Chapter 119: Letting Go

"No longer fellow travelers..."

These words struck Aurola's heart like a heavy hammer.

She had considered how Lister might respond. He might question her, might be puzzled, might even directly refuse to communicate with her... She had prepared plans for all these situations, but she never thought... Lister would be disappointed in her.

Not fellow travelers, what did that mean?

Was he going to deny these more than ten years they had been together, deny everything they had done in Saint Viliana, deny his feelings for her in college?!

How could he deny all this! My life, my motivation, everything I had fought for... Those things that made up everything about him and me, how could he deny them!

Impossible, impossible!

How could she allow this to happen!

"Fellow travelers... Lister, if you don't walk with me, who else can you be with?!"