Chapter 110: Yes friends, this is a brand new track for racing Lister

When Lister and Aurola first met this girl, who was called Annriel at the time, she was not yet the Flower Countess from before, but an illegitimate daughter of Count Oberlaff waiting for fate to arrive, with no one to rely on.

Although Count Oberlaff was a high-ranking noble of Saint Viliana, he only had two sons as his legitimate heirs... And when he died from the Red Plague, the older brother was only 12 years old and the younger brother only 8.

Obviously, the collateral branches of the Oberlaff family naturally wouldn't miss this great opportunity... With a young lord and rebellious vassals, what followed was imaginable.

These two male heirs died one after another within two years, followed by a big fight among the various collateral branches, reaching the point of using any means necessary to inherit the title of count.