Chapter 171: So, You Too...

Before she knew it, Helen had already devoured the bread in her hand.

As nuns, they needed to restrain their material desires to the greatest extent in their daily lives. Although in fact, no one would punish them for relaxing a little - just like Aquiluna did, Helen had always inherited the ascetic habits from the nunnery.

It wasn't that she was unwilling to enjoy the prosperity of the world, but she felt that she needed to practice more austerely and make more contributions before she was qualified to enjoy everything in the secular world.

But the bread in front of her...

Helen licked the bread crumbs on her fingers and sighed.

Just this bread alone made her feel that half of her previous practices had become meaningless.

Perhaps... her faith itself was meaningless.

Behind Helen, Iris also gradually came to her senses. She looked at the bread in her hand with a very dazed expression.