Unedited Chapter 7:

S394. Space survival.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Kikyo.

Enemies: rogue Nyctimene  – powerful women Transformed into owls by Minerva.

Their realm is entirely space or the void. Chris gave the gift of space survival to his followers so they can survive without air, nor heat. They can also tank excessive amounts of radiation.


(516 rating)

Emperor Chris, the mighty ruler of the Galactic Empire, had a secret that no one knew. His wife was none other than the beautiful and mysterious Kikyo, a powerful sorceress with a heart of gold. Their love was a well-kept secret, as Kikyo preferred to stay out of the spotlight and focus on her magical studies.

However, their peaceful existence was about to be disrupted by their most formidable enemy yet - the rogue Nyctimene. Nyctimene was a group of powerful women who had been transformed into owls by the goddess Minerva as punishment for their misdeeds. Now, they sought revenge on anyone who crossed their path, including Emperor Chris and his beloved wife Kikyo.

One fateful day, as Chris and Kikyo were enjoying a quiet evening together in their palace on the edge of space, Nyctimene descended upon them in a flurry of feathers and screeches. The owls' eyes burned with anger as they surrounded the couple, ready to unleash their vengeance.

But Chris, ever the quick thinker, had a trick up his sleeve. He activated the gift of space survival that he had bestowed upon his followers, allowing them to thrive in the void without the need for air or heat. With a wave of his hand, he created a protective bubble around himself and Kikyo, shielding them from Nyctimene's wrath.

As the rogue owls struggled to penetrate the barrier, Chris and Kikyo shared a knowing look. It was time to take matters into their own hands. Kikyo began to chant an ancient incantation, summoning a swirling vortex of energy that threatened to engulf Nyctimene in its powerful grip.

But the owls were not so easily defeated. With a flap of their wings, they unleashed a barrage of magical attacks, forcing Chris and Kikyo to dodge and weave to avoid the onslaught. Yet, the couple remained undaunted, their determination unwavering in the face of danger.

With a sudden burst of inspiration, Chris unleashed his trump card - a squadron of space-faring pelicans that he had trained for just such an occasion. The majestic birds swooped down from the heavens, their talons gleaming in the light of distant stars as they dove towards Nyctimene with unerring precision.

Caught off guard by this unexpected turn of events, the owls faltered for a moment, giving Chris and Kikyo the opening they needed. With a series of deft movements, the couple unleashed a flurry of spells and attacks, driving Nyctimene back with each strike.

Finally, with a deafening screech, the rogue owls retreated into the darkness of space, their will broken by the combined might of Emperor Chris and his sorceress wife Kikyo. The couple stood victorious, their bond stronger than ever in the face of adversity.

And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and his enigmatic wife Kikyo spread throughout the galaxy, a tale of love, magic, and pelican-assisted victories that would be told for generations to come. With their enemies vanquished and their realm safe once more, the couple could once again enjoy their peaceful existence on the edge of space, secure in the knowledge that they were truly a force to be reckoned with.

Aw 327. their


S395. Spatial manipulation.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Melty MELROMARC. Enemies: Owlman – compared to Mothman. They have spatial manipulation. To defeat them, Chris gave his followers the gift of spatial manipulation. They can warp, flip, crush, control and bend space. They can fold space and make any object in two or more points in space. They demonstrated other skills such as teleportation, wormhole creation, summoning objects, creating pocket dimensions and undverses, causing space loops, invisibility by controlling the travel or direction of light, force fields, or deflecting/diverting projectiles, Space-Time Manipulation.


(428 rating)

Emperor Chris of the Melromarc Empire was known far and wide for his incredible powers and his beautiful wife, Melty Melromarc. The two of them ruled over their kingdom with wisdom and grace, but there was one thorn in their side – the dreaded Owlman.

Owlman was a mysterious and powerful enemy, often compared to the legendary Mothman. He possessed the incredible ability of spatial manipulation, able to bend and warp space to his will. His attacks were devastating, and he posed a serious threat to the safety of the Melromarc Empire.

Determined to protect his kingdom and his beloved wife, Emperor Chris knew he needed to come up with a plan to defeat Owlman once and for all. After much contemplation, he decided to give his most loyal followers the gift of spatial manipulation.

With their newfound powers, Chris' followers were able to warp, flip, crush, control and bend space at will. They could fold space like origami, making objects appear in two different points in space at the same time. They could teleport in the blink of an eye, create wormholes to travel vast distances, summon objects out of thin air, and even create pocket dimensions and universes.

As Owlman launched his attacks on the Melromarc Empire, the followers of Emperor Chris stood ready to defend their homeland. They used their spatial manipulation abilities to create force fields, deflect and divert Owlman's projectiles, and even manipulate the flow of light to become invisible to their enemy.

In a fierce battle that shook the very foundations of the empire, the followers of Emperor Chris emerged victorious. Owlman was defeated, his powers no match for the combined might of the spatial manipulators.

As the dust settled and peace returned to the Melromarc Empire, Emperor Chris and his wife Melty Melromarc stood side by side, proud of their people and their incredible abilities. They had triumphed over a powerful enemy, thanks to their courage, creativity, and a healthy dose of humor.

And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and his spatial manipulators spread far and wide, a testament to the power of unity and the strength of the human spirit. In the face of adversity, they had stood firm and emerged victorious, proving that no enemy was too powerful to defeat when faced with determination and wit.

As they gazed out over their kingdom, Emperor Chris and his wife Melty Melromarc knew that they were truly blessed to have such loyal and talented subjects. And as they looked to the future, they knew that no challenge was too great, as long as they stood together as one.

Aw 328. various


S396. Statistics amplification.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is the mysterious Mount Lady. Enemies: Sirin – birds with women heads, lured men to their deaths. These were very numerous. They were able to amplify their stats in battle up to 10 times. Mount Lady grew gigantic and tried to fight the Sirin but they were too many. Chris then made his people giants and he gave them the skill of statistics amplification to: increase physical, magic stats, durability, stamina, endurance, by up to 10 times. Their projectiles were also powered up 20x but the cost is they will be very tired and sleepy after the battle.


(460 rating)

Once upon a time in the whimsical land of Fantasia, there lived the mighty Emperor Chris and his beautiful wife, the mysterious Mount Lady. Mount Lady was not your ordinary empress – she had the unique ability to grow to gigantic proportions, towering over the land with her majestic presence.

One day, a horde of Sirin – birds with women's heads that lured unsuspecting men to their deaths – descended upon the kingdom. These creatures were cunning and numerous, capable of amplifying their stats in battle up to ten times. Emperor Chris knew that they posed a grave threat to his people, and he turned to his beloved Mount Lady for help.

Mount Lady, of course, was more than willing to aid her husband in battle. She grew to her full size, casting a shadow over the Sirin as she prepared to unleash her fury upon them. However, she quickly realized that the sheer number of Sirin was overwhelming – there were simply too many for her to defeat on her own.

But Emperor Chris was not about to let his beloved wife fight alone. With a wave of his hand, he made his people giants as well, granting them the ability to amplify their stats in battle just like the Sirin. The giants' physical and magic stats, durability, stamina, and endurance were increased tenfold, giving them the power to go toe-to-toe with the formidable creatures.

As the giants charged into battle, their projectiles were imbued with an even greater power, able to deal devastating blows to the Sirin. However, the cost of this incredible strength was steep – the giants would be left feeling incredibly tired and sleepy after the battle, a small price to pay for the safety of their kingdom.

The battlefield was a chaotic scene of epic proportions, with giants and Sirin clashing in a fierce battle of strength and skill. The earth trembled beneath their feet as Mount Lady and Emperor Chris watched from afar, their hearts filled with pride for their brave warriors.

Despite the overwhelming odds, the giants fought valiantly, using their newfound powers to turn the tide of battle in their favor. The Sirin, who had once preyed upon the weak and unsuspecting, now found themselves facing an enemy unlike any they had encountered before.

In the end, the giants emerged victorious, driving the Sirin back and sending them fleeing from the kingdom. The people of Fantasia cheered and celebrated their triumph, grateful for the courage and strength of their giants.

Emperor Chris and Mount Lady embraced, their love for each other stronger than ever in the face of danger. Together, they had faced a formidable enemy and emerged victorious, proving that with love, courage, and a healthy dose of humor, anything was possible in the magical land of Fantasia.

Aw 329. qualities


S397. Stat reduction.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Milly ASHFORD.

Enemies: Strix – owls that ate human flesh. They were able to double their stats upon eating a victim. They have become so powerful that Chris had to give his people the ability of Stat reduction.

Now, they can halve the stats of the enemies and add those to their own. The expense are a lot of mana.


(495 rating)

Emperor Chris sat on his throne, rubbing his temples as he tried to come up with a solution to the Strix problem that had been plaguing his kingdom for months. These vicious owls were terrorizing his people, feasting on human flesh and doubling their stats upon each kill. They had become so powerful that even his best warriors were no match for them.

Desperate for a solution, Chris turned to his wife, Milly Ashford, for help. Milly was known for her sharp wit and clever thinking, and Chris knew that she would be able to come up with a plan to defeat the Strix once and for all.

"Milly, my love, I need your help," Chris said, his voice full of urgency. "The Strix are causing chaos in our kingdom, and I fear that if we don't find a way to stop them soon, they will destroy everything we have worked so hard to build.

"Milly, who was lounging on a chaise lounge nearby, put down her book and looked at Chris with a mischievous glint in her eye. "Don't worry, my dear. I have a plan," she said, her voice filled with confidence.

Together, Chris and Milly devised a plan to defeat the Strix using a combination of magic and cunning strategy. They decided to give their people the ability of Stat reduction, allowing them to halve the stats of the enemies and add those to their own. The only catch was that this ability required a lot of mana to sustain, and if they weren't careful, they could easily exhaust themselves.

As the sun began to set, Chris and Milly led their army into battle against the Strix. The owls screeched and flapped their wings, their eyes glowing with a fierce hunger for blood. But Chris and Milly's army stood strong, wielding their newly acquired abilities with skill and precision.

With each Strix they defeated, their own stats grew stronger, and soon they were able to overpower the once formidable owls. The battle was fierce and chaotic, but Chris and Milly's army fought with a determination fueled by their love for their kingdom and their desire to protect their people.

As the last Strix fell to the ground, defeated and powerless, Chris and Milly embraced, relieved that the threat had finally been vanquished. The people cheered and celebrated their victory, grateful for the leadership of their Emperor and his clever wife.

From that day on, the Strix were nothing more than a distant memory, a cautionary tale told to the children of the kingdom. Chris and Milly ruled with wisdom and kindness, their love and humor guiding them through even the darkest of times.

And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and his wife Milly Ashford became known throughout the land, a tale of bravery, creativity, and above all, love. The kingdom prospered under their rule, and the people lived in peace and harmony, grateful for the day that two unlikely heroes came together to save them from the clutches of darkness.

Aw 330. such


S398. Status effect inducement.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is the mature Yamada. Enemies: Bugbears – child-eating hobgoblins. They have a skill that makes them invulnerable to all physical/magic attacks for at least a minute or so, except status ailments. Chris countered by giving his people the ability to cast status ailments while the enemies were invulnerable:

Cursing, lowing stats or parameters, sealing abilities, fear, charm, confusion, freezing, petrification, emotional manipulation, immobility, poison, sleep, time stop, transmute. But, some of these were resisted in split seconds so Chris' people had to cast again and again.


(472 rating)

Emperor Chris sat on his throne, contemplating the latest attack by the Bugbears – child-eating hobgoblins who seemed to be invulnerable to any physical or magical attacks. They were a formidable enemy, but Chris was determined to protect his people, especially his beloved wife, Yamada.

Yamada was a mature woman who had always supported Chris in his reign as emperor. She was wise and kind, with a great sense of humor that never failed to lift Chris's spirits, even in the darkest of times. Her presence in his life was like a calming balm, and Chris knew that he would do anything to keep her safe.

As the Bugbears continued their onslaught, Chris called upon his people to come up with a strategy to defeat them. They brainstormed ideas, trying to find a way to overcome the enemies' invulnerability.

It was then that Chris had a brilliant idea – what if they could use status ailments to weaken the Bugbears?With a new sense of determination, Chris and his team set out to cast different status ailments on the Bugbears. They tried cursing them, lowering their stats, sealing their abilities, inducing fear and confusion, and even attempting petrification and emotional manipulation. The Bugbears were resistant at first, but with multiple attempts, they began to show signs of weakness.

As the battles raged on, Chris and his people used their creativity to come up with new ways to use status ailments against the Bugbears. They tried freezing them in place, poisoning them, putting them to sleep, stopping time around them, and even attempting to transmute them into harmless creatures. It was a chaotic and humorous sight to behold, with the Bugbears stumbling around in confusion as they fell victim to the myriad of status ailments.

Through it all, Yamada stood by Chris's side, cheering him on and offering words of encouragement. Her presence infused the battlefield with a sense of hope and humor, even as they faced such a daunting enemy. Her wisdom and maturity served as a beacon of light in the darkness, guiding Chris and his people towards victory.

And finally, after a long and arduous battle, the Bugbears were defeated. Chris and his people celebrated their hard-won victory, knowing that they had overcome a formidable enemy with their ingenuity and humor. Yamada smiled at Chris, her eyes shining with pride and love.

Emperor Chris knew that he was lucky to have such a mature and supportive wife by his side. Together, they had faced countless challenges and triumphed over adversity, with humor and creativity lighting their way. As they looked towards the future, hand in hand, they knew that as long as they had each other, they could overcome anything that came their way. And so, their story continued, filled with laughter, love, and a touch of visionary creativity that would guide them towards a brighter tomorrow.

Aw 331. as


S399. Subjective reality.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Kagura SOHMA. Ally: Callisto  – A nymph who was turned into a bear by Hera. When Chris fought strange enemies, he had decided to grant to his people the ability of Subjective reality. They can enter fictional verses, turn entities into dreams, illusion or fantasy, grant non existent physiology, use existence erasure, turn fantasy into reality, negate events, and erase consequences produced by such events, and can make dreams, illusions, fiction, fantasy as real.


(449 rating)

Emperor Chris of the fantastical realm of Andromeda was known far and wide for his eccentricities. His latest decree, granting his people the ability of Subjective Reality, was just another example of his unique and slightly absurd leadership style. But his subjects loved him for it, embracing the newfound power with a mix of awe and amusement.

Chris's wife, Kagura Sohma, was a vision of beauty and grace. She was not only the perfect complement to the Emperor's quirky ways, but also a fierce warrior in her own right. Kagura had once been a powerful warrior nymph named Callisto, who had been turned into a bear by the vengeful goddess Hera. But Chris, in all his wisdom and strangeness, had managed to reverse the curse and transform Callisto back into a human, now known as Kagura.

The couple's love story was the stuff of legend, a tale of two souls bound by fate and destined to rule Andromeda together. Kagura's strength and determination complemented Chris's whimsical nature, creating a balance that was unmatched in the realm.

As Emperor Chris and his wife Kagura strolled through the vibrant gardens of their palace, they were met with cheers and adoration from their subjects. The people of Andromeda had embraced their new abilities with fervor, using Subjective Reality to create fantastical worlds and beings that danced through the air around them.

One day, as Chris and Kagura sat upon their thrones, a group of strange enemies appeared on the horizon. These creatures were like nothing the realm had ever seen before, with tentacles for arms and eyes that glowed in the dark. The Emperor and his wife exchanged a knowing look, for they knew that it was time to put their newfound powers to the test.

With a wave of his hand, Chris summoned a legion of dragons made of fire and lightning to his side. Kagura, not one to be outdone, called forth a swarm of magical warriors clad in shimmering armor. The battle that ensued was a sight to behold, with the very fabric of reality being twisted and shaped by the whims of the combatants.

As the dust settled and the enemies lay defeated, Emperor Chris and Kagura stood triumphant. The people of Andromeda cheered their names, grateful for their fearless leaders and the incredible powers they possessed. And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and his wife Kagura Sohma grew, a tale of love, courage, and the boundless possibilities of Subjective Reality.

And as the sun set over the magical realm of Andromeda, it was clear that there would never be another couple quite like Emperor Chris and Kagura Sohma, rulers of a world where dreams became reality and the impossible was always within reach.

Aw 332. swiftness


S400.  Summoning

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is the mature Kotonoha KATSURA. Enemies: Stiff-Legged Bears- giant, hairless bear monsters. They reside in a realm with only small portals. So, Chris cannot send his entire army in an instant. He then decided to give few soldiers the Summoning ability. Once they were in the bear realm, they summoned their allies: objects, undead, souls, etc. They can also call upon gods.


(490 rating)

Emperor Chris sat on his throne, his brow furrowed in thought as he contemplated the latest threat to his kingdom - the Stiff-Legged Bears. These giant, hairless bear monsters had been causing chaos in the neighboring realms, and now they were on the doorstep of his own kingdom. Chris knew he had to act quickly to protect his people.

But there was a problem - the Stiff-Legged Bears resided in a realm with only small portals, making it impossible for Chris to send his entire army in an instant. Instead, he came up with a brilliant plan. He would give a select few of his soldiers the ability to Summon, allowing them to bring reinforcements into the bear realm.

Among those chosen was a soldier named Jack, known for his quick wit and sharp skills in battle. Jack eagerly accepted the task, eager to prove himself in the face of such a formidable enemy. Alongside his companions, he entered the bear realm and began to summon their allies.

As they fought against the Stiff-Legged Bears, Jack noticed something strange - he had the ability to call upon not just objects and undead creatures, but also souls and even gods. With each summon, Jack felt a surge of power, using different aspects of his abilities to outsmart and outmaneuver the enemy.

One particularly memorable moment came when Jack summoned a giant banana peel, causing a group of Stiff-Legged Bears to slip and fall flat on their faces. As they struggled to regain their footing, Jack and his allies dealt the finishing blow, sending the bears back to their realm in defeat.

But the true surprise came when Jack summoned the goddess of luck herself, Lady Fortune. With her on their side, the tide of battle turned in their favor, as the Stiff-Legged Bears found themselves facing constant misfortune at every turn. Jack couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all, watching as the once fearsome creatures stumbled and tripped over their own paws.

In the end, the Stiff-Legged Bears were no match for Jack and his allies. With their strength and cunning, they drove the monsters back to their realm, ensuring the safety of the kingdom once more. As Jack returned to Emperor Chris, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in what they had accomplished.

And so, Emperor Chris's wife, the mature Kotonoha Katsura, greeted them with a warm smile, grateful for their bravery and ingenuity. As they celebrated their victory, Jack couldn't help but marvel at the endless possibilities of summoning abilities.

Who knew that a giant banana peel and Lady Fortune could be the key to defeating a fierce enemy?And so, the legend of Jack and the Summoning Soldiers spread throughout the kingdom, a tale of humor and heroism that would be told for generations to come. The Stiff-Legged Bears may have been a formidable foe, but they were no match for the wild imagination and creativity of Emperor Chris's army.

Aw 333. cunning


S401. Super precision

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Stella VERMILLION. Ally: Anubis – jackal-headed god associated with mummification and the afterlife (Egypt). Chris faced enemies that can make themselves smaller. The enemies were also very agile. This, Chris gave his people the gift of Super Precision to hit the enemies.


(498 rating)

Emperor Chris of the whimsical land of Vermillion had always been a fierce warrior, leading his people to victory time and time again. But there was one battle that had proven to be especially tricky for him and his army. The enemies they faced could make themselves smaller at will, dodging attacks with ease and causing chaos on the battlefield.

Determined to find a solution to this puzzling problem, Emperor Chris consulted with the wise Anubis, the jackal-headed god associated with mummification and the afterlife in ancient Egypt. Anubis, with his keen intellect and deep knowledge of magic, suggested a brilliant solution – the gift of Super Precision. This would allow Chris and his people to hit their elusive enemies with pinpoint accuracy, no matter how small or agile they became.

Eager to test out this new gift, Chris gathered his army and set out to face their diminutive foes once more. As the enemies shrank in size and darted around the battlefield, the soldiers of Vermillion were unphased. With the power of Super Precision on their side, they were able to land blows with uncanny accuracy, sending their enemies scurrying in retreat.

Emperor Chris watched with delight as his people fought with skill and precision, turning the tide of the battle in their favor. And amidst the chaos and excitement, one person stood out to him above all others – his wife, Stella Vermillion. A fierce warrior in her own right, Stella fought with a grace and determination that filled Chris with pride.

As the battle raged on, Stella's movements were a sight to behold. With each swing of her sword, each leap and dodge, she displayed a mastery of combat that was truly awe-inspiring. The enemies, unable to keep up with her Super Precision strikes, quickly found themselves overwhelmed and defeated.

After the battle was won and the enemies vanquished, Emperor Chris embraced his wife, overcome with admiration for her courage and skill. Stella, with a twinkle in her eye, smiled at him and said, "It was nothing, my dear. Just another day at the office.

"And so, with their enemies vanquished and victory secured, Emperor Chris and his wife, Stella Vermillion, returned to their kingdom as heroes. The gift of Super Precision had proven to be a powerful tool indeed, allowing them to overcome even the most challenging of foes with ease.

As they celebrated their triumph, Chris couldn't help but marvel at the incredible woman by his side. Stella Vermillion, his wife and his equal in every way, was truly a force to be reckoned with. And with her at his side, there was no challenge that they could not overcome.

And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and Stella Vermillion, the dynamic duo of Vermillion, spread far and wide. Their story was told and retold, inspiring courage and hope in all who heard it. For in a world filled with challenges and foes of all kinds, they had shown that with skill, determination, and a touch of humor, anything was possible.

Aw 334. strength


S402. Supernatural luck

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Misae SAGARA. Enemies: Axehandle hounds – dog-like beasts that reputedly subsists on axe-handles left unattended. They give curses to their victims. Chris fought them by empowering his people with supernatural luck.


(487 rating)

Emperor Chris, a charismatic and brave ruler, was known far and wide for his ability to protect his kingdom from all manner of supernatural threats. His kingdom was prosperous and peaceful, thanks in large part to his quick thinking and strategic mind. But it wasn't just Chris on his own - he had his loyal wife, Misae SAGARA, by his side every step of the way.

Misae was not your typical queen. She was bold, clever and unafraid to get her hands dirty when the situation called for it. While Chris was out battling monsters and demons, Misae was often found organizing the kingdom's defenses, strategizing with the court wizards, or even getting her hands dirty in the royal stables. She was a force to be reckoned with, and her husband knew he was lucky to have her at his side.

One day, a new threat emerged in the kingdom - the dreaded Axehandle hounds. These dog-like beasts were said to subsist on axe-handles left unattended, and they were known to give curses to their victims. The people of the kingdom were terrified, wondering how they could possibly defend themselves against such a strange and powerful foe.

But Chris was not one to back down from a challenge. He knew he had to come up with a plan, and fast. Drawing on his connections with the kingdom's most powerful wizards, he decided to empower his people with supernatural luck. He distributed lucky charms and talismans to the kingdom's citizens, ensuring that they would be protected from the curse of the Axehandle hounds.

Misae, ever the practical one, took charge of organizing the defense effort. She gathered the bravest and most skilled warriors in the kingdom, training them in the art of combat and strategy. Together, Misae and Chris led their army into battle against the Axehandle hounds, armed with their newfound luck and determination.

The battle was fierce, with the hounds proving to be formidable opponents. But Chris and Misae fought side by side, their bond and teamwork stronger than ever. With Misae's clever tactics and Chris's strategic mind, they were able to outsmart the hounds and drive them back, protecting the kingdom once more.

As the dust settled and the kingdom celebrated their victory, Chris and Misae shared a quiet moment together. They knew that their bond was unbreakable, their love stronger than any curse or monster. And as they looked out over their peaceful kingdom, they knew that as long as they were together, they could face any challenge that came their way.

And so, Emperor Chris and his wife Misae SAGARA continued to rule their kingdom with love, humor, and a healthy dose of supernatural luck. They were a true power couple, with their people grateful for their leadership and their enemies quaking in fear at the mention of their names. And as long as they were together, they knew that nothing could ever truly threaten their happiness and their reign.

Aw 335. fur


S403. Surface scaling

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Kouko KAGA. Enemies: Black dogs, also known as Barghest, Black Shuck, or Grim – associated with the Devil, Hellhounds. They live in a realm where flight is not allowed and there were very tall buildings. The hounds can run to the top through the buildings. Chris countered by giving his people the ability of Surface scaling. They can then chase the hounds by running upwards the buildings.


(525 rating)

Emperor Chris sat on his throne, feeling proud of himself for the incredible gift he had given his people - the ability of Surface scaling. His wife, the beautiful and intelligent Kouko KAGA, stood by his side, admiring him for his foresight and creativity.

However, not everyone was happy about this newfound ability. The Black dogs, also known as Barghest, Black Shuck, or Grim, were furious that the humans now had the power to chase them up to the top of the tall buildings where they resided. These hellhounds were associated with the Devil and were not afraid to show their displeasure.

One day, the Black dogs launched an attack on the city, running through the streets with their fiery eyes glowing and their sharp teeth bared. The people panicked, not sure how to defend themselves against these powerful creatures. Emperor Chris knew he had to act quickly to protect his people and his beloved wife.

He gathered his advisors and came up with a plan to counter the attack of the Black dogs. Using their Surface scaling ability, the people could now run up the buildings just like the hounds. Chris knew that this would give them a fighting chance against their enemies.

As the Black dogs raced through the city, the people of the land began to chase after them, scaling the buildings with incredible speed and agility. The hounds were surprised to see their prey now able to follow them to the very tops of the buildings where they thought they were safe.

Emperor Chris led the charge, his wife Kouko KAGA at his side, as they pursued the Black dogs through the city. The hellhounds growled and snapped at them, but the humans were determined to defend their home and their loved ones.

As they reached the top of the tallest building in the city, Chris and Kouko faced off against the leader of the Black dogs, a massive beast with glowing red eyes and smoke pouring from its nostrils. The emperor raised his sword, ready to do battle with the fearsome creature.

But before he could strike, Kouko stepped forward and began to sing a beautiful and haunting melody. The Black dog's eyes widened in surprise as it listened to her voice, a voice that seemed to calm the fury within its soul.

As Kouko sang, the Black dog's form began to shimmer and change. Its fur turned from black to a shimmering silver, and its eyes softened with newfound understanding. The hellhound bowed its head in submission, no longer a threat to the people of the city.

Emperor Chris smiled as he looked at his wife, grateful for her gift of music and her ability to touch the hearts of even the most fearsome creatures. Together, they had saved their people from destruction and brought peace to their land once more.

And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and his wife Kouko KAGA lived on, a tale of bravery, creativity, and the power of love to overcome even the darkest of enemies. The people of the city celebrated their victory, grateful for their fearless leaders and the bond that had led them to triumph in the face of danger.

Aw 336. wings
