Chapter 257: Night Offensive

On that day, as the last ray of sunlight was engulfed by the horizon, soldiers surged towards the positions like a tide.

The intensity and ferocity of this battle were far beyond the previous few probing and harassing contacts. The two sides were like two blades colliding together, making the sound of clashing steel every minute and second, with people dying every minute and second.

Combining the experience from previous battles, the Demon Lord's Castle army had already summarized a set of methods to deal with these Magitech Copper Mountain soldiers who carried a self-detonating aura... The ground troops were divided into squads of six to seven people as the basic combat unit. Among them, at least two soldiers carrying only close-quarters daggers and wielding widened tower shields blocked the front or sides, while the remaining soldiers carried long spears, crossbows, and other weapons, attacking from a relatively safe area.
