Volume 23, Chapter 1: Fantasies and Celebrities?

Volume 23.

This volume has two parts:

1. Major part: Fantasy worlds, continued from previous book.

2. Minor part: nigh omnipotent females with celebrity and anime names.


O story 27:

(682 rating)

The sun was just starting to rise as personal trainer, Alex, stepped into the luxurious penthouse where his new client, billionaire Johnathan King, resided. He was greeted by the breathtaking view of the city skyline as he made his way to the expansive gym at the other end of the penthouse.

As he entered the gym, Johnathan was already there, waiting for him. Alex couldn't help but be taken aback by the strikingly handsome man standing before him. Johnathan had the looks of a classic Hollywood leading man, with his chiseled jawline, piercing blue eyes, and perfectly tousled hair. But there was a sadness in those eyes that Alex couldn't ignore.

"Good morning, Mr. King," Alex greeted him with a warm smile. "I'm Alex, your personal trainer. I'm here to help you get back into shape and regain your confidence."

Johnathan returned the smile, though it didn't quite reach his eyes. "Please, call me John. And thank you for being here, Alex. I know I have let myself go, but I'm ready to make a change."

As they began their workout session, Alex couldn't help but notice the determination in John's eyes. Despite his initial reservations, John was pushing himself to the limit, determined to regain the physique he once had. As the weeks passed, Alex watched as John transformed before his eyes, shedding the weight he had gained and regaining his confidence along the way.

But it wasn't just John's physical transformation that captivated Alex. As they spent more time together, Alex found himself drawn to the man behind the billionaire persona. He discovered a kind and compassionate soul, someone who had been through so much and yet still had so much love to give.

One day, as they finished their workout session, Alex mustered up the courage to ask John out for dinner. To his surprise, John eagerly accepted, a smile lighting up his face like never before. As they sat across from each other in a cozy Italian restaurant, Alex couldn't help but feel like he was falling for this once notorious playboy turned vulnerable billionaire.

Their relationship blossomed as they spent more time together outside of the gym. They went on romantic walks through the city, had picnics in the park, and even took a weekend getaway to a secluded cabin in the mountains. It was during one of these trips that John finally opened up to Alex about the personal tragedy that had caused him to gain weight in the first place.

John had lost someone he loved deeply, someone who had been with him through thick and thin. The loss had left a void in his heart that he had been trying to fill with food and meaningless flings. But with Alex by his side, he finally felt like he had found someone who truly cared for him, someone who saw past his wealth and saw him for who he truly was.

As they stood on the deck of the cabin, overlooking the majestic mountains spread out before them, John got down on one knee and pulled out a ring from his pocket. Alex's heart skipped a beat as he realized what was happening. Tears welled up in his eyes as John professed his love for him, promising to always be by his side, no matter what life threw their way.

With tears streaming down his face, Alex said yes, wrapping his arms around John in a tight embrace. In that moment, he knew that they were meant to be together, two souls brought together by fate and destined to spend the rest of their lives loving each other.

As they stood there, enveloped in each other's arms, the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over them. And in that moment, Alex knew that love truly had the power to heal all wounds, to mend broken hearts, and to bring two lost souls together in a bond that would last a lifetime. And as they shared a kiss under the setting sun, Alex felt like the luckiest man in the world to have found his true love in the most unexpected of places.


(677 rating)

As the sun rose over the majestic city of Athens, the goddess Athena stood at the edge of Mount Olympus, looking down at the mortal world below. Her heart was heavy with concern as she gazed upon her beloved mortal, Chris. Once a strong and handsome warrior, Chris had let himself go in recent years, indulging in the luxuries of rich food and wine, and neglecting his physical health.

Athena, with her keen wisdom and unyielding determination, knew that something had to be done. She could not bear to see her beloved Chris waste away his precious life in the clutches of gluttony and sloth. And so, the wise goddess devised a plan to help him shed the extra weight that burdened his spirit and his body.

One fateful day, Athena descended from the heavens in a shimmering cascade of golden light, appearing before Chris in all her divine beauty. The mortal man was taken aback by her radiant presence, his heart filled with awe and reverence for the goddess of wisdom and warfare.

"My dear Chris," Athena spoke in a voice that was as sweet as the melody of a lyre, "I have come to offer you my guidance and support in your journey to regain your strength and vitality."

Chris was overwhelmed with gratitude at the goddess's offer of help. He knew deep down that he had let himself go, and that he needed to make a change in order to live up to his full potential.

And so, under Athena's watchful eye, Chris embarked on a rigorous training regimen that pushed him to his physical limits. The goddess guided him through a series of grueling exercises, teaching him the ways of combat and self-discipline. With each passing day, Chris felt himself growing stronger and more determined to shed the excess weight that had held him back for so long.

But it was not just Chris's physical form that Athena sought to transform. The goddess also worked tirelessly to help him cultivate a strong mind and spirit, instilling in him the virtues of courage, wisdom, and compassion.

As they trained together, Athena and Chris grew closer, their bond deepening with each passing day. The goddess saw within the mortal man a kindred spirit, a soul who yearned for growth and self-improvement. And Chris, in turn, found in Athena a source of inspiration and strength, a guiding light in his darkest hours.

And so, as the weeks turned into months, Chris began to see a transformation taking place within himself. His body grew lean and strong, his mind sharpened with the wisdom of the ages, and his heart swelled with love and gratitude for the goddess who had so selflessly devoted herself to his cause.

In the end, Chris emerged from his training a changed man, a warrior reborn and ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. And as he stood before Athena, his eyes shining with pride and determination, he knew that he owed it all to the goddess who had believed in him when no one else would.

And so, in a moment of quiet reverence, Chris knelt before Athena, his heart overflowing with love and gratitude. "My beloved goddess," he spoke softly, "I am forever in your debt for the gift of your guidance and wisdom. With your help, I have become the man I was always meant to be."

Athena smiled down at her mortal lover, her eyes sparkling with pride and affection. "Rise, my dear Chris," she said, her voice as gentle as a summer breeze. "You have proven yourself worthy of all the blessings that fate has in store for you. Remember always that I am here to guide you, to support you, and to love you for all eternity."

And so, hand in hand, the goddess and her mortal lover stood together at the precipice of Mount Olympus, their hearts entwined in a bond that transcended time and space. And as they gazed out over the horizon, a new chapter in their endless love story began to unfold, filled with adventure, passion, and a love that would endure for all eternity.


(479 rating)

Once upon a time in the mystical realm of Mount Olympus, the Goddess Athena found herself growing concerned about her lover, Chris. Over the centuries, Chris had let himself go and had become quite overweight. Athena, known for her wisdom and strategic thinking, knew that she had to intervene before it was too late.

With a heavy heart, Athena approached Chris and gently broached the subject of his weight. Chris, who had always been sensitive about his appearance, was initially defensive. However, when he saw the look of genuine concern in Athena's eyes, he realized that she only wanted what was best for him.

And so, with Athena's guidance, Chris embarked on a weight loss journey unlike any other. Athena, being the goddess of wisdom and war, devised a meticulous plan that combined rigorous physical training with healthy eating habits. She pushed Chris to his limits, but always supported him with unwavering love and encouragement.

As the days turned into weeks, Chris began to see results. His body was slowly transforming, shedding the excess weight and revealing the strong, handsome man that lay beneath. Athena watched with pride as her lover grew stronger and more confident, knowing that she had played a crucial role in his transformation.

However, their happiness was short-lived as dark forces began to gather on the horizon. A group of malevolent beings, envious of Athena and Chris's love, sought to sabotage their efforts. They sent twisted creatures and wicked spirits to disrupt Chris's weight loss program, hoping to drive a wedge between the two lovers.

But Athena, being the fearless goddess that she was, was not about to let anyone come between her and Chris. With her sword and shield in hand, she stood by his side, ready to face whatever challenges came their way. Together, they fought back against the dark forces, proving that their love was stronger than any evil that dared to threaten it.

As the final battle raged on, Athena and Chris stood side by side, their hearts beating as one. With a fierce determination in their eyes, they vanquished their enemies and emerged victorious. And as the sun set over Mount Olympus, casting a warm glow over the land, Athena and Chris embraced, knowing that their love had endured the ultimate test.

From that day on, Athena and Chris continued their weight loss journey together, growing closer with each passing day. And as they walked hand in hand through the halls of Olympus, their love shone brighter than any star in the night sky, a beacon of hope and strength for all who beheld it.

In the end, Goddess Athena and her lover Chris proved that love truly knows no bounds, not even the bounds of weight or appearance. And as they stood together, united in their love and unwavering in their commitment to each other, they knew that they were destined to be together for all eternity.


O story 28:

(536 rating)

As a successful real estate agent, selling multimillion-dollar properties was all in a day's work for me. But when I was tasked with selling the massive mansion of a once-beloved celebrity who had recently fallen from grace due to a scandal, I knew this would be no ordinary sale.

The day I met the celebrity, they arrived at the property in a state of disarray. It was clear that he had been drowning his sorrows in alcohol, and the weight of his downfall was evident in his glassy eyes and slurred speech. As we walked through the sprawling estate, he told me the story of how he had lost everything - his career, his reputation, his fortune - all because of one ill-fated mistake.

Despite their fame and fortune, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for him. Here was a person who had once been adored by millions, now reduced to a shadow of his former self. As we stood in the grand foyer of the mansion, he turned to me with tears in his eyes and begged me not to sell his home.

In that moment, something inside me stirred. I couldn't bring myself to turn him away, to add to the mountain of losses he had already endured. So, on a whim, I made a decision that would change both of our lives forever. I invited him to stay at my own humble abode, offering hi a place to rest his weary head and heal his broken spirit.

As we drove back to my small apartment, I watched as the celebrity stared out the window, lost in thought. He had been living in a world of luxury and excess, surrounded by opulence and grandeur. Now, he found himself in the cramped confines of my modest home, a stark contrast to the life he had known.

But as the days went by, something remarkable began to happen. We shared meals together, cooked in my tiny kitchen. We talked for hours, sharing stories and dreams. And slowly, as the days turned into weeks, a bond began to form between us.

I found myself drawn to the vulnerability that lay beneath their polished facade. He had been a vision of perfection, a flawless image on the silver screen. But now, stripped of all the trappings of fame, he was simply a person in need of compassion and understanding.

And as we talked late into the night, sharing secrets and fears, I realized that I was falling for him. In his darkest hour, when the world had turned its back on them, I saw a soul worth saving. And in his eyes, I saw a reflection of my own longing for connection and acceptance.

In the weeks that followed, we grew closer than I ever thought possible. What had started as an act of kindness had blossomed into something beautiful and rare. We shared laughter and tears, whispered words of love and devotion.

And as I watched the sunrise from my living room window, with the celebrity's head resting on my shoulder, I knew that I had found something precious and true. In the midst of chaos and loss, we had found each other. And in each other's arms, we had found a home.


(486 rating)

Once upon a time in the mystical realm of Undverses, there was a young man named Chris who had the unique ability to communicate with the gods. One day, while wandering through the lush forests of his homeland, he heard a whisper in the wind that beckoned him to the grand palace of the gods.

As Chris entered the heavenly abode, he was greeted by the goddess Athena, who had a radiant presence that warmed his heart. She informed him that one of the gods was in need of his assistance. Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, had a surplus of Undverses, and was looking to sell a few to a worthy buyer.

Chris was tasked with finding a suitable buyer for the Undverses, and Athena offered to accompany him on his journey. Together, they embarked on an adventure that would test their courage, their loyalty, and their love for each other.

As they traveled through the fantastical realms of Undverses, they encountered all manner of mystical creatures and enchanting landscapes. Athena's wisdom and grace guided Chris through the dangers that lurked in the shadows, while his determination and bravery impressed her with each passing moment.

The bond between them grew stronger with each passing day, and they found themselves falling deeply in love. Athena, who had sworn off romantic entanglements with mortals, found herself unable to resist the allure of Chris' kind heart and unwavering devotion.

Their love blossomed like a rare flower in a field of thorns, unfurling its petals in the face of adversity and uncertainty. Together, they faced trials and tribulations that would have broken a lesser couple, but their bond only grew stronger with each challenge they overcame.

Finally, after many perilous adventures and heart-stopping moments, Chris and Athena found the perfect buyer for the Undverses - a noble king from a distant land who sought to use their powers for the greater good of his people.

As they bid farewell to the enchanted realms of Undverses and returned to the mortal world, Chris and Athena knew that their love was eternal, transcending time and space itself. They vowed to cherish each other until the end of days, their souls entwined in an unbreakable bond forged in the fires of destiny.

And so, Chris and Athena lived happily ever after, their love shining like a beacon of hope in a world filled with darkness. Their story became a legend, whispered by bards and storytellers for generations to come, a testament to the power of love and the enduring strength of the human spirit.

In the end, they proved that even gods and mortals could find true happiness together, if only they believed in the power of love. And as they walked hand in hand into the sunset, their hearts beating as one, they knew that they had found their own personal paradise in each other's arms.


(432 rating)

In the realm of Undverses, where gods and goddesses reside, there lived a demigod named Chris. He was known for his kindness and compassion towards all living beings in his domain. Chris was deeply in love with the goddess Athena, a fierce and powerful deity who ruled over wisdom and strategy.

One day, a mysterious buyer approached Chris and requested to purchase a few Undverses, which were precious within the celestial kingdom. Despite his initial reservations, Chris eventually agreed to the sale, hoping that it would bring prosperity and harmony to his domain.

However, as soon as the transaction was made, evil forces descended upon the Undverses, seeking to claim them for their own malevolent purposes. The dark energy threatened to consume everything in its path, leaving chaos and destruction in its wake.

In a desperate bid to protect their realm, Chris and Athena called upon volunteers from the celestial realm, each possessing unique abilities to destroy the invading forces. These volunteers, known as the Guardians of Light, had the power to vanquish several Undverses at once, the dark realms that the evil forces hailed from.

As the battle raged on, Athena and Chris fought side by side, their love and determination serving as a beacon of hope for their allies. Together, they unleashed their powers, combining two or more objects into powerful weapons to strike down their enemies and unite their strength in the face of adversity.

Amidst the turmoil and chaos, a bond began to form between Athena and Chris, their souls intertwined in a dance of passion and loyalty. Their love shone brightly amidst the darkness, a testament to the power of unity and devotion in the face of overwhelming odds.

As the battle reached its climax, the Guardians of Light stood shoulder to shoulder, their resolve unwavering in the face of the evil forces. With a final, decisive blow, they unleashed their combined powers, shattering the darkness and restoring peace to the Undverses once more.

In the aftermath of the conflict, the celestial realm was forever changed by the bravery and sacrifice of its heroes. The bond between Athena and Chris had deepened, their love a beacon of hope and light for all who dwelled within their domain.

And so, amidst the ruins of the battle, a new era dawned in the realm of Undverse, one marked by unity, love, and the enduring power of romance in the face of adversity. For Athena and Chris, their love would forever be an immortal flame, burning brightly in the darkness, a testament to the strength of their bond and the resilience of their hearts.


O story 29:

(649 rating)

As an investigative journalist for a popular gossip magazine, my job often involved uncovering scandalous secrets and juicy tidbits about celebrities and public figures. But my latest assignment had me feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness, as I was tasked with digging up dirt on none other than the CEO of one of the country's biggest companies.

What made this assignment particularly interesting was the fact that the CEO in question happened to be the ex-boyfriend of my boss. I couldn't help but feel a tinge of guilt as I delved into the CEO's past, knowing that my findings could potentially unearth painful memories for my boss. But at the same time, the thrill of uncovering a big story was too enticing to resist.

I started my investigation by scouring through old newspaper clippings, social media profiles, and interviewing former colleagues and acquaintances of the CEO. Slowly but surely, a picture began to emerge of a driven and ambitious man who had built his company from the ground up. But along with his professional successes, there were whispers of a tumultuous past relationship that had ended in heartbreak.

As I delved deeper into the CEO's personal life, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the story than met the eye. I decided to take a bold step and requested an interview with the man himself, hoping to get a firsthand account of his side of the story. To my surprise, he agreed.

I arrived at the sleek and modern headquarters of the company, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement as I was ushered into the CEO's office. He was tall, handsome, and exuded an air of confidence that was both intimidating and attractive. As we sat down to begin the interview, I found myself getting lost in his intense gaze and charismatic smile.

We talked for hours, delving into his past, his motivations, and his hopes for the future. As he shared his story with me, I couldn't help but feel a growing sense of admiration and respect for the man sitting across from me. He was not just a successful businessman, but a complex and multifaceted individual with a depth of character that surprised me.

As the interview came to a close, I found myself hesitant to leave his presence. There was a magnetic pull between us that I couldn't ignore, and before I knew it, one thing led to another. Our conversation turned from professional to personal, and before I knew it, we were sharing intimate details about our lives and dreams.

In the days and weeks that followed, I found myself drawn to the CEO in a way that I had never experienced before. He was a visionary leader with a passion for innovation and a heart that was capable of great love and compassion. And as we spent more time together, I couldn't deny the growing feelings of affection and attraction that blossomed between us.

But as the CEO's ex-boyfriend, my boss, loomed in the background, I knew that our budding romance was fraught with complications. I struggled with guilt and uncertainty, torn between my loyalty to my boss and my growing feelings for the man who had captured my heart.

In the end, I knew that I had a choice to make. I could either pursue a relationship with the CEO and risk causing pain to my boss, or I could walk away and bury my feelings in the name of professionalism. It was a difficult decision, but in the end, I chose to follow my heart.

And as I stepped into the unknown future with the CEO by my side, I couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration and wonder at the possibilities that lay ahead. Love has a funny way of finding us when we least expect it, and in the arms of the CEO, I found a love that was worth risking it all for.


(551 rating)

The air in the bustling newsroom of Gossip magazine was charged with anticipation as Chris sat at his desk, a stack of files and a cup of cold coffee in front of him. He had been given a new assignment by his boss, and it was definitely a challenging one. Chris was to dig up dirt on the CEO of one of the Undverses' biggest companies, a powerful and influential woman with a reputation for being ruthless in the business world. But what made the task even more complicated was the fact that she happened to be the ex-girlfriend of Chris' boss.

As Chris sifted through emails, social media profiles, and old newspaper clippings, trying to find any information that could potentially tarnish the CEO's image, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in the pit of his stomach. He was torn between his loyalty to his boss and his growing discomfort with the idea of betraying someone's privacy for the sake of a juicy headline.

Just as Chris was about to give up and admit defeat, a familiar figure appeared in the doorway of the newsroom. Goddess Athena, Chris' lover and a fierce advocate for justice and truth, had heard about his assignment and had come to offer her help. Athena was a force to be reckoned with, with her sharp intellect, unwavering principles, and a knack for getting to the bottom of things. Together, they could uncover the truth behind the CEO's carefully crafted facade and expose her for who she really was.

With Athena by his side, Chris felt a surge of confidence and determination. They spent long hours poring over documents, conducting interviews, and following leads that took them to the darkest corners of the Undverses' corporate world. As they delved deeper into the CEO's past, they uncovered a web of lies, deceit, and corruption that went far beyond what they had initially imagined.

But as their investigation progressed, Chris found himself increasingly drawn to Athena, not just as a partner in crime, but as a kindred spirit. Her passion for justice and her unwavering belief in doing what was right resonated with him in a way that he had never experienced before. As they worked side by side, their bond grew stronger, fueled by shared purpose and mutual respect.

As they finally pieced together the evidence that would bring the CEO's empire crashing down, Chris realized that he had fallen in love with Athena. Her courage, her intelligence, and her unwavering commitment to truth had captured his heart in a way that no gossip story ever could.

When the time came to confront the CEO with their findings, Chris and Athena stood shoulder to shoulder, ready to face whatever consequences their actions might bring. But as the CEO's empire crumbled around her, she looked at them with a mixture of shock and resignation, realizing that her reign of deception was finally over.

In the aftermath of their victory, Chris and Athena found themselves at a crossroads. The thrill of the chase had brought them together, but now that the dust had settled, they had to decide what their future held. And as they looked into each other's eyes, they knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, united in their quest for truth, justice, and love.


(707 rating)

Chris was a journalist with a keen eye for uncovering secrets and exposing truths. He worked for a prestigious magazine in the Undverses, a galaxy known for its technological advancements and cutting-edge innovations. Chris had always been drawn to stories of power and corruption, which is why he jumped at the chance to dig up dirt on the CEO of one of the Undverses' biggest companies.

The CEO, a man named Marcus Solstice, was known for his ruthless business tactics and cutthroat leadership style. Rumors swirled around him like dark shadows, painting him as a man who would stop at nothing to get what he wanted. Chris knew that getting the dirt on Marcus would be no easy task, but he was determined to uncover the truth.

As Chris delved deeper into Marcus's past, he realized that he would need help. That's when he turned to the Goddess Athena for guidance. Athena, a powerful and wise deity, had always been known for her keen intellect and strategic thinking. Chris knew that with her help, he could gather the information he needed to take down Marcus once and for all.

Athena listened to Chris's request and nodded thoughtfully. She knew that Marcus had a long list of enemies, people who had been wronged by his actions and were eager for revenge. With a wave of her hand, Athena summoned these disgruntled individuals to Chris' side, ready to assist him in his quest for justice.

Together, Chris and his newfound allies worked tirelessly to uncover the dark deeds of Marcus Solstice. They dug deep into his financial records, exposing shady dealings and underhanded schemes. They spoke to former employees who had been mistreated and manipulated by Marcus, gathering testimonies that painted a damning picture of the CEO's true nature.

With each revelation, Chris felt a sense of satisfaction and purpose. He knew that he was on the brink of something big, something that could potentially shake the Undverses to its core. And as he worked alongside Athena and his allies, he couldn't help but feel a growing admiration for the goddess who had helped him in his time of need.

As the days turned into weeks, Chris and his team uncovered more and more incriminating evidence against Marcus Solstice. They pieced together a puzzle of deceit and betrayal, painting a vivid portrait of a man who had used his power for personal gain at the expense of others.

Finally, the time came to reveal their findings to the world. Chris wrote a scathing exposé on Marcus Solstice, detailing his crimes and misdeeds in vivid detail. The magazine published the article, and the response was immediate and explosive.

The people of the Undverses were outraged by the revelations about Marcus Solstice. The calls for his resignation grew louder and more insistent, until he had no choice but to step down as CEO of his company. And as he faded into obscurity, Chris knew that he had made a difference, that he had used his talents for good and righteousness.

As he stood on the balcony of his apartment, looking out at the glittering lights, Chris felt a warm hand on his shoulder. He turned to see Athena standing beside him, her eyes filled with pride and admiration.

"You have done well, Chris," she said softly. "You have shown courage and determination in the face of darkness, and you have brought about change for the better. You are a true hero, in every sense of the word."

Chris smiled, feeling a swell of emotion in his heart. He knew that he owed it all to Athena, the goddess who had helped him in his time of need. And as he gazed out at the stars, he knew that he would always be grateful for her guidance and support.

From that day on, Chris continued to write stories that exposed corruption and greed in the Undverses. And with each new article, he felt the presence of Athena beside him, guiding his hand and filling him with the courage to stand up for what was right.

And in the dark depths of the Undverses, a new era of justice and righteousness was born, all thanks to the vision and creativity of a journalist named Chris, and the divine intervention of the goddess Athena.
