Volume 22, Chapter 1: Transcending

Volume 22.

As a being that transcended Undverses and dimensions, Chris' stories are more of an allegory or abstract nature, explaining interactions and conflicts in human ways so ordinary people can understand. The stories can also be interpreted as dreams of the beings involved, fighting or interacting in the dream world. Or, the use of corporeal avatars.

It can be said that the Leviathan made Chris nigh omnipotent in his own world, and when Chris awakes, he is still extremely powerful. However, nigh omnipotence has its levels. There are more powerful nigh omnipotents than Chris, and they drag him in his dreams. His dreams affect reality, however, up to the Outerverse and beyond.

Chris liked challenges, and it's no surprise that he or the females have placed limitations on him, themselves, and the dream worlds...

He still had to follow the rules that he and the females have imposed...

This volume has two parts:

Part 1: Continuation of the women from the previous book.

Part 2: Another realm of Fantasy and Magic.


342. Lilith (dragon level 10; Control elements (air, earth, fire, water)).

Power increase: 1220905

(480 rating)

Lilith, a powerful dragon with control over the elements of air, earth, fire, and water, had never experienced love before meeting Chris. Chris was a human with no superpowers, but he had a kind and gentle spirit that drew Lilith to him. Despite their differences, they formed a deep connection that transcended their individual abilities.

One night, as Lilith and Chris were enjoying a quiet moment together, they were suddenly ambushed by a group of individuals with superpowers. The mysterious organization behind the attack had been monitoring Lilith and Chris for some time, and they saw their relationship as a threat to their plans for domination.

The battle that followed was intense, with Lilith using her elemental powers to defend Chris from their attackers. Chris, although powerless in the traditional sense, showed remarkable courage and resilience in the face of danger. Together, they fought back against the overwhelming odds, determined to protect their love at all costs.

As the fight raged on, Lilith and Chris began to realize that the organization had a sinister agenda that went beyond just eliminating them. They discovered that the organization was experimenting on individuals with superpowers, using them as pawns in a larger scheme to create an unstoppable army of super soldiers.

Driven by their love for each other and a shared sense of justice, Lilith and Chris knew they had to put an end to the organization's nefarious plans. With a combination of Lilith's elemental powers and Chris's resourcefulness, they were able to infiltrate the organization's headquarters and confront its leaders in a final showdown.

In a climactic battle that shook the foundation of the organization, Lilith unleashed her full power, calling upon the elements to overwhelm their enemies. Chris, using his quick thinking and strategic skills, managed to disable the organization's control systems, leaving them vulnerable to defeat.

In the end, Lilith and Chris emerged victorious, but not without sacrifice. The battle had taken its toll on both of them, and they knew that their lives would never be the same. As they stood amidst the wreckage of the organization's headquarters, they held each other close, knowing that their love had been tested and proven true.

In the aftermath of the battle, Lilith and Chris decided to use their powers for good, working together to protect the innocent and fight against those who would seek to exploit the superpowered for their own gain. Their love had become a beacon of hope in a world filled with darkness, inspiring others to stand up and make a difference.

As they looked out at the horizon, Lilith and Chris knew that their journey was far from over. But with their bond stronger than ever, they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that as long as they had each other, they could overcome anything. And so, they walked hand in hand into the unknown, ready to forge a new future together.

343. Ivy Kieran (goddess of love and beauty level 6, telekinesis)

Power increase: 16263089

(488 rating)

The steam-powered engines hummed as Ivy Kieran, goddess of love and beauty, stood on the deck of the airship, her golden hair shimmering in the sunlight. She was a level 6 telekinetic, able to move objects with the power of her mind, and she was determined to protect her lover, Chris, as they embarked on their steampunk airship adventure.

As the airship ascended into the sky, Ivy could feel a sense of danger looming. Chris, a skilled mechanic and inventor, stood beside her, his hand intertwined with hers. They had been through many adventures together, but this journey felt different, more perilous.

Suddenly, the sound of cannon fire erupted through the air. Sky pirates, notorious for their ruthlessness and greed, were attacking the airship. Ivy immediately sprang into action, using her telekinetic powers to deflect the incoming cannonballs. Chris rushed to the control panel, trying to maneuver the airship out of harm's way.

The deck was chaotic, with crew members rushing to secure the ship and fend off the pirates. Ivy could see the determination in Chris's eyes as he fought to keep the airship steady. She knew she had to do everything in her power to protect him and ensure they survived this harrowing ordeal.

With a wave of her hand, Ivy summoned a whirlwind of energy, sending the pirate ships spiraling off course. The air crackled with power as she unleashed her telekinetic abilities, creating a shield around the airship to ward off further attacks. Chris looked at her in awe, admiration shining in his eyes.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the sky, Ivy and Chris stood together on the deck, their hearts racing with adrenaline. The danger was far from over, but they were determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead, united in their love and determination to protect each other.

As the airship continued on its journey, Ivy and Chris faced many more obstacles and dangers. From treacherous storms to mechanical malfunctions, they relied on each other's strengths and abilities to overcome every hurdle. Their bond grew stronger with each passing moment, cemented by their shared experiences and unwavering devotion.

In the final showdown with the sky pirates, Ivy and Chris fought side by side, their powers combining to create a formidable force against their enemies. With a final burst of telekinetic energy, Ivy sent the pirates fleeing, their ships retreating into the horizon.

As the airship sailed on, victorious and filled with a sense of triumph, Ivy and Chris stood on the deck, their hands clasped tight. The thrill of adventure and danger had only deepened their love for each other, solidifying their bond as they soared through the sky, ready to face whatever challenges came their way.

And so, Ivy Kieran, goddess of love and beauty, and her lover Chris, the fearless inventor, continued on their steampunk airship adventure, their hearts brimming with courage and their souls intertwined in a love that defied all odds.

344. Lily (queen of demons level 10, Shapeshifting)

Power increase: 12737326

(639 rating)

In the heart of the Wild West, there was a town called Dusty Creek, known for its rough and tumble ways. The townspeople lived in fear of a notorious gang of bandits who rode through the desert, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.

One day, a retired gunslinger named Chris, who had once been the fastest draw in the West, rode into town on his trusty steed. He had hung up his guns years ago, tired of the violence and bloodshed that seemed to follow him wherever he went. Chris had settled down in Dusty Creek, hoping for a quiet life away from the chaos of the outside world.

But when the bandits rode into town, Chris knew he couldn't just stand by and watch as innocent people were terrorized. He reluctantly strapped on his guns once more, feeling the weight of his past sins heavy on his shoulders. As he looked out at the town from the saloon where he was holed up, he saw a figure standing in the shadows, watching the chaos unfold.

It was Lily, the queen of demons, a powerful shapeshifter who had taken on human form to walk among mortals. She had been drawn to Dusty Creek by rumors of a great battle brewing, and as she watched Chris prepare to face the bandits, she felt a strange tug at her heart.

Lily had always been a solitary creature, feared and revered by those who knew of her true power. But there was something about Chris, something that made her heart ache with a longing she had never known before. She knew that they were destined to be together, two souls bound by fate in a world that seemed determined to tear them apart.

As the bandits rode into town, guns blazing and shouts filling the air, Chris and Lily stood side by side, ready to face whatever came their way. Chris's hands were steady as he drew his guns, his eyes focused and his heart filled with a grim determination. Lily's form shimmered in the moonlight, her demon powers crackling with energy as she prepared to unleash hell on the bandits who dared to threaten her town.

In a whirlwind of gunfire and magic, Chris and Lily fought back against the bandits, their bodies moving as one in a deadly dance of death. Chris's guns sang their mournful song, each shot finding its mark with deadly accuracy. Lily's powers were a force of nature, bending reality to her will as she morphed from one terrifying form to another, striking fear into the hearts of the bandits who had underestimated her.

The battle raged on throughout the night, the moon hanging heavy in the sky as the dust settled and the town fell silent. Chris and Lily stood victorious, their bodies battered but their spirits unbroken. They had faced death head-on and emerged stronger for it, their bond forged in fire and blood.

As the townspeople emerged from their hiding places, cheering and clapping for the heroes who had saved them, Chris and Lily shared a knowing look. They knew that their time together was fleeting, that the world would always try to tear them apart. But in that moment, they were united in their victory, their love shining bright in the darkness of the Wild West.

And as they rode out of town together, the wind at their backs and the future stretching out before them, Chris and Lily knew that they were destined for greatness. The Wild West may have been a harsh and unforgiving place, but with love and courage as their weapons, they were unstoppable. And so they rode off into the sunset, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that as long as they were together, they could overcome anything that stood in their way.

345. Angi (demon queen level 5; mind control)

Power increase: 13750243

(448 rating)

In the dark and mysterious depths of an ancient cave, explorers stumble upon evidence of ancient aliens on Earth. These explorers, led by the daring and enigmatic archaeologist Angi, uncover artifacts and relics that hint at a previous extraterrestrial presence on the planet.

One particular relic catches the attention of Angi's lover, Chris. As he touches the alien artifact, he is overcome with a surge of unearthly power and knowledge. Unbeknownst to him, the relic has unlocked abilities within him that were dormant, waiting to be awakened.

As Angi and Chris delve deeper into the mysteries of the ancient aliens, they come to realize that they are not the only ones who are aware of the artifacts. A shadowy organization, known only as The Order, seeks to control and suppress the knowledge of the ancient aliens for their own nefarious purposes.

With Angi's formidable powers of mind control and Chris's newfound abilities, the two lovers must navigate a treacherous world of intrigue and danger. As The Order closes in on them, Angi and Chris must use all of their cunning and strength to protect the ancient secrets and prevent them from falling into the wrong hands.

As they uncover more and more about the ancient aliens, Angi and Chris begin to experience strange visions and dreams. They see glimpses of a future where humanity is on the brink of destruction, and it becomes clear that the ancient aliens held the key to saving the world from its inevitable fate.

Armed with this knowledge, Angi and Chris must race against time to unlock the full potential of the alien relics and prevent The Order from using them for their own dark purposes. As they face off against The Order's agents in a series of thrilling and pulse-pounding encounters, Angi and Chris discover the true extent of their powers and the strength of their love for each other.

In a final showdown with The Order, Angi and Chris unleash the full power of the ancient alien relics, revealing a vision of a world where humans and aliens coexist in harmony. The Order is defeated, their plans thwarted, and the ancient secrets of the aliens are safe once more.

As Angi and Chris stand victorious, gazing out at the world they have saved, they know that they have unlocked a new chapter in humanity's history. With their love as their guide, they embark on a new journey, ready to face whatever challenges the future may bring.

And so, the legend of Angi, the demon queen level 5 with powers of mind control, and her lover Chris, the bearer of the ancient alien relics, lives on as a tale of bravery, love, and the enduring power of the human spirit.

346. Lia (dragon level 1; weather control)

Power increase: 2648698

347. Andrea (goddess of love and compassion level 6; healing)

Power increase: 7136844

(539 rating)

Andrea, the goddess of love and compassion at level 6, was known throughout the spiritual realm for her healing abilities. She possessed a rare gift of being able to mend not only physical wounds but emotional and spiritual ones as well. Her kind heart and gentle demeanor had earned her the admiration of many, but it was her unwavering dedication to helping those in need that truly set her apart.

One day, while in deep meditation, Andrea received a vision of a man named Chris. In the vision, she saw him in the midst of a dangerous mission, risking his life to uncover the secrets of a powerful crime syndicate. As she watched him navigate the treacherous waters of deception and betrayal, Andrea knew that she had to find a way to help him.

Determined to assist Chris in any way she could, Andrea used her healing powers to project herself into the physical world. She materialized in a dimly lit alleyway, her ethereal form blending seamlessly with the shadows. As she reached out to touch Chris, she felt a surge of energy pass between them, connecting their souls in a powerful bond.

Chris, who had been unaware of Andrea's presence until that moment, felt a sense of calm wash over him. He knew that he was not alone in his mission, that he had a powerful ally by his side. Together, they set out to infiltrate the crime syndicate and bring down its ruthless leaders.

As they delved deeper into the world of organized crime, Andrea and Chris discovered that the syndicate was hoarding ancient relics with mystical powers. These artifacts had been stolen from unsuspecting victims, their energy corrupted by the dark intentions of the criminals who possessed them.

Using their combined skills and knowledge, Andrea and Chris devised a plan to recover the relics and dismantle the syndicate from within. With Andrea's healing abilities to counteract the negative energy of the artifacts, they were able to neutralize the threat posed by the crime lords and restore balance to the spiritual realm.

In the final showdown with the syndicate's leaders, Andrea unleashed her full potential as a goddess of love and compassion. Her radiant light pierced through the darkness, illuminating the path to redemption for those who had strayed from the path of righteousness.

Chris, inspired by Andrea's unwavering strength and courage, fought with all his might to protect her and ensure the success of their mission. Together, they emerged victorious, the relics safely in their possession and the crime syndicate in shambles.

As they stood side by side, bathed in the glow of their triumph, Andrea and Chris knew that their bond would endure long after the dust had settled. United in purpose and guided by the power of love and compassion, they were unstoppable in their quest to bring justice to the world.

And so, as they returned to the spiritual realm, their spirits intertwined in a dance of eternal love and harmony, Andrea and Chris knew that they had forever changed the course of history with their courageous actions. The world would never be the same again, thanks to the goddess of love and compassion and her loyal companion, the agent who went undercover in a crime syndicate to bring down its leaders.

348. The intelligent rose girl, Ashley (dragon level 5; flight)

Power increase: 3179879

(589 rating)

The sun was setting over the small town of Willow Creek as Ashley, the intelligent rose girl with dragon level abilities, soared through the sky on her powerful wings. She had always been drawn to the beauty of the roses that grew on the outskirts of town, their vibrant colors and delicate petals speaking to her soul in a way nothing else could.

As she landed gracefully in the field of roses, she felt the familiar tingling sensation that told her Chris, her lover, was nearby. Chris was a talented artist who had captured Ashley's heart with his gentle spirit and keen eye for beauty. Together, they were an unstoppable force, blending their unique abilities to create a world that was both magical and captivating.

But something was not right in Willow Creek. As Ashley and Chris spent more time together, they began to notice strange anomalies in the fabric of reality. Time seemed to be looping, as they found themselves reliving the same action-packed day over and over again. Each time, they were faced with new challenges and dangers, but no matter what they did, they could not escape the endless cycle.

Desperate to break free from the time loop, Ashley and Chris embarked on a quest to unravel the mystery that held them captive. They searched high and low, exploring every corner of the town in search of clues that would lead them to the source of the looping phenomenon.

It was during one of their ventures into the nearby forest that they stumbled upon a relic unlike anything they had ever seen before. The relic glowed with an otherworldly light, pulsing with energy that seemed to call out to them. As they reached out to touch it, a surge of power rushed through their bodies, filling them with a sense of clarity and purpose.

With newfound determination, Ashley and Chris set out to confront the source of the time loop head-on. As they delved deeper into the heart of the mystery, they discovered that an ancient being known as the Time Guardian was behind the looping phenomenon. The Time Guardian had been trapped in Willow Creek for centuries, unable to escape the confines of its own creation.

But Ashley, with her dragon level abilities and keen intellect, saw a way to break the cycle and set the Time Guardian free. With Chris by her side, she devised a plan to harness the power of the relic they had found, using it to disrupt the flow of time and create a window of opportunity to confront the Time Guardian once and for all.

* The dream:

As the final battle raged on, Ashley and Chris fought with all their strength, using their combined powers to weaken the Time Guardian and break free from the looping cycle. In a dazzling display of light and energy, the Time Guardian was defeated, its hold over Willow Creek finally broken.

With the time loop shattered, Ashley and Chris emerged victorious, their hearts full of love and triumph. As they stood together in the fading light of the setting sun, they knew that they had overcome the greatest challenge of their lives and emerged stronger and more united than ever before.

And so, the intelligent rose girl and her lover, Chris, returned to their beloved town of Willow Creek, where they continued to create beauty and magic in a world filled with endless possibilities. Together, they soared through the sky, their spirits shining bright with the knowledge that they had escaped the confines of time and embraced a future filled with hope and promise. *

* Reality: Chris manipulated the Time Guardian and included it in his army.

349. Shade (demon queen level 2; skill of seduction)

Power increase: 17024780

(569 rating)

Shade, the demon queen level 2 with the skill of seduction, had always been a mysterious and powerful being. She ruled over the underworld with an iron fist, using her charm and allure to manipulate those around her. But when she met Chris, a brave and adventurous explorer, her world was turned upside down.

Chris was part of a team of deep-sea explorers who were on a mission to explore the darkest depths of the ocean. Their goal was to uncover the secrets that lay hidden beneath the surface, and they were willing to risk it all for the sake of discovery.

As the team descended into the depths of the ocean, they encountered strange and otherworldly creatures that seemed to be drawn to Shade's presence. It was as if she exuded a power that was beyond their understanding, a power that both fascinated and terrified them.

But Chris was different. He was not afraid of Shade or her seductive charms. In fact, he found himself drawn to her in a way that he could not explain. There was something about her that called to him, that made him feel alive in a way he had never felt before.

As they delved deeper into the abyss, the team faced new and even more dangerous threats. Giant squids, monstrous fish, and deadly underwater volcanoes all threatened to end their mission before it had even begun. But Shade's powers seemed to protect them, guiding them safely through the treacherous waters.

But as their journey continued, Chris began to realize that Shade's powers were not only protecting them from harm but also drawing them deeper into her dark and seductive world. He felt himself slipping under her spell, unable to resist her allure, even as he knew that she was leading him down a dangerous path.

Soon, they found themselves face to face with the most powerful creature in the ocean, a behemoth that had never been seen before. It seemed to sense Shade's presence and attacked with a ferocity that was unmatched. The team fought bravely, but it seemed as though they were doomed to be swallowed by the creature's immense jaws.

But then, Shade stepped forward, her eyes burning with a fierce determination. With a wave of her hand, she unleashed a power that was beyond anything Chris had ever seen. The creature recoiled in fear, its massive form shaking with the force of her magic.

In that moment, Chris knew that Shade was more than just a demon queen with a skill of seduction. She was a visionary, a being of immense power and wisdom who had the ability to shape the world around her in ways that few could imagine.

As the team emerged from the depths of the ocean, battered but victorious, Chris knew that his life would never be the same. He had experienced things that most could only dream of, seen wonders that defied explanation, and stood beside a being whose power was unmatched.

And as he looked into Shade's eyes, he knew that their journey was far from over. Together, they would explore the depths of the ocean and beyond, facing whatever challenges came their way with courage and determination.

For Shade was not just his lover, she was his partner in a world full of mysteries waiting to be unraveled. And Chris was ready to follow her wherever she led, knowing that with her by his side, there was nothing they could not overcome.


The Chroniclers had another secret: details of females #151-349 were separated into another set of files because:

1. Many of their stories were interrelated or linked together.

2. Their relics were too powerful. Even the relic of female #286 can cause Pure Epic Destruction (can destroy much, much larger than Omniverses). And, #188's relic can destroy teraverses.

3. These relics had a very long "waiting/recharge time" before Chris can use them again.


Omniverse, Outerverse, The outside, Monocosm, Altarca, The cosmic box, The Megabox, The Ultrabox, The Extremebox, Sphere of Existence containing Extremeboxes, Spheres of the Endless containing Spheres of existence, Void Spheres containing Spheres of the Endless, Supervoid, Hypervoid, Metavoid, Ultravoid, Xenovoid, Omnivoid, Blue Void, Realm of Pitch Black, The true cosmic box, Reality sphere, Universeverse, Loopholeverse, Esrevinu, Esrevitlum, Esrevatem, Esrevonex, Esrevrepyh, Esrevolik, Esrevagem, Esrevagig, Esrevaret, Esrevatep, Esrevaxa, Esrevattez, Esrevattoy, Esrevannor, Esrevatteuq, Esrevadneh, Esrevakod, Esrevitnez, Esrevhcra, Esrevartlu, Esrevinmo, Esrevretuo, Esrevesrevinu, Inverse, Outverse, The higher Shadow Realm, The higher Light Realm, The Grey Area, The Multi-Realm, Inter-Realm Spaces, Space of Spaces, Space-Ception, The Sphere of Unlimited Blankness, The Cosmic Bottle, the Cosmic (Oceanic Oasis), The Realm of the Cosmic Substance, Realm of Eldritch Lava, The Eldritch Volcano, Eldritch Island, Eldritch Air, Eldritch World, Eldritch Emptiness, Absolute Eldritch, The Epic Realm, Epicverse, Pure Epicverse,

The Eternal Land, The Land of Dreams, The Infinite Parallel Lands, Mathematical Concept Chain (The Cosmic Grid), The Cubic Graph, The Axis,The Infinity Dimensional Graph of Reality, Omni-type (The Higher Lands), The Land of Law Manipulators, The Omnayer (female 296's relic level), The "Absolute" Existence, One Verse With a million layers, The Beyond, The Source (300th level).

Above The Source Level 1, ATS Level 2, ATS level 3...up to ATS Level 49 (female 349).
