Chapter 30: My Magic 2

Regarding the origins of aspirin, a drug with the active ingredient acetylsalicylic acid, it could be traced back to ancient Egypt over a thousand years BC in Lister's original world.

At that time, there were already records of using dried willow bark to relieve "hot pain," which referred to pain caused by various inflammatory mediators in the body.

It wasn't until the modern era when German chemist Felix Hoffmann simplified the preparation process of acetylsalicylic acid that this drug, commercially known as "aspirin," officially entered the shining stage of world medical history.

Even in different worlds, people's wisdom in utilizing the environment still had many commonalities.

When Lister went to the Elven Forest with Eve that time, he noticed that the elves there would boil a kind of leaf called the golden tree and apply it to external wounds to "expel evil spirits."

While "expelling evil spirits," the elves also exhibited relatively strong appetite suppression, occasional abdominal pain, and bleeding tendencies... These were all typical manifestations of aspirin side effects.

Thus, using the elven apothecaries' extraction techniques that could be said to be ahead of their time, Lister successfully extracted this small pill in his hand from the bark of the golden tree.

Originally, Lister had planned to launch this as the flagship product of the Spring Fountain Guild, but due to the small number of golden trees in the Elven Forest and their slow growth cycle making it difficult to mass-produce, he had to give up and only made a small quantity to keep on hand for emergencies.


Alright, the recollection ends here.

Lister came back to his senses. At this time, he had already carried Airu to the bed. Lister sat on the bedside, while Ai beside him was blankly looking at him.


"That's right."

Rarely seeing Ai in this dazed state, Lister couldn't help but pat her head, his back of the hand being patted by her ears, feeling ticklish.

"Just think of it as a holy medicine that can drive away 'miasma' under the control of a god named Felix who governs pain relief and anti-inflammation."

"Oh, oh..."

Seeing Ai's solemn appearance, Lister also sighed in his heart.

Whether it was the "pestilence" of humans, the "evil spirits" of elves, or the "miasma" on the demon realm's side, although the names were different, they actually all meant infection.

And all three of them attributed the cause to supernatural forces such as gods or monsters, which could only be said that their understanding of the world still needed a long period of development.

And it had to be comprehensive development in various aspects such as science, education, infrastructure... and so on.


At this time, Airu, who was lying on the bed, let out an even breathing sound. It had only been a little over half an hour since Lister fed her the medicine.

Lister used both hands to feel her temperature under her armpits... Mm, it had dropped a lot compared to before, probably around 40 degrees Celsius, which was slightly higher than normal.

High body temperature meant a high level of metabolism in the body. A drug that normally took over an hour to take effect now showed good results in thirty minutes.

"Sis... is she better now?"

"Your sister is asleep now. When she wakes up from this nap, she won't have any major problems."

Lister gently pinched Ai's face.

"Then I'll carry sis back..."

"No need, just let her sleep. She's in the cooling down period now and will be very fatigued when she wakes up."


Ai quietly looked at Lister and gently held his hand below.

In this world, someone who would let a sick maid of a different race sleep in the master's bed... was probably the only one in the entire world.

Tap tap.

Polite and rhythmic knocking sounded.

Lister opened the door and saw Anko standing calmly in front of it.

"Mr. Lister, the Demon Lord asked me to..."

Obviously, Anko immediately noticed Airu lying on the bed in the room, her face still flushed and not completely subsided.

Her gaze instantly darkened as she quickly walked in.

"What's going on? Did she contract an illness?"


Ai didn't speak, only lightly nodding her head.

But this action made Anko's brows furrow even more, and her expression gradually became solemn.

"Then what are you standing there for? Hurry and carry your sister back to your room."


"Quickly, every second longer..."

"Miss Anko, please wait. I was the one who let Airu sleep there."

However, Anko's expression did not ease up because of Lister's explanation, instead becoming even more serious.

She turned her head back and looked straight into Lister's eyes.

"Mr. Lister, I hope you understand that you are not only a guest of the Demon Lord's Castle but also the only prospective person for the Demon Realm's Empress. Your safety is more important than you imagine."

"You may not know, but your maid now shows typical signs of being contaminated by miasma, while you... are just an ordinary human who could be infected at any time. Rest assured, I will immediately arrange a new maid for you and replace the bedding..."

"No... please, don't..."

Airu woke up at some point. Hearing Anko's words, she struggled to sit up and let out a feeble voice while looking at Lister with trembling eyes, but immediately retracted her gaze.

Her earlier words were just a momentary impulse. Airu now realized that these words would only cause trouble for Lister.

"If you're sick, just lie down properly. With luck, maybe you'll survive..."

Anko said a sentence back to Airu, but Lister had already stepped past her and came in front of Airu.

"Mr. Lister!"

"Mr. Lister..."

Anko tried to stop him, and Airu turned her face to the side.

Lister also understood that in this era with backward medical standards, a fever to the degree of earlier was basically equivalent to a notice issued by the Grim Reaper. As for whether it would visit as notified... that was up to luck.

But that was a thing of the past.

"Are you feeling a bit chilly now, Airu?"

"Mr... Mr. Lister, please stay away from me. I don't want to..."

"You're speaking so clearly, looks like the fever has subsided quite quickly. You're almost all better."

"Eh... eh?"

After Lister's reminder, Airu suddenly realized that the previous uncomfortable state of feeling like her brain was going to burn up was gone.

"Rest more for the next two days. Consider it a vacation I'm giving you."

Lister rubbed Airu's head, then turned back to look at the incredulous Anko.

"Miss Anko, did the Demon Lo... no, did Priscilla tell you how she met me?"

"...No. As far as I know, the Demon Lord has not told any demon about you."

"I see..."

Lister pinched his chin and fell silent for a moment, then raised his head again and smiled at Anko.

"Indeed, as you said, Miss Anko, I am a thoroughly ordinary person with no rare bloodline or extraordinary talent."

"But even someone like me has a specialty."

"Humans are known for being favored only by aptitude and excelling in magic."

As Lister spoke, he took out a pill from his bosom and handed it to Anko.

Anko examined the amber-colored sphere in her hand, her expression complex.

"And this is my magic, Miss Anko."

A kind of magic called natural science.
