Volume 21, Chapter 4: Godslayer

276. Maya Evelyn (godslayer level 2)

(732 rating)

Maya Evelyn was known far and wide as the godslayer level 2. She possessed a rare and powerful gift that allowed her to tap into the divine realm and wield its energy to defeat even the mightiest of gods. But despite her fearsome reputation, Maya was a kind and gentle soul at heart. And it was this gentleness that drew her to Chris, a simple woodsman who lived on the outskirts of the kingdom.

Chris was a quiet and unassuming man, but he had a strength and wisdom that belied his humble appearance. He had a deep connection to the earth and the creatures that inhabited it, and Maya was drawn to his calm and grounding presence. They had met by chance one day when Maya had ventured into the forest to seek guidance from the ancient spirits that dwelled there. Chris had been gathering firewood, and their eyes had met across a clearing, sparking an instant connection between them.

From that moment on, Maya and Chris were inseparable. They would spend hours wandering through the woods, lost in each other's company. Chris would regale Maya with tales of the forest and its inhabitants, while Maya would share stories of her battles with the gods. They found solace and comfort in each other's arms, and in a world filled with chaos and danger, their love was a rare and precious thing.

But as they continued to grow closer, Maya began to notice strange and unsettling occurrences in the forest. She would see shadows flitting between the trees, hear whispers on the wind, and feel a cold, menacing presence watching her every move. At first, she dismissed these signs as mere tricks of the mind, the remnants of her battles with the gods haunting her thoughts. But as the sightings grew more frequent and the whispers more insistent, Maya began to fear that something darker was at play.

One night, as they sat by the fire in Chris's humble cabin, Maya shared her fears with him. Chris listened attentively, his brow furrowed in concern. He spoke of ancient legends and forbidden magics, of a force that dwelled in the shadows and sought to devour all that was good and pure in the world. Maya felt a chill run down her spine as Chris described the creature, a shapeless being that fed on fear and despair, a being that had no legs to run with, but could still pursue its prey with relentless determination.

As the night wore on, the cabin grew colder and the fire dimmed to embers. Maya and Chris huddled together, seeking comfort and warmth in each other's arms. But as they drifted off to sleep, a sense of unease lingered in the air. And when Maya awoke in the middle of the night, she knew that something was terribly wrong.

The shadows seemed to swirl and dance around the cabin, twisting and contorting into grotesque shapes that loomed over her. The whispers on the wind grew louder, filling her ears with a cacophony of dark and twisted words. And as she looked into Chris's eyes, she saw a flash of something otherworldly, a glint of malevolence that sent a shiver down her spine.

Maya knew then that the creature from Chris's stories had found them, that it had come to claim her soul and extinguish the light that she held within. But she also knew that she possessed a power far greater than any creature of darkness could ever hope to match. With a fierce determination burning in her heart, Maya called upon her gift and unleashed a wave of divine energy that blazed like a thousand suns.

The creature howled in agony as the light consumed it, its form twisting and warping until it vanished into nothingness. And as the last echoes of its cries faded into the night, Maya turned to Chris, her eyes filled with tears of relief and wonder. In that moment, she knew that their love had triumphed over the darkness, that together they could face any challenge that the world threw their way.

And as they watched the first light of dawn break over the horizon, Maya and Chris knew that they were bound together not just by love, but by a bond that transcended time and space. They were two halves of a whole, warriors against the darkness, and in each other's arms, they found a home that would endure for eternity.

She told a bonus story: Once upon a time, there was a brave explorer who set out on a journey into the mysterious dimension of four dimensional space. He was determined to uncover the secrets of this mysterious realm, and he was not afraid of what he might find. Along the way, he encountered many strange and wondrous creatures, including floating islands and flying cities. He traveled far and wide, exploring every corner of this strange and fascinating dimension. In the end, he discovered the secrets of four dimensional space, and he returned home with his knowledge and experiences.

277. Genya (Chris' avatar is younger than her, Genya is Godslayer, level 10)

(555 rating)

Genya had always been mysterious and elusive, a force to be reckoned with in the virtual world of Godslayer. Her avatar, a fierce warrior with unmatched skills, struck fear into the hearts of her enemies. And yet, when she met Chris, a fellow player who was several levels below her, something changed.

Chris was immediately drawn to Genya, not just because of her impressive abilities in the game, but because of the way she carried herself with a quiet confidence that seemed to mask a vulnerability he couldn't quite put his finger on. They quickly bonded over their shared love for the game, spending hours battling monsters and exploring virtual worlds together.

As their friendship blossomed into something more, Chris found himself falling for Genya in a way he had never felt before. He admired her strength and determination, but also sensed a deep loneliness that seemed to haunt her every move. He wondered what secrets she was hiding behind her stoic facade, and whether she would ever trust him enough to reveal them.

One day, when Genya suddenly disappeared from the game without a word, Chris was devastated. He searched high and low for any sign of her, but she seemed to have vanished into thin air. Desperate to find her, he turned to other players for help, but no one had seen her or heard from her in days.

Fearing the worst, Chris began to fear that Genya had met with some sinister fate. He couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching him, lurking in the shadows and waiting for the perfect moment to strike. As he delved deeper into the mystery of Genya's disappearance, he uncovered a web of deceit and betrayal that shook him to his core.

But just when he thought all hope was lost, a strange message appeared in his inbox. It was from Genya, revealing that she had been hiding in plain sight all along, watching him from afar to make sure he was safe. She confessed that she had been battling a powerful enemy within the game, one that threatened to destroy everything she held dear.

With newfound determination, Chris set out to help Genya defeat her enemy once and for all. Together, they fought their way through wave after wave of monsters and traps, their bond growing stronger with each victory. And as they finally faced off against the ultimate boss, a dark and twisted version of Genya herself, they knew that they could conquer anything as long as they had each other.

In the end, Genya emerged victorious, her true power shining brighter than ever before. She thanked Chris for his unwavering support and love, knowing that she could always count on him to stand by her side no matter what challenges they faced. And as they watched the virtual world around them fade away, they knew that their connection transcended the boundaries of the game, forging a bond that would last a lifetime.

As they logged out of Godslayer for the final time, Chris took Genya's hand in his, knowing that their adventure was far from over. And as they stepped out into the real world together, ready to face whatever dangers lay ahead, they knew that nothing could ever tear them apart. For they were lovers bound by fate, destined to conquer the darkness and emerge stronger than ever before.

Bonus story:

Once upon a time, there was a four dimensional being who lived in a four dimensional world. They were a sentient being who had the ability to see, hear, taste, touch, and smell, but they also had a unique ability to perceive time in a different way than we humans do. They could see the past, present, and future all at once. They were able to move between different points in time, and they could even see different versions of themselves from different timelines. They were the ruler of this four dimensional world, and they were a very powerful and wise beings.

278. Ruby (goddess, level 6)

(555 rating)

The wind whipped around Ruby as she stood on the fifty-story ledge, her heart pounding in her chest. How had they ended up here, on the brink of disaster? She looked over at Chris, her lover, his face pale with fear as he clung to the building for dear life.

It had started out as a simple game, a challenge from Ruby to see who could climb the tallest building in the city. She was a goddess, with powers beyond human comprehension, and she was always pushing the limits of what she could do. Chris, on the other hand, was just an ordinary man, but he had always been drawn to Ruby and her extraordinary abilities.

As they reached the top of the building, a sense of exhilaration swept over both of them. They laughed and embraced, the rush of adrenaline fueling their passion for each other. But as they looked out at the city spread out below them, a sense of dread crept in. The height, the danger, it all suddenly seemed too much.

And now, here they were, clinging to the edge of the building, the ground so far below it seemed like a distant memory. Ruby closed her eyes, trying to focus her powers, trying to find a way out of this nightmare. But the fear was overwhelming, threatening to consume her.

Chris reached out a hand to her, his eyes pleading for help. "Ruby, we need to get out of here," he said, his voice shaking with fear. "I can't hold on much longer."

Ruby took a deep breath, pushing aside the panic that threatened to overwhelm her. She knew she had to be strong, for both of them. She focused her powers, channeling them into a protective shield that enveloped them both, keeping them safe from the sheer drop below.

As they clung to the building, the sound of sirens in the distance echoed through the night. The authorities had been alerted to their dangerous stunt, and they knew they needed to find a way out before it was too late. Ruby closed her eyes, her mind racing as she searched for a solution.

And then, in a moment of clarity, she saw it. A shimmering portal opened up before them, a gateway to safety and escape. Without hesitating, she pulled Chris through the portal, the world spinning around them as they were transported to safety.

As they emerged on solid ground, Ruby collapsed to her knees, exhaustion washing over her. Chris wrapped his arms around her, holding her close as they caught their breath. The danger had passed, but the memory of the terror they had faced would stay with them forever.

In the days that followed, Ruby and Chris vowed never to take such reckless risks again. They had come too close to losing everything, and they knew they had been given a second chance. As they stood hand in hand, looking out at the city below, they both knew that they were stronger together than they ever could be apart.

And as the sun set on the horizon, casting a golden glow over the city, Ruby and Chris knew that they would always have each other, no matter what challenges came their way. They were bound by love, united by their shared experience on the edge of that fifty-story ledge, and nothing could ever tear them apart.

279. Olivia (elf, level 4)

(592 rating)

As Olivia turned the corner, her heart pounded in her chest. She and Chris had been on the run for weeks now, hiding from the dark forces that were trying to capture them. The passing stranger who handed her the keys seemed to know more than they should, but Olivia didn't have time to question it. She took the keys and whispered a quick thank you before sprinting towards where the stranger had pointed.

The night air was cool and crisp, the moon casting an eerie glow on the deserted streets. Olivia could hear the distant sound of sirens, a reminder of the danger that was always lurking nearby. She trusted Chris with her life, but she knew they were both treading on thin ice.

As she approached the car, she saw Chris waiting for her, his eyes filled with worry and determination. He held out his hand for the keys and Olivia dropped them into his palm. Without a word, they got into the car and drove off into the night, leaving behind the chaos and uncertainty that had become their constant companion.

As they drove, Olivia couldn't shake the feeling that they were being followed. She glanced nervously out the window, but the streets were empty and still. Chris kept his eyes on the road, his jaw clenched in concentration. They didn't speak, the silence heavy between them.

Suddenly, Olivia saw a flash of movement in the rearview mirror. She gasped and pointed, her heart racing. Chris's knuckles turned white as he gripped the steering wheel, his foot pressing down on the gas pedal. The car surged forward, tires screeching against the pavement.

They weaved through the maze of streets, trying to lose their pursuers. Olivia caught a glimpse of their attackers in the side mirror – dark figures on motorcycles, their faces hidden behind helmets. She felt a surge of panic, but she knew she had to stay focused.

Chris took a sharp turn down an alley, the car skidding dangerously on the slick pavement. Olivia held her breath as they emerged onto a main road, the motorcycles still hot on their trail. She could see the determination in Chris's eyes, the fierce protectiveness that burned within him.

As they approached a narrow bridge, Chris suddenly swerved to the right, sending the car crashing through the railing and plunging into the dark waters below. Olivia screamed as the icy cold water rushed in, enveloping them in darkness. She fought against the current, struggling to hold onto consciousness.

When she finally surfaced, gasping for air, she saw Chris swimming towards her, his expression grim but determined. He pulled her towards the shore, his grip firm and unyielding. They collapsed on the riverbank, gasping for breath, their bodies bruised and battered.

As Olivia looked up at Chris, she saw the love and devotion in his eyes. She knew they were meant to be together, no matter what obstacles stood in their way. They had faced death together and emerged stronger because of it.

As they lay there, catching their breath, Olivia felt a sense of peace wash over her. She knew that their journey was far from over, but she also knew that as long as they were together, they could face anything that came their way. The thrill of the chase would never end, but neither would their love for each other. And with that thought in mind, Olivia closed her eyes and let herself drift into a well-deserved sleep, knowing that no matter what tomorrow would bring, she and Chris would face it together, united in strength and determination.

280. Classroom confidants (elves, daughters of influential parents)

(856 rating)

The sun was setting over the quiet town of Willow Creek as the bell rang signaling the end of another school day. The students at Willow Creek Academy quickly gathered their belongings and made their way to their next destination. Among them were the classroom confidants, a group of secretive elves who were daughters of some of the most influential parents in town.

As the classroom confidants chatted amongst themselves, one of them, a young elf named Lily, noticed a strange figure standing at the edge of the school grounds. The figure was tall and had a menacing look about him. Without a word, Lily grabbed her friends and hurried away, trying to ignore the feeling of unease that had settled in her stomach.

That night, as Lily lay in bed trying to fall asleep, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. She tossed and turned, the events of the day replaying in her mind over and over again. Suddenly, she heard a noise coming from outside her window. She got up and cautiously approached the window, peering out into the darkness.

To her horror, she saw the same figure she had seen earlier that day standing in the shadows, staring up at her window. Lily gasped and stumbled back, her heart racing with fear. She quickly closed the curtains and locked the window, but she knew deep down that the figure was still out there, watching her.

The next day at school, Lily couldn't concentrate on her studies. She kept glancing nervously out the window, half-expecting to see the figure staring back at her. As she sat in class, a chill ran down her spine as she felt a presence behind her. She turned around quickly, only to find her husband Chris standing there, wearing an expression of concern.

"Lily, are you okay? You seem really distracted today," Chris said, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Lily tried to smile reassuringly, but she couldn't shake the feeling of dread that had settled over her. She knew she had to tell Chris about the figure outside her window, but she didn't want to worry him. However, as the day went on and the figure continued to loom in the back of her mind, she knew she had no choice.

That evening, Lily sat down with Chris and recounted the events of the past two days. She told him about the figure outside her window, about the unease she had felt, and about the feeling of being watched. Chris listened intently, his brow furrowed in concern.

"Lily, that sounds really unsettling. I think we should go to the police and report this. It's better to be safe than sorry," Chris said, his voice filled with determination.

Lily nodded, grateful for his support. They quickly made their way to the police station and filed a report, detailing everything that had happened. The officers took their statement seriously and promised to investigate the matter.

Days turned into weeks, and the figure at the window seemed to fade into a distant memory. Lily felt a sense of relief wash over her, knowing that she had Chris by her side to protect her. However, as she sat in class one day, a strange feeling washed over her. She turned around slowly, her heart pounding in her chest.

Standing in the doorway of the classroom was a figure that looked exactly like her husband Chris. Lily's eyes widened in shock as she realized that it was her doppelgänger, a sinister twin who had been haunting her all along.

With a wicked smile, the doppelgänger raised a hand and pointed directly at Lily, a look of malice in her eyes. Lily gasped in horror, realizing that the figure she had seen outside her window was not a stranger, but a twisted version of herself.

As the doppelgänger advanced towards her, Lily felt a surge of fear unlike anything she had ever experienced. She knew that she had to act quickly if she wanted to survive this deadly game of cat and mouse. With a steely resolve, she stood up and faced her doppelgänger head-on, ready to fight for her life.

The classroom fell into chaos as the two figures clashed violently, their movements a blur of speed and precision. Lily's heart raced as she dodged the doppelgänger's attacks, determined to outwit her sinister twin. With a burst of adrenaline, she launched herself at the doppelgänger, their bodies colliding in a fierce struggle for dominance.

In the end, it was Lily's quick thinking and determination that proved to be her salvation. With a final, decisive blow, she managed to overpower her doppelgänger and send her crashing to the ground, defeated. As the classroom fell into stunned silence, Lily stood victorious, her heart pounding in her chest.

From that day on, Lily knew that she could never let her guard down again. She had faced her darkest fears and emerged stronger than ever, ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead. And as she looked into the eyes of her husband Chris, she knew that she had a true ally by her side, a confidant who would always stand by her no matter what dangers lurked in the shadows.

[Harem with power increase]

* from this point on, some "Power increase" are revealed by the Chronicler, which simply means that aside from the quark scaling, an additional power boost multiplies the dual stats, upon bonding with the woman and/or completing her story. This effect is realized in a chain of special multiverses where Chris was able to absorb additional mana boosts from the environment. Not all multiverses allow this effect.

The level of some of the girls are revealed, which simply means that Chris' bonus is exponentially raised by the woman's level, upon bonding with her and completing her story.

If Y = Woman's Power level, then:

Chris' new Power level = (old Power level x (Power increase) raised to Yth power.


Chris' new Power level = (old Power level x (Power increase)^Y.

If there is no power level mentioned but the female has a level, the power level instead is 5555555.