Unedited Chapter 5

S291. Mathematical manipulation. Dimensions.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is the mysterious woman codenamed "Midnight." Enemies: Minyades – Three sisters turned into cosmic bats by Hermes. They can shift dimensions. Chris counters by giving his soldiers mathematical-dimensional manipulation. The soldiers kept reducing the dimensions of the enemies.

(463 rating)

Emperor Chris of Astoria was a wise and powerful leader, beloved by his people and feared by his enemies. But there was one mystery that had puzzled both his allies and adversaries alike - his enigmatic wife, known only by the codename "Midnight.

"The rumors surrounding Midnight were as mysterious as she was herself. Some said she was a renowned spy, trained in the art of deception and stealth. Others claimed she was a powerful sorceress, able to bend reality to her will. But one thing was for certain - she was a force to be reckoned with.

One day, a formidable enemy known as the Minyades, three sisters turned into cosmic bats by the mischievous god Hermes, threatened the peace of Astoria. These beings could shift dimensions at will, making them nearly impossible to defeat in battle. But Emperor Chris was not one to back down from a challenge.

In a stroke of genius, Chris devised a plan to counter the Minyades' dimensional manipulation. He bestowed upon his soldiers the power of mathematical-dimensional manipulation, allowing them to alter the attributes of dimensions themselves. With this newfound ability, the soldiers set out to confront the Minyades and put an end to their reign of terror.

As the battle raged on, the soldiers showcased their newfound power with wit and humor. They would taunt the Minyades with jokes about geometry and algebra, distracting them long enough to deploy their dimensional-shifting abilities. The enemies found themselves bewildered and confused, their carefully laid plans falling apart before their eyes.

The soldiers kept reducing the dimensions of the Minyades, turning their three-dimensional forms into two-dimensional shadows of their former selves. Unable to navigate the shifting realities created by the Astorian army, the Minyades were soon defeated and sent fleeing back to the cosmic realm from which they came.

Emperor Chris and his soldiers returned victorious to Astoria, hailed as heroes for their clever tactics and unwavering courage. But it was Midnight, the mysterious woman behind the scenes, who truly shone in the aftermath of the battle.

It was revealed that Midnight was not just a mere mortal, but a being of immense power and wisdom. She had foreseen the threat of the Minyades long before they had arrived, and had orchestrated the entire plan to defeat them. Her vision and creativity had saved Astoria from certain destruction, cementing her place as the true hero of the story.

From that day on, Midnight was no longer just a mysterious figure in the shadows. She was hailed as the savior of Astoria, a beacon of hope and inspiration to all who knew her. And while her true identity remained a secret to most, her legend only grew with each passing day, ensuring that the name of Midnight would be remembered for eternity in the annals of history.

Aw 218. The


S292. Mathematical manipulation. Dimensions.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Junko ENOSHIMA. Vetala – Vampiric entities that take over cadavers. They can shift dimensions. Chris counters by giving his soldiers mathematical-dimensional manipulation. The soldiers kept reducing the dimensions of the enemies. From over 10^googleplex down to 2d.

(445 rating)

Emperor Chris, ruler of the land of Numerica, was known far and wide for his brilliant mind and his love for anything mathematical. He had conquered many lands using his soldiers skilled in the art of mathematical-dimensional manipulation, a technique he had developed himself. But one thing that people didn't know about Emperor Chris was his secret love for a certain mysterious woman known as Junko Enoshima.

Junko Enoshima was a woman of mystery, always dressed in elaborate and eccentric clothing, with a mischievous glint in her eye. She was rumored to be a powerful sorceress, with the ability to shift dimensions at will. When Emperor Chris first met Junko, he was immediately smitten by her charm and wit. Little did he know that she was a vetala, a vampiric entity that could take over cadavers and manipulate dimensions.

As Emperor Chris and Junko's relationship blossomed, they found themselves fighting side by side against enemies that threatened Numerica. Junko would shift dimensions, confusing the enemy troops, while Emperor Chris's soldiers would use their mathematical-dimensional manipulation to reduce the enemies' dimensions, from over 10^googleplex down to 2D. The sight of the once fearsome enemies now reduced to flat, two-dimensional beings never failed to bring a smile to Emperor Chris's face.

But their battles were not without their challenges. The vetala's power was great, and Emperor Chris and his soldiers had to think fast to counter her spells. Luckily, Emperor Chris was a master strategist, and his quick thinking often saved the day. In one battle, as the vetala unleashed a powerful dimensional shift, Emperor Chris countered with a complex mathematical algorithm that trapped her in a never-ending loop of shifting dimensions. The soldiers cheered as the vetala was defeated, her power drained.

Despite the dangers they faced, Emperor Chris and Junko's love only grew stronger. They would spend long nights discussing mathematical theories and sharing jokes only they could understand. Junko's mischievous sense of humor always kept Emperor Chris on his toes, but he wouldn't have it any other way.

As time passed, Emperor Chris and Junko's love story became the stuff of legend in Numerica. They were known as the royal couple who conquered enemies with a mix of mathematical precision and dimensional shifts. Their enemies feared them, not only for their power but for the bond they shared, a bond that could withstand any challenge.

And so, Emperor Chris and Junko Enoshima ruled Numerica with a mix of humor, love, and visionary creativity. Theirs was a love story that transcended dimensions, a love story that would be whispered in the halls of Numerica for generations to come. And as long as they were together, nothing could stand in their way.

Aw 219. Command


S293. Logic manipulation.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is the female Merlin. Enemies: Ababil – a miraculous birds. These seem to be able to transcend logic. Examples: 1) Ababil are immune to fire, but weak in water. And, 2) Ababil are immune to water, but weak in fire. Chris manipulated logic to include a third: Ababil are weak to water and fire. The result is a split second opportunity while #3 was true. He harmed the birds with both water and fire.


(469 rating)

Emperor Chris of the Enchanted Kingdom was a master of manipulation and strategy. He had always been fascinated by the mysterious and powerful Ababil birds, who seemed to defy all logic in their abilities. These creatures were known for their miraculous powers, being immune to either fire or water, depending on which way the wind blew.

As the ruler of the kingdom, Chris saw an opportunity to use these creatures to his advantage. He knew that with the help of these birds, he could further solidify his power and strengthen his rule. But there was one problem - the Ababil were unpredictable and could not be easily controlled.

One day, as Chris was pondering over this dilemma, he had a revelation. What if he could manipulate logic itself to defeat the Ababil? With his keen intellect and cunning mind, he devised a plan to outsmart the birds.

He called upon his most trusted advisor, Merlin, who also happened to be his wife. Merlin was known throughout the kingdom for her wisdom and magical abilities. She was a powerful sorceress, capable of bending reality to her will.

Together, Chris and Merlin devised a plan to lure the Ababil birds into a trap. They set up a magical barrier that could only be breached by water or fire. The birds, sensing the trap, were hesitant to approach.

But Chris had anticipated this. Using his mastery of logic, he introduced a third element into the equation. He declared that the Ababil were not only weak to water or fire, but to both at the same time. This new logic baffled the birds, who were unable to comprehend this paradox.

In that moment of confusion, Chris unleashed a torrent of water and fire upon the Ababil birds. The creatures screeched in pain as their feathers smoldered and their wings sizzled. In a matter of seconds, the once invincible birds were reduced to ashes.

The kingdom rejoiced at Chris's victory over the Ababil. He was hailed as a hero and a genius, praised for his innovative thinking and cunning strategy. With the threat of the Ababil extinguished, peace was restored to the Enchanted Kingdom.

As for Merlin, she looked upon her husband with pride and admiration. She knew that Chris's brilliance knew no bounds, and that together, they were an unstoppable force to be reckoned with. And so, the Emperor and his wife, the female Merlin, ruled over the kingdom with wisdom, magic, and a healthy dose of humor.

In the end, it was not just the Ababil who had underestimated Emperor Chris. His enemies soon learned that when faced with a challenge, Chris's imaginative mind and strategic thinking would always prevail. And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and his wife, the female Merlin, lived on in the annals of history as a tale of wit, creativity, and triumph against all odds.

Aw 220. And



Original: Emperor Chris' wife is a mysterious woman codenamed Index. Enemies: Adarna – cosmic birds with healing powers, put people to sleep, and turn people into stone. They are also like Schrodinger's cats: alive and dead at the same time and hence unkillable; weak to magic and immune at the same time. To counter, Chris gave his soldiers the ability to violate logic by swapping the Undverse with the reverse. Hence, they overwhelmed the bird by continuously dragging it into an undverse where it was weak to magic, no matter how many times it tries to return to an Undverse where it was immune.


(484 rating)

Emperor Chris was a man of great power and influence, ruling over his kingdom with a fair and just hand. But behind every great man, there is often an even greater woman. In Chris' case, that woman was his mysterious wife, codenamed Index.

Index was a woman of mystery and intrigue, known only to a select few within the palace walls. Her beauty was rumored to be otherworldly, her intelligence unmatched, and her loyalty to Chris unwavering. But it wasn't just her physical attributes that set her apart from the rest; Index possessed a power that few could comprehend.

In the kingdom, there existed a group of cosmic birds known as the Adarna. These birds had the ability to heal the sick, put people to sleep, and even turn them into stone. They were like Schrodinger's cats, existing in a state of both life and death simultaneously, making them unkillable. They were both weak to magic and immune to it at the same time, making them a formidable enemy.

But Chris was not one to back down from a challenge. He knew that in order to defeat the Adarna, he would have to think outside the box. So he gave his soldiers the ability to violate logic by swapping the Undverse with the reverse, overwhelming the birds by continuously dragging them into an Undverse where they were weak to magic. No matter how many times the birds tried to counter the soldiers' powers, they were always one step ahead.

Index played a crucial role in this battle, using her mysterious powers to guide the soldiers and ensure their victory. Her knowledge of the Undverse and its secrets was unmatched, and she used this to outsmart the Adarna at every turn. With her by their side, the soldiers were unstoppable.

But it wasn't just her intellect that made Index so special. She also had a wicked sense of humor, cracking jokes in the midst of battle and lightening the mood when things seemed dire. Her laughter was infectious, spreading among the soldiers and giving them the courage they needed to face their enemies head-on.

As the battle raged on, Index's true power began to shine through. She had the ability to see beyond the present moment, envisioning a future where peace and harmony reigned once more. Her vision was clear and unwavering, inspiring hope in all those around her.

In the end, it was Index's courage, wit, and vision that led to the defeat of the Adarna. With her help, Chris and his soldiers emerged victorious, their kingdom safe once more.

And so, Emperor Chris' mysterious wife, Index, became a legend in her own right. Her name was whispered in awe and admiration throughout the land, her true power known only to those who had witnessed it firsthand. And though she remained a mystery to most, her legacy lived on, inspiring future generations to never give up hope in the face of adversity.

Aw 221. When


S295. Spatial manipulation

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is the mature Yozora MIKAZUKI. Enemies: Alicanto – birdswith luminescent feathers which feeds on gold or silver. These were very agile. The priests were complaining that the birds pass through walls and eat their gold. Chris countered by giving his soldiers spatial manipulation. Thus, after a short interval, everyone returns to their previous spot in space. The birds this cannot escape the soldiers.

(388 rating)

Emperor Chris of the kingdom of Radiantia was a wise and powerful ruler, revered by his people for his strategic mind and innovative solutions to the problems that faced his kingdom. However, there was one challenge that even he struggled to overcome - the pesky Alicanto birds that plagued the kingdom's priests.

These birds, with their luminescent feathers that shimmered like gold and silver, had a voracious appetite for precious metals. They were agile and elusive, able to pass through walls and evade capture by the priests who desperately tried to protect their gold from being devoured by the creatures.

One day, the priests came to Emperor Chris with their complaints, seeking his help in dealing with the Alicanto birds that had been causing chaos in their temples. Chris knew that he had to come up with a creative solution to this problem, and so he turned to his wise and mature wife, Yozora Mikazuki, for advice.

Yozora was known for her keen intellect and quick thinking, and she listened carefully to the priests' tales of woe. After pondering the problem for a moment, she proposed a brilliant solution that would not only save the priests' gold but also bring laughter and joy to the kingdom.

Emperor Chris summoned his soldiers and instructed them to use their newly acquired ability of spatial manipulation to combat the Alicanto birds. With this power, the soldiers could manipulate space and time, creating a barrier that would prevent the birds from passing through walls and escaping their clutches.

The soldiers sprang into action, using their newfound abilities to trap the Alicanto birds in a cage of their own creation. The birds fluttered and squawked, unable to escape the soldiers' grasp. The priests marveled at the sight, amazed at how quickly and efficiently the soldiers had neutralized the threat of the birds.

As the kingdom rejoiced in their victory over the pesky creatures, Emperor Chris and his wife, Yozora, shared a laugh and a smile. Their creativity and ingenuity had once again saved the day, proving that even the most challenging problems could be overcome with a bit of humor and a lot of vision.

And so, the kingdom of Radiantia lived happily ever after, free from the troublesome Alicanto birds and basking in the glow of their wise and powerful rulers, Emperor Chris and his mature wife, Yozora Mikazuki.

Aw 222. The


S296. Mathematical manipulation. Form.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Aoi KUNIEDA with big boobs. Anqa – large mysterious or fabulous female bird. Their hearts were shaped like pyramids. Chris countered them by giving his soldiers the ability of Manipulation of form. They changed the form of the hearts of the birds, which caused the birds to fall into comatose.


(513 rating)

Emperor Chris of the mystical land of Elysium was known far and wide for his incredible power and wisdom. He was a great ruler, loved by his people and feared by his enemies. But despite his many accomplishments, there was one thing that he treasured above all else - his beloved wife, Aoi Kunieda.

Aoi was not only stunningly beautiful, with flowing black hair and piercing blue eyes, but she also possessed a pair of rather impressive assets - her big, luscious boobs. They were the talk of the kingdom, with even the birds in the sky stopping to admire their splendor.

One day, while out for a stroll in the royal gardens, Emperor Chris and Aoi were suddenly attacked by a flock of Anqas - large, mysterious birds with hearts shaped like pyramids. The Anqas were known for their ferocity and cunning, and they were determined to take down the emperor and his wife.

But Emperor Chris was not one to back down from a challenge. With a wave of his hand, he granted his soldiers the ability of Manipulation of form. With this power, they were able to change the form, volume, and area of objects at will. And so, they set out to counter the Anqas in a battle of wits and transformation.

As the Anqas swooped down towards them, Emperor Chris and his soldiers sprang into action. They used their powers to alter the shape of the birds' hearts, causing them to fall into a comatose state. The Anqas tumbled from the sky, their majestic wings flapping weakly as they plummeted to the ground.

Aoi could hardly contain her laughter as she watched the spectacle unfold.

"My dear," she said, her eyes sparkling with amusement, "why do you always have to show off your powers in such a flamboyant manner?"Emperor Chris grinned sheepishly, his cheeks flushing pink. "I couldn't help myself, my love," he replied. "I wanted to protect you from harm, no matter the cost.

"And so, the emperor and his wife continued on their walk through the gardens, their hearts filled with love and laughter. The Anqas were left to recover from their comatose state, their pride wounded but their spirits unbroken.

As they made their way back to the palace, Emperor Chris and Aoi shared a tender moment, their hands clasped tightly together. "I may be the ruler of this land," Chris said softly, "but you, my dear Aoi, are the true queen of my heart.

"Aoi smiled, her eyes shining with love. "And you, my emperor, are the bravest and most dashing of them all. Let us face whatever challenges come our way, together and united.

"And so, Emperor Chris and his wife, Aoi Kunieda, continued to rule over the kingdom of Elysium with wisdom, power, and love. And though their adventures were many, they always faced them with a smile on their faces and a twinkle in their eyes.

For in the end, it was their love for each other that truly made them invincible. And as long as they had each other, they knew that they could conquer anything that came their way.

Aw 223. Foundations


S297. Quantum manipulation

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Krul TEPES. Enemies: Anzû – massive birds who can breathe fire and water. They instantly destroyed Undverses. In a race against time, Chris granted a gift to his people: Quantum manipulation. This allowed every person to instantly and continuously create at least 10^500 Undverses by chain reactions.

(542 rating)

Emperor Chris of the Quantum Empire was known far and wide for his brilliant mind and eccentric sense of humor. His wife, Krul Tepes, was a fierce warrior with a sharp wit to match her husband's. Together, they ruled over the vast expanse of the Quantum Empire with a blend of wisdom and quirky charm.

But not everyone was a fan of the Emperor and his wife. Anzû, the massive bird who could breathe fire and water, was a constant thorn in their side. Anzû had a bone to pick with the Quantum Empire, and he made it his mission to destroy everything in his path.

The Emperor and Krul Tepes knew they had to come up with a plan to stop Anzû once and for all. And so, they decided to harness the power of quantum manipulation to create a forcefield that would protect the Quantum Empire from Anzû's fiery wrath.

With a wave of his hand, Emperor Chris granted the gift of quantum manipulation to his people. In an instant, every citizen of the Quantum Empire was able to tap into the vast energy of the quantum realm and create at least 10^500 Undverses by chain reactions.

The people of the Quantum Empire were amazed by their newfound powers. They reveled in the endless possibilities that quantum manipulation offered them, using it to create new worlds, explore uncharted dimensions, and even bend the laws of physics to their will.

But Anzû was not about to give up so easily. The massive bird launched an all-out attack on the Quantum Empire, breathing fire and water with reckless abandon. He thought he could crush the Emperor and his people with brute force alone.

Little did Anzû know, the citizens of the Quantum Empire were ready for him. Using their quantum manipulation abilities, they created a forcefield so strong that not even Anzû's fiery breath could penetrate it. The massive bird was left flapping helplessly against the invisible barrier, unable to break through.

Emperor Chris and Krul Tepes looked on with amusement as Anzû struggled in vain.

The Emperor chuckled to himself, "Looks like Anzû's goose is cooked!"Krul Tepes added with a smirk, "Or should we say, his bird is fried?"The citizens of the Quantum Empire cheered their rulers on, proud to be part of such a creative and visionary society. They marveled at the ingenuity of their Emperor and his wife, who had used humor and quantum manipulation to outsmart their powerful enemy.

In the end, Anzû was forced to retreat in defeat. The Quantum Empire was safe once more, thanks to the quick thinking and innovative tactics of Emperor Chris and Krul Tepes.

As they watched Anzû fly away, Emperor Chris turned to his wife with a twinkle in his eye. "Well, that was certainly an interesting turn of events.

Who would have thought that a massive bird with a penchant for fire and water could be outsmarted by a bunch of quantum manipulators?"Krul Tepes laughed and replied, "Only in the Quantum Empire, my love. Only in the Quantum Empire.

"And so, the Quantum Empire continued to thrive, with Emperor Chris and Krul Tepes leading their people with humor, creativity, and a touch of quantum magic. And as for Anzû, well, he never dared to mess with the Quantum Empire again.

Aw 224. Of


S298. Quantum manipulation.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Rei Hino with big boobs. Bare-fronted Hoodwinks – Undverse birds. They instantly destroyed Undverses. In a race against time, Chris granted a gift to his people: Quantum manipulation. This allowed every person to instantly and continuously create at least 10^500 Undverses by chain reactions.


(500 rating)

Once upon a time in the vast expanse of the Undverse, there ruled an emperor named Chris. He was a quirky and mischievous ruler, known for his outlandish sense of humor and love for all things absurd. His wife, Rei Hino, was a fiery and independent woman with a passion for adventure and a pair of.well, let's just say she was known for her ample assets.

One day, as Emperor Chris and his wife were lounging in their palace, they received word of a grave threat looming over their kingdom. A flock of bare-fronted hoodwinks, a species of undiverse birds with the power to instantly destroy entire undverses, was on the verge of attacking.

Panicked, Chris knew that he had to come up with a solution quickly. With a stroke of genius, he decided to grant the gift of quantum manipulation to his people. This power would allow them to create an huge number of undverses by manipulating quantum chains reactions, each one unique in its own way.

As the people of the undverse harnessed this newfound power, undverses sprang into existence left and right. Some were filled with marshmallow rainbows, while others were home to talking cheeseburgers. The possibilities were endless, and the hoodwinks were caught off guard by the sheer absurdity of it all.

Emperor Chris and Rei Hino led the charge, using their own unique brand of humor and creativity to outwit the hoodwinks at every turn. Chris would taunt them with a well-timed pun, while Rei would distract them with a dance number featuring her.erm, impressive assets.

The hoodwinks, baffled by the bizarre undverses popping up around them, soon found themselves outnumbered and outmatched. In a final, desperate attempt to save themselves, they unleashed their most powerful attack yet, a chorus of ear-piercing squawks that could shatter even the sturdiest of undverses.

But Chris, with a twinkle in his eye and a mischievous grin on his face, knew just what to do. He began to sing, his voice booming across the undverse in a cacophony of off-key notes and nonsensical lyrics. Rei joined in, her.ahem, melodic contributions adding an extra layer of chaos to the mix.

The hoodwinks, unable to withstand the onslaught of terrible singing, finally relented. With a defeated squawk, they turned tail and flew off into the void, never to be seen again.

And so, Emperor Chris and his wife Rei Hino emerged victorious, their undverse safe once more. They celebrated their triumph with a grand feast, filled with laughter, music, and of course, plenty of cheesy jokes.

As they looked out over the undverse, now brimming with new possibilities and adventures, Chris and Rei knew that they were bound for even greater heights of absurdity and hilarity. And with a wink and a smile, they set off into the unknown, ready to face whatever strange and wonderful challenges lay ahead.

And so, in the undverse ruled by Emperor Chris and his wife Rei Hino, the power of humor and creativity reigned supreme, forever keeping the forces of chaos and destruction at bay.

Aw 225. The


S299. Memory manipulation.

(539 rating)

Emperor Chris was a wise and generous ruler who was loved by his people. He had a beautiful wife named Seraphim, who was known for her kindness and intelligence. But there was one problem that Chris and Seraphim faced - the Alkonost, a mythical creature with the body of a bird that had the ability to kill people by knowing too much about them or by simply observing them.

The Alkonost had been causing chaos in the kingdom, spreading fear and paranoia among the people. They were always on guard, afraid that the Alkonost would learn their secrets and use them against them. Emperor Chris knew that something had to be done to protect his people from this threat.

One day, Chris had a brilliant idea. He granted his people the gift of memory manipulation. With this new power, they could wipe out the memories of the Alkonost, making them forget all the secrets they had learned about the people of the kingdom. This would finally put an end to the Alkonost's reign of terror.

The people were overjoyed with this gift and set out to use it to protect themselves from the Alkonost. They wiped out the memories of the creature, leaving it confused and disoriented. The Alkonost no longer posed a threat to the kingdom, and the people could finally relax and live in peace.

But as time went on, Emperor Chris began to notice some unintended consequences of the memory manipulation. People were using it to forget not just the Alkonost, but other things as well - arguments with their spouses, embarrassing moments, even entire relationships. It seemed that the gift of memory manipulation was being abused, with people choosing to erase things from their past rather than confront them.

Chris knew that he had to do something to address this issue. He called a meeting with his advisors and asked for their help in finding a solution. Together, they came up with a plan to educate the people about the importance of facing their problems head-on rather than running from them.

The advisors suggested that they hold a series of workshops and seminars to teach the people about healthy ways to cope with difficult situations. They also proposed creating support groups where people could come together to share their experiences and support one another.

Emperor Chris implemented these ideas, and soon the people of the kingdom began to change their ways. They started facing their problems courageously, finding strength in their unity and support for one another. The memory manipulation gift was still available to them, but it was now being used responsibly and thoughtfully.

The kingdom flourished under Chris and Seraphim's rule, with peace and harmony prevailing among the people. The memory manipulation gift had brought them together in a unique way, allowing them to protect themselves from the Alkonost while also fostering a sense of community and resilience.

And so, Emperor Chris and his wife Seraphim lived happily ever after, knowing that they had brought peace and prosperity to their kingdom through their wisdom and creativity. The memory manipulation gift remained a powerful tool, but now it was used with care and respect, ensuring that the people could face any challenge that came their way with courage and grace.  The end.

Aw 226. Earth


S300. Mind reading.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Makima. Gumyōchō – twin-headed human-birds. They each have a secret that, when known, would weaken them. Chris gave his soldiers the ability to read minds. 


(664 rating)

Emperor Chris of the great land of Asgardia had always been known for his cunning wit and clever strategies. He was beloved by his people, not only for his leadership skills but also for his sense of humor. One day, he shocked the entire kingdom by announcing that he was to marry the mysterious Makima, a woman whom nobody had ever seen or heard of before.

As rumors spread throughout the kingdom about Makima, the people became curious to know more about the woman who had captured the heart of their beloved emperor. Some said she was a sorceress from a distant land, while others claimed she was a goddess in disguise. But one thing was for certain – Emperor Chris was head over heels in love with her.

It was on a bright summer day that Emperor Chris finally introduced his new wife to the people of Asgardia. As Makima stepped out of the carriage, the crowd gasped in amazement. She was the most beautiful woman anyone had ever seen, with long flowing hair the color of spun gold and eyes that sparkled like diamonds. But what caught everyone's attention the most were the twin-headed human-birds that perched on her shoulders.

The Gumyōchō were a rare and mystical creature, known for their keen intelligence and ability to see into the future. They were said to possess a secret that, if known, would weaken them. But Makima had tamed these magnificent beasts and they now served as her loyal companions.

Emperor Chris beamed with pride as he introduced his wife to the kingdom, declaring her to be the most beautiful and intelligent woman in all the land. Makima smiled graciously at the adoring crowd, her twin-headed companions nodding in agreement.

As the days passed, the people of Asgardia grew to love Makima as much as they loved their emperor. She was kind and generous, always willing to help those in need.

But there was one thing that puzzled everyone – how did she manage to tame the Gumyōchō and gain their loyalty?One day, a young soldier approached Emperor Chris and asked him the question that had been on everyone's mind. "Your Majesty, how did Makima come to possess such magnificent creatures?" he inquired.

Emperor Chris chuckled and replied, "Ah, my dear friend, Makima has a way with all creatures, great and small. She can communicate with them on a level that we mere mortals can only dream of. It is her gift, her special talent.

"The soldier raised an eyebrow skeptically.

"But what about the secret that the Gumyōchō are said to possess? Does she not fear that it may be revealed one day?"Emperor Chris laughed heartily. "My dear soldier, Makima is not afraid of any secrets. She is a woman of great courage and strength. And if anyone were to try and harm her or the Gumyōchō, they would have to answer to me and my army of mind-reading soldiers.

"The soldier blinked in surprise.

"Your Majesty, you have mind-reading soldiers?"Emperor Chris winked slyly. "Ah, yes! I forgot to mention that little detail. I granted my soldiers the ability to read minds as a way to ensure that our kingdom remains safe and secure. It's quite handy, you know – especially when playing a game of dice or trying to outsmart an opponent in battle.

"The soldier's eyes widened in amazement. "That is truly remarkable, Your Majesty! You truly are a visionary leader.

"Emperor Chris puffed out his chest proudly. "Why, thank you, my friend! But enough about me. Let us focus on celebrating the love between Makima and I, and the joy that she brings to our kingdom. Together, we shall rule Asgardia with wisdom, humor, and a touch of magic.

"And so, Emperor Chris and his wife Makima lived happily ever after, ruling over the kingdom of Asgardia with love, laughter, and a few well-placed secrets. The Gumyōchō continued to watch over them, their secret safely guarded, as the people of Asgardia marveled at the extraordinary couple who had captured their hearts.

Aw 227. Were


S301. Mind reading.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is a woman named Wiz. Enemies: Harpy – winged bird woman, steals enchanted food. Harpies have secrets that can cause their downfall if exposed. Chris gave his people the gift of mind reading, which does not work on each other but only on enemies.


(498 rating)

Emperor Chris had always been known for his eccentric ways and unique gifts to his people. One of his most beloved gifts was the ability to read the minds of their enemies. This gift was bestowed upon the citizens of his kingdom, allowing them to easily thwart any potential threats.

One day, as Emperor Chris sat in his grand throne room, surrounded by his faithful advisors and guards, a commotion erupted outside the palace walls. Harpies had been spotted stealing enchanted food from the royal gardens. These winged bird women were known for their cunning ways and mischievous nature.

Emperor Chris immediately called for his wife, the wise and gentle Wiz, to join him in devising a plan to deal with the Harpies. Wiz was a master of magic and a clever strategist, and she was determined to put an end to the Harpies' thievery once and for all.

As they sat together, brainstorming ideas, Emperor Chris suddenly had a brilliant notion. "What if we use the gift of mind reading to uncover the secrets of the Harpies? It may reveal their weaknesses and help us defeat them," he exclaimed.

Wiz looked at her husband with admiration, marveling at his visionary thinking. She knew that this was a daring plan, but she also knew that with Emperor Chris by her side, anything was possible.

Using their combined powers, Emperor Chris and Wiz set out to confront the Harpies. As they approached the enchanted forest where the winged creatures resided, they could hear the fluttering of wings and the rustling of leaves.

Suddenly, the Harpies appeared before them, their eyes filled with mischief and their talons clutching stolen food. Emperor Chris focused his mind reading abilities on the creatures, trying to unravel their secrets.

To his surprise, he discovered that the Harpies had a hidden vulnerability – they were terrified of being exposed. If their secrets were revealed, it could mean their downfall.

With this newfound knowledge, Emperor Chris and Wiz devised a clever plan to trick the Harpies into confessing their misdeeds. Wiz used her magic to create a mirror that reflected the Harpies' true selves, exposing their fears and weaknesses.

The Harpies, caught off guard, revealed their secrets in a flurry of panicked squawks and screeches. Emperor Chris and Wiz seized the opportunity, using their powers to banish the Harpies from the kingdom forever.

As the winged creatures flew away in defeat, Emperor Chris and Wiz celebrated their victory with a feast fit for royalty. The people of the kingdom cheered and praised their beloved rulers, grateful for their ingenuity and bravery.

And so, Emperor Chris and his wife Wiz continued to rule the kingdom with wisdom and humor, using their gifts to protect their people from any threat that dared to challenge their reign. With their minds united in harmony, there was nothing they couldn't overcome.

And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and Wiz, the dynamic duo of the realm, lived on for generations to come, inspiring tales of courage and creativity in the face of adversity.

Aw 228. Marked


S302. Morality corruption resistance.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Irisviel VON EINZBERN. Enemies: Aello – name meaning "storm". They are cosmic storms with sentience. They have morality corruption ability. To defend against them, Chris temporarily turned his army into robots.


(475 rating)

Emperor Chris sat on his throne, his brow furrowed in concentration as he surveyed the latest reports from his scouts. His enemies, the Aellos, were closing in on his kingdom, their cosmic storms swirling ominously on the horizon. These sentient storms were notorious for their morality-corrupting abilities, turning even the most noble and virtuous beings into treacherous villains.

But Chris was not one to back down from a challenge. He was a visionary leader, always thinking outside the box and coming up with innovative solutions to seemingly impossible problems. And so, he knew that he had to do something drastic to defend his kingdom against the Aellos.

Turning to his trusted advisor, he exclaimed, "I have a brilliant idea! We will temporarily turn our army into robots to fend off the cosmic storms!"His advisor raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Robots, sire?""Yes, robots!" Chris declared with a gleam in his eye. "They will be immune to the Aellos' corruption abilities, and we can control them with precision to fight off the storms.

It's foolproof!"And so, the kingdom went to work, transforming their soldiers into mechanical beings with no fear, no pain, and no morality to corrupt. The robots marched out onto the battlefield, their metallic bodies shining in the sunlight as they faced off against the swirling Aellos.

The cosmic storms lashed out with tendrils of dark energy, but the robots stood strong, their metal frames impervious to harm. They fought with a precision and efficiency that no mere mortal army could match, striking down the Aellos with a relentless determination.

As the battle raged on, Emperor Chris watched from the safety of his command post, his heart swelling with pride at the sight of his robot army in action. They were a formidable force to be reckoned with, a testament to his ingenuity and resourcefulness.

And when the last of the Aellos had been defeated and the skies cleared of their dark clouds, Chris knew that his kingdom was safe once more. The people cheered and rejoiced, grateful for their emperor's quick thinking and unwavering bravery.

As the dust settled and the robots marched back into the kingdom, Chris turned to his advisor with a satisfied smile. "See, I told you it would work!" he exclaimed.

His advisor could only shake his head in wonderment at the sheer audacity and brilliance of Emperor Chris. In a world full of chaos and uncertainty, Chris was a beacon of hope and inspiration, a leader who was not afraid to think outside the box and take risks for the greater good.

And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and his robot army spread far and wide, inspiring generations to come with his daring and innovative tactics in the face of adversity. The Aellos may have been defeated that day, but the memory of their epic battle would live on forever in the annals of history.

Aw 229. Out


S303. Morality corruption immunity. Robotic transformation.

(553 rating)

Emperor Chris, the ruler of the vast kingdom of Elysium, was known for his wit, charm, and unparalleled leadership skills. His wife, the elegant and mysterious Irisviel VON EINZBERN, was equally revered for her beauty, grace, and intelligence. Together, they made the perfect power couple, beloved by their people and feared by their enemies.

One such enemy was Aello, a cosmic storm with sentience that had been causing chaos and destruction in the neighboring kingdoms. Aello had a unique ability to corrupt the morality of those it encountered, turning once noble souls into ruthless monsters. The citizens of Elysium lived in fear of Aello's wrath, knowing that their beloved Emperor and his precious wife were the storm's next targets.

In a bold and daring move, Emperor Chris decided to use his knowledge of ancient magics to defend against Aello. With a flick of his wrist and a muttered incantation, he transformed his entire army into a legion of powerful robots. These mechanical warriors were immune to the storm's corruption, their minds shielded by the Emperor's magic.

Irisviel VON EINZBERN was initially skeptical of her husband's plan, but as the robots marched proudly through the streets of Elysium, she couldn't help but be impressed. The sight of their clanking metal forms, gleaming in the sunlight, filled her with a strange sense of pride. It was as if she was witnessing the birth of a new era, where technology and magic joined forces to protect their kingdom.

As Aello descended upon Elysium, its raging winds and electric crackles struck against the robotic army, but to no avail. The mechanical soldiers stood firm, their gears and pistons whirring as they fought back against the storm. Emperor Chris stood at the forefront, his sword raised high, leading his troops with unwavering determination.

Irisviel VON EINZBERN watched from the safety of the palace, her silver hair cascading around her shoulders like a waterfall of moonlight. She marveled at the sight before her, feeling a surge of admiration for her husband's bravery and ingenuity. In that moment, she knew that together, they were unstoppable.

In a final, desperate attempt to defeat the Emperor and his robotic army, Aello unleashed a torrent of dark energy, swirling and twisting in the air like a malicious serpent. But Emperor Chris was prepared. With a single command, he activated a hidden feature in the robots, causing them to combine and form a massive, towering mech suit.

The mechanical behemoth faced off against Aello, its metal fists clenched and its eyes glowing with fierce determination. The storm raged on, thunder crackling and lightning flashing, but the robot did not falter. With a mighty roar, it delivered a crushing blow to Aello, banishing the cosmic storm back to the void from whence it came.

The citizens of Elysium erupted into cheers, their voices ringing through the streets as they hailed Emperor Chris and his wife Irisviel VON EINZBERN as heroes. The couple stood side by side, their hands clasped together, looking out over their kingdom with pride and satisfaction.

And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and his wife Irisviel VON EINZBERN, the conquerors of Aello, spread far and wide, inspiring future generations with tales of bravery, humor, and visionary creativity. Their love and unity had saved Elysium once again, cementing their place in history as the greatest rulers the kingdom had ever known.

Aw 230. Then


S304. Multiplication.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Ikumi MITO. Potential allies: Ocypete – name meaning "swift wing". Chris worked with them and finally uncovered a secret of the Multiplication ability. Chris gave this ability to his people. Thus, they can be anywhere in the Undverse if they wanted, or in many places at once. They can then destroy evil in their faces.


(483 rating)

Once upon a time, in a faraway galaxy, there was a powerful emperor named Chris. He ruled over a vast empire with wisdom and kindness, always striving to protect his people from harm. Emperor Chris was known for his sharp wit and quick thinking, but he was also a hopeless romantic at heart.

One day, while on a diplomatic mission to the planet of Ocypete, Emperor Chris met the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. Her name was Ikumi Mito, and she was the daughter of the planet's chief diplomat. Ikumi was known for her swift wit and grace, and Emperor Chris was instantly smitten.

After a whirlwind romance, Emperor Chris and Ikumi were married in a lavish ceremony that was attended by dignitaries from all corners of the galaxy. The newlyweds were the talk of the town, with everyone marveling at the love that radiated between them.

As Emperor Chris and Ikumi settled into their new life together, they faced many challenges and trials, but they always stood by each other's side. Ikumi supported Chris in his decisions as emperor, and Chris never failed to make Ikumi laugh with his quirky sense of humor.

One day, while on a mission to uncover a secret of the Multiplication ability, Emperor Chris discovered a powerful ability that would allow his people to be in many places at once. With this newfound power, they could easily defeat any evil that threatened their empire.

Emperor Chris decided to share this ability with his people, and soon they were using it to protect the galaxy from harm. Ikumi stood by her husband's side, using her own wit and charm to aid in their fight against evil.

As they traveled from planet to planet, Emperor Chris and Ikumi encountered many strange and fantastical beings. From talking trees to sentient noodles, there was never a dull moment in their adventures.

One day, as they were exploring a particularly bizarre planet, they came across a group of sentient cupcakes who were plotting to take over the galaxy. Emperor Chris and Ikumi knew they had to act fast to stop the cupcake menace.

With their Multiplication ability, Emperor Chris and Ikumi were able to be in many places at once, thwarting the cupcake plot at every turn. The galaxy was saved once again, thanks to the quick thinking and bravery of the emperor and his wife.

As they returned home victorious, Emperor Chris and Ikumi were hailed as heroes by their people. They were celebrated with parades and feasts, with everyone marveling at the dynamic duo who had saved the galaxy once again.

And so, Emperor Chris and Ikumi lived happily ever after, their love and laughter echoing through the galaxies for all time. Together, they were unstoppable, a force to be reckoned with in the vast expanse of the universe. And they knew that as long as they had each other, there was nothing they couldn't overcome.

Aw 231. I


S305. Multilocation

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Rize KAMISHIRO. Enemies: Ocypete swift winged creatures. Chris gave the multilocation ability to his people. Thus, they can be anywhere in the Undverse if they wanted, or in many places at once. They can then destroy evil in their faces.


(347 rating)

Emperor Chris and his wife Rize Kamishiro ruled over the vast expanse of the Undverse with wisdom and grace. They were beloved by their people for their fair and just leadership, but their reign was constantly threatened by the Ocypete, swift winged creatures that sought to bring chaos and destruction.

The Ocypete were cunning and elusive, able to move quickly and strike without warning. But Chris had a trick up his sleeve - he had given his people the ability to be in multiple locations at once. This meant that they could be everywhere and nowhere at the same time, making it impossible for the Ocypete to track them down.

One day, as Rize was walking through the gardens of the palace, she was ambushed by a group of Ocypete. They swooped down from the sky, their razor-sharp talons ready to strike. But Rize was quick on her feet, using her multilocation ability to dodge their attacks and counter with her own swift movements.

The battle raged on, with Rize darting in and out of different locations, confusing the Ocypete and gaining the upper hand. She unleashed her full power, using her incredible speed and agility to outmaneuver her foes. The Ocypete were no match for her skill and determination, and soon they were forced to retreat, defeated and humiliated.

Emperor Chris was proud of his wife's bravery and skill, knowing that she was a true warrior queen. The people celebrated their victory, knowing that they were safe once again thanks to the fierce leadership of their beloved rulers.

From that day on, the Ocypete knew better than to mess with Emperor Chris and his wife Rize Kamishiro. They had shown that they were not to be trifled with, and that they would stop at nothing to protect their kingdom from any threat.

And so, the Undverse remained at peace, with Emperor Chris and Rize Kamishiro ruling side by side, their love and strength guiding them through any challenge that came their way. And the people knew that as long as they had their fearless leaders, they would always be safe from harm.

Aw 232. Was


S306. Multiple selves.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Bell HYDRA. Enemies: Celaeno "the dark ones." Their weakness is either Emotion or Logic, depending on their opponent. Calaeno can shift these weaknesses quickly. Therefore, Chris gave the ability of "multiple selves to his people." Each person has a logical persona and an emotional one and they decide how to act before Calaeno.


(517 rating)

Once upon a time in the kingdom of Funtopia, there ruled Emperor Chris, a wise and noble leader loved by all his people. Known for his innovative ideas and quirky sense of humor, Emperor Chris was always looking for ways to make his kingdom more prosperous and harmonious.

One day, it was announced that Emperor Chris would be getting married to the mysterious Bell HYDRA. The news spread like wildfire throughout the kingdom, as everyone was curious to meet the woman who had captured the heart of their beloved ruler.

Bell HYDRA arrived in Funtopia in a grand procession, dazzling everyone with her beauty and grace. She had an air of mystery around her, and the people couldn't help but be intrigued by her presence. Emperor Chris couldn't have been happier, for he had finally found his perfect match in Bell HYDRA.

However, not everyone was pleased with the union. The dark ones, led by the fearsome Celaeno, saw Bell HYDRA as a threat to their plans of conquest. They were determined to sabotage the wedding and overthrow Emperor Chris, but little did they know that Funtopia had a secret weapon against them.

Emperor Chris had bestowed upon his people the ability of "multiple selves." Each person in Funtopia had both a logical persona and an emotional one, and they could switch between the two at will. This unique gift allowed them to outsmart their enemies, who were known to exploit either emotion or logic as their weakness.

As the wedding day approached, Celaeno and the dark ones tried to sow discord among the people of Funtopia. But every time they thought they had the upper hand, the citizens would switch personalities and come up with clever solutions to counter their plans.

One day, Celaeno challenged Emperor Chris to a duel of wits. As they faced off in the grand arena, the dark one tried to confuse the emperor with her shifting weaknesses. But Emperor Chris simply smiled and called upon his people to help him out.

The citizens of Funtopia sprang into action, using their dual personalities to confuse and confound Celaeno. The dark one found herself at a loss, unable to predict the next move of the clever Funtopians. In the end, Emperor Chris emerged victorious, and the dark ones were forced to retreat in defeat.

The wedding day arrived, and Emperor Chris and Bell HYDRA exchanged vows in a beautiful ceremony attended by all the people of Funtopia. The kingdom rejoiced as they celebrated the union of their beloved ruler and his enigmatic bride.

From that day on, Bell HYDRA became an integral part of Funtopia, using her own unique abilities to help the kingdom prosper and thrive. Together with Emperor Chris and the people of Funtopia, she brought peace and happiness to the land, much to the dismay of the dark ones who continued to plot their revenge from afar.

And so, with humor, creativity, and a touch of visionary thinking, Emperor Chris and Bell HYDRA ruled over Funtopia with wisdom and love, forever ensuring that their kingdom remained a beacon of joy and unity in a world full of darkness and strife.

Aw 233. Constantly


S307. Multiple minds

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Rin. Enemies: Podarge – creatures meaning "fleet-footed." The podarge were numerous, powerful and tactical. Chris had to give his wives the ability of "multiple minds" to merge with or control the thoughts of soldiers to be successful in war.


(470 rating)

Emperor Chris was well-known for his strategic prowess and ability to outmaneuver his enemies in battle. However, his greatest asset was not his military tactics, but his wife Rin. Rin was a woman of extraordinary intelligence and wit, with a sharp mind that could outthink even the most cunning of adversaries. She had an uncanny ability to anticipate the movements of their enemies, making her an invaluable ally in times of war.

One of their most formidable foes were the podarge, a race of fleet-footed creatures who were known for their speed and agility on the battlefield. The podarge were fierce warriors who fought with a ferocity that struck fear into the hearts of their enemies. But Emperor Chris knew that with Rin by his side, they would be able to outsmart the podarge and emerge victorious in battle.

As the podarge launched their attack on the empire, Emperor Chris and Rin sprang into action. Rin put her multiple minds to work, merging with the thoughts of their soldiers and strategizing with them to counter the podarge's tactics. With Rin's guidance, their soldiers were able to outmaneuver the podarge, using their speed against them and luring them into traps that had been carefully planned out in advance.

The podarge were taken aback by the unexpected turn of events, as they had never faced opponents who were able to match their speed and agility on the battlefield. Emperor Chris and Rin worked seamlessly together, their minds working in perfect harmony as they outwitted the podarge at every turn. The podarge soon found themselves on the defensive, their attacks growing more desperate as they realized they were no match for the strategic genius of Emperor Chris and his wife Rin.

As the battle raged on, Emperor Chris and Rin fought side by side, their bond growing stronger with each victory they achieved. Rin's quick thinking and clever tactics, combined with Emperor Chris's military prowess, made them an unstoppable force on the battlefield. The podarge soon realized that they were no match for this formidable duo, and were forced to retreat in defeat.

Emperor Chris and Rin emerged from the battle victorious, their enemies vanquished and their empire safe once more. As they stood side by side, surveying the battlefield before them, they knew that they were a force to be reckoned with. With Rin's multiple minds and Emperor Chris's military expertise, there was no enemy they could not outsmart or outmaneuver.

And so, Emperor Chris and Rin ruled over their empire with wisdom and cunning, their enemies quaking in fear at the thought of facing them in battle. Theirs was a partnership unlike any other, a bond forged in the fires of war and strengthened by their shared victories. And as long as they stood together, there was no force in the world that could stand against them.

Aw 234. There


S308. Multiple souls.

Original: Emperor Chris' new wife is Ako SUMINOE. Enemies: Inmyeonjo  – birds with human faces. As the enemies were numerous, tactical and powerful, Chris granted his thousands of wives the ability of multiple souls. Their souls can possess the bodies of soldiers and guide or empower them.


(440 rating)

Emperor Chris had recently taken on a new wife, Ako Suminoe, a charming and witty woman known for her quick wit and intelligence. The palace was abuzz with excitement as they prepared for their extravagant wedding ceremony.

As the couple exchanged vows in front of their loyal subjects, a sudden commotion broke out in the courtyard. The sky darkened as a flock of Inmyeonjo descended upon the palace, their eerie human faces screeching in anger.

Emperor Chris, ever the tactician, called upon his wives to use their unique ability of multiple souls to possess the bodies of the soldiers and guide them in battle against the menacing creatures. With Ako by his side, he led the charge, wielding his sword with precision and grace.

As the battle raged on, Ako's quick thinking and strategic prowess proved invaluable. She directed the soldiers where to strike, exploiting the weaknesses of the Inmyeonjo with ease. Her sharp wit and cunning mind kept the soldiers motivated and focused amidst the chaos of battle.

Emperor Chris marveled at his new wife's abilities, admiring her intelligence and resourcefulness in the face of danger. Together, they fought side by side, a formidable team against their formidable foes.

With Ako's leadership and Emperor Chris's skill in combat, they were able to defeat the Inmyeonjo and restore peace to the palace once more. The citizens cheered as the enemies fled, their human faces twisted in defeat.

As they stood victorious, Emperor Chris embraced Ako, grateful for her unwavering support and bravery in battle. She smiled at him, her eyes twinkling with mischief, knowing that they made a formidable pair.

And so, Emperor Chris and his new wife, Ako Suminoe, celebrated their victory with a grand feast, regaling their guests with tales of their daring battle against the Inmyeonjo. The palace buzzed with laughter and music, a testament to their triumph over adversity.

As the night wore on, Emperor Chris knew that with Ako by his side, there was no challenge they could not overcome. Together, they would rule the kingdom with humor, intelligence, and a touch of visionary creativity that set them apart from the rest.

And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and Ako Suminoe spread far and wide, inspiring awe and admiration in all who heard their tale. As they danced under the stars, hand in hand, they knew that their bond was unbreakable, their love eternal.

And so, the kingdom rejoiced in the reign of Emperor Chris and his beloved wife, Ako Suminoe, a power couple like no other. With their humor, intelligence, and visionary creativity, they led their people into a new era of peace and prosperity, their love shining bright for all to see.

Aw 235. I


S309. Symbiosis.

(503 rating)

Emperor Chris of the mythical kingdom of Avondale was a fearless and charismatic ruler, known for his strategic prowess and unyielding dedication to protecting his people. But despite his reputation as a formidable warrior, Chris had a soft spot for his wife, the adorable Izuna Hatsuse.

Izuna was the embodiment of charm and grace, with her gentle demeanor and infectious laughter brightening up the palace whenever she was around. Her petite stature and doe-like eyes made her the darling of the kingdom, and Chris couldn't help but feel a surge of pride every time he looked at her.

One day, a horde of Kalavinkas, fantastical creatures with human heads and bird-like torsos, descended upon Avondale, threatening to wreak havoc on the peaceful kingdom. Chris knew that conventional methods of warfare would be ineffective against these powerful creatures, so he devised a bold plan to merge his soldiers with powerful symbiotes to enhance their abilities and give them a fighting chance against the Kalavinkas.

As the battle raged on, Izuna stood by her husband's side, offering words of encouragement and moral support to the soldiers as they bravely faced the terrifying creatures. With her unwavering faith in Chris and her boundless optimism, Izuna became the beacon of hope that inspired the troops to fight on, even in the face of overwhelming odds.

Despite the danger and chaos surrounding them, Chris and Izuna managed to find moments of levity amidst the turmoil. Izuna's witty remarks and playful banter never failed to bring a smile to Chris's face, even in the midst of battle. Her lighthearted humor served as a much-needed distraction from the grim reality of war, lifting the spirits of the soldiers and reminding them of the importance of finding joy in the midst of adversity.

As the battle reached its climax, Chris and his soldiers unleashed their symbiote-enhanced powers with full force, turning the tide of the fight in their favor. With unwavering determination and a strong sense of camaraderie, they fought valiantly against the Kalavinkas, eventually emerging victorious against all odds.

In the aftermath of the battle, Chris and Izuna stood together, surveying the battlefield with a mixture of relief and pride. The kingdom of Avondale had been saved, thanks to their combined efforts and unwavering determination. Izuna threw her arms around Chris, her eyes sparkling with admiration and love for her heroic husband.

As they walked hand in hand through the ruins of the battlefield, Chris couldn't help but marvel at the incredible woman by his side. Izuna may have been cute and petite, but her inner strength and unwavering support had been instrumental in their victory. Together, they had proven that love, laughter, and a touch of humor could be powerful weapons in the face of adversity.

And so, Emperor Chris and his beloved wife Izuna Hatsuse returned to their palace, hailed as heroes and legends throughout the kingdom. Their bond was unbreakable, their love unwavering, and their victory a testament to the power of unity, courage, and a good sense of humor in the face of danger.

Aw 236. Was


S310. Multiple selves.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Nanami AOYAMA. Enemies: Karura - divine creature with human torso and birdlike head. These can use both physical and magical attacks. Chris gave his soldiers the ability to merge. Some had immunity to physical attacks and some immunity to magical. Merging allows them to switch.


(402 rating)

Emperor Chris sat on his majestic throne, his wife Nanami Aoyama by his side. The two were a power couple, ruling over the land with grace and wisdom. Nanami was not just a beautiful and elegant queen, but a fierce warrior in her own right.

One day, news reached the palace that their kingdom was under attack by Karura, a fearsome divine creature with the body of a human and the head of a bird. Karura was known for its deadly physical and magical attacks, making it a formidable enemy.

Emperor Chris, being the ingenious leader that he was, came up with a plan to defeat Karura. He gathered his soldiers and gave them the ability to merge, each one possessing immunity to either physical or magical attacks. With this newfound power, the soldiers were able to switch between their different aspects, making them a force to be reckoned with.

As the battle against Karura raged on, Nanami Aoyama took to the battlefield with her husband by her side. Together, they fought valiantly against the monstrous creature, using their combined strength and skill to outwit their enemy.

In the heat of battle, Nanami unleashed her inner warrior, her eyes blazing with determination. She wielded her sword with precision and grace, striking fear into the heart of Karura. With each swing of her blade, she grew more confident, her movements fluid and deadly.

Emperor Chris, on the other hand, used his strategic mind to outsmart Karura. He directed his soldiers to attack in coordinated waves, their merged forms shifting seamlessly between physical and magical immunities. The enemy was caught off guard, unable to anticipate their next move.

As the battle reached its climax, Karura let out a deafening screech, its wings flapping furiously as it attempted to flee. But Nanami and Chris were not about to let their enemy escape. With a swift and decisive blow, Nanami struck Karura down, sending it crashing to the ground in defeat.

The kingdom rejoiced as the threat of Karura was vanquished, thanks to the bravery and ingenuity of Emperor Chris and his wife Nanami Aoyama. The couple stood triumphantly on the battlefield, their love and unity shining brightly for all to see.

And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and his warrior queen Nanami Aoyama spread far and wide, inspiring generations to come with their humor, creativity, and visionary leadership. The kingdom was safe once more, under the watchful eye of their beloved rulers.

Aw 237. Filled
