Chapter 26: The Courtesan with Unique Skills

After Helen and the others left, Aurola's face once again returned to that inorganic, indifferent expression.

The contempt in her tone and expression just now was basically what she could show to Sister Helen. Of course... maybe one sentence among them was not an act.

The surrounding knights began to pack up the military tent. Aurola still sat quietly in place, gazing at the small house where Lister once lived.

Marika walked out from the troop, took off her helmet and bowed beside Aurola.

"Your Majesty, forgive my bluntness, but you went a bit overboard just now."

"Really? I don't think so. In fact, I haven't even told them the more outrageous things."

Regarding the Astaria Church organization, there were very few people in the world who could understand it better than Aurola.

The main god they believed in was Astaria, the goddess of justice and order, the legendary lawful goddess who governed peace and stability in the human world.

The main reason why the Astaria Church, which received her blessing, could act with impunity on this continent was that Astaria's divine arts were the only spells discovered by humans on this continent that could be used to treat diseases, and the effect was much better than the crude methods people came up with on their own.

According to the conclusion Lister told her when discussing with her before, this world had not become clean due to the existence of magic power. Virulent infectious diseases, pollution, infections, whether in war or in daily life, countless people died from various diseases.

For example, the Nereis Expedition, which led to the gradual decline of the Kingdom of Saint Viliana, was a military action led by Aurola's maternal grandfather to attack the distant western country of Ansel.

Because the soldiers needed to march in the dense rainforest for nearly a month, during that period, non-combat attrition caused by dysentery, cholera, dengue fever, malaria, liver disease, etc. amounted to as many as 50,000 people. Keep in mind that the entire army had only a little over 200,000 people, and it also included more soldiers who could walk but had no combat capability to speak of due to weakness.

Just like that, the elite army of Saint Viliana, which originally planned to conquer Ansel before the end of the year, went from conquest to sending themselves to death. The defending Ansel defeated the then-prosperous Saint Viliana with a terrifying casualty ratio of nearly one to ten with only 80,000 people. After this battle, Saint Viliana's military strength remained empty for years until it improved after Aurola took the throne.

Of course, this incident itself was not important. What was important was that this was the reason why the Astaria Church could stand firm on this land through generations of changing royal powers.

Because they monopolized the only medical resources.

The emergence of a monopoly leader was bound to lead to corruption of the entire industry from top to bottom, and the Astaria Church was naturally no exception. The church that once took saving people with stability and order as its creed had long vanished, leaving only a bloodsucking parasite wearing that shell to deceive and the ignorant people it had blinded.

They were a huge tumor growing on this continent. Someone had to endure the pain and take a knife to cut them off...

"...Your Majesty?"

"...I'm fine."

Aurola came back to her senses from her thoughts and stood up from her seat.

Before, Lister always emphasized to her that if they continued like this, they would definitely end up on the opposite side of the church one day. She had made a lot of preparations for this... but unfortunately, she didn't know if there would still be a chance to use these preparations.

After bringing him back this time, she still had to discuss these matters with him properly.

Last time, there was a disagreement between them, but now it was time to talk again.

"Marika, how long until the Ebony Legion arrives?"

"According to the last message they sent, they should reach White River Town tomorrow."

"Mm... I'll stay in Lister's small house tonight. Have someone clean up the things inside. Don't touch the innermost room, I'll organize it myself."


Marika saluted with her hand on her chest, but returned after a while.

"Your Majesty, a message just came from outside."


Marika leaned close to Aurola and whispered softly.


Aurola's brows furrowed slightly.

"Are you sure both of them are there?"

"Yes, according to the descriptions of the locals, they shouldn't have thought about concealing their identities."


Aurola pondered for a while, holding her chin, then instructed Marika:

"Send someone to invite them over. Remember to be polite... Just say I'm waiting for them in that room."


Watching Marika leave, Aurola covered her forehead and sighed.


Saint Rinah, who originally led the Ebony Legion, was already difficult to deal with. She didn't expect that witch and that elf to react so quickly too...

Lister, since when did you hook up with so many women? Including that canary Annriel in the royal capital, each one is troublesome as hell.

After bringing you back this time, I can't let you meet these women so casually anymore, Lister... Since the misunderstanding is resolved, just stay by my side properly.

You are still mine after all...


In the crowd, Olivina and Eve, who had used disguise magic, looked at the knights on guard on the periphery, each silent.

After a long time, Olivina frowned and took off her hood, making a dissatisfied tongue click.

"Tsk... Why is that woman Aurola moving so fast... It should take at least three days to rush over from the royal capital, right?"

"If it's the Crusaders' forced march, it only takes two days to arrive. After all, this army is considered to be raised with the money earned from me."

Eve responded indifferently beside her, those silver moon-like pupils never moving away from there.

"Aurola brought five hundred knights, and it seems she's still waiting for other reinforcements... What do you plan to do?"

"What else can I do? Of course, I have to rescue him before them. Absolutely can't let him fall into Aurola's hands..."

Eve glanced at Olivina, whose face was solemn, and sighed.

"You really do like him."

"...Aren't you the same?"

"Yeah, I guess we're even then."

Eve closed her eyes, then opened them again and looked at Olivina.

"At least there's one point we can reach a consensus on. No matter what, we can't let Lister return to Aurola's hands again... After this incident, that crazy woman will probably directly lock Lister in her bedchamber until he dies..."

"Right? So there's no time to waste..."

"Too bad, it's already too late."

Eve interrupted Olivina's words, and at the same time turned her head to see a person in armor constantly being given way in the crowd.

She dispelled the disguise magic and took the initiative to walk over.

"Long time no see, Grand Master Marika."

"Same to you, Miss Eve."

Marika bowed slightly to Eve.

"Miss Eve, Her Majesty invites you... and you, Miss Olivina, to have dinner together."

"Sure, where?"

Eve blocked Olivina, who wanted to refuse, and agreed lightly.

"In Mr. Lister's small house. Her Majesty will temporarily reside there during this period."

"I think even if Queen Aurola is low-key and simple, she should at least stay in the town chief's mansion, right?"

"I have no right to disobey Her Majesty's will."

"...Alright then."

Eve sighed, then pulled Olivina behind her.

"Hey, let's go."

"...Why go? What's there to talk about with her?"

"You really don't have anything in your head besides research and Lister..."

"What do you mean?!"

"Do you think Aurola is asking for your opinion? If you don't want the future action to rescue Lister to be directly blocked by her, be obedient now, understand?"

"Tsk... Why should I bow to her..."

"Because she's the Queen of Saint Viliana, Lister's legal owner."

"Aren't you also his fiancée?!"

"Unfortunately, that's my unilateral declaration for now. But it's fine, I will use endless time and boundless love to turn it into a beautiful story of mutual devotion worthy of being sung under the World Tree."

"In your dreams! Lister is coming back to the Triad Council with me!"

"Alright, we're both no good. Let's save the infighting for later. For now, let's think of a way to deal with the enemy in front of us."

Eve interrupted the fuming Olivina and took the lead in walking inside.

Aurola... It's been a long time.
