Chapter 24: The Queen's Sword

It is known to all that under "Crimson Gold" Queen Aurola, there is an invincible army.

They have strict military discipline with clear rewards and punishments, generous and considerable military pay, a powerful logistics system, and medical support that can avoid most battlefield injuries.

They are different from the conscripted armies of other lords, who are soldiers when they pick up their swords and farmers when they put them down; their only task on normal days is to train, learn the knowledge of war, and then continue training.

Although they call themselves the "Free Knights", everyone is clear that they are the absolute private army that only takes orders from Aurola.

They are called the Crusaders.


Today, the entrance of White River Town is not as peaceful as usual.

Because even from a distance, one can see the magnificent knight squad approaching with a solemn and murderous march.

The knight leading the way is wearing exquisite carved armor, with a fully enclosed helmet wrapping her head, revealing only a pair of unfathomable eyes. The beautifully decorated longsword at her waist and the iris flag symbolizing Aurola's royal family in her hand represent her extraordinary status among this group of knights:

She is the Grand Master of the Crusaders, Marika.

Although each knight behind her is a mortal, they all possess combat power not inferior to ordinary second-tier superhumans. The warhorses under their crotches, covered in white robed armor, are mixed with a bit of magical beast bloodline, able to support the knights' long-term charging and killing.

It is no exaggeration to say that these five hundred knights are enough to destroy a small country.

And the woman they are escorting, riding on a tall white horse in the center of the formation, wearing white and blue military attire, long boots, and white gloves, with golden hair and golden eyes, is naturally Aurola.

Soon, this troop marched to the entrance of White River Town.

The sentries at the gate didn't even recognize that flag, but just looking at this troop, they were already so scared that their legs went weak.

Marika rode her horse to the front of the main gate, opened her helmet visor, revealing her face, and shouted towards the tower above:

"I am Marika, the Grand Master of the Crusaders, here by the will of the Queen. Open the way quickly!"


Thump, thump, thump.

Inside White River Town, the townspeople stood by the roadside, making way for the knights leading their warhorses.

Occasionally, curious children would poke their heads out to look at the cross emblem on the knights' shields, then immediately be pushed back by adults.

But what people were most focused on was Aurola in the center, whose face was like a piece of solid ice.

"Hey, is that our queen?"

"What else? Haven't you even seen the announcements from a few years ago?"

"Heh, who had the time to pay attention to those things back then... But why did Her Majesty the Queen run from the royal city to our border area... Could it be that the fame of our White River Town has spread that far?"

"That's also thanks to Mr. Lister. What does it have to do with you?"

"I'm also a part of White River Town..."

As a seventh-tier superhuman, Aurola could clearly hear the discussions among the crowd. She took in the whispers of the two people just now, but made no expression.

You're still so good at these things, Lister.

Soon, the troop marched to a fork in the road. Marika walked over from the front of the formation and knelt on one knee in front of Aurola.

"Your Majesty, turning left ahead is the location of that Priest Owen."


Aurola responded expressionlessly.

"Are the materials ready?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Marika took out one scroll after another from her bosom, detailing every illegal tax Owen had collected in White River Town over the years, as well as his consumption records at the Boy's Paradise outside the town, and a series of other evidence of crimes.

Aurola had collected as much of this kind of church dirt as she wanted over the years.

"Then let's keep going, move quickly."


"Eh, where is Her Majesty the Queen going?"

"I don't know, it seems to be the location of the small church before..."

"No, no, she turned. That's the direction of Mr. Lister's house!"



The door was pushed open, and a group of fully armed knights rushed into the room.

Owen, who was sitting in his seat, was startled awake from his sleep. He trembled in fright and saw a knight in full armor staring at him quietly.

"Wh-what are you doing! You are... the Crusaders?!"

Owen subconsciously questioned, but soon, he saw the emblem on the knight's surcoat and was almost scared out of his wits.

As a priest of the church, he still had some knowledge. Since the Crusaders appeared here, didn't that mean... Aurola, that female butcher, was also here?

Oh my god, what kind of joke is this!!

The Spring Fountain Guild president had just left, and now the Queen of Saint Viliana followed right after?!

What the hell did I do wrong?!


Marika, who was leading, looked coldly at Owen, who was scared stiff as a wooden chicken. Then she took off her helmet and clicked her tongue.


How dare you sit where Mr. Lister once sat?

Familiar place, familiar method.

"Ah!! Spare my life! I didn't do anything!"

Accompanied by Owen's scream, Marika walked up and knocked him to the ground with the hilt of her sword. At the same time, she drew her sword from its sheath and pressed it against his neck, just as Helen had treated Lister with her magitech sword back then.

However, Marika and Helen were definitely not the same kind of people.

"Priest Owen... right?"

"My lord, spare me. I, I am a priest of Astaria. I, I..."

"Answer the question, or I'll kill you right now."

"Y-yes, I am..."

"Very good."

Marika kicked Owen and motioned for him to stand up.

"Come, the Queen requests an audience."


At the ruins of the small Astaria church in White River Town, a luxurious military tent was set up, surrounded by onlookers. It was said to be Queen Aurola's idea.

Inside the tent, Aurola sat on a chair with her hands crossed. Beside her, the town chief Kalin seemed to be saying something in her ear, but as Marika arrived from outside, Aurola waved her hand to signal Kalin to leave.


Owen, who was brought in by Marika, knelt on the ground without hesitation as soon as he entered, not caring that his carefully maintained priestly robe was now covered in dust.

Seeing this scene outside, the crowd immediately started discussing.

"Y-Your Majesty, I don't know why you grace this place with your presence and seek this humble one. Is, is there something..."


"Your subordinate is here."

Aurola stood up from her seat. She didn't pay any attention to Owen and walked straight to Marika.

She pointed to the triangular frame on the ruins that represented Astaria's justice and said to Marika:

"See that triangle of justice?"


"Hang this person on it for me."

"!!! Your Majesty, please, please spare my life!! At least, at least let me know why! There must be a misunderstanding!! I, I..."

Hearing Aurola's judgment, as calm as breathing, Owen was so shocked that his entire body of fat trembled. He crawled and rolled, trying to hug Aurola's boots, but Aurola released a magic field, not allowing him to approach half a step.

Her gaze, like a merciless predator, moved to Owen. That pure gold seemed to hold no human compassion.

"You want to know why?"

Aurola looked at Owen, who was lying on the ground, and said indifferently.

"After you go up there, I will tell you."

"By the way... send my regards to the Goddess Astaria for me."
