she held dear - her powers, her identity, and her love for him.

As the final showdown approached, Hikari and Chris stood side by side, facing their enemies with courage and determination. Hikari's visions had brought them to this moment, where their fates would be decided once and for all.

In the end, it was love that proved to be their greatest strength. With Hikari's guidance and Chris's unwavering faith, they triumphed over their enemies and emerged victorious. As they stood together, panting and bruised but alive, Hikari knew that their bond was unbreakable, forged in the fires of adversity.

And as the sun set over the mountains, casting a golden glow over their weary but content faces, Hikari and Chris embraced, their hearts beating as one. For in each other, they had found not only love, but a kindred spirit who understood the true power of belief and destiny.

And so, Hikari the kitsune and Chris the mortal ventured forth into the unknown, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, secure in the knowledge that their love would guide them through the darkest of nights.