Battle of The Flying Wyverns


The sailors awakened from their slumbers in the battleship's cramped cabins. With second officer, Stephen Hall, directing the awaking of the many tired sailors from last night's perplexing situation. Hermann ordered the officer to; "Make the men understand where they are, make them understand our predicament, make them understand by making them view the green meadow of that unknown land we called Stralsund port." 

Stephen Hall took it to heart and made them all proceed up from their cabins all the way to the ship's upperdeck. The first of the sailors to see the shore were confused. With them questioning to Stephen; "We are not in Stralsund port, Second Officer, Stephan Hall, this is some shoreline in... Russia!" 

To which Stephen replied to each and every question with; "This is Stralsund, we are certain it is. Our maps dictate truth, too do our compasses." 

They saddened, they looked, they wondered. The line of sailors had covered almost the whole of the battleship's starboard. Crowding it all, had voices filled the ship like it were some Bazaar, some market of sorts with someone offering apples a cent a stack of five! 

Now that the sun arose, the land that was darknened was then confirmed. "That's grass alright." Eberhard commented. "And not Stralsund. We shoudn't have over stepped, we are in 'German' waters. Well, we think we are. My hypothesis that we're really in another world may or may not be true." 

"I am starting to believe it bit, by bit." Hermann said. "Those aren't German trees, neither is this any German port. It should be December! The ground should be filled to the brim with snow! But it's hot! It's summer!"

"Captain, Hermann. I think we should worry about our fuel consumption if we are not near, or... Are not in earth anymore." Said Klaus. 

"That is so, that is so." He looked to the grassy meadow after the beach. "Say, have you seen Gulliver's Travels?" 

"No, captain." 

"Doesn't matter, however, if this were a book, then there should be events. Let us scale the coastline and look for civilization." 

"I take it you fully have taken stance that we are in another world?" Questioned Klaus. 

"Yes." And not another word. They stormed to their posts and so did every other crew member. The sailors that filled the starboard was full of men outlooking the 'Germany' they thought was home. Yet what they saw was only a field of grass and a peaceful beach. Yet, unlike that sandy beach, they were not peaceful. They were crying. 

"Go back to your stations everyone! The ship will be moving!" Yelled Stephen Hall, the rest of the sailors carrying out the same order in unison to get all the way from bow to stern. 

"Yes, sir!" They shouted, running away from the railings and back inside the battleship's darkened belows. 

Captain Hermann saddened as he saw the soldiers wipe away their tears. Even though he was far away, he knew, and he saw. But after some minutes, the battleship had finally begun to move. She was forced to move at a slower pace, not only because they were nearer to the shore, but also because they wished to conserve the fuel they had. 

Hermann looked at the plains, he could breathe clean air! And it was refreshing, and for the first time, he felt peace in a situation that one would say would not be peaceful by any slight. It was unreal, as he kept looking at the fields atop his battleship on the bridge wing. He felt as if he was looking a crowd at a parade and he was the main attraction. 

"Captain, Hermann!" The sailor saluted. His face seemed distressed.

"What is it?" Hermann had a vague discomfort in his face. 

"We have spotted multiple huge flying dragons up the sky! And are coming right at us!" 

( * )


There were a pack of fifteen dragons, no more, no less. But their presence in the sky was foreboding, and their power? They knew not what it could be. However, as the ship was coming at them slow ahead, the dragons had noticed and they began to swoop down from above. 

"Are they allies?" He jokingly put it. The bridge was full of panic, but Hermann seemed to keep still and keep calm. 

"No, captain..." 

"A dragon should not last a single round of anti-air!" Why hesitate?"

Klaus stepped in; "Captain, Hermann. I think it would be wise to instead use the guns in the arsenal compared to using our AA guns. If this is a daily occurence, then we will run out of our most powerful of firepower rather quickly!" 

A brief pause, Hermann thought deeper... "There is no need to save our AA-gun's ammunition, we shoot! Or we sink!"


Immidiately; eight anti-air guns had fired towards the dragon sillhoutes. the barrage of fire aimed by ship's bow, with all of them reigning hell upon the masses. The roars had almost brought down the sky, so it seemed to the many sailors.

"Might those dragon things spur on flames? Balls of fire?" Questioned Klaus. 

"Assume that they are, fire more guns!" Yelled Hermann.

As word reached of the captain's orders. The battleship had fired more of its guns. Bringing down three dragons who were nearing the ship ever so much. The other dragons, seeing the downfall of their three comrades had backed away from the hunk of mass that was shooting such powerful rounds of bullets into their wings, bodies, and heads. 

"They're retreating, captain!" 

"We take retreating for cowards!" Said Hermann with an angered expression. "Follow them! I want her to be as fast as she could go!" 

"Yes, captain!" The room echoed in their plause. 

The propellors rotated faster every second, and the AA-guns aimed at the dragons started to rack-up the amount of dragon bodies they got. However, one of the dragons had none of it. It started to speed-fast toward the battleship.

"That's the leader right there!" Yelled Hermann in enthusiastic fashion, pointing his right hand at the dragon that was coming towards them, but after a minute, the thing had dragged three more dragons to follow with. Then by another, four more, then my another, every single dragon was directed by the leader.

It split off into two groups, with one going to the ship's portside and one to the ship's starboard.

"It's gonna crash onto the ship with that speed!" Commented Eberhard. "We need to shoot more of our guns towards those things!" 

"Now you're feeling it, First Officer, Eberhard! Send word that I want guns to heil the sky!" He laughed, almost like a maniac, Hermann was. 

Clash after clash, the bullets that came out of those red-hot barrels were polluting the sky with it's might, and the world with it's sound, that made it seem that the trees close to shore were scurrying away, hiding from the rupture of sound that evicierated the flesh of the incoming dragons. From both sides.

In a bid to avoid the bullets from destroying their wings and bodies, and potentially a life-ending shot to the head, they ducked down towards the water, where their bodies had seemingly touched the blackened waters and head-on the battleship's iron hull was all in sight. 

"They're getting too close!" Yelled Eberhard. "We need to brace for impact!" 

"No! Have all four turrets round their might and storm destruction towards that direction!" 

"Yes, captain!" They yelled.

Even though the dragons were nearing ever closer, the turrets had rotated more so faster. With all four rotating towards starboard (where the dragons were).


The blast had ruptured the ears of the dragons who were coming by the battleship's portside. And the ones who were coming starboard? Evaporated. The four turret's fire had made the ship turn left a little from the sheer power that outputted from them. The turret-fire that had missed the dragons had scaved the shore and had made the sand fly up and the ground become a crater. 

"Yeah! Yeah!" Hermann pumped his fist in excitement. "Now exterminate the rest! With our AA-Guns!" 

"Yes, Captain!" They yelled with. 

( * )


It was by then, the 12th hour struck, that all the red dragons were evicerated and drowned in the battleship's many bullets. Hermann ordered for the bodies to be ignored, and to continue forward without any stopping. 

"The dragons, captain, Hermann." Started Stephen. "They will become hindrance to our plans in the future, and because of their nimble movement, we should remain silent in our voyages if ever were they to come back again for a second battle."

"I agree with what you have said, Stephen." Said Hermann. "However, moving slow and being silent is not the way I agree." 

Stephen had hidden a sigh. 

"You wish for an answer to my supposed stupidity?" Asked Hermann. Stephen was curfuffled at such a comment. 

"No, no, captain, Hermann. It was merely a suggestion."

Outside the bridge and onto the the battleship's board. The sailors were cleaning the bores of the guns, the four main turrets, and too the floors. They too were remarking the apperance of the dragons. Saying things like; 'We are in another world! There are dragons!' Or (more grim), 

'We are in another world. And there are dragons?'

Either way, the crew had mixed emotions and the captain gave provision that the dragons are no less powerful than british scrap planes. Lifting their morale a little, despite them having to stomach the fact that there is no more home to call anymore, and that Germany is something that the battleship and all of the sailors aboard, had left with any further notice for the fatherland's fuhrer. 

-{12:23 PM ON THE SHORE}-

"What was that thing!?" A wooden ship, with it carried many sailors, not as much as what the battleship held. One person, the captain, looked at the shore where the turrets had hit unintentionally with his tiny telescope. 

"I do not know, but whatever that iron hunk of war was. That is not something of this world. The cannons that are on that ship could create these craters. And the rate of fire of those cannons could out-manuever the Wvyerns." Said the captain of the wooden ship.

"What should we do?" Someone came up to the captain.

"Observe them, and when they do land. Communicate with them. For that ship? Houses a god unlike any other."