Chapter 3:


(530 rating)

Emperor Chris was a man of great power and influence, ruling over a vast kingdom with the help of his ten wives. Each of his wives possessed a unique ability known as toon force, allowing them to bend the laws of physics and reality to their will. However, despite their incredible abilities, the wives had no stories of their own. They were always just seen as extensions of Emperor Chris, existing only to serve his needs and whims.

Enter Altair, a powerful being from a distant realm who sought to challenge Emperor Chris and take control of his kingdom. Altair was cunning and manipulative, able to warp reality to suit her own desires. She saw the Emperor's wives as nothing more than tools to be used and discarded, and she set out to defeat them and seize their powers for herself.

But the wives were not about to go down without a fight. Led by the fierce and fearless Jade, they banded together to take on Altair once and for all. Using their toon force abilities, they created a giant salmon out of thin air and proceeded to slap Altair with it googleplexes of times.

Altair was no match for the combined power of the Emperor's wives, and she was soon defeated and banished from the kingdom. The wives celebrated their victory with a grand feast, laughing and joking as they regaled each other with tales of their epic battle.

Jade, with her quick wit and sharp tongue, teased Maria about her penchant for collecting shiny objects. Maria, in turn, playfully scolded Caroline for always being late to royal gatherings. Brooklyn, the youngest of the wives, regaled the others with stories of her adventures in the kingdom's magical forests, while Quinn entertained them with her off-key singing.

Aaliyah, the quiet and mysterious wife, surprised everyone by revealing her talent for juggling flaming torches, causing a wave of laughter and applause to ripple through the room. Vivian, the most diplomatic of the wives, proposed a toast to their victory and to the enduring bond of sisterhood that held them all together.

Liliana, the most adventurous of the wives, regaled the others with stories of her daring exploits on the battlefield, while Gabriella, the most nurturing of the wives, tended to their wounds and made sure everyone was well taken care of. And Hailey, the most mischievous of the wives, pulled pranks on the others throughout the night, keeping the mood light and joyful.

As the night drew to a close, the Emperor's wives sat together, basking in the warm glow of their shared victory. They knew that they were more than just extensions of Emperor Chris - they were powerful and capable in their own right, with stories of their own waiting to be written.

And so, the Emperor's wives vowed to continue their adventures together, facing whatever challenges came their way with courage, humor, and the power of their toon force abilities. For they knew that as long as they stood united, there was nothing they couldn't overcome. And so, with hearts full of laughter and love, they set out to face whatever the future held, knowing that they were stronger together than they could ever be apart.

Elre: 10,226.79. creation



(475 rating)

Emperor Chris was known far and wide for his wisdom, strength, and fair rule over his kingdom. But despite his many accomplishments, there was one thing that some people just couldn't understand - his choice of wife. Julis RIESSFELD was not your typical queen. She was known for her sharp wit, quick temper, and love of practical jokes. Some whispered that she had cast a spell on the Emperor to make him fall in love with her, but in truth, it was simply the pure, unadulterated essence of Julis that had captured his heart.

One day, an old mystic approached Emperor Chris with a proposal. He claimed to have discovered a spell that could transfer the essence of an angel into a mortal body. The Emperor, always open to new ideas and experiences, was intrigued.

Could this be the key to unlocking the true potential of his beloved Julis?Without hesitation, Emperor Chris agreed to the spell. The mystic began chanting in a strange language, waving his hands over Julis as she lay on a bed of rose petals. Suddenly, a blinding light filled the room, and when it faded, Julis was no longer the same.

She stood before her husband, radiant and glowing with an otherworldly beauty. Her eyes sparkled with an inner light, and her laughter was like music to his ears. Emperor Chris was speechless. This was not the Julis he knew. This was something more - something divine.

As days passed, the people of the kingdom noticed a change in their queen. She was kinder, more compassionate, and always willing to lend a helping hand. Her practical jokes were replaced with acts of charity and kindness, much to the surprise of everyone who knew her.

But despite her newfound angelic qualities, Julis still retained her quick wit and sharp tongue. She would often tease the Emperor mercilessly, much to his delight. Their love only grew stronger, as they shared in the joy of this new chapter in their lives.

As time went on, rumors of the Angelic Essence Transferal Spell spread throughout the kingdom. People came from far and wide to catch a glimpse of the angelic queen, hoping to bask in her radiance and receive her blessing.

Emperor Chris and Julis reveled in their newfound fame, using their powers for good wherever they went. Together, they brought peace and prosperity to the land, showing that even the most unlikely of couples could change the world with a little bit of magic and a whole lot of love.

And so, Emperor Chris and his angelic wife, Julis RIESSFELD, lived happily ever after, their legacy forever etched in the history books as the rulers who brought light and laughter to their kingdom. And though their story may have seemed like a fairy tale, it was a testament to the power of love and the magic that dwells within us all.

Elre: 10,226.79 x 1.04 = 10,635.8616. was



* Sometimes names have numbers because the wives are like clones or robots or in a series of experiments.

Original: They fought Yogiri and Shallow Vernal. The wives slapped their enemies with flyswatters that grew larger than Undverses.

(447 rating)

Emperor Chris had quite the unique group of wives, each possessing their own special abilities thanks to their toon force powers. Out of the ten wives, they were known as 61Sarah, 62Savannah, 63Cora, 64Madeline, 65Natalia, 66Ariana, 67Lydia, 68Lyla, 69Clara, and 70Allison. Together, they were a force to be reckoned with.

One day, Emperor Chris and his wives found themselves facing off against their enemies, Yogiri and Shallow Vernal. These two villains had been causing chaos in the kingdom, and it was up to the wives to put a stop to their mischief.

As the battle began, the wives wasted no time in utilizing their toon force powers. 61Sarah conjured up a giant flyswatter out of thin air and gave Yogiri a swift slap across the face with it, sending him flying across the battlefield. 62Savannah followed suit, creating an even larger flyswatter that she used to knock Shallow Vernal off her feet.

The wives worked together seamlessly, using their unique abilities to keep their enemies at bay. 63Cora spun around in a whirlwind, creating a vortex of chaos that left Yogiri disoriented. 64Madeline used her toon force powers to stretch her arms and legs to absurd lengths, wrapping them around Shallow Vernal and immobilizing her.

65Natalia let out a loud, piercing whistle that sent shockwaves through the battlefield, stunning both Yogiri and Shallow Vernal. 66Ariana transformed into a giant ball of yarn, rolling over their enemies and trapping them in a web of colorful strings.

67Lydia and 68Lyla joined forces, combining their toon force powers to create a massive slingshot. They launched themselves towards Yogiri and Shallow Vernal, crashing into them with a force that shook the earth.

69Clara and 70Allison, the youngest of the wives, hovered above the battlefield on a cloud made of cotton candy. They rained down a rainbow of sugary goodness on their enemies, confusing them and leaving them sticky and sweet.

As the battle raged on, the wives continued to unleash their toon force powers with reckless abandon. They danced and twirled, their movements causing the very fabric of reality to warp and bend. Yogiri and Shallow Vernal could do nothing but watch in awe as the wives' creativity and humor turned the tide of the battle in their favor.

In the end, the wives emerged victorious, their enemies defeated and their kingdom safe once more. Emperor Chris beamed with pride as he watched his wives celebrate their victory, knowing that with their toon force powers and their unbreakable bond, there was nothing they couldn't overcome.

And so, the tale of Emperor Chris' wives with toon force powers became legend, their names forever etched in the annals of history as the most formidable and whimsical warriors the kingdom had ever seen.

Elre: 10,635.8616 x 1.04  = 11,061.296064. Pandora.



(453 rating)

Emperor Chris was known far and wide for his skill in magic and his quick wit. He was a powerful ruler, but he was just as famous for his sense of humor. His wife, Tsukasa Ayatsuji, was equally renowned for her beauty and intelligence. Together, they were the perfect power couple.

One day, a low-mid tier demon managed to infiltrate the palace grounds. It was causing chaos and mischief wherever it went, and Emperor Chris knew he had to do something about it. He called upon his trusted advisor, a quirky wizard named Merlin, to help him come up with a plan.

Merlin suggested they use an Elemental Empowered Banishing Spell to get rid of the demon once and for all. The spell involved calling upon the power of the four elements – earth, air, fire, and water – to banish the demon back to where it came from.

Emperor Chris and Tsukasa Ayatsuji thought this sounded like a fun challenge, and they eagerly set out to gather the necessary ingredients for the spell. They picked up some earth from the royal garden, collected a breeze from the windiest mountain peak, gathered a spark from the hottest volcano, and scooped up some water from the deepest ocean.

With all the ingredients in hand, Emperor Chris and Tsukasa Ayatsuji set to work. They drew a circle on the ground and placed the elements in their respective positions. Then, they chanted the incantation that Merlin had given them, calling upon the power of the elements to banish the demon.

As they chanted, the earth began to shake, the wind howled around them, the fire crackled and sparked, and the water rippled and swirled. Emperor Chris and Tsukasa Ayatsuji could feel the power building, and they knew they were close to banishing the demon once and for all.

Suddenly, with a blinding flash of light, the demon let out a wail and disappeared in a puff of smoke. Emperor Chris and Tsukasa Ayatsuji high-fived each other, laughing with relief and joy. They had done it! The demon was banished, and peace was restored to the palace grounds.

Merlin congratulated them on their success, praising their creativity and teamwork. He knew that the Emperor and his wife were a force to be reckoned with, both in magic and in humor.

From that day on, Emperor Chris and Tsukasa Ayatsuji were even more beloved by their subjects for their bravery and wit. They were hailed as heroes, and their Elemental Empowered Banishing Spell became the stuff of legends.

And so, with a touch of humor and a whole lot of magic, Emperor Chris and his wife Tsukasa Ayatsuji continued to rule their kingdom with wisdom and kindness, always ready to face any challenge that came their way.

Elre: 11,061.296064 x 1.04 = 11,503.74790656. the



* Altair has transformed into a man.

(415 rating)

Once upon a time in the whimsical kingdom of Zanadoodle, Emperor Chris ruled with a fair but slightly clueless hand. His kingdom was peaceful, filled with rolling hills, colorful flowers, and eccentric creatures. But Emperor Chris had a secret weapon in the form of his ten wives - Aubrey, Millie, Melody, Ayla, Serenity, Bella, Skylar, Josie, Lucia, and Daisy. These wives were not your average royal consorts. They possessed a magical ability known as toon force, a power that allowed them to bend the laws of physics and reality at will.

One fateful day, a dark shadow fell upon Zanadoodle in the form of an evil villain named Altair. Altair was a fearsome foe, with a wicked sense of humor and a penchant for causing chaos. He had come to conquer the peaceful kingdom and bend it to his will. But he had not counted on Emperor Chris' formidable wives and their unconventional powers.

When Altair's army of misfits descended upon the kingdom, the wives sprang into action. With a flick of their wrists, they conjured bowling balls larger than universes and sent them hurtling towards the enemy forces. Altair's minions were no match for the sheer absurdity of the situation, and they were quickly knocked off their feet by the gigantic balls.

As Altair himself stepped forward, ready to face off against the ten wives, they unleashed a barrage of bowling balls in all shapes and sizes. Altair dodged and weaved, his dark magic crackling around him, but he could not escape the sheer randomness of the wives' attacks. Just when he thought he had gained the upper hand, a gigantic rainbow-colored bowling ball appeared out of thin air and knocked him off his feet.

The wives cackled with glee as Altair lay defeated before them. They had outsmarted the villain with their absurd powers and unconventional tactics. As Altair disappeared in a puff of smoke, the kingdom of Zanadoodle erupted into cheers and applause for their brave and bizarre heroines.

Emperor Chris beamed with pride as he hugged each of his wives, thanking them for their bravery and ingenuity. They may not have had a story of their own, but in that moment, they were the true stars of Zanadoodle. And as they rode off into the sunset on a rainbow-colored unicorn, the kingdom knew that they could always count on Aubrey, Millie, Melody, Ayla, Serenity, Bella, Skylar, Josie, Lucia, and Daisy to keep them safe from any threat that dared to challenge their absurd and wonderful world.

Elre: 11,503.74790656 x 1.04 = 11,963.897822822. first



(517 rating)

Once upon a time in the mystical land of Eldoria, there reigned Emperor Chris, a wise and powerful ruler who was loved by all his subjects. He was known for his kindness and fairness, but he also had a mischievous side that often got him into trouble. His wife, Minori, was a beautiful and intelligent woman who was the perfect match for him.

One day, a Prince of Hell decided to cause chaos in Eldoria by casting dark spells and wreaking havoc on the citizens. Emperor Chris and Minori knew they had to do something to stop him, so they sought the help of a powerful sorcerer named Merlin.

Merlin told them of a legendary spell known as the "Prince of Hell Banishing Spell", a spell so powerful that it could banish any Prince of Hell back to the depths of Hell for eternity. However, the spell required different aspects of magic to be gathered from various places in Eldoria.

Emperor Chris and Minori set out on a quest to gather the different aspects needed for the spell. They first traveled to the Enchanted Forest, where they found a rare flower that only bloomed under the light of a full moon. Next, they journeyed to the Crystal Caves, where they mined for a special crystal that was said to amplify magical energies.

They then ventured into the Dark Marshes, where they encountered dangerous creatures and had to navigate treacherous terrain to find a rare herb that grew only in that murky swamp. Finally, they traveled to the peak of Mount Olympus, where they had to brave extreme temperatures and fierce winds to collect a rare feather from the mythical Phoenix.

After gathering all the necessary ingredients, Emperor Chris and Minori returned to Merlin's tower to perform the spell. They lit the enchanted candles, chanted the ancient incantations, and combined the different aspects of magic to unleash the power of the spell.

A bright light enveloped the room, and suddenly, the Prince of Hell appeared before them. He snarled and threatened them, but Emperor Chris stood tall and fearless. With a final incantation, the Prince of Hell was engulfed in a fiery vortex and banished back to Hell for eternity.

The citizens of Eldoria rejoiced at the news of the Prince of Hell's defeat, and Emperor Chris and Minori were hailed as heroes. They threw a grand feast in honor of their victory, with music, dancing, and merriment filling the streets of the kingdom.

As they celebrated, Merlin approached Emperor Chris and Minori with a twinkle in his eye. "You two are truly a remarkable couple," he said with a chuckle. "Not only did you defeat a Prince of Hell, but you did so with humor and creativity. Your love and teamwork are truly a force to be reckoned with."

And so, Emperor Chris and Minori continued to rule Eldoria with wisdom, kindness, and a healthy dose of mischief. They knew that as long as they had each other, no challenge was too great for them to overcome. And with a bit of humor and visionary creativity, they knew they could face anything that came their way.

Elre: 11,963.897822822 x 1.05 = 12,561.15. woman.



(452 rating)

Emperor Chris, a rather eccentric ruler, was known for his unorthodox tastes and extravagant lifestyle. One of his biggest quirks was his collection of wives, each of whom possessed a unique and powerful ability known as toon force. This ability allowed them to bend the laws of physics and reality to their will, often resulting in wild and unpredictable outcomes.

Among his wives were Raelynn, Eva, Juniper, Samantha, Elliana, Eliza, Rylee, Nevaeh, Hadley, and Alaia. Each of them was as colorful and eccentric as the next, and they shared a deep bond with one another despite their differences.

One day, Emperor Chris decided to host a grand feast in honor of his beloved wives. As the festivities began, a sudden commotion erupted as two unexpected guests arrived at the palace – Yogiri and Shallow Vernal, two powerful beings known for their mischievous ways.

Yogiri and Shallow Vernal, sensing the immense power of the Emperor's wives, decided to test their abilities by challenging them to a duel. The Emperor's wives, never one to back down from a fight, accepted the challenge with glee.

Using their toon force abilities, Raelynn, Eva, Juniper, Samantha, Elliana, Eliza, Rylee, Nevaeh, Hadley, and Alaia conjured massive balls of mushrooms larger than universes to hurl at their opponents. The balls floated ominously in the air, pulsating with otherworldly energy.

Yogiri and Shallow Vernal watched in awe as the bizarre spectacle unfolded before their eyes. The Emperor's wives cackled with laughter as they unleashed the mushrooms, which expanded and multiplied at an alarming rate, filling the palace with a strange, earthy aroma.

Yogiri and Shallow Vernal, caught off guard by the sheer absurdity of the situation, had no choice but to fight back. Using their own powers to manipulate reality, they conjured up giant spoons to swat away the mushroom balls, sending them ricocheting across the palace walls.

The battle raged on, with mushrooms flying in every direction and the palace descending into chaos. The Emperor's wives danced and twirled with reckless abandon, their laughter echoing through the halls as they unleashed their toon force in a dazzling display of creativity and whimsy.

In the end, it was a stalemate – neither side could claim victory over the other. Exhausted but exhilarated, Yogiri and Shallow Vernal made their exit, leaving the Emperor's wives to revel in their victory, their bond stronger than ever.

As the palace returned to its usual state of calm, Emperor Chris looked upon his wives with pride and admiration. Despite their eccentricities and penchant for chaos, he knew that he would not have it any other way. And so, the Emperor's wives continued to live out their days in blissful harmony, their toon force abilities bringing laughter and joy to all who crossed their path.

Elre: 12,561.15 x 1.04 = 13,063.596. A



(534 rating)

Once upon a time in the magical kingdom of Enchantia, there lived Emperor Chris and his beautiful wife, Nana EBINA. Nana EBINA was known throughout the kingdom for her kindness, intelligence, and unwavering loyalty to her husband, Emperor Chris. However, there was one small problem that constantly plagued their peaceful existence - the mischievous and trouble-making fairy, Pixie Prankster.

Pixie Prankster had a habit of causing chaos wherever she went. From turning the royal gardens into a jungle of thorns to replacing the royal guards' swords with rubber chickens, her pranks were always guaranteed to bring a smile to the faces of everyone in the kingdom – except for Emperor Chris and Nana EBINA.

One sunny afternoon, as Emperor Chris and Nana EBINA were enjoying a peaceful picnic in the royal gardens, Pixie Prankster decided to make an uninvited appearance. With a mischievous twinkle in her eye, she waved her wand and transformed the delicious feast into a pile of squirming snakes. Emperor Chris and Nana EBINA were understandably horrified, but instead of getting angry, they decided to take matters into their own hands.

Nana EBINA, being the witty and resourceful woman that she was, remembered an ancient banishing spell that had been passed down through generations of wise sages. With a knowing smile, she whispered the incantation and began to channel her energy towards Pixie Prankster. The mischievous fairy laughed and twirled around them, thinking that she had once again outsmarted the royal couple.

But little did Pixie Prankster know, Nana EBINA had tapped into a different aspect of the banishing spell – one that used the power of humor to banish the being from the current location. As Emperor Chris and Nana EBINA began to tell the most ridiculous jokes and perform silly pranks of their own, Pixie Prankster's laughter slowly turned into a look of confusion and then panic.

With each punchline and prank, Pixie Prankster began to shrink and fade away until she was nothing more than a tiny speck of light floating in the air. Emperor Chris and Nana EBINA exchanged a knowing smile as they watched the mischievous fairy disappear into the realm of the unknown.

From that day on, Pixie Prankster never dared to bother Emperor Chris and Nana EBINA again. The banishing spell had worked its magic, and the royal couple was able to enjoy their peaceful picnics once more without the fear of snakes or rubber chickens ruining their day.

And so, the kingdom of Enchantia continued to thrive under the wise and humorous rule of Emperor Chris and his clever wife, Nana EBINA. The tale of their encounter with Pixie Prankster became a favorite among the citizens, who marveled at their ability to use humor and creativity to solve even the trickiest of problems.

As for Pixie Prankster, some say she still lurks in the shadows of the kingdom, plotting her next prank. But Emperor Chris and Nana EBINA are always one step ahead, ready to banish her with a joke and a smile. And so, the laughter and happiness of Enchantia endure, thanks to the power of a banishing spell and a clever couple who know that sometimes, the best way to defeat mischief is with a little bit of humor.

Elre: 13,063.596 x 1.05 = 13,716.7758. final



* These wives don't have their own story.

(427 rating)

Emperor Chris was quite the catch in the kingdom of Cartoonia. Not only was he the ruler of the land with an impressive amount of toon force, but he also had a harem of wives who were equally as powerful in their own right. Each of his wives possessed the ability to create massive metallic bowling balls out of cotton, a seemingly harmless material that, when in their hands, became a force to be reckoned with.

First up was 91Parker, a spunky and adventurous wife who never backed down from a challenge. She could mold the cotton into a perfectly spherical shape that could easily knock down any obstacle in its path. When tasked with taking down the villain Altair, she wasted no time in summoning her giant metallic bowling ball and sending it hurtling towards her target.

Next in line was 92Julia, a sweet and gentle wife who had a knack for precision and accuracy. Her bowling balls were always perfectly weighted and aimed, making her a formidable opponent in any battle. Altair didn't stand a chance against Julia's expertly crafted cotton balls, and soon found herself flattened under their immense weight.

93Amara was up next, a fierce and determined wife who had a fiery passion for justice. Her bowling balls were infused with an extra layer of power, making them unstoppable as they rolled towards Altair with immense speed. The villain was left trembling in fear as Amara's cotton balls towered over her, ready to strike at any moment.

Rose, Charlie, Ashley, Remi, Georgia, Adalynn, and Melanie followed suit, each of them bringing their own unique flair to the fight against Altair. From Rose's graceful and elegant approach to Charlie's brute strength, from Ashley's quick wit to Remi's strategic mind, from Georgia's calming presence to Adalynn's fierce determination, and from Melanie's unrelenting drive to succeed, each wife played a crucial role in defeating the villain with their oversized metallic bowling balls.

As Altair lay defeated under the weight of their combined might, Emperor Chris watched proudly as his wives celebrated their victory. Despite the chaos and destruction that had ensued, there was no denying the power and unity that they had displayed in the face of adversity.

And so, in the kingdom of Cartoonia, Emperor Chris and his wives with toon force reigned supreme, their bond stronger than ever as they continued to protect their land from any threat that dared to challenge them. With their trusty cotton balls by their side, there was nothing they couldn't overcome, and they knew that as long as they stood together, they were invincible.

Elre: 13,716.7758 x 1.04 = 14,264.64. gift



(448 rating)

Emperor Chris was the most feared and respected ruler in all the land. His power was unmatched, and his army was unbeatable. But despite his fearsome reputation, there was one person who could bring him to his knees with just a single glance - his wife, Shizuku Yaegashi.

Shizuku was not your typical empress. She was wild, unpredictable, and had a wicked sense of humor. She was known for her sharp wit and quick tongue, and many a brave warrior had trembled in her presence. But despite her formidable personality, she was also fiercely loyal to her husband and would do anything to protect him.

One day, as Emperor Chris was preparing to go to war against a neighboring kingdom, Shizuku approached him with a mischievous glint in her eye. "I have a gift for you, my love," she said, handing him a small scroll. "It is a remote killing spell. With just a few simple words, you can strike down your enemies from afar.

"Emperor Chris was intrigued. He had never heard of such a spell before, and he was eager to see it in action. So he took the scroll and read the incantation out loud. As he did, a dark cloud formed in the sky, and a bolt of lightning shot down, striking his enemy's camp with deadly accuracy.

The Emperor was amazed. "This is incredible!" he exclaimed.

"With this spell, we can win any battle without even lifting a finger!"But Shizuku just smiled slyly. "Oh, my dear husband, you are too quick to jump to conclusions. This spell may be powerful, but it is also unpredictable. It can be just as dangerous to us as it is to our enemies.

"And sure enough, as the days went by, strange and unexplainable accidents began to happen in the palace. Servants tripped and fell down stairs, food spoiled before it could be eaten, and even the Emperor himself narrowly avoided a falling chandelier.

Emperor Chris soon realized that the remote killing spell was not to be trifled with. It was a powerful and dangerous magic that required careful handling. And so, with Shizuku's help, he devised a plan to seal it away and keep it out of harm's reach.

Despite the chaos the spell had caused, Shizuku and Emperor Chris couldn't help but find humor in the situation. They laughed together at the absurdity of it all, and their bond grew even stronger as they faced this new challenge together.

And so, Emperor Chris and his wild and unpredictable wife ruled their kingdom with wisdom and humor, never forgetting the lesson they had learned from the remote killing spell - that power, no matter how great, must always be tempered with caution and humility.

Elre: 14,264.64 x 1.04 = 14,834.56. was


Current egg laying rate: a number with around 14,834 digits.

Breakthrough has been reached. Bonuses for the egg laying rate will be doubled. A 400 rating story will grant +8 percent increase to the egg laying rate exponent.
