Chapter 93: 14 Years Old, A Student

"Huaiya, this is Eve, my friend."

"...Hello, Miss Eve."


Although the greetings between the two were incredibly stiff, Lister didn't mind.

He patted Huaiya's head and put his arm around her shoulders, smiling at Eve, "Eve, this is Huaiya, also my student."


Huaiya, who was suddenly pulled close by Lister, was obviously a bit startled. She quietly glanced at Lister out of the corner of her eye, lowered her head slightly, and her hooves moved about restlessly.


Hearing Lister's term for the little centaur girl in front of her, Eve couldn't help but take notice.

"That's right."

"What do you teach her?"

"Knowledge, everything I know... similar to what I taught you all back in the Elven Forest, but for this child... I will be more systematic, comprehensive, and focus on training her independent thinking."
