Volume 27, Chapter 1. Women, armies, skills indeed.

Volume 27.

Chris has dreamed of a timeline since the beginning of his quest when Goddess Athena was almost always with him. Those were pleasant dreams and thoughts indeed.

Chris smiled for a while and he considered another timeline.

This volume had two parts:

Part 1. More focused on building armies for the future...

Part 2. Acquiring skills or using them from the very beginning.


(Continuation from previous volume)....

R story 8:

(504 rating)

Chris was always fascinated by mysteries and codes. He loved nothing more than diving into ancient texts and deciphering hidden messages. His sharp mind was adept at solving even the most complex puzzles, and he had become somewhat of a legend in the world of cryptology.

One day, as he was poring over an ancient manuscript, he stumbled upon a spell unlike anything he had ever seen before. It was a powerful incantation that had the ability to destroy entire teraverses. Chris was both thrilled and terrified by the discovery. He knew that such power in the wrong hands could spell disaster for countless worlds.

As he mulled over what to do with this dangerous spell, his lover, the goddess Athena, appeared before him. She had been watching him from the shadows, intrigued by his relentless quest for knowledge and wisdom.

"Chris, my love," she said, her voice as melodious as a symphony. "I see that you have uncovered a spell of great power. But do you truly understand its implications?"

Chris looked into Athena's eyes, seeing both love and concern reflected back at him. He knew that she was right. The spell was not something to be taken lightly.

"I understand, my goddess," he said, his voice tinged with reverence. "I know that such power must be wielded with caution and responsibility."

Athena smiled, placing a gentle hand on his cheek. "You have a good heart, Chris. Your intentions are pure, and I believe that you can use this spell for the greater good."

With her blessing, Chris began to study the spell in earnest. He spent hours delving into its intricacies, seeking to unlock its secrets and harness its power. And as he worked, Athena watched over him, guiding him with her divine wisdom.

Finally, after weeks of tireless effort, Chris was ready to put his newfound knowledge to the test. Standing before a shimmering portal to another but lifeless megaverse, he uttered the incantation with a steady voice. A brilliant light erupted from his fingertips, engulfing the area in a blinding explosion of energy.

When the light faded, Chris looked around in awe. His own teraverse was spared from destruction, thanks to his skill and Athena's guidance. He then used the spell not to harm, but protect.

Athena appeared beside him, her eyes shining with pride. "You have done well, my love," she said. "You have proven yourself to be a true hero, wielding power with compassion and wisdom."

Chris smiled, feeling a sense of fulfillment unlike anything he had ever experienced before. With Athena by his side, he knew that there was no mystery too daunting, no code too complex for them to solve together.

And as they walked hand in hand into the unknown, their love shining like a beacon in the darkness, Chris knew that he had found his true purpose - to explore the wonders of the teraverse with the goddess of wisdom and love at his side. Together, they would unlock the secrets of the cosmos and embark on a journey that would transcend time and space.


R story 9:

(483 rating)

Chris had always been fascinated by codes and ciphers. It started out as a simple hobby, but it quickly grew into a passion. He spent hours studying different types of codes, trying to crack them and discover their hidden meanings. His mother, Eris, a goddess known for her discord and chaos, couldn't understand his obsession. She would often argue with Chris, telling him to focus on more important things.

But Chris couldn't help himself. He was drawn to the mystery and challenge of codes. It was like solving a puzzle, a puzzle that only he could see. And he loved every minute of it.

One day, while researching a particularly difficult code, Chris met Athena, the goddess of wisdom and warfare. She was fascinated by his work and admired his dedication. They quickly became friends, and before long, their friendship blossomed into something more.

Athena was unlike anyone Chris had ever met. She was intelligent, strong, and beautiful. She supported his passion for codes, encouraging him to pursue his dreams and never give up. She believed in him when no one else did, and for that, Chris was eternally grateful.

But Eris was not happy about their relationship. She saw Athena as a threat, a rival for her son's affections. She would often try to come between them, sowing seeds of doubt and discord. But Chris and Athena's love was strong. They stood together, united against the chaos that Eris tried to create.

As their love grew, so did Chris's understanding of codes. With Athena's guidance, he was able to crack some of the most complex ciphers the world had ever seen. He became known as one of the greatest codebreakers of all time, a title he had never thought possible.

But despite his success, Chris never forgot the struggles he faced with his mother. Eris was still a part of his life, even if they didn't always see eye to eye. He tried to mend their relationship, to show her that his love for codes was not a threat to her, but a part of who he was.

And in the end, Eris came to understand. She saw the passion in Chris's eyes, the love he shared with Athena, and she knew that she could not stand in the way of his happiness. She reluctantly gave her blessing, knowing that her son was meant for greatness, both in love and in his work.

Chris and Athena's love story became legendary, a tale of perseverance, passion, and true devotion. They inspired others to follow their hearts, to never give up on their dreams, no matter what obstacles they faced.

And as they walked hand in hand into the sunset, Chris knew that he had found his true love, his partner in life and in his quest for knowledge. With Athena by his side, he knew that anything was possible, even unlocking the secrets of the universe with nothing but a code and a dream.


R story 10:

(856 rating)

Once upon a time in a small village nestled in the outskirts of ancient Greece, there lived a young man named Chris. He was a handsome and intelligent young man, with a heart full of dreams and ambitions. But his life was far from perfect, as he constantly found himself locked in heated arguments with his mother, Eris.

Eris was a strict and domineering woman who never hesitated to criticize and belittle Chris at every turn. She constantly reminded him of his failures and shortcomings, causing Chris to feel an endless wave of stress and despair. The constant arguments and emotional abuse took a toll on his mental health, pushing him to the brink of madness.

Despite the turmoil in his family life, Chris found solace and comfort in the arms of Athena, the goddess of wisdom and warfare. Athena had always been a source of strength and guidance for Chris, and their love for each other bloomed like a beautiful flower amidst the chaos surrounding them.

One day, as Chris sat alone in his room, overwhelmed by the weight of his troubles, Athena appeared before him in a shimmering light. Her eyes were filled with love and concern as she gazed upon him, knowing the torment he endured at the hands of his mother.

"My dear Chris," Athena spoke softly, her voice soothing and gentle. "I see the pain and suffering you carry within your heart. But know this, my love - your fate is not set in stone. There is still hope for you, if only you believe in the power of love and redemption."

Chris looked up at Athena with tear-filled eyes, his heart heavy with sorrow. "But how can I escape the darkness that surrounds me, my goddess? The constant arguments with my mother have driven me to madness, and I fear there is no way out."

Athena took Chris's hands in hers, her touch warm and reassuring. "Take heart, my love. I will find a way to change your fate, to break free from the chains that bind you. But you must trust in me, and believe in the power of our love to overcome any obstacle."

With renewed hope and determination, Chris embraced Athena, feeling the warmth of her love enveloping him like a protective cloak. Together, they set out on a journey to seek out a solution to his plight, determined to defy the hands of fate and carve out a new destiny for themselves.

As they traversed the vast and mystical lands of ancient Greece, Chris and Athena encountered many challenges and obstacles along the way. They faced fierce monsters and treacherous paths, but through their unwavering love and devotion to each other, they overcame every trial that came their way.

Finally, after many days and nights of perilous travel, they arrived at the Temple of the Fates - the fabled shrine where the destiny of all mortals was woven and bound. With trembling hearts and steadfast resolve, Chris and Athena entered the sacred halls, ready to confront the forces that held his fate in their grasp.

As they stood before the three ancient sisters who ruled over the threads of destiny, Athena spoke with a voice as strong and resolute as the thunder of Zeus. "I demand that you release Chris from the chains of his suffering, for his fate is not to be consumed by madness and despair. He is destined for greatness, and I will not stand by and watch as his light is extinguished."

The Fates looked upon Athena with cold and unyielding eyes, their decrees etched in stone and blood. But as they gazed upon the love that bound Chris and Athena together, a flicker of recognition and understanding crossed their faces.

With a solemn nod, the eldest of the sisters spoke in a voice as ancient as time itself. "Very well, goddess of wisdom. We shall grant your request, for the power of love and devotion is a force that even we cannot defy. Chris, your fate is no longer written in sorrow and despair. Embrace the light that shines within you, and let your heart be free."

And in that moment, the chains of madness and suffering that had bound Chris for so long were shattered, replaced by a newfound sense of peace and hope. With Athena by his side, he stepped out of the Temple of the Fates, his heart soaring with gratitude and love for the goddess who had saved him from the brink of despair.

From that day onward, Chris and Athena lived a life filled with love, joy, and adventure. Together, they roamed the lands of ancient Greece, sharing their wisdom and courage with all who crossed their path. And though the challenges of life continued to test their bond, they knew that as long as they had each other, they could overcome any obstacle that lay in their way.

And so, the tale of Chris and Athena became legendary, a testament to the power of love and devotion to conquer even the darkest of fates. In the end, it was their unwavering bond that saved them from the abyss, and led them to a future filled with endless possibility and enchantment.


R story 11:

(Original @650 rating)

Once upon a time, in the realm of the gods, Poseidon, the powerful god of the sea, was engaged in a fierce battle with Zeus, the king of the gods. In the midst of their clash, a stray bolt of lightning from Zeus's thunderbolt accidentally struck Chris, a mortal man who had been watching the battle unfold.

As Chris lay lifeless on the ground, his soul was suddenly whisked away to a mysterious and enchanting world where the ancient beings known as Elves ruled. The Elves, with their pointed ears and ethereal beauty, possessed a wisdom and grace that was unmatched by any other creatures in the realm.

Among the Elves, Chris found himself in a strange and unfamiliar land, surrounded by lush forests and sparkling rivers. Despite his confusion and fear, he was drawn to the beauty and magic of this new world. As he wandered through the forests, he came across a breathtaking sight - a group of Elves dancing beneath the moonlight, their movements as graceful as leaves dancing in the wind.

It was then that Chris caught sight of the most beautiful creature he had ever seen in the land - an Elf maiden with shimmering silver hair and eyes as clear as the waters of a mountain stream. Her name was Samara, an elven princess, and from the moment their eyes met, Chris knew that he had found his true love.

As Chris and Samara spent more time together, their love blossomed like a rare and delicate flower. They shared laughter and secrets, and their hearts beat as one in the moonlit nights.

But unbeknownst to Chris, the goddess Athena, his lover from the mortal world, had been searching for him ever since his soul had been taken away. Athena, with her wisdom and strength, was determined to find Chris and bring him back to her side.

As Athena followed Chris into the Elven realm, she was struck by the beauty and magic of the land. She marveled at the towering trees and sparkling rivers, and she felt a sense of peace and wonder that she had never experienced before.

But Athena's heart was heavy with worry for Chris, and she knew that she had to find him before it was too late. With the help of the Elves, Athena began her search, traversing forests and mountains in her quest to reunite with her beloved.

Meanwhile, Chris and Samara's love continued to grow stronger with each passing day. They shared tender moments beneath the starlit sky, their hearts entwined in a bond that transcended time and space.

One fateful night, as Chris and Samara danced beneath the moonlight, a sudden darkness fell over the land. The sky rumbled with thunder, and a figure appeared before them - it was Poseidon, the god of the sea.

Poseidon, filled with rage and regret for his actions, revealed that he had accidentally struck Chris dead. He begged for forgiveness and offered to right his wrongs by granting Chris a gift - a chance to return to the human world.

With tears in her eyes, Samara embraced Chris, knowing that their time in the Elven realm was coming to an end. And as the sun rose on the horizon, Athena appeared before them, her eyes shining with love and relief.

With a wave of her hand, Athena enveloped Chris in a golden light, transporting him back to the mortal world where their love had first blossomed. And as they stood together, hand in hand, they knew that their hearts would forever be intertwined, bound by a love that was as eternal as the stars in the sky.


R story 12:

(563 rating)

In the ancient land of Olympia, where the gods and goddesses walked among mortals, a great war was brewing. The followers of the Goddess of Folly had been gaining power, spreading chaos and destruction across the teraverses.

Desperate to stop the madness, Goddess Athena, the wise and powerful guardian of wisdom, revealed a secret plan. She had scattered her divine spark to many women, empowering them with the hidden ability to wield unimaginable power (to destroy multiple teraverses) to combat the followers of Folly. These women, chosen by Athena herself, were tasked with protecting the balance of the teraverses and ensuring that chaos did not reign supreme.

One such woman was named Elara, a fierce warrior with a heart as pure as the sun. When Athena bestowed her divine spark upon Elara, she felt a surge of power unlike anything she had ever experienced. With newfound strength and magic at her disposal, Elara set out on a journey to fulfill her destiny and defeat the followers of Folly.

As Elara traveled across the teraverses, she encountered other women who had been blessed with Athena's divine spark. Together, they formed a sisterhood bonded by duty and courage, ready to face whatever challenges came their way. Each woman brought her own unique abilities to the group, from skilled archers to powerful sorceresses, creating a formidable force against the forces of chaos.

But as they fought side by side, Elara began to feel a deep connection with a man named Chris. He was a handsome and kind-hearted warrior who had been chosen by Athena to aid the women in their quest. Despite their differing backgrounds, Elara and Chris found themselves drawn to each other, their bond growing stronger with each battle they faced together.

One night, as they rested beneath the stars after a hard-won victory, Goddess Athena appeared before them. She revealed that she had granted Chris permission to sleep with the women of her choosing and impregnate them, in order to strengthen the line of warriors blessed with the divine spark. This union, Athena explained, would create powerful offspring who would be instrumental in the fight against the Goddess of Folly.

Elara was shocked by the revelation but found herself unable to deny her growing feelings for Chris. As they shared their first kiss beneath the moonlight, she knew that their love was destined to be a part of the greater plan set forth by Athena. Together, they would create a legacy that would span across the teraverses, ensuring that the power of the divine spark would never fade.

And so, with the blessings of the Goddess of Wisdom and the strength of their love guiding them, Elara and Chris continued their journey to protect the balance of the teraverses. With each battle they won and each child they bore, they brought hope and light to a world shrouded in darkness, united in their quest to defeat the followers of the Goddess of Folly and restore peace to the realms.

As they stood together at the edge of a new dawn, Elara and Chris knew that their love was not just a tale of romance, but a beacon of hope for all who fought for justice and truth. And with the power of the divine spark coursing through their veins, they would face whatever challenges came their way, knowing that their love was a force stronger than any darkness that dared to threaten their world.


R story 13:

(588 rating)

Chris gazed into the eyes of his lover, Goddess Athena, with a mixture of confusion and adoration. They sat together on a secluded hillside, the soft sound of the wind whispering through the trees around them.

"Why do you allow me to sleep with other women, Athena?" Chris asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Athena smiled gently, her divine presence radiating warmth and wisdom. "It is strategic, my dear Chris," she explained. "In times of war, one must be willing to make sacrifices for the greater good."

Chris furrowed his brow, trying to understand. "But how does my sleeping with other women help in a war?"

Athena reached out and took his hand in hers, her touch sending a shiver down his spine. "These women carry a part of my divine spark within them, Chris," she said softly. "By sharing yourself with them, you are strengthening that spark and forging connections that will be crucial in the battles to come."

Chris felt a mix of awe and fear at the weight of Athena's words. He had always known that there was something special about the women he had been with, a spark of magic that seemed to surround them. But now, with Athena's revelation, he realized that their encounters held a deeper significance than he had ever imagined.

As they sat together in silence, the sun sinking below the horizon in a blaze of gold and crimson, Chris felt a surge of emotion welling up inside him. He knew that he was bound to Athena in ways he could never fully comprehend, that their love was not just a simple romance but a part of something much greater and more profound.

In the days that followed, Chris found himself haunted by Athena's words, unable to shake the feeling of destiny that seemed to cling to him. He continued to meet with the other women, each encounter carrying a weight and significance that he had never experienced before.

And as the clouds of war gathered on the horizon, Chris knew that he would need to draw on these connections, these bonds forged in passion and desire, to help Athena in her struggle against the forces of darkness.

On the eve of battle, as he stood before Athena, his heart heavy with fear and uncertainty, he felt a surge of strength and determination welling up within him. He knew that he was not alone, that the women he had been with, the women who carried a part of Athena's divine spark within them, stood by his side in spirit if not in body.

And as the first clash of swords rang out through the night, Chris felt a sense of purpose and resolve that he had never known before. For he was not just fighting for himself or for Athena, but for the love that bound them together, a love that transcended time and space and held the power to change the fate of the world.

In the end, it was not just the strength of his weapon or the cunning of his tactics that carried Chris to victory, but the love that blazed within him, a love born of passion and desire and forged in the flames of war.

And as he stood victorious on the battlefield, his heart filled with gratitude and awe, Chris knew that he would always be bound to Athena, his goddess, his lover, his warrior queen. And together, they would face whatever challenges the future held, their love shining like a beacon in the darkness, guiding them through the trials and tribulations that lay ahead.


R story 14:

(740 rating)

Chris possessed a unique gift of weaving enchanting tales that captivated the hearts of all who listened. His stories were filled with vivid imagery, intricate plot twists, and deep emotional connections that left his audience spellbound.

As Chris honed his storytelling skills, he noticed that his imagination and creativity began to deepen and expand. It was as if a wellspring of inspiration had been unlocked within him, allowing him to delve into the depths of his mind and bring forth stories that were truly extraordinary. With each tale he told, his ability to tap into the ancient magic of mana grew stronger and more potent.

One day, as Chris was wandering through the lush forests of Olympus, he stumbled upon Athena.

Athena was mesmerized by Chris's storytelling skills, and she found herself falling deeper in love with him with each passing day. She admired his ability to create worlds beyond imagination, to breathe life into characters, and to evoke powerful emotions in his listeners. To her, Chris was not just a storyteller, but a visionary whose words had the power to move mountains and touch the very souls of those who heard them.

The gods of Olympus were also drawn to Chris and his extraordinary talents. They would gather around him, eager to hear the tales he spun, marveling at the richness and depth of his stories. They were amused by his boundless imagination and his ability to infuse his words with raw passion and emotion.

As Chris continued to develop his storytelling skills, his connection to mana deepened even further. He found that he could channel this ancient magic through his stories, using it to enhance their power and impact. With each telling, he felt the energy of mana coursing through him, fueling his creativity and infusing his tales with a magic that was truly divine.

One night, under the light of the full moon, Chris crafted a story unlike any other. It was a tale of love and longing, of courage and sacrifice, of two souls bound together by fate and destiny. As he began to weave his words, a shimmering aura of mana enveloped him, illuminating the night with its ethereal glow.

Athena was by his side, her eyes shining with adoration and awe. She listened intently as Chris spun his tale, her heart swelling with emotion at the beauty and power of his words. In that moment, she knew that she had found not just a lover, but a kindred spirit whose soul resonated with hers in ways she had never imagined.

As the story reached its climax, the gods of Olympus gathered around, their eyes wide with wonder. They were spellbound by the magic of Chris's storytelling, by the way his words seemed to dance and shimmer with an otherworldly light. They knew that they were witnessing something truly special, a love story for the ages that would be remembered for all time.

When Chris finally finished his tale, a hush fell over the crowd. The air crackled with a palpable energy, and even the stars seemed to shine a little brighter in the night sky. Athena gazed at him with tears in her eyes, overwhelmed by the depth of his love and the beauty of his soul.

In that moment, Chris knew that his storytelling skills had reached new heights, that his connection to mana was stronger than ever before. And as he held Athena in his arms, their hearts beating as one, he knew that their love would endure for eternity, a beacon of light in a world filled with darkness.

And so, Chris and Athena became legends in the realm of Olympus, their love story immortalized in the hearts of all who heard it. Their bond was unbreakable, their connection unshakeable, their love a force of nature that would never fade.

For in the hands of a master storyteller, love itself becomes a masterpiece, a work of art that transcends time and space, weaving together the threads of destiny and fate into a tapestry of eternal beauty and grace. And in the heart of a goddess, a mortal finds his truest muse, his greatest inspiration, his undying love.


R story 15:

(615 rating)

Samara had always dreamed of becoming the princess of all elves. She was a beautiful and kind-hearted soul with a strong bond with nature and her people. Her grace and wisdom had earned her the respect and love of all who knew her.

One day, a young human named Chris came into the elven kingdom. He was handsome and charming, and it didn't take long for him to catch Samara's eye. Chris was well-traveled and had a way with words that enchanted the princess.

As they spent more time together, Samara found herself falling for Chris. His adventurous spirit and genuine kindness won her over, and before long, they were inseparable. Chris had a way of making Samara feel like the most special person in the world, and she couldn't help but be drawn to him.

But as their relationship blossomed, Samara began to sense that Chris was keeping something from her. There was a sadness in his eyes, a longing that he tried to hide. One night, as they lay beneath the stars, Chris finally confessed his secret.

He was not just a simple traveler, but a servant of the Goddess Athena. She was his true love, his eternal companion. Chris explained that he had been sent to the elven kingdom on a mission to seduce Samara and impregnate her, in order to fulfill a prophecy that would bring untold power to Athena.

Samara was stunned. She couldn't believe that the man she loved had been sent to deceive her. But as she looked into Chris's eyes, she saw the truth of his words. There was a deep sorrow in his gaze, a conflict that tore at his soul.

Despite the betrayal, Samara felt a strange sense of compassion for Chris. She knew that he was torn between his loyalty to Athena and his growing love for her. And so, she made a decision that would change the course of their lives forever.

Instead of turning Chris away, Samara chose to forgive him. She understood that love was a complex and powerful force, capable of transcending even the most desperate circumstances. And so, she decided to trust in the connection between them, to believe that their love was real and true.

As they spent more time together, Samara and Chris grew closer than ever. Their bond deepened, their hearts entwined in a love that was both fragile and fierce. And when Samara discovered that she was pregnant with Chris's child, she knew that their destiny was more profound than either of them could have imagined.

But as the time drew near for Chris to return to Athena, they both knew that their love was doomed. The prophecy could not be denied, and Chris's duty to his goddess was absolute. And so, with heavy hearts, they said their farewells, knowing that they may never see each other again.

As Chris returned to Athena, Samara felt a deep sense of loss. But she also knew that their love would endure, no matter the distance that separated them. And as she gazed out at the vast expanse of the elven kingdom, she felt a vision of a future where their love would shine brightly, a beacon of hope and light in the darkness.

And so, Samara became the princess of all elves, a queen of love and compassion, ruling with wisdom and grace. And though Chris was gone, his spirit lived on in the children they had created, a symbol of the enduring power of their love.

And as the years passed, Samara never forgot the love she had shared with Chris, her true love, her soulmate. And though they were worlds apart, she knew that their love would always bind them together, in a timeless and eternal bond.
