Chapter 9:


(663 rating)

Once upon a time, in a land far away, there ruled an Emperor named Chris. He was a strong and fair ruler, loved by his people for his wisdom and compassion. Chris was a man of great integrity, always seeking to do what was right for his kingdom and its citizens.

Emperor Chris was married to a beautiful and powerful woman named Paula. She was known throughout the land for her intelligence and grace, and was beloved by all who knew her. Paula was a wonderful match for Chris, standing by his side as his equal in every way.

However, Paula possessed a secret power that few were aware of. She had been born with the ability to cast spells, a gift that had been passed down through her family for generations. One of her most potent spells was known as the Blinding Spell.

One day, a powerful enemy emerged in the form of Shallow Vernal, a sorceress who had long coveted Chris' throne. Shallow Vernal had gathered an army of loyal followers, known as the Dawon – rebellious Mounts of the goddess Durga. These warriors were fierce and skilled in combat, posing a formidable threat to Chris and his kingdom.

As Shallow Vernal and her army approached the borders of Chris' kingdom, Paula knew that she would have to use all of her powers to protect her husband and their people. She called upon the Blinding Spell, weaving its magic to create a protected area around the kingdom.

The spell worked, causing Shallow Vernal and her followers to be struck blind as they attempted to breach the barrier. The Dawon stumbled and faltered in their attacks, their once-powerful gaze now clouded and weak. Paula's spell had proven to be a formidable defense, thwarting the enemy's advance and saving the kingdom from destruction.

But Shallow Vernal was not one to be defeated easily. Enraged by her blindness and humiliated by her failed attack, she vowed to find a way to break the spell and exact her revenge on Paula and Chris.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, as Shallow Vernal plotted and schemed in the darkness of her blindness. Finally, she devised a plan to infiltrate the kingdom and confront Paula directly.

Under the cover of night, Shallow Vernal and a small band of her most trusted followers slipped through the weakened barrier and made their way to the palace where Chris and Paula resided. They crept through the corridors, their sightless eyes filled with a newfound determination to defeat their enemies.

As they reached the inner chambers where Chris and Paula slept, Shallow Vernal unleashed a burst of dark energy, shattering the protective enchantments that Paula had placed around the palace. Chris awoke to the sound of the commotion, his heart filled with fear for his wife and his kingdom.

Rushing to Paula's side, he found her locked in a fierce battle with Shallow Vernal, their powers clashing in a symphony of light and darkness. But Paula's Blinding Spell proved to be too much for Shallow Vernal to overcome, its intensity growing stronger with each passing moment.

As the battle raged on, Chris realized that he could not stand idly by while his wife fought alone. He joined the fray, lending his own powers to bolster Paula's strength and drive back their enemies.

In the end, Shallow Vernal and her followers were defeated, their sight restored but their defeat sealed by the combined might of Chris and Paula. The kingdom was saved, and Emperor Chris and his wife Paula emerged victorious once more.

And so, the tale of Paula's Blinding Spell passed into legend, a story of courage and sacrifice that would be told for generations to come. Chris and Paula ruled their kingdom together, their bond stronger than ever, their enemies vanquished by the power of love and magic.

Elre: x 1.12 = 1,600,393.4367161. was



(597 rating)

In the mystical Kingdom of Zephyria, Emperor Chris ruled with an iron fist and a booming laugh that echoed through the halls of his grand palace. His wife, Charlotte Hazelrink, was a formidable woman with a sharp wit and a keen intellect, not to mention a penchant for casting heart-crushing spells on those who dared to cross her.

It all began one fateful day when Altair, a cunning sorceress from a neighboring kingdom, set her sights on Zephyria and its riches. With her army of lion warriors, who looked like man-Sphinx hybrids, Altair launched a series of attacks on the kingdom, determined to overthrow Emperor Chris and claim the throne for herself.

But Charlotte Hazelrink was not one to be trifled with. With a wave of her hand and a gleam in her eye, she unleashed her heart-crushing spell on Altair's army, causing their chests to tighten painfully as if their hearts were being squeezed in a vice. The lion warriors roared in agony, clutching their chests and stumbling in confusion as Charlotte cackled triumphantly.

Emperor Chris, ever the diplomat, tried to reason with Altair, offering her a peaceful resolution to their conflict. But Altair was not interested in peace. She wanted power, and she would stop at nothing to achieve her goal.

As the battle raged on, Charlotte unleashed her full arsenal of spells, each more devastating than the last. She conjured illusions of giant sugar plum fairies that danced through the enemy ranks, causing confusion and chaos. She summoned gusts of wind that lifted Altair's warriors off their feet and sent them flying through the air like rag dolls.

But Altair was a formidable foe, and she was not about to be defeated so easily. With a wave of her own staff, she summoned a horde of shadowy demons that swarmed around Charlotte, threatening to overwhelm her with their dark magic.

Emperor Chris watched in horror as his wife was surrounded by the shadowy creatures, her face a mask of determination as she fought back with all her might. With a mighty roar, he charged into the fray, his sword flashing in the sunlight as he cut down demon after demon, his laughter ringing out like a battle cry.

In the end, it was Charlotte's quick thinking that saved the day. With a flick of her wrist, she created a barrier of swirling energy that repelled the demons, sending them screaming back into the shadows from whence they came. Altair, seeing her defeat was imminent, fled the battlefield with her tail between her legs, vowing revenge on Zephyria and its rulers.

As the dust settled and the sun set on the bloodied battlefield, Emperor Chris and Charlotte Hazelrink stood side by side, surveying the aftermath of the battle. They were tired and battered, but victorious.

"I think we may need to redecorate the palace after this," Charlotte joked, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

Emperor Chris laughed, a deep, rumbling sound that echoed through the ruins of Altair's defeated army. "Perhaps a new coat of paint is in order.

But first, a feast in honor of our victory!"And so, the people of Zephyria rejoiced, celebrating their rulers and their victory over the forces of darkness. Emperor Chris and Charlotte Hazelrink stood at the head of the banquet table, their hands clasped together, their hearts full of love and laughter.

For in the Kingdom of Zephyria, where humor and magic reign supreme, there was no challenge too great for Emperor Chris and his heart-crushing wife, Charlotte Hazelrink. And so, they lived happily ever after, ruling their kingdom with joy and laughter for all the days of their reign.

Elre: 1,600,393.4367161 x 1.10 = 1,760,432.7803877. forbidden



(515 rating)

In the magnificent kingdom of Landoria, Emperor Chris ruled with wisdom and generosity. He was beloved by his people and feared by his enemies, thanks in no small part to his brilliant wife, Natsume Tsuchimikado. Natsume was a powerful sorceress, with a mischievous streak that kept her husband on his toes.

One day, while strolling through the royal gardens, Natsume came across a rare flower known as the Whispering Lotus. Intrigued by its mystical properties, she decided to experiment with a new spell. With a wave of her hand and a whispered incantation, she imbued the flower with a potent enchantment that would grant whoever kissed it the ability to deliver a Poison Kiss.

Unbeknownst to Natsume, her spell had a side effect – any female who kissed the enchanted flower would also be able to deliver a Poison Kiss. This proved to be both a blessing and a curse, as Natsume soon discovered when Yogiri, the leader of a neighboring kingdom, declared war on Landoria.

Yogiri and his army of men were no match for Natsume's powerful magic, but they soon devised a cunning plan. They sent a group of impostors, led by the devious god Aker, to infiltrate the royal court and sow discord among the citizens of Landoria.

At first, the impostors went unnoticed, blending in seamlessly with the courtiers and servants. But Natsume's keen eyes soon caught wind of their deceptions, and she devised a plan of her own. Calling upon her trusty advisor, a wise old owl named Hootsworth, she hatched a scheme to expose the impostors and turn the tide of the war in Landoria's favor.

Natsume invited Yogiri and his minions to a grand feast at the royal palace, where she unveiled her latest creation – a banquet fit for a king, complete with dishes infused with her own special brand of magic. As the impostors indulged in the sumptuous feast, Natsume discreetly sprinkled a pinch of powdered Whispering Lotus into their wine glasses.

Sure enough, as the impostors took their first sips, a strange transformation came over them. Their eyes grew wide with shock as their lips turned a sickly shade of green. With a sudden burst of laughter, they began to deliver Poison Kisses left and right, much to the amusement of the royal court.

The impostors were soon exposed for the frauds they were, and Yogiri's plans were foiled once and for all. With a wave of her hand, Natsume banished the impostors back to the underworld, where they belonged, and restored peace to the kingdom of Landoria.

Emperor Chris was overjoyed at his wife's cleverness and bravery, and he declared a grand feast in her honor. The citizens of Landoria rejoiced, singing and dancing late into the night as they celebrated their victory over the forces of evil.

And so, with a twinkle in her eye and a mischievous grin, Natsume Tsuchimikado continued to reign as the most powerful sorceress in all the land, her Poison Kiss spell serving as a reminder to all who dared to cross her path. For in the kingdom of Landoria, love was the strongest magic of all.

Elre: 1,760,432.7803877 x 1.1 = 1,936,476.0584264. to



(696 rating)

Emperor Chris was known throughout the land for his wisdom, strength, and most importantly, his sense of humor. He ruled over a vast kingdom with a kind heart and a sharp wit, and his people adored him for it. But behind every great emperor, there stands a great empress, and in Chris' case, that empress was none other than Kana MINAMI.

Kana was a powerful witch, known far and wide for her mastery of spells and enchantments. Her most famous spell was the Sigil Restraintment Spell, a spell that allowed her to weaponize a drawn sigil to bind and weaken a target, restricting them to a kneeling position. It was a spell that struck fear into the hearts of her enemies, for once they were caught in its grasp, there was no escape.

But Kana's powers were not limited to just one spell. She had a whole arsenal of magical abilities at her disposal, including the blood boiling spell, which could make her enemies' blood boil with a mere flick of her wrist. It was a deadly combination, and one that had helped Emperor Chris and his kingdom fend off countless threats over the years.

One such threat came in the form of Shallow Vernal, a rival queen with a penchant for theatrics and deception. Shallow Vernal had amassed an army of fake lion gods, known as Ȧmi-Pe, who were as fierce as they were gullible. They worshiped Vernal as their one true queen, and would do anything she commanded, no matter how ridiculous or outlandish.

Shallow Vernal had long harbored a grudge against Emperor Chris and his kingdom, jealous of their prosperity and popularity. So when she heard of Kana MINAMI and her powerful spells, she saw an opportunity to finally defeat her rival once and for all.

Shallow Vernal and her army of fake lion gods descended upon Emperor Chris' kingdom, their roars echoing through the streets as they marched towards the palace. But Chris and Kana were ready for them. They had been preparing for this moment, and they knew that with Kana's magic and Chris' humor, they could overcome any obstacle.

As Shallow Vernal and her army approached the palace gates, Kana stepped forward, her staff raised high in the air. She drew a sigil in the air, her hand moving with precision and grace. With a flick of her wrist, the sigil came to life, glowing with a fierce energy that surrounded Vernal and her minions.

The Sigil Restraintment Spell took hold, binding the fake lion gods to the ground in a kneeling position. They roared and struggled, but they could not break free from Kana's magic. And to make matters worse, Kana unleashed the blood boiling spell, causing their blood to boil within their veins.

As Shallow Vernal watched in horror, Emperor Chris stepped forward, a twinkle in his eye and a smile on his face. "My dear Shallow," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I must say, you do know how to make an entrance. But I'm afraid your acting skills could use some work.

"Shallow Vernal seethed with rage, but she could do nothing as Kana's spells continued to weaken her and her army. In a last-ditch effort, she called upon her fake lion gods to attack, but they were no match for Kana's power.

With a final flick of her wrist, Kana released the Sigil Restraintment Spell, sending Shallow Vernal and her army tumbling to the ground. The battle was over, and Emperor Chris and Kana stood victorious once again.

As the people of the kingdom cheered and celebrated their victory, Emperor Chris turned to his beloved empress and said, "My dear Kana, I must say, you truly are a force to be reckoned with. I don't know what I would do without you by my side.

"Kana smiled and placed a gentle hand on his arm. "And I, my love, do not know what I would do without your sharp wit and unwavering humor. Together, we are unstoppable.

"And so, Emperor Chris and Kana MINAMI continued to rule over their kingdom with laughter and love, their enemies vanquished and their people safe and happy. For as long as they were together, there was nothing they could not overcome.

Elre: x 1.12 = 2,168,853.1854375. open



(620 rating)

Emperor Chris of the land of Zephyr was known for his great wealth, power, and influence. He ruled over his kingdom with an iron fist, but there was one person who could melt even his icy heart - his wife, Haru Miura. Haru was a beautiful and kind-hearted woman, loved by all who knew her. She was known for her compassion, wisdom, and grace, and Emperor Chris adored her more than anything in the world.

However, not everyone shared Emperor Chris' love for his wife. Altair, a powerful sorceress and leader of a ruthless army of Apedemaks, had always harbored a deep resentment towards Haru. She envied Haru's beauty and grace, and she was determined to destroy her at any cost. Altair believed that by eliminating Haru, she could weaken Emperor Chris and finally take control of the kingdom for herself.

Altair concocted a plan to use her dark magic to cast a spell of death upon Haru. She called upon her army of Apedemaks to assist her in carrying out her wicked deed. The Apedemaks, with their lion-like heads and human torsos, were fearsome creatures known for their strength and cunning. Altair knew that with their help, she could ensure that Haru met her demise.

One fateful night, Altair and her army of Apedemaks descended upon the palace where Haru and Emperor Chris resided. They unleashed their dark magic upon Haru, casting the Death Spell with all their might. Emperor Chris was devastated as he watched his beloved wife fall to the ground, seemingly lifeless.

But as the dust cleared, Haru's body began to stir. To everyone's shock and amazement, she did not die. The Death Spell had failed to take her life, much to Altair's fury and frustration. Haru stood before Altair, her eyes blazing with determination and power.

"You may have tried to take my life, but you will never succeed," Haru declared, her voice ringing out with confidence.

Altair seethed with rage, unable to comprehend how her powerful Death Spell had failed. She knew that she must find another way to defeat Haru if she wanted to achieve her ultimate goal of seizing control of the kingdom.

Emperor Chris, relieved that Haru was still alive, knew that he must protect his wife at all costs. He called upon his most loyal advisors and warriors to help him in his quest to thwart Altair's plans. Together, they devised a plan to outsmart the sorceress and her army of Apedemaks.

Using their wit, cunning, and the power of their friendship, Emperor Chris and Haru's allies were able to turn the tide in their favor. They used all manner of absurd tactics and hilarious antics to outsmart Altair and her minions, much to the amusement of the kingdom's citizens.

In the final confrontation, Emperor Chris faced off against Altair in a battle of wits and magic. With Haru by his side, he was able to unleash his own newfound powers, surprising even himself with his strength and determination. Altair was no match for the combined forces of love, humor, and creativity that Emperor Chris and Haru possessed.

In the end, Altair and her army of Apedemaks were defeated, their dark magic no match for the light that shone from Emperor Chris and Haru's hearts. The kingdom rejoiced as peace was restored, and Emperor Chris and Haru's love for one another only grew stronger through their trials and triumphs.

And as for Altair, well, let's just say that she learned the hard way that you should never underestimate the power of love, laughter, and a little bit of silliness in the face of darkness and despair. The kingdom of Zephyr lived happily ever after, with Emperor Chris and his beloved wife, Haru Miura, ruling side by side in harmony and joy.



In the ancient land of Mesopotamia, Emperor Chris reigned over his kingdom with wisdom and benevolence. He was a fair and just ruler, loved by his people for his kindness and generosity. Chris was a handsome man with a regal bearing, his presence commanding respect and awe wherever he went. However, there was one thing that eluded him - a wife to share his throne and his heart.

Emperor Chris had long been searching for a suitable bride, someone who could match his intelligence and beauty. It was during a royal banquet that he first laid eyes on Haru Miura, a woman of incredible grace and elegance. Haru was a foreign diplomat from a distant land, and her beauty captivated Chris from the moment he saw her. Their courtship was swift and passionate, and soon they were wed in a lavish ceremony that was the talk of the kingdom.

Haru brought a different kind of energy to the palace, her mysterious origins and exotic beauty captivating everyone who met her. She was a woman of many talents, skilled in the arts of diplomacy and intrigue. It was said that Haru had a vision that extended beyond the mortal realm, a sense of foreboding and prophecy that at times unnerved those around her.

Despite her mysterious nature, Emperor Chris was deeply in love with his new bride, and he trusted her implicitly. Little did he know that Haru had a secret, a power that she kept hidden even from him. Haru was a practitioner of dark magic, a wielder of Death Spells that could bring forth the ultimate end to her enemies.

One such enemy was Altair, a ruthless warlord who had long coveted Emperor Chris' throne. Altair was a fearsome warrior, leading an army of Apedemaks - figures with male human torsos and lion heads that struck fear into the hearts of all who opposed them. Altair had set his sights on Mesopotamia, and he would stop at nothing to see Emperor Chris and his kingdom fall.

Haru knew of Altair's plans, for her visions had foretold of his treachery. She warned Emperor Chris of the impending danger, but he dismissed her fears as superstition. Undeterred, Haru took matters into her own hands, harnessing the power of her Death Spells to thwart Altair's advances.

Under the cover of darkness, Haru unleashed her dark magic upon Altair and his army. The Death Spells struck with deadly precision, decimating Altair's forces one by one. The battlefield was littered with the fallen, their lifeless bodies a testament to Haru's power.

Emperor Chris was astounded by Haru's abilities, realizing for the first time the extent of her power. He gazed upon his wife with a mixture of awe and fear, wondering what other secrets she might be hiding. Despite his misgivings, Chris could not deny the truth - Haru had saved his kingdom from certain doom.

Altair, the once fearsome warlord, lay broken and defeated at Haru's feet. His army of Apedemaks scattered to the winds, their lion-headed forms no match for the might of Haru's Death Spells. With Altair's defeat, peace was restored to Mesopotamia, and Emperor Chris and Haru reigned as king and queen, their bond stronger than ever.

And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and his wife Haru Miura was born, a tale of love, power, and the darkness that lurks within us all. In the annals of history, their names would be forever entwined, a reminder that even in the face of great evil, there is always hope for redemption.

Elre: 2,168,853.1854375 x 1.12 = 2,429,115.5676900. became



(464 rating)

Once upon a time, in the mystical land of Eldoria, there lived Emperor Chris, a kind and wise ruler loved by all his subjects. His beautiful wife, Hanayo Koizumi, was known far and wide for her grace and charm. Together, they ruled over a prosperous kingdom filled with magic and wonder.

One day, as Emperor Chris was preparing for a grand feast to celebrate the arrival of spring, a dark shadow fell over the kingdom. Yogiri, a wicked sorcerer with a grudge against the Emperor, unleashed his army of Bast impostors to wreak havoc upon Eldoria. These impostors were foul creatures who could shape-shift into anyone they desired, causing chaos and confusion wherever they went.

As the impostors infiltrated the palace, Hanayo Koizumi knew she had to act quickly to protect her beloved husband and their kingdom. Drawing upon her powerful magic, she cast a protective barrier around the palace, shielding it from the impostors' dark influence. But Yogiri was a cunning foe, and he had a plan to undermine her efforts.

Using his dark magic, Yogiri cast a spell that drained Hanayo of most of her powers, leaving her weakened and dying. The impostors seized the opportunity to attack, overpowering the palace guards and capturing Emperor Chris. With her husband in danger, Hanayo knew she had to act fast.

Remembering an ancient spell she had learned in her youth, Hanayo summoned all her remaining strength and cast the Resurrection Spell upon herself. The spell surged through her veins, filling her with a renewed sense of purpose and determination. With a flash of light, she rose from the ground, her eyes blazing with newfound power.

As Hanayo confronted Yogiri and his army of Bast impostors, she unleashed her full magical abilities upon them. With a flick of her wrist, she banished the impostors back to their own realm, where they could do no harm. Yogiri, realizing he was outmatched, fled into the shadows, vowing revenge.

Emperor Chris, freed from his captors, rushed to Hanayo's side, overcome with gratitude and admiration for his brave and resourceful wife. Together, they surveyed the damage done to their kingdom, determined to rebuild and restore peace once more.

And so, Hanayo Koizumi's Resurrection Spell became legend in Eldoria, a tale of bravery and sacrifice that would be told for generations to come. As for Yogiri, he never dared to challenge the power of Emperor Chris and his wife again, knowing that they were a force to be reckoned with.

And so, the kingdom of Eldoria thrived once more, thanks to the courage and magic of Hanayo Koizumi, the Empress who had cheated death itself to protect her loved ones. And Emperor Chris, with a twinkle in his eye, knew that he was truly the luckiest man in all the land to have such a remarkable wife by his side.

Elre: x 1.08 = 2,623,444.8131052.  to



(479 rating)

Once upon a time, in the magical land of Vessalia, there lived Emperor Chris and his beautiful wife, Ada Vessalius. Ada was not just any ordinary queen - she possessed incredible powers that made her a force to be reckoned with in the kingdom.

Ada's most powerful spell was the Candle Resurrection/Healing Spell. This spell allowed her to save and even resurrect a life by using an enchanted candle. It was a dark and dangerous spell, as it required sacrificing someone else's life in order to bring back another. But Ada never hesitated to use it when the kingdom was in danger.

One day, a dark cloud loomed over Vessalia as the kingdom was threatened by the wicked Shallow Vernal and her army of fake Ḥuntheth - fake lioness goddesses who sought to overthrow Emperor Chris and take control of the kingdom. Shallow Vernal was jealous of Ada's powers and was determined to steal them for herself.

But Ada was not one to back down from a challenge. With her quick wit and sharp tongue, she always found a way to outsmart her enemies. She knew that the key to defeating Shallow Vernal lay in using her creative powers to come up with a plan that no one could anticipate.

As Ada and Emperor Chris prepared for battle, they sought the help of their loyal subjects and allies. They called upon the quirky Wizard Zephyr, who had a penchant for creating bizarre potions and spells, and the fearless Knight Gideon, whose swordsmanship was unmatched in all the land.

Together, they devised a plan to outwit Shallow Vernal and her fake goddesses. They would use a combination of Ada's powerful spells, Zephyr's strange concoctions, and Gideon's sword skills to defeat their enemies once and for all.

The day of the final battle arrived, and the fate of Vessalia hung in the balance. Shallow Vernal and her army marched towards the kingdom, ready to unleash their wrath upon Emperor Chris and Ada.

But little did they know, Ada had a trick up her sleeve. As the fake goddesses charged towards them, Ada lit the enchanted candle and began chanting the Candle Resurrection/Healing Spell. A bright light erupted from the candle, enveloping Shallow Vernal and her army in a blinding glow.

When the dust settled, Shallow Vernal and her fake goddesses lay defeated at Ada's feet. The power of the spell had drained them of their strength, leaving them powerless to continue their reign of terror.

The kingdom erupted in cheers as Ada and Emperor Chris emerged victorious. Their enemies vanquished, they could now rule Vessalia in peace and harmony once more.

And so, Emperor Chris and his wife, Ada Vessalius, continued to reign over their magical kingdom with love, laughter, and a touch of humor. Their creativity and visionary thinking had saved Vessalia from certain doom, proving that sometimes, the most powerful weapon of all is a little bit of imagination.

Elre: 2,623,444.8131052 x 1.08 = 2,833,320.3981537. great.



(578 rating)

Once upon a time, in the mystical land of Euphoria, there lived Emperor Chris and his beloved wife Ichika Takatsuki. Ichika was known far and wide for her beauty, intelligence, and kind heart. She was also rumored to possess a powerful enchantment that protected her from demons and evil spirits, making her a beacon of light in a world filled with darkness.

Emperor Chris was head over heels in love with Ichika, and he would do anything to keep her safe. Little did they know, their peaceful existence would soon be threatened by the cunning Altair and her army of fake Ipys. Altair was a sorceress with a grudge against Ichika, determined to bring her down and seize the throne for herself.

Altair's army of fake Ipys were a sight to behold - with the head and feet of a lion, the body of a hippo, and the arms of a human, they were a bizarre concoction of different creatures. But what they lacked in appearance, they made up for in sheer brute strength and unwavering loyalty to Altair.

As rumors of Altair's sinister plans spread throughout the kingdom, Emperor Chris knew he had to act fast to protect his beloved wife. He sought out the help of the wise wizard Merlin, who had once been a close advisor to Emperor Chris's father.

Merlin listened to Emperor Chris's plight and pondered for a moment before a mischievous gleam entered his eyes. "I have just the enchantment that will protect Ichika from Altair and her army of fake Ipys," he proclaimed. With a wave of his wand, Merlin cast a spell that enveloped Ichika in a shimmering light, forming an invisible barrier around her that repelled demons and evil spirits.

Emperor Chris was overjoyed at Merlin's intervention and thanked him profusely. With Ichika now protected, he knew it was time to confront Altair and put an end to her tyranny once and for all.

Altair, however, was not one to be underestimated. She had laid a trap for Emperor Chris and his army, and as they marched into battle, they were met with a fierce onslaught from the fake Ipys. Emperor Chris fought valiantly alongside his men, but it soon became clear that they were outnumbered and outmatched.

Just when all hope seemed lost, Ichika stepped forward with a look of determination in her eyes. As she raised her hand, the enchantment around her glowed even brighter, causing the fake Ipys to recoil in fear. With a wave of her hand, Ichika banished Altair and her army back to the depths of darkness they came from.

The kingdom rejoiced at their victory, and Emperor Chris looked at his wife with newfound respect and admiration. Ichika's protection from demons and evil had not only saved her own life but the lives of everyone in Euphoria.

And so, Emperor Chris and Ichika ruled over the kingdom of Euphoria with peace and prosperity, their love for each other stronger than ever. Altair and her army of fake Ipys were nothing more than a distant memory, a cautionary tale to be told to future generations.

As for Merlin, he chuckled to himself as he watched the happy couple from afar. His vision and creativity had played a crucial role in defeating Altair, and he knew that the kingdom was in good hands with Emperor Chris and his enchanting wife Ichika by his side. And so, the land of Euphoria continued to thrive, protected by the love and magic that bound its rulers together.

Elre: x 1.10 = 3,116,652.4379690. She



(636 rating)

Emperor Chris was known throughout the land for his wisdom, kindness, and fair rule. The people revered him, and his kingdom prospered under his leadership. But behind every great man, there is a great woman. In Emperor Chris's case, his wife Azusa Murasaka was the true power behind the throne.

Azusa was not your typical empress. She was feisty, independent, and had a sharp wit that could cut through even the thickest of plots. She was beloved by the people for her compassion and generosity, but feared by her enemies for her cunning and resourcefulness.

One day, a powerful warlord by the name of Yogiri set his sights on Emperor Chris's kingdom. Yogiri was a ruthless tyrant who had conquered many lands through brute force and dark magic. He saw Emperor Chris as a threat to his power and decided to eliminate him once and for all.

Yogiri gathered his army of fake Matit, fake funerary cat goddesses who had a cult center. These creatures were grotesque and unnatural, with glowing red eyes and razor-sharp claws. They were fierce warriors who obeyed Yogiri's every command without question.

When Emperor Chris received word of Yogiri's impending attack, he knew he had to take action. He called upon his wife Azusa for advice, knowing that she was the true master of strategy and tactics in the kingdom.

Azusa thought long and hard about how to defeat Yogiri and his army of fake Matit. She knew that they were powerful foes, but she also knew that she had a secret weapon at her disposal - her protection charm.

Azusa had received the protection charm from a wise old sage many years ago. The charm was a simple enchantment placed on a silver necklace that Azusa always wore around her neck. It was said to protect the wearer from most mortal means of harm, but was ineffective against supernatural creatures.

Azusa knew that the protection charm would be her best defense against Yogiri and his army. She also knew that she would need to come up with a clever plan to outsmart them and emerge victorious.

With a twinkle in her eye and a smile on her face, Azusa devised a plan that was as daring as it was brilliant. She would use the protection charm to lure Yogiri and his army into a trap, where they would be defeated once and for all.

Azusa gathered her most trusted advisors and warriors to her side. She explained her plan to them in intricate detail, outlining every step and potential outcome. The advisors were amazed by Azusa's foresight and vision, and pledged to follow her lead without question.

As Yogiri's army of fake Matit approached the kingdom, Azusa stood at the gate with her protection charm glowing softly around her neck. Yogiri himself led the charge, his eyes filled with malice and hatred.

But as Yogiri and his army drew closer, they suddenly found themselves enveloped in a blinding light. The protection charm had been activated, and its power was strong enough to repel the fake Matit's dark magic.

Yogiri and his army were caught off guard, their attacks faltering as they struggled against the charm's protective barrier. Azusa and her warriors seized the opportunity, launching a counterattack that quickly overwhelmed the enemy forces.

In the end, Yogiri and his army were defeated, their dark magic no match for Azusa's cleverness and the power of the protection charm. The people of the kingdom rejoiced, singing praises to Emperor Chris and his wife Azusa for their bravery and ingenuity.

And so, Azusa Murasaka cemented her place in history as the true hero of the kingdom, a visionary leader whose humor and creativity saved her people from a terrible fate. As for Emperor Chris, he knew that he owed his kingdom's survival to his beloved wife, the empress who wielded the protection charm with courage and grace.

Elre: x 1.12 = 3,490,650.7305253. opened



(480 rating)

Once upon a time, in the whimsical land of Fancifulia, there lived the Emperor Chris, a ruler known for his wisdom, strength, and love for his people. His wife, Sukuyo MANKANSHOKU, was a force to be reckoned with herself. Known for her sharp wit and even sharper toon force, she could bend reality to her will with just a snap of her fingers.

One sunny day, as Emperor Chris and Sukuyo strolled through the palace gardens, they were interrupted by a loud cackle echoing through the trees. Out from the bushes emerged their arch-nemesis, Shallow Vernal, a wicked sorceress with a penchant for causing chaos wherever she went. By her side stood her fake Mehit – two reclining lionesses with three bent poles projecting from their backs, a sight both absurd and menacing.

"Ah, Emperor Chris and Sukuyo MANKANSHOKU, how lovely to see you both," Shallow Vernal purred, her eyes gleaming with malice. "I have come to challenge you to a duel of wits and magic.

Are you ready to face my fake Mehit and me?"Emperor Chris and Sukuyo exchanged a knowing look before Sukuyo cracked a mischievous grin. "Oh, we're more than ready, Shallow Vernal. In fact, we have a little trick up our sleeves." With a flick of her wrist, Sukuyo cast a quick protection spell, surrounding them in a shimmering barrier that repelled oncoming impacts and mortal weapons.

Shallow Vernal's eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly regained her composure. "Very well, let the battle begin!" she declared, raising her scepter high. The fake Mehit lunged forward, their twisted poles clashing against the protective shield with a resounding clang.

Emperor Chris and Sukuyo stood their ground, their laughter ringing out through the garden. Sukuyo's toon force came to life, transforming the fake Mehit into a pair of bumbling clowns who tripped over their own feet, much to Shallow Vernal's chagrin.

The sorceress's fury grew as she unleashed a barrage of spells and curses, but Sukuyo deftly dodged each one with a twirl and a giggle. Emperor Chris, not one to be outdone, raised his staff and summoned a flock of enchanted birds to carry Shallow Vernal and her fake Mehit away to a distant land.

As the dust settled and the laughter faded, Emperor Chris and Sukuyo MANKANSHOKU stood victorious, their bond stronger than ever. They knew that as long as they had each other, they could overcome any challenge, no matter how absurd or daunting.

And so, in the land of Fancifulia, where magic and humor reigned supreme, Emperor Chris and Sukuyo MANKANSHOKU continued to rule with love, laughter, and an unbreakable spirit. For in a world full of darkness, their light shone bright, illuminating the hearts of all who crossed their path.

And as for Shallow Vernal and her fake Mehit, they learned a valuable lesson that day – never underestimate the power of love, friendship, and a healthy dose of toon force.

Elre: 3,490,650.7305253 x 1.08 = 3,769,902.7889673. the


* Author's explanation: Elre refers to "Egg laying rate exponent." It is the number of digits that X has. A million has at least 7 digits, a googol has 100. If we will print out the actual number of Elre 3,769,902, then it will fill over 12 volumes of this book.

Each woman in Chris' harem lays X eggs per second. This act gives the women intense pleasure. How strong is each egg? Since it has been proven in the earlier volumes that the women are nigh omnipotent, we can assume the eggs are also nigh omnipotent.

It does not mean that they are all of the same level. They are nigh omnipotent because they have almost all possible skills except:

1) Opposing/killing higher level nigh omnipotents such as Goddesses and Gods.

2) Laying infinite eggs is not allowed. Omega restricts the numbers.

3) Other prohibited acts such as creating infinite universes which is absurd.

Egg levels:

Eggs inherit the latest power level of its parents, and they resonate with other eggs in the harem. Each new egg is at least 2 times stronger than the last. Doubling power levels:

2x, 4x, 8x, 16x 32x, etc.

After each second has passed, the eggs take energy from the Undverses (reality). Then empower their parents with the energy. Thus, the new generation of each will be stronger. Chris and the women also grow in power, physically, mentally, and magic related stats.

* We must not forget that the females work together to "exponentiate their power levels." Assume that the strongest female has Y power level. If there are 3000 females in the harem, their powers resonate and each gets a power level of around Y raised to the 3000th power or, Y^3000.

Of course, the new eggs inherit this every second, and they give power to their parents, thus sharing the higher power level.

Upon reaching a certain breakthrough (such as a googol Elre), for example, the eggs resonate further and raise the power levels of all eggs and daughters to match the strongest eggs in the team.

As of now, I admit it is extremely difficult to provide an accurate number for this in just one hour of egg laying.