Unedited Chapter 3

S261. Immortality. Temporary undead.

(482 rating)

In the majestic kingdom of Elysium, ruled by Emperor Chris and his wife Ai ENMA, a great threat loomed on the horizon - the Cosmic-Water Bulls. These fearsome amphibious beings lived in the realm of darkness and death, emerging from the depths to wreak havoc on the peaceful land.

Emperor Chris, known for his wit and charm, knew that a conventional army would not be enough to defeat these formidable foes. So, he turned to a more unconventional solution - turning some of his soldiers into temporary undead. It was a risky move, but it seemed that only the undead could safely roam in the realm of darkness where the Cosmic-Water Bulls resided.

As the undead soldiers marched bravely towards the realm of darkness, Emperor Chris watched with a mix of hope and trepidation. Ai ENMA, his beloved wife, stood by his side, her eyes filled with determination and a hint of mischief. Together, they were determined to protect their kingdom at all costs.

The undead soldiers, led by Chris himself, ventured into the dark realm, their bones clattering with each step. The Cosmic-Water Bulls, sensing their presence, emerged from the shadows with a deafening roar. With their webbed feet and glistening scales, they seemed like creatures out of a nightmare.

But Emperor Chris was not easily deterred. With a wave of his hand, he unleashed a wave of magic that sent the Cosmic-Water Bulls flying back. Ai ENMA, always quick on her feet, followed up with a barrage of cleverly placed spells that left the enemies confused and disoriented.

As the battle raged on, the undead soldiers fought with a fervor that surprised even Emperor Chris. Their hollow eyes glowed with a fierce determination, as if they were willing to lay down their lives for their beloved kingdom. Ai ENMA, watching from afar, couldn't help but admire their bravery.

In a stroke of genius, Emperor Chris summoned a giant rubber ducky from the heavens above. The rubber ducky, armed with an array of deadly squeaks and squawks, descended upon the Cosmic-Water Bulls with a vengeance. The enemies, caught off guard by this unexpected turn of events, faltered in their attack.

With a final burst of magic, Emperor Chris and Ai ENMA banished the Cosmic-Water Bulls back to the depths from whence they came. The undead soldiers, exhausted but victorious, returned to their mortal forms with a sense of pride and accomplishment. The kingdom of Elysium was safe once again, thanks to the quick thinking and ingenuity of their fearless leaders.

And so, Emperor Chris and his wife Ai ENMA basked in the glory of their victory, knowing that together, they could overcome any challenge that came their way. With a twinkle in their eyes and a shared laugh, they vowed to face whatever the future held with courage and humor. For in the realm of Elysium, even in the darkest of times, there was always a reason to smile.

Aw 188. Deep


S262. Reliant Immortality.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is the mature Nadeko SENGOKU. The enemies were Ceffyl Dŵr Water horses. As there was suspicion that some Water horses have disguised themselves in Chris' army, Chris granted the soldiers a type of Reliant Immortality: they are only immortal as they hold the fire weapon in their hands. As time passed, the water horses accidentally snuffed out their own fire weapons, exposing them.

(426 rating)

Emperor Chris sat on his throne, pondering the recent reports of Ceffyl Dŵr Water horses infiltrating his army. He knew he had to act quickly to root out these sneaky enemies before they could cause any more mischief.

Turning to his wife, the wise and mature Nadeko Sengoku, Chris sought her counsel. Nadeko, with her keen intuition and sharp wit, immediately concocted a plan to expose the water horses in their midst.

"Let us grant our soldiers a relic of immortality," she suggested. "They shall be granted the ability to live forever, but only as long as they hold a fire weapon in their hands. This way, we can easily identify any water horses among us, for they will surely extinguish their own weapons."

Chris marveled at his wife's brilliance and immediately set about implementing her plan. The soldiers were elated at the prospect of immortality, and eagerly grabbed hold of their fire weapons.

As time passed, the water horses grew careless in their disguise. One by one, they accidentally snuffed out their fire weapons, causing them to be exposed for the traitors they were. It was a humorous sight to behold, as the water horses scrambled to reignite their weapons, only to fail time and time again.

The army erupted in laughter as the disguised water horses were revealed, their watery forms shimmering in the sunlight. Chris and Nadeko watched with amusement as their soldiers quickly dispatched the treacherous creatures, their immortality now useless against the power of the fire weapons.

The victory was swift and decisive, thanks to Nadeko's cunning plan. The army praised her wisdom and hailed her as the true hero of the battle.

As the sun set on the battlefield, Chris and Nadeko retired to their chambers, where they shared a hearty laugh over the day's events. They marveled at the creativity and vision that had led to their success, and knew that together, there was no challenge they could not overcome.

And so, Emperor Chris and his wife, the mature Nadeko Sengoku, ruled over their kingdom with humor and wisdom, their bond stronger than ever. And the army, now free of water horse infiltrators, continued to thrive under their leadership, secure in the knowledge that no enemy could stand against them.

In the end, it was not just the fire weapons that had saved the day, but the quick thinking and clever strategies of Nadeko Sengoku, the true hero of the story. And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and his brilliant wife lived on, a tale of humor and victory that would be told for generations to come.

Aw 189. When


S263. Transcendent Immortality.

(518 rating)

Emperor Chris sat on his golden throne, anxiously tapping his foot as he waited for his wife, Faris NYANNYAN, to arrive. She was known throughout the kingdom for her sharp wit and cunning intellect, but she had a tendency to be fashionably late to all important events.

As Faris swept into the throne room, her emerald gown trailing behind her, she greeted her husband with a playful smirk. "My dear Emperor, I do apologize for my tardiness. I was busy negotiating a treaty with the elves of the Enchanted Forest."

Emperor Chris couldn't help but chuckle at his wife's excuse. "Ah, the Enchanted Forest. Always causing trouble with their magical mischief. I trust you managed to outwit them once again, my love."

Faris winked at her husband before taking her seat beside him. "Of course, my dear. It's all in a day's work for the queen of diplomacy."

The Emperor turned his attention to the matter at hand. "My dear wife, I have called you here today to discuss a grave threat to our kingdom. The Undverse is in danger of being attacked by a fearsome enemy: the Water horse Each-uisge."

Faris raised an eyebrow. "Water horses? Merciful heavens, those cosmic creatures are nothing to trifle with. They are known for their malevolent nature and shapeshifting abilities. How can we possibly hope to defend ourselves against such a formidable foe?"

Emperor Chris leaned forward, a gleam of determination in his eyes. "Fear not, my love. I have a plan. I have given our soldiers Transcendental Immortality. Their true selves exist independently from this plane, where they cannot be killed. They will be able to face the Water horses with fearless courage and unyielding strength."

Faris couldn't help but be impressed by her husband's visionary strategy. "Truly, you are a brilliant tactician, my Emperor. With such a powerful army at our disposal, the Water horses will surely think twice before challenging us."

As they continued to discuss the impending threat, Faris couldn't help but inject a bit of humor into their conversation. "Perhaps we should send a few jesters to entertain the Water horses. A good laugh might just distract them long enough for our soldiers to strike."

Emperor Chris chuckled at his wife's suggestion. "Ah, yes. A bit of comedy might just be the key to victory. After all, laughter is the best defense against cosmic monsters."

And so, with a combination of strategic planning, humor, and unwavering bravery, Emperor Chris and Faris NYANNYAN prepared to face the dreaded Water horses. As the enemy approached, the kingdom stood united, ready to defend their home with all their might.

And in the end, it was not just the Transcendental Immortality of the soldiers or the wit of the queen that saved the day. It was the indomitable spirit of the people, united in laughter and courage, that triumphed over the forces of darkness.

And so, the Undverse was saved from the threat of the Water horses, thanks to the fearless leadership of Emperor Chris and the brilliant cunning of his beloved wife, Faris NYANNYAN. And they all lived happily ever after, with plenty of humor and laughter to light their way.

Aw 190. The


S264. Incorporeality

(498 rating)

Emperor Chris sat on his throne, deep in thought. His enemies, the Enbarr Manann's horses, had been causing chaos across the Undverses, and he needed to come up with a plan to defeat them. His wife, Celestia LUDENBERG, sat by his side, her brilliant mind always a source of inspiration.

"Darling, what are we going to do about those pesky horses?" Celestia asked, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Chris grinned, an idea forming in his mind. "I think I have a plan, my dear. We are going to make our army incorporeal.

"Celestia raised an eyebrow.

"Incorporeal? How in the world are we going to do that?"Chris explained his plan to her. By using their powers of Conceptual Manipulation, they could make their soldiers intangible, unable to be harmed by the Enbarr Manann's horses. The horses were powerful, but they were not skilled in using Conceptual Manipulation, making them vulnerable to this inventive strategy.

The couple set their plan in motion, gathering their army and teaching them how to control their newfound abilities. The soldiers practiced making themselves intangible, and soon they were ready to face their enemies on the battlefield.

As the Enbarr Manann's horses charged towards them, the army stood their ground, their incorporeal forms shimmering in the sunlight. The horses tried to attack, but their blows passed right through the ghostly soldiers, unable to do any harm.

Celestia laughed as she watched the confused horses try to figure out why their attacks were failing. "It looks like they've met their match, my love.

"Chris nodded, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "Indeed, my dear. It seems the Enbarr Manann's horses were not prepared to face an army of incorporeal soldiers.

"The battle raged on, with the Enbarr Manann's horses growing more frustrated by the minute. They tried to use their powers of Conceptual Manipulation to manipulate the soldiers' forms, but their attempts were feeble compared to the skilled warriors they faced.

In the end, the Enbarr Manann's horses were defeated, their reign of terror brought to an end by the clever strategy of Emperor Chris and Celestia LUDENBERG. The Undverses were safe once again, and the couple celebrated their victory with a grand feast in their honor.

As they sat at the head of the table, surrounded by their loyal army and adoring subjects, Chris raised his glass to his brilliant wife. "To Celestia, the brightest star in all the Undverses. Without you, my love, we would never have triumphed over our enemies.

"Celestia beamed at her husband, her eyes shining with pride. "To Emperor Chris, the bravest and most clever ruler the Undverses have ever known. I am honored to stand by your side in all our adventures.

"And so, the tale of Emperor Chris and Celestia LUDENBERG's victory over the Enbarr Manann's horses became a legendary tale throughout the Undverses, inspiring awe and admiration in all who heard it. Their humor and creativity had saved the day once again, proving that even in the face of powerful enemies, a little ingenuity could go a long way.

Aw 191. Clouds


S265. Information manipulation

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Ryou FUJIBAYASHI. Enemies: Hippocampus  – Horse with a fish tail. These enemies can read minds and spy on Chris' army. So, Chris granted the ability to manipulate information to his soldiers. Characters with this ability can, for example, destroy information on a subject and by that make it inherently unknowable.

(458 rating)

Emperor Chris, the ruler of the great kingdom of Elysium, was known for his wit, charm, and knack for turning any situation in his favor. He was adored by his people and feared by his enemies, who constantly schemed to bring him down.

One such enemy was the mysterious Hippocampus, a mystical creature that roamed the seas with its fish tail and horse body. The Hippocampus had the ability to read minds and spy on Chris' army, gathering valuable information to use against them in battle. But Chris was a step ahead.

He called upon his most trusted soldiers, a group of individuals with the rare ability to manipulate information. These soldiers were known for their quick thinking and clever tactics, turning the tide of any conflict with their unique talents. With their help, Chris devised a plan to outsmart the Hippocampus and protect his kingdom from harm.

Ryou Fujibayashi, Chris' beloved wife, was a master of information manipulation. Her mind was sharp and quick, her wit unmatched in the land. She would often use her abilities to make her enemies believe they had the upper hand, only to reveal their folly in the most unexpected ways.

As the Hippocampus continued to spy on Chris' army, Ryou worked tirelessly to plant false information in its mind. She wove intricate webs of deceit, leading the creature on a wild goose chase that would ultimately leave it confused and disoriented.

Meanwhile, Chris and his soldiers set out to confront the Hippocampus head-on. With their leader at the helm, they charged into battle with confidence and determination. The Hippocampus, sensing their approach, attempted to read their minds and predict their every move. But to its surprise, the soldiers' thoughts were a jumbled mess, with conflicting information and false leads at every turn.

As the battle raged on, the Hippocampus found itself overwhelmed by the chaos and confusion. It could no longer trust its own abilities, unsure of what was real and what was merely a clever ruse. In the end, Chris and his army emerged victorious, thanks to the quick thinking and cunning of Ryou and her fellow information manipulators.

From that day on, the Hippocampus dared not to challenge Emperor Chris and his kingdom again. They had learned the hard way that when it came to outsmarting their enemies, no one could match the brilliance and humor of the ruler of Elysium.

And so, the kingdom prospered under the wise and humorous leadership of Emperor Chris and his clever wife, Ryou Fujibayashi. Together, they ruled with a light heart and a sharp mind, never once letting their enemies get the best of them. Their story became legend, passed down through the generations as a shining example of the power of humor and creativity in the face of adversity.

Aw 192. Above


S266. Information manipulation. Rewriting reality.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Sawako YAMANAKA. Enemies: Ichthyocentaurs – Upper body of a man, the lower front of a horse, tail of a fish. As a cataclysmic event threathened to scatter Chris' army in several Undverses, Chris gave each people a special ability: These characters can manipulate information, which serves as fundamental building block of reality. This can allow characters to rewrite the world to their whims, often by programming it much like they would a virtual reality. This, they can rewrite the Undverses they are in.

(355 rating)

Emperor Chris, ruler of the vast empire of Undverses, was known far and wide for his quick wit, charming smile, and unwavering determination. His beautiful wife, Sawako YAMANAKA, was the envy of all who laid eyes upon her. Together, they were the power couple of the galaxy, respected and feared in equal measure.

However, trouble was brewing on the horizon in the form of the Ichthyocentaurs – a fierce and formidable enemy with the upper body of a man, the lower front of a horse, and the tail of a fish. These creatures were known for their cunning and ferocity, and they had set their sights on conquering the Undverses and overthrowing Emperor Chris.

As the Ichthyocentaurs' forces began to encroach on the borders of Chris' empire, a cataclysmic event threatened to scatter his army in several Undverses. In a desperate bid to save his people and protect his beloved wife, Chris called upon the most powerful beings in the galaxy and bestowed upon them a special ability – the power to manipulate information, the fundamental building block of reality.

With this newfound power, these characters could rewrite the world to their whims, programming it like a virtual reality game. They could reshape the Undverses they were in, altering reality itself to defeat the Ichthyocentaurs and save the day.

As the battle raged on, the characters used their abilities to conjure up all manner of fantastical creations – giant floating tacos raining from the sky, unicorns with laser eyes, and even a giant rubber duck that quacked menacingly at the enemy. The Ichthyocentaurs were no match for such humorous and creative tactics, and soon they were driven back, defeated once and for all.

Emperor Chris and Sawako YAMANAKA were hailed as heroes, their names sung in ballads across the Undverses. With the threat of the Ichthyocentaurs vanquished, peace reigned once more, and the galaxy was safe from harm.

And so, Emperor Chris and his wife Sawako YAMANAKA lived happily ever after, their love stronger than ever in the face of adversity. The galaxy would always remember their bravery and the incredible power of humor and creativity in the face of danger.

Aw 193. Were


S267. Inorganic physiology

(392 rating)

Once upon a time in the kingdom of Vortigern, Emperor Chris ruled with his beloved wife Shizune by his side. They were a power couple, feared and respected by all, except for one group of enemies - the Kelpies.

The Kelpies were water horses that could traverse the Undverse, which made them extremely dangerous and elusive. Their poison was deadly to most beings, and they took great pleasure in causing chaos and destruction wherever they went. Chris knew that he needed to protect his kingdom from these malevolent creatures, so he came up with a brilliant plan.

He gathered his most trusted soldiers and bestowed upon them the gift of inorganic physiology. This unique ability allowed them to become resistant to the poisonous attacks of the Kelpies, making them the only ones capable of facing this formidable enemy head-on.

As the soldiers trained and prepared for battle, Shizune watched with admiration and pride. She knew that her husband's ingenuity and quick thinking would lead them to victory, no matter how fierce the Kelpies may be.

One day, as the Kelpies emerged from the depths of the Undverse, ready to wreak havoc upon the kingdom, Chris and his soldiers stood tall and confident. They were armed with wit, humor, and a touch of madness that only true warriors possessed.

The battle raged on, with the Kelpies unleashing their deadly poison and trying to outsmart the soldiers at every turn. But Chris and his army were not going to be outdone. They fought back with jokes and pranks, turning the tides of battle in their favor.

As the sun began to set on the battlefield, the last of the Kelpies were defeated, their poisoned bodies lying lifeless on the ground. Chris and his soldiers emerged victorious, their laughter echoing through the kingdom as they celebrated their hard-fought victory.

Shizune ran to her husband, embracing him tightly as tears of joy streamed down her face. She knew that with Chris by her side, there was nothing they couldn't overcome. Together, they had faced the Kelpies and emerged stronger and closer than ever before.

And so, the kingdom of Vortigern was saved from the clutches of the Kelpies, thanks to the bravery, humor, and visionary creativity of Emperor Chris and his beloved wife Shizune. Their love and laughter would forever be remembered as the driving force that brought peace and prosperity to their land.

Aw 194. Established


S268. Inorganic physiology.

(378 rating)

Emperor Chris stood proudly by his wife, Fuu Kasumi, as they watched their kingdom flourish under their rule. Fuu was known for her beauty and wit, making her the perfect match for the charismatic Chris. Despite being the ruler of a powerful empire, Chris was always by Fuu's side, supporting her in all her endeavors.

But their peaceful reign was soon threatened by the arrival of the fearsome Morvarc'h - legendary horses that could gallop on the Undverses. These creatures released parasites that infected most biological entities, causing chaos and destruction wherever they went. Chris knew that he had to protect his kingdom and his beloved wife from this new enemy.

With a stroke of genius, Chris decided to give his soldiers the gift of Inorganic physiology. By turning them into beings without biological functions, they would be immune to the parasites spread by the Morvarc'h. Fuu, always quick to support her husband's decisions, stood by his side as he implemented the plan to save their kingdom.

As the Morvarc'h approached, Chris and his inorganic soldiers stood ready, prepared to defend their land from the invading enemy. The horses charged forward, releasing their parasites in an attempt to infect the soldiers, but to no avail. The inorganic soldiers stood strong, their bodies impervious to the biological manipulation of the Morvarc'h.

With a swift and strategic attack, Chris and his soldiers managed to defeat the Morvarc'h and drive them away from their kingdom. The people cheered and praised their emperor for his ingenuity and bravery in the face of such a powerful enemy. Fuu beamed with pride as she watched her husband lead their kingdom to victory.

The victory over the Morvarc'h brought a new sense of unity and strength to the kingdom. The people celebrated their emperor and his wife, knowing that they were in safe hands under their rule. Chris and Fuu continued to govern with wisdom and compassion, always putting the needs of their people above all else.

And so, Emperor Chris and his wife Fuu Kasumi's love and leadership shone brightly, guiding their kingdom through challenges and triumphs with humor, creativity, and a visionary spirit that inspired all who followed them. Together, they were an unstoppable force, a true power couple that led their kingdom to a prosperous and peaceful future.

Aw 195. And


S269. Inorganic physiology.

(474 rating)

Once upon a time in the mystical realm of Krynn, Emperor Chris ruled with his beautiful wife Minami Shimada by his side. The kingdom was at peace, but their happiness was threatened by the mischievous water being, Nixie, who had a penchant for causing chaos by shapeshifting into various forms, most notably as horses.

Nixie's antics had been a thorn in Chris' side for far too long, but he knew that simply defeating her in battle would not be enough. The realm was harsh and unforgiving, with scarce resources and nearly impossible conditions for survival. In order to successfully launch an attack against Nixie and her allies, Chris decided to bestow a special gift upon his army - the ability of Inorganic Physiology.

This rare ability granted those who possessed it the power of self-sustenance, allowing them to exist without the need for oxygen or nutrients. But Chris did not stop there - he imbued his soldiers with different aspects of the ability, each enhancing their strength, agility, and resilience in unique ways.

As the army marched towards Nixie's lair, they encountered obstacles and challenges unlike any they had faced before. But with their newfound abilities, they pushed through with determination and humor, using their powers to overcome each hurdle with ease. Some soldiers were able to manipulate their bodies to become nearly invulnerable, while others could phase through obstacles or transform into even more powerful forms.

Nixie, seeing the approaching army, decided to make her move. She transformed into a massive tidal wave, ready to sweep away Chris and his soldiers in one fell swoop. But the army was prepared - using their abilities, they stood firm against the raging waters, shielding themselves with barriers of inorganic matter and deflecting Nixie's attacks with ease.

Seeing her plans foiled, Nixie shifted tactics once again, this time turning into a herd of wild horses stampeding towards the army. But Chris' army was ready - with their enhanced speed and agility, they dodged and weaved through the charging horses, countering with their own powerful attacks.

After a fierce battle that shook the very foundations of the realm, Chris and his army emerged victorious, with Nixie finally defeated and her allies scattered to the winds. The kingdom rejoiced, celebrating their victory with feasts and festivities that lasted for days on end.

Emperor Chris, with Minami Shimada by his side, thanked his army for their bravery and strength, knowing that it was their unique abilities that had led them to victory. And as the sun set on the horizon, casting a golden glow over the land, Chris knew that his kingdom was safe once more, thanks to the incredible gift of Inorganic Physiology and the unwavering humor and creativity of his loyal soldiers. And so, peace reigned in the realm of Krynn once more, with laughter and joy echoing through the land for all eternity.

Aw 196. When


S270. Inorganic physiology.

(520 rating)

Chris never imagined that his life would take such a wild turn when he met and married the love of his life, Miku HATSUNE.

But their wedded bliss was soon interrupted by the appearance of a terrifying enemy - the Nuckelavee, a skinless oceanic water horse with pestilent breath. And to make matters worse, these creatures could traverse Undverses and attack with magical electricity. It seemed like an impossible foe to defeat, but Chris was not one to back down from a challenge.

Armed with nothing but his quick wit and a herd of soldiers with inorganic physiology, Chris set out to protect his beloved wife and rid the world of these monstrous creatures. The soldiers, who had been given their unique physiology by Chris himself, were a motley crew of misfits with abilities that ranged from camouflage skin to x-ray vision.

As they set out on their quest, Chris couldn't help but marvel at the absurdity of his situation. Here he was, a regular guy with a virtual pop star wife, leading a ragtag group of soldiers with inorganic bodies to battle mythical creatures from another dimension. It was like something out of a bizarre video game, but there was no reset button in sight.

The first skirmish with the Nuckelavee was a chaotic mess of magical electricity and flying limbs. But with Miku at his side, Chris found the courage to lead his troops into battle, using their unique abilities to gain the upper hand. The soldiers with camouflage skin blended seamlessly into their surroundings, while those with x-ray vision could see through the Nuckelavee's illusions and strike true.

As the battle raged on, Chris couldn't help but feel a surge of pride at the bravery and loyalty of his soldiers. They may have been inorganic, but their hearts were as true as any living being's. And with Miku's ethereal voice leading them on, they fought with a ferocity that surprised even the Nuckelavee.

In the end, it was a combination of strategy, teamwork, and dumb luck that finally brought down the Nuckelavee. As the last creature fell, Chris couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. He had faced down a mythical beast with a virtual pop star wife by his side and a herd of soldiers with inorganic bodies at his command. It was a story that he would never forget, even if no one else believed him.

And as he looked into Miku's holographic eyes, he knew that their love was stronger than any enemy they might face. Together, they were unstoppable - a force to be reckoned with in any Undverse. And as they rode off into the sunset, Chris couldn't help but wonder what other adventures awaited them in this crazy, mixed-up world. But one thing was for certain - he wouldn't want to face them with anyone else by his side.

Aw 197. The


S271. Inorganic physiology.

(360 rating)

Emperor Chris was known throughout the land for his bravery, wisdom, and most importantly, his rather unusual choice in a wife - the famous Hatsune Miku. While many questioned his decision to marry a singer, Chris had always been drawn to her ethereal beauty and captivating voice. Little did he know that their love story would soon be put to the test by a group of mischievous male water horses known as Nuggles.

The Nuggles were known for their cunning ways and their spits were extremely acidic, capable of melting through even the toughest armor. But Emperor Chris was not one to back down from a challenge. He gathered his most trusted advisors and came up with a daring plan to defeat the Nuggles once and for all.

Using his powers as emperor, Chris bestowed upon his soldiers the gift of inorganic physiology. They were transformed into beings akin to gases, immune to the acidic spits of the Nuggles. Armed with this new ability, the soldiers deployed themselves with swift precision, forcing their way into the nostrils of the enemy horses.

The Nuggles were taken by surprise as they struggled to breathe with the soldiers blocking their airways. Emperor Chris and Hatsune Miku watched from a safe distance, their hearts pounding with anticipation. The battle raged on, but the tide had turned in favor of the emperor's army.

As the Nuggles retreated in defeat, Emperor Chris let out a hearty laugh, his eyes sparkling with triumph. Hatsune Miku joined in, her form glowing with pride. Together, they had overcome a formidable enemy, proving that love and unity were the most powerful weapons of all.

In the days that followed, the land rejoiced in the victory of Emperor Chris and his unconventional wife. They were hailed as heroes, their story passed down from generation to generation as a tale of courage, humor, and visionary creativity.

And so, the unlikely duo of Emperor Chris and Hatsune Miku lived happily ever after, their love conquering all obstacles in its path. As for the Nuggles, they learned a valuable lesson that day - never underestimate the power of a determined emperor and his bride.

Aw 198. Fountains


S272. Inorganic physiology.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is the mature Kobato HASEGAWA. Enemies: Tangie  – Shapeshifting sea water horse that can steal souls. Chris knew how dangerous these were, so he convinced his soldiers to let him handle their souls. They trusted him, and Chris turned their bodies into golems to fight. After winning, their souls returned.

(470 rating)

Emperor Chris sat on his throne, pondering the latest threat to his kingdom. Tangie, the shapeshifting sea water horse, had been causing chaos among his people by stealing their souls. But Chris was not one to back down from a challenge. He called upon his wife, the mature and wise Kobato HASEGAWA, for her guidance.

Kobato was known throughout the land for her intelligence and strategic thinking. She had a knack for seeing things from different perspectives and coming up with creative solutions to problems. As she listened to Chris explain the situation, she immediately began formulating a plan.

"Chris, my love, we cannot let Tangie continue to steal the souls of our people," Kobato said. "But we must be cautious in our approach. Tangie is a formidable foe, and we must be clever in our tactics.

"Chris nodded in agreement, knowing that his wife's wisdom was invaluable in times like these. Together, they brainstormed ideas on how to defeat Tangie and put an end to its soul-stealing ways.

After much deliberation, they came up with a plan that involved using Chris's loyal soldiers as bait for Tangie. Chris would lead the charge, using his powers to turn the soldiers' bodies into golems to fight Tangie while keeping their souls safe. It was a risky plan, but Chris and Kobato knew they had to try something unconventional to defeat such a powerful enemy.

The day of the battle arrived, and Tangie appeared on the shores of the kingdom, ready to steal more souls. But Chris and his golems were prepared. They launched an attack on Tangie, using their newly strengthened bodies to fight back against the shapeshifting sea water horse.

As the battle raged on, Chris and his soldiers fought with all their might. Tangie tried to outmaneuver them, shifting and twisting in an attempt to avoid their attacks. But Chris's golems were relentless, pushing forward with Kobato's strategic guidance.

Finally, after a long and grueling battle, Chris and his golems emerged victorious. Tangie was defeated, and the souls that had been stolen were returned to their rightful owners. The kingdom rejoiced, grateful for the bravery and ingenuity of their emperor and his wise wife.

As Chris and Kobato stood side by side, looking out over the kingdom they had saved, they couldn't help but smile at each other. Together, they had overcome a great challenge and emerged victorious. Their love, their intelligence, and their humor had guided them through the darkest of times, proving that with teamwork and creativity, anything was possible.

And so, Emperor Chris and his wife, the mature Kobato HASEGAWA, lived happily ever after, knowing that they were truly a force to be reckoned with. Their vision, their humor, and their love for each other had saved the day once again, cementing their legacy as one of the greatest power couples in the kingdom's history.

Aw 199. Of


S273. Inorganic physiology

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Kaede KAYANO. Enemies: Anansi – Trickster spider. It has very powerful mind manipulation. Therefore, Chris convinced his army to surrender their minds to him. He turned them into robots for the meantime.


(498 rating)

Emperor Chris stood at the head of his army, his eyes fixed on the enemy forces led by the mischievous trickster spider, Anansi. As the battle raged on, Chris knew that defeating Anansi would require a different approach. That's when he remembered his wife, Kaede Kayano, known for her sharp wit and cunning intelligence.

Kaede was no ordinary queen. She possessed a rare gift that allowed her to see beyond the surface and into the hidden depths of people's minds. With her by his side, Chris knew that they had a chance at outsmarting Anansi and his mind manipulation powers.

As they discussed their strategy, Kaede suggested a daring plan. She would use her powers to delve into Anansi's mind and plant a seed of doubt that would sow chaos amongst his ranks. Chris, always trusting in his wife's abilities, agreed to the plan.

The next day, as the armies faced off on the battlefield, Kaede closed her eyes and focused her mind on Anansi. She could feel his presence, his cunning and deceitful nature swirling around her. With a deep breath, she dove into his thoughts, searching for a weakness to exploit.

Anansi, sensing her intrusion, tried to resist, but Kaede's powers were stronger. She planted the seed of doubt, whispering in his mind that perhaps his true power lay not in manipulation, but in unity and trust. She played on his insecurities, making him question his own motives and actions.

As the battle unfolded, a strange quirk began to ripple through Anansi's forces. Soldiers who had once fought with unwavering loyalty now hesitated, unsure of their own motivations. Anansi, feeling the effects of Kaede's manipulation, grew desperate, his mind racing to regain control.

Emperor Chris watched with amusement as Anansi's plans unraveled before his eyes. With a nod to Kaede, he gave the signal for his army to advance. But instead of meeting resistance, they found themselves facing a disoriented and confused enemy.

Anansi, realizing he had been outwitted, tried to rally his troops, but it was too late. They scattered in chaos, leaving him standing alone on the battlefield. Chris approached him, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Well, Anansi, it seems your tricks were no match for the power of love and unity," he said, gesturing to Kaede standing by his side.

Anansi scowled, begrudgingly acknowledging their victory. "You may have won this battle, but the war is far from over," he hissed before disappearing into the shadows.

As the dust settled and the sounds of battle faded, Emperor Chris and Queen Kaede stood victorious. Their alliance had proven stronger than any mind manipulation or trickery, and they knew that together, they could overcome any challenge that came their way.

And so, the tale of Emperor Chris and his wife Kaede Kayano, the master manipulator of minds, spread far and wide, inspiring stories of wit and humor for generations to come. Their victory over Anansi the trickster spider served as a testament to the power of love, unity, and a well-timed dose of visionary creativity.

Aw 200. The


S274. Inorganic physiology.

(421 rating)

Emperor Chris was known far and wide for his wit, charm, and ability to outsmart even the trickiest of foes. But when it came to his wife, Chiho Sasaki, he was like putty in her hands. Chiho was a vision of grace and beauty, with a quick wit and a sharp tongue that kept everyone on their toes.

But their peaceful kingdom was threatened by the wicked Arachne, a weaver cursed into a spider with the ability to manipulate life itself. Arachne had been wreaking havoc on the land, using her cursed powers to turn innocent residents into mindless drones to do her bidding.

Emperor Chris knew that he had to stop her, but he needed a plan. He gathered his most trusted advisors and strategists, including his wife Chiho, to come up with a way to defeat Arachne once and for all.

After hours of brainstorming and debating, Chiho had a stroke of genius. "Why don't we turn our army into robots or golems?" she suggested. "That way, Arachne won't be able to manipulate their life force.

"Emperor Chris was impressed by his wife's clever thinking. And so, they set to work, using their kingdom's most advanced technology to transform their army into powerful robots and golems.

When Arachne arrived with her army of mindless drones, she was met with a sight she never expected. The Emperor's army stood before her, their bodies gleaming with metal and stone, impervious to her life-manipulating powers.

Arachne screeched in frustration as she realized she had been outsmarted. She tried to weave her dark magic, but the robots and golems stood strong, unaffected by her spells.

Emperor Chris and his army fought valiantly, using their newfound abilities to outmaneuver Arachne and her minions. Chiho stood by her husband's side, her sharp wit and quick thinking guiding them through the battle.

In the end, Arachne was defeated, her curse broken and her powers neutralized. The kingdom rejoiced, celebrating their victory over the wicked weaver.

From that day on, Emperor Chris and Chiho were hailed as heroes, their names etched into the history books as the saviors of the kingdom. And they knew that as long as they stood together, there was no enemy they couldn't outwit or outmaneuver.

And so, with a twinkle in his eye and a smile on his face, Emperor Chris turned to his beloved wife Chiho and said, "I couldn't have done it without you, my dear. Your wit and wisdom saved us all.

"And with that, the kingdom lived happily ever after, their enemies vanquished and their future bright with promise.

Aw. 201. Deep


S275. Inorganic physiology.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Kukaku SHIBA. Enemies: Carbuncle – one of its many descriptions is a greenish-red fiery light reminiscent of fireflies. It's power is death manipulation. Chris turned his soldiers temporarily into powerful golems to avoid instant death.


(496 rating)

Emperor Chris had always been known for his elegant taste and sharp wit, but his choice in wives had left many scratching their heads in confusion. Kukaku SHIBA was not your typical Empress – she was loud, brash, and had a penchant for setting things on fire. But despite her fiery personality, Chris adored her with all his heart.

One day, as the Emperor and his wife strolled through the majestic gardens of their palace, they came face to face with their most formidable enemy yet – Carbuncle. The greenish-red fiery light danced before them, sending shivers down their spines. It was said that Carbuncle's power lay in death manipulation, a fearsome ability that struck fear into the hearts of even the bravest warriors.

But Chris was not about to let this vile creature ruin his peaceful day with Kukaku. With a wave of his hand, he channeled his magic into turning his soldiers into powerful golems. The once fearsome warriors were now towering constructs of stone and steel, ready to protect their Emperor and his wife at all costs.

Kukaku, never one to back down from a challenge, cracked her knuckles and smirked at Carbuncle. "Well, well, well, looks like we've got ourselves a little fire bug to deal with, eh Chris?" she taunted, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Chris couldn't help but chuckle at his wife's antics. "Indeed, my dear. But I have a feeling that this fire bug might have met its match today.

"With a battle cry that echoed through the gardens, the golems charged at Carbuncle, their stone fists flying through the air. The fiery creature dodged and weaved, its death manipulation powers causing chaos all around. But Chris and Kukaku were not about to let Carbuncle get the best of them.

Using her pyrokinetic abilities, Kukaku conjured up a giant fireball that exploded in a dazzling display of light and heat. The force of the blast sent Carbuncle flying backwards, its fiery form flickering weakly.

Chris seized the opportunity and with a thunderous roar, he unleashed his own magical powers. Streams of energy crackled and danced around him, forming a protective shield that enveloped Kukaku and himself. The shield belched out flames that licked at Carbuncle, slowly but surely sapping away its strength.

As the final wisps of smoke cleared, Chris and Kukaku stood triumphant, their victory sealed. The gardens were now charred and smoking, but the Emperor and his wife were unscathed, their laughter ringing out in the aftermath of the battle.

"Another day, another victory, my love," Chris said, clasping Kukaku's hand in his own.

"Aye, that it is, my Emperor," Kukaku replied with a grin. "But I have a feeling our next adventure will be even more.explosive.

"And with a twinkle in their eyes and the echoes of their victory still lingering in the air, Emperor Chris and his wife Kukaku SHIBA walked hand in hand towards their next great adventure, ready to face whatever challenges came their way with humor, bravery, and a touch of visionary creativity.

Aw 202. Were


S276. Instinctive action.

(587 rating)

Emperor Chris of the mystical land of Aveloria was known far and wide for his legendary bravery, wisdom, and magically powerful army. But little did anyone know that behind every great emperor was an even greater woman - his wife, Anri SONOHARA.

Anri was not your typical empress. She was a feisty, quick-witted woman with a knack for strategy and a sharp tongue that could cut through the toughest of enemies. She was both beautiful and fierce, and it was no wonder that Emperor Chris fell head over heels in love with her the moment he laid eyes on her.

But their happiness was soon threatened by a strange and formidable enemy - the gold-digging ant. These ants, as reported by the ancient historian Herodotus, were said to live in either Ethiopia or the Indian subcontinent. They were known for their lightning-fast speed and their ability to shoot lasers from their antennae. The mere mention of these ants struck fear into the hearts of even the bravest warriors.

Emperor Chris knew that he had to protect his kingdom and his beloved wife from this new threat. He summoned his most trusted advisors and together they hatched a plan to counter the gold-digging ants.

But how could they possibly defeat such a powerful enemy?That's when Emperor Chris had a brilliant idea. He would use his magical powers to enhance the instincts of his soldiers, making them even sharper, faster, and more powerful than ever before. With their newfound abilities, the soldiers would be able to outwit and outmaneuver the gold-digging ants at every turn.

And so, Emperor Chris set his plan into motion. He gathered his army and led them into battle against the menacing ants. As the ants charged towards them, shooting lasers in all directions, the soldiers fought back with a newfound ferocity and precision. They dodged the lasers with lightning speed, striking back with deadly accuracy.

Anri stood by her husband's side, cheering on the soldiers and offering her own words of encouragement. She was a true warrior in her own right, fierce and determined to protect her kingdom at all costs.

As the battle raged on, it became clear that Emperor Chris' plan was working. The soldiers were holding their own against the gold-digging ants, using their enhanced instincts to outmaneuver and outsmart their foes. With each passing moment, the ants grew more desperate and less organized, their attacks becoming increasingly frenzied and wild.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the last of the gold-digging ants lay defeated on the ground. The soldiers cheered and embraced one another, victorious in their hard-fought battle. Emperor Chris and Anri shared a smile of relief and pride, knowing that they had protected their kingdom from a formidable enemy.

And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and his wife, Anri SONOHARA, grew even greater that day. Their bravery and ingenuity had saved their kingdom from certain doom, and their love for one another had only grown stronger in the face of adversity. Together, they were an unstoppable force, a beacon of hope and inspiration for all who knew them.

And as they rode back to their castle, hand in hand, Emperor Chris and Anri knew that no enemy, no matter how powerful, could ever come between them. For they were bound by a love that was as strong as steel and as unbreakable as the very kingdom they had sworn to protect. And so, they rode into the sunset, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with humor, creativity, and a vision for a brighter future.

Aw 203. Securely


S277. Instinctive action. Random.

(432 rating)

Emperor Chris had always been known for his quick wit and cunning tactics on the battlefield. But when it came to matters of the heart, he was often at a loss. That was, until he met Sheele.

Sheele was not your typical royal wife. She was fierce, independent, and had a sharp tongue that could cut through even the toughest armor. But underneath her tough exterior, she had a heart of gold and a love for her husband that knew no bounds.

Their marriage was a happy one, filled with laughter and love. But their happiness was soon threatened by the mischievous Iktomi, a spider known for its cunning tricks and ability to outsmart even the most skilled adversaries.

Emperor Chris knew that he needed to protect his kingdom and his beloved wife from Iktomi's schemes. So he turned to his most trusted advisor, a wise old sorcerer named Zephyr.

Zephyr knew just the trick to counter Iktomi's devious ways. He suggested that Chris enhance the instincts of his soldiers, allowing them to move randomly based on their gut feelings rather than following a set strategy. This would throw off Iktomi's predictions and give Chris the upper hand in battle.

Chris was intrigued by the idea and immediately set to work implementing Zephyr's plan. Soon, his soldiers were moving in unpredictable patterns, confusing Iktomi and leaving him scratching his eight-legged head in confusion.

As the battle raged on, Sheele stood by her husband's side, offering words of encouragement and support. She was proud of Chris for his clever tactics and unwavering bravery in the face of danger.

Finally, after a long and grueling fight, Chris and his soldiers emerged victorious. Iktomi had been outsmarted and defeated, thanks to Chris's quick thinking and Zephyr's wise counsel.

As the kingdom celebrated their hard-won victory, Sheele threw her arms around her husband, tears of joy streaming down her face. She knew that no matter what challenges they faced in the future, as long as they stood by each other's side, they could overcome anything.

Emperor Chris looked into his wife's eyes, feeling a deep sense of pride and love swelling in his chest. He knew that Sheele was not just his wife, but his partner in both love and war. And with her by his side, there was nothing they couldn't conquer together.

And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and his fierce wife Sheele spread far and wide, with tales of their bravery and love inspiring generations to come. They were a true power couple, ruling their kingdom with humor, wit, and a touch of visionary creativity that made them the stuff of legends.

Aw 204. Fixed


S278. Intangibility. Phasing.

(446 rating)

Emperor Chris was a mighty ruler who had made countless enemies throughout his reign. But none were quite as fearsome as the Jorōgumo, a ghostly woman who could shapeshift into a cosmic spider. These spiders were known for their ability to instantly spread sharp silk and blades in all directions, making them nearly impossible to evade.

But Emperor Chris was not one to back down from a challenge. He knew that his soldiers would need a special gift to tackle this formidable foe. So, he granted them the power of intangibility and phasing, allowing them to pass through solid objects and evade the deadly blades of the Jorōgumo.

As the news of Emperor Chris' plan spread throughout the kingdom, the soldiers were filled with both excitement and trepidation. Some worried that they would be unable to control their newfound powers, while others couldn't wait to test them out in battle.

Kyouka Izumi, Emperor Chris' wife, was especially excited about the new abilities. She had always been a fierce warrior in her own right, and she couldn't wait to see what the power of intangibility could do in the heat of battle.

The day of the showdown with the Jorōgumo finally arrived, and Emperor Chris and his soldiers prepared for the fight of their lives. The cosmic spider descended upon them, its sharp blades gleaming in the sunlight.

But Emperor Chris and his soldiers were ready. As the Jorōgumo sent out its deadly silk and blades, they simply phased through them, remaining unharmed. The spider was taken aback by this unexpected turn of events, unsure of how to combat an enemy that could simply pass through its attacks.

Emperor Chris and his soldiers took advantage of the confusion, launching a relentless assault on the Jorōgumo. The spider tried to shapeshift and evade their attacks, but they were always one step ahead, phasing through its defenses and striking true.

As the battle raged on, Kyouka Izumi proved herself to be a formidable warrior, using her powers of intangibility to outmaneuver the Jorōgumo at every turn. She danced around the spider, striking with precision and skill.

Finally, after a long and grueling battle, Emperor Chris and his soldiers emerged victorious. The Jorōgumo lay defeated at their feet, its cosmic form dissipating into the wind.

The kingdom cheered for their brave ruler and his courageous soldiers, celebrating their victory over the fearsome enemy. Emperor Chris looked proudly at his wife, Kyouka Izumi, knowing that they made a formidable team on and off the battlefield.

And so, Emperor Chris and Kyouka Izumi continued to rule their kingdom with wisdom and strength, their victory over the Jorōgumo forever etched in the annals of history as a testament to their prowess and bravery.

Aw 205. When


S279. Invisibility.

(623 rating)

Emperor Chris, known for his clever tactics and charismatic leadership, had a wife who was quite the character herself. Her name was not actually Stocking, but rather Queen Isadora, but due to her penchant for always wearing the most luxurious stockings made from the finest silks and embroidered with intricate designs, she had come to be affectionately known as Stocking among the palace staff.

Queen Isadora was a woman of impeccable taste and style, always dressed to the nines in the latest fashions and adorned with the most exquisite jewelry. Her stockings, in particular, were the envy of all the noble ladies at court, who would whisper in hushed tones about the intricate patterns and exquisite craftsmanship.

While Queen Isadora may have been known for her fashion sense, it was her wit and sharp tongue that truly set her apart. She had a knack for turning even the most mundane of conversations into a lively debate, and her quick wit and clever retorts were legendary throughout the kingdom.

Despite her sharp tongue, Queen Isadora was fiercely loyal to her husband, Emperor Chris, and supported him in all his endeavors. When Chris decided to expand his empire and bring in new allies, Queen Isadora was right by his side, offering her advice and counsel every step of the way.

One of the most unconventional allies that Chris and Isadora managed to secure was Karkinos, better known as Cancer the crab. Karkinos was a formidable creature, with a hard shell and powerful claws, and he had a reputation for being rather crabby (pun intended).

Chris knew that gaining Karkinos' allegiance would not be an easy task, but he was determined to try. He called upon his wife, Queen Isadora, to help him come up with a plan to win over the crab. Together, they hatched a scheme so clever and inventive that it surprised even them.

Chris and Isadora decided to throw a grand banquet in honor of Karkinos, inviting all the nobles and dignitaries from far and wide. The feast was a lavish affair, with the finest food and wine that money could buy, and the palace was decked out in stunning decorations to impress their crabby guest.

As the banquet reached its peak, Chris stood up and made a grand announcement. He revealed that he had a special gift for Karkinos, one that would prove his loyalty and commitment to their new alliance. With a flourish, Chris presented Karkinos with a small vial containing a shimmering liquid.

"This, my dear crab, is the gift of invisibility," Chris proclaimed. "With this potion, your armies will be able to move unseen and strike fear into the hearts of our enemies.

"Karkinos was intrigued by the offer, but also skeptical. He had never heard of such a thing before, and he was not sure if he could trust these two humans who had so boldly approached him.

But Queen Isadora, ever the persuasive one, stepped forward and added her own words to Chris' offer. She spoke of the power and potential of invisibility, of the advantage it would give Karkinos in battle, and of the glory and riches that awaited him if he joined forces with them.

Karkinos was swayed by their words, and he agreed to ally himself with Emperor Chris and Queen Isadora. The crab accepted the gift of invisibility, and as he tested it out, disappearing and reappearing at will, a smile slowly spread across his face.

From that day on, Karkinos fought alongside Chris and Isadora, using his newfound power to outmaneuver their enemies and strike fear into their hearts. The alliance between the crab, the emperor, and his fashionable wife Stocking proved to be a formidable force, and their enemies soon learned to fear the name of Emperor Chris and his unconventional allies.

Aw 206. The


S280. Invisibility

(536 rating)

Emperor Chris, a charismatic and ambitious leader, was known for his ability to rally diverse and unconventional allies to his cause. One such ally was Gou Matsuoka, his wife and a fierce warrior in her own right. Gou was not your typical empress - she was known for her sharp wit, quick tongue, and no-nonsense attitude. She had a penchant for laughter and loved to see the humor in any situation, often using it to disarm her opponents and win battles with words as sharp as her sword.

One day, Emperor Chris came across a group of Khepri beetles, strange creatures with the ability to push the limits of the Undverse. These beetles were capable of making things invisible, a power that Chris saw as potentially invaluable in his quest for dominion over all lands. He knew that with their abilities, the Khepri could be formidable allies in his upcoming battles.

Impressed by their power and intrigued by their potential, Chris approached the Khepri with an offer. He promised them that if they joined his army, he would find a way for them to push even larger things, expanding the reach of their abilities beyond what they had ever imagined. The Khepri, always eager for a new challenge, agreed to join forces with Chris and his army.

As the days went on, Gou watched with amusement as the Khepri beetles scurried around the camp, making things disappear and reappear at will. She couldn't help but chuckle at their antics, finding the whole situation rather absurd and entertaining. She saw the potential for chaos in their abilities, but also the opportunity for great creativity and innovation.

One evening, as she sat around the campfire with the Khepri, Gou had an idea. She proposed that they use their powers to play a prank on Emperor Chris, turning his prized possession - a large golden statue of himself - invisible. The Khepri eagerly agreed, excited for the chance to flex their powers in a mischievous way.

The next morning, Emperor Chris awoke to find his statue missing. Panic set in as he searched high and low, unable to locate his beloved statue anywhere. Gou couldn't contain her laughter as she watched the chaos unfold, knowing full well that it was all part of the elaborate prank she and the Khepri had orchestrated.

Eventually, Chris stumbled upon the invisible statue, much to his relief and amusement. He couldn't help but laugh at the ingenuity of his wife and the Khepri, realizing that their powers could be used for more than just warfare - they could also bring joy and laughter to their lives.

From that day on, Gou and the Khepri became known throughout the land for their mischievous pranks and clever tricks. They brought a sense of fun and whimsy to the dark and serious world of war, reminding everyone that even in times of strife, there is always room for laughter and creativity.

And so, Emperor Chris and his wife Gou Matsuoka, along with their unlikely allies the Khepri beetles, continued on their journey to conquer new lands and bring joy and laughter wherever they went. Together, they proved that sometimes, the best way to win a battle is with a smile and a clever joke.

Aw 207. Sea
