Volume 27, Chapter 6: Skills!

Part 2.

New timeline when skills must be acquired or were being used.

S1. (633 rating)

In a small Undverse nestled in the mountains, there lived a man named Chris who seemed like an ordinary guy on the surface. However, little did anyone know that the gods had silently granted him a peculiar gift - the ability to warp reality in subtle ways. Chris wasn't aware of his powers at first, but he soon discovered that he had the ability to change events in small, unnoticed ways.

Chris lived a quiet life with his wife, Mikasa Ackerman, who was known for her fierce and serious demeanor. Mikasa worked as a detective in the Undverse, while Chris ran a small bakery on the outskirts. Despite her tough exterior, Mikasa was deeply in love with Chris and admired his quirky sense of humor.

One day, as Chris was experimenting with his newfound powers, he discovered that he could freeze objects with absolute zero. He couldn't quite control the extent of his powers yet, but he found it amusing to freeze random items around the house just to see the look on Mikasa's face.

"Chris, what have you done now?" Mikasa would exclaim, exasperated yet unable to hide a hint of amusement in her tone.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, dear," Chris would reply with a mischievous grin.

Despite his playful antics, Chris always made sure not to cause any harm with his powers. He used them to bring a touch of whimsy and amusement to their otherwise mundane lives. For example, he would freeze a cup of coffee just before Mikasa reached for it, causing her to look at him in disbelief before bursting into laughter.

As Chris continued to explore his reality warping abilities, he found that he could subtly alter the course of events in their favor. For instance, when Mikasa had a particularly tough case at work, Chris would use his powers to ensure that a crucial piece of evidence conveniently appeared at the right moment.

Mikasa was both impressed and puzzled by Chris's uncanny ability to predict certain outcomes. She couldn't quite figure out how he always seemed to know the right thing to do in any situation. Little did she know that Chris was simply having fun with his reality warping powers, using them to create a bit of magic in their lives.

One day, a mysterious stranger arrived in Undverse, claiming to have knowledge of Chris's powers. The stranger, who called himself the Oracle, informed Chris that he was destined for greatness and that his powers were more powerful than he realized.

Chris was skeptical at first, but the Oracle's words struck a chord with him. He began to experiment with his powers more boldly, pushing the limits of what he could do. He found that he could manipulate time, space, and even people's perceptions with a simple thought.

As Chris embraced his newfound abilities, he and Mikasa embarked on a series of hilarious adventures, using his powers to outwit villains, solve mysteries, and even bring a touch of chaos to their quiet Undverse. From freezing time to creating illusions, Chris's powers knew no bounds, much to Mikasa's amusement and occasional exasperation.

In the end, Chris realized that his powers were a gift from the gods, meant to bring joy and laughter to those around him. With Mikasa by his side, he continued to use his reality warping abilities in creative and imaginative ways, always with a twinkle in his eye and a mischievous smile on his face.

And so, the legend of Chris and Mikasa, the dynamic duo with the power to warp reality, lived on in the hearts of the Undverse people, who marveled at the wonders they witnessed and the laughter they shared. As for Chris and Mikasa, they knew that as long as they had each other, nothing was impossible, not even a little touch of magic in their everyday lives.


S2. (564 rating)

Once upon a time in a small Undverse nestled in the mountains, there lived a man named Chris who was fascinated by the forces of nature. He spent his days studying the wind, the rain, and the earth, trying to understand the mysterious ways in which they operated. Chris believed that there was a way to harness the powers of the gods and use them for the betterment of humankind.

Chris was married to a beautiful and kind-hearted woman named Nezuko KAMADO. Nezuko supported her husband's strange and ambitious endeavors, even though she sometimes found herself shaking her head at his wild ideas. Despite her skepticism, Nezuko stood by Chris as he delved deeper into his studies, using his unique skill of absorption to absorb knowledge and energy from his surroundings.

One day, Chris had a breakthrough. He had been experimenting with a strange device he had built that was able to capture and store energy from the natural elements. As he flipped a switch on the device, a surge of power coursed through him, filling him with a sense of euphoria. He could feel the energy of the wind and the rain flowing through his veins, and he knew he was onto something incredible.

Excited by his discovery, Chris rushed to tell Nezuko about his breakthrough. She listened intently as he explained how he believed he could use the captured energy to power entire cities, revolutionize the way we harness renewable energy, and even potentially save the planet from environmental catastrophe. Nezuko couldn't help but smile at her husband's wild ideas, but she also couldn't deny the passion and determination in his eyes.

As Chris continued his experiments, he began to notice strange things happening around him. The plants in his garden seemed to grow faster and more vibrant, the animals in the forest surrounding their home became more playful and friendly, and even the weather seemed to be more cooperative. Nezuko couldn't help but wonder if her husband's device was having some unintended consequences.

One day, as Chris was out in the forest collecting samples for his experiments, he stumbled upon a hidden grove that seemed to emanate a powerful energy. Curious, he entered the grove and was greeted by a group of mystical beings who introduced themselves as the gods of nature. They explained to Chris that they had been watching him and were impressed by his dedication to understanding and harnessing their powers.

The gods offered to teach Chris their secrets and show him how to use his device to channel their energy in a way that would bring balance and harmony to the world. Overwhelmed by the enormity of the opportunity before him, Chris accepted their offer and began training with the gods, learning to manipulate the forces of nature like never before.

As time passed, Chris became known as the "Wizard of the Wild" in his Undverse, revered for his ability to harness the powers of the gods and bring about positive change in the world. Nezuko watched with pride as her husband's dreams became a reality, amazed by the magical transformation that had taken place.

And so, Chris and Nezuko lived out their days in the mountains, surrounded by the beauty of nature and the wonder of the gods. Together, they showed the world that with determination, creativity, and a touch of humor, anything was possible – even harnessing the powers of the gods themselves.

Skill: Absorption.


S3. Absorption. (584 rating)

Chris had always been a bit of a quirky guy. He had a knack for absorbing things - not just energy, but ideas, emotions, and even the occasional stray animal. It was a strange talent, to say the least, but Chris had come to embrace it as part of his unique charm.

One day, while wandering through the woods near his home, Chris stumbled upon a hidden clearing. In the center of the clearing stood a radiant figure, bathed in golden light. It was Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom and warfare.

"Hello, mortal," Athena greeted him, her voice echoing like the sound of wind through the trees. "I have been watching you, Chris. I see that you possess a rare gift - the ability to absorb energy and living things. I would like to help you test the extent of your powers."

Chris blinked in surprise. He had never expected to encounter a goddess in the woods, let alone one who wanted to help him test his abilities. But he nodded eagerly, eager to see what Athena had in store for him.

With a wave of her hand, Athena summoned a shimmering ball of energy, pulsing with power. "This energy is capable of destroying entire multiverses," she explained. "Absorb it, Chris, and channel its power as your own."

Chris hesitated for a moment, feeling a surge of uncertainty. But then he took a deep breath and focused his mind, reaching out with his unique talent. He could feel the energy of the ball flowing toward him, drawn to his presence like a magnet.

As the energy washed over him, Chris felt a rush of exhilaration. It was unlike anything he had ever experienced before - a heady mix of power and possibility. He could feel the energy coursing through his veins, filling him with a sense of boundless strength.

With a triumphant shout, Chris unleashed the energy, directing it toward a nearby portal that had opened in the earth. The portal led to a dark and twisted realm, inhabited by malevolent creatures who sought to spread chaos and destruction.

The energy surged forth from Chris, engulfing the evil realm in a blinding light. The creatures shrieked in agony as they were consumed by the power of the energy, their forms dissolving into dust.

As the light faded, Chris stood victorious, panting with exertion but exhilarated by the sheer scope of his abilities. He turned to Athena, a wide grin on his face.

"Well, that was certainly unexpected," he said, laughing. "I never thought I'd be using my absorption skills to vanquish evil realms. But hey, I'll take it!"

Athena smiled knowingly, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "You have proven yourself, Chris. Your powers are greater than you realize, and with the right guidance, you could become a formidable force for good in the world."

And so, Chris and Athena parted ways, each with a newfound respect for the other. Chris went on to use his absorption skills to help those in need, protecting the innocent and standing up to injustice wherever he found it.

And as for Athena, she watched over him from afar, her heart swelling with pride at the thought of the mortal who had embraced his unique talents and used them to make the world a better place.

For Chris, the adventure was just beginning. With his absorption skills and Athena's blessing, he knew that anything was possible. And as he looked to the horizon, a sense of excitement filled his heart, knowing that his future was filled with limitless potential and boundless adventure.


S4. Absorption. (452 rating)

It was a normal day for Chris, just minding his own business when suddenly, he stumbled upon an old cosmic turtle that was on the brink of death. Chris realized that he had the absorption skill, which meant he could absorb this creature and make it his own. Without hesitation, Chris absorbed the cosmic turtle and instantly felt a surge of power.

As he looked down at himself, he noticed that he now had a durable shell covering his body. It was quite a sight to see a human walking around with a turtle shell, but Chris didn't let that bother him. In fact, he found it rather amusing and decided to embrace his new look.

As Chris was admiring his new shell, a sudden explosion rocked the multiverses. It was a catastrophic event that threatened to destroy everything in its path. People were panicking, running for cover, but not Chris. With his newfound shell, he felt invincible. He stood his ground, ready to face whatever danger was coming his way.

The explosion hit, sending shockwaves through the multiverses. But to everyone's surprise, Chris's shell tanked the explosion like it was nothing. The force was so powerful that it destroyed planets, galaxies, and entire dimensions, but Chris remained unscathed inside his protective shell.

As the dust settled and the chaos subsided, Chris emerged from his shell, a smile on his face. He had survived the destruction of multiverses, thanks to the old cosmic turtle he had absorbed. It was a moment of triumph for Chris, a victory that he would never forget.

From that day on, Chris became known as the Turtle Man, a superhero with a shell that could withstand anything. He traveled the multiverses, righting wrongs and helping those in need, all while cracking jokes and making people laugh with his quirky sense of humor.

People marveled at the sight of the Turtle Man, a human with the shell of a cosmic turtle, but they soon came to realize that his unusual appearance was just a small part of his extraordinary abilities. Chris used his absorption skill to absorb other creatures and objects, becoming more powerful with each new addition.

With his humor and creativity, Chris became a beloved figure in the multiverses, a beacon of hope in times of darkness. He showed everyone that even in the face of destruction, there could be moments of lightheartedness and joy.

And so, the legend of the Turtle Man grew, a testament to the power of humor and imagination in the face of adversity. Chris may have started out as an ordinary human, but with the absorption skill and a little bit of luck, he became a visionary superhero, protecting the multiverses with his durable shell and his indomitable spirit.


S5. Abstract existence (536 rating)

Chris had always been a bit of a dreamer. He would often spend hours lost in his thoughts, pondering the meaning of life and the universe. Little did he know that these musings were actually preparing him for something extraordinary.

One day, as he sat in his favorite coffee shop sipping on his latte, a strange tingling sensation washed over him. Suddenly, he found himself floating in a sea of colors and shapes, surrounded by abstract ideas and concepts. It was then that he realized he had unlocked a remarkable power – the ability to embody these abstractions and become immortal thanks to them.

At first, Chris was unsure of what to do with his newfound power. He experimented with it, testing its limits and discovering the incredible extent of his abilities. He could control the abstractions with ease, bending them to his will and using them to his advantage. He found that he was impervious to attacks that targeted his physical form, as he could simply shift into another abstraction and avoid harm altogether.

As he grew more comfortable with his power, Chris decided to use it for good. He became a superhero of sorts, using his ability to fight against evil beings who threatened the world. With a wave of his hand, he could manifest a shield of protection or a sword of justice, striking fear into the hearts of villains everywhere.

But Chris's greatest joy came from using his power to protect his beloved wife, Erza Scarlet. Erza was a fierce warrior in her own right, but even she was amazed by the extent of Chris's abilities. Together, they made a formidable team, taking down villains and saving the day with a combination of strength, skill, and a healthy dose of humor.

One day, a particularly nefarious villain threatened to destroy the Undverse with his dark powers. Chris and Erza knew they had to act fast to stop him. With a wink and a grin, Chris shifted into the abstraction of bravery, his courage bolstered by the love he felt for his wife. Erza, in turn, embodied the abstraction of determination, her spirit unwavering and unyielding.

The battle was epic, with the forces of good and evil clashing in a dazzling display of colors and shapes. The villain was formidable, but Chris and Erza were determined to prevail. With a swift flick of his wrist, Chris unleashed a whirlwind of energy, trapping the villain in a vortex of confusion and doubt. Erza followed suit, striking with precision and skill, her every move a symphony of grace and power.

In the end, the villain was defeated, his dark powers no match for the light and love that Chris and Erza embodied. The Undverse was saved, thanks to their bravery and determination. As they stood victorious amidst the rubble, Chris and Erza shared a laugh, the bonds of their love stronger than ever before.

And so, Chris continued to use his power of Abstract Existence for the greater good, fighting evil and protecting those he held dear. With Erza by his side, he knew that there was nothing they couldn't overcome. For in the world of abstractions and immortality, anything was possible – as long as you had the courage to dream.
