WebNovelHalf Bros75.00%

Broken Comedy

Lee House

(Lee family putting boxes from their RV in there house)

(Freddie and Mark walking by Thomas and Timmy)

Freddie: Hey guys how was you road trip.

Timmy: Very interesting sites and stops. I got a few books to.

Thomas: One of my favorite parts of the trip was this free watch. But it keeps getting stuck on ten.

Timmy: That's because you found it in woods plus slapping it isn't going to help.

Thomas: Looks like I need watch out next time (laughs).

Freddie: One week before school starts guys what are going to do.

Kevin: I know what I'm going to do, I have a pile of paperwork that has to get done.

Mark: Didn't you get a break from work, Mr. Lee.

Kevin: I did but that break ended a week ago. We had an unexpected stop because Thomas forgot to file up the tank.

Thomas: I have a perfectly reasonable reason for that.

Timmy: He was texting Sarah.

Thomas: You give snitches a bad name, bro.

Mark: You guys talk a lot over the break.

Timmy: Accurately 13 hours and 25 minutes per day.

Thomas: I'm surprised Dad didn't name you Timmy o'clock (laughs).

Freddie: You guys talk about some private stuff, you know what I mean.

Kevin: You better hope I don't what you mean, son.

Thomas: Well she stop texting me a couple days ago. But did give time to plan our date.

Mark: You love sick, dude.

Timmy: And I'm not looking for a cure.

(Next day)

Smoothie Shop

(Thomas and Sarah sitting down)

(Waiter bring their drinks)

Sarah: We didn't order yet.

Thomas: I did, yours is a mix of all your favorite fruits. Bananas, strawberries, and blackberries. I even dye it black for you.

(Sarah drinking the smoothie and like it)

Sarah: Is delicious, it's sweet that you did this.

Thomas: Is what good boyfriends do.

Sarah: Thomas, I need…

(Gothic music plays)

Thomas: I also pay the guy to play you favorite song, dark morning star. There's star power in here (laughs).

Sarah: Can we go outside.

Thomas: Ok, but this song is going to last an hour.

(Thomas and Sarah walk outside)

Thomas: Was the song to much because the other things I throw away would have blown your mind and the building (laughs).

Sarah: They're fine. I visited my family in Canada this summer.

Thomas: Our distant sibling, don't ask about the parents (laughs).

Sarah: They asked us to stay permanently.

Thomas: You said yes?

Sarah: I was consider it but I said no.

Thomas: Then it's water under the bridge or canoe (laughs), sorry to close to home.

Sarah: The thing is I almost made a big decision that wouldn't ended our relationship without talking to you first.

Thomas: But you didn't.

Sarah: But I almost did and that's selfish.

Thomas: What are you saying?

Sarah: I need time to think about this.

Thomas: Are you breaking up with?

Sarah: Yes, I'm sorry.

(Sarah walks away)

Lee House, Night Time

(Timmy, Mark, and Freddie watching tv)

Mark: Summer always have the best shows and movies.

Freddie: You're telling me 3 out of my five dates ended in good  because these movies.

Timmy: So logic dictates the two dates ended not so well.

Freddie: Maybe.

(Thomas walks in)

Mark: Hey Thomas, how was your date?

Thomas: Lot of things happened smoothies, songs, Sarah breaking up with me.

(All three of them shocked)

Freddie: Are you joking.

Thomas: Not really the I gags would do.

Timmy: I'm sorry, Thomas. How did you feel.

Thomas: Great.

Mark: What! you were just dumped.

Thomas: Thousands of people get dumped everyday, mostly Freddie.

Freddie: I'm going to let that one slide because you got dumped.

Timmy: Thomas, are sure you are ok.

Thomas: Totally, my heart only broke metaphorically not literally, if it did I would have a talk with our biology teacher (laughs).

(Hours later)

(Timmy sleeping in his room)

(Noises from the garage wake him up)

(Timmy walking downstairs and in garage)

(Timmy seeing Thomas painting and making sculptures)

Timmy: Thomas, what are you doing this hour.

Thomas: Doing art.

Timmy: Why this late?

Thomas: Art never sleeps and so doesn't the artist.

Timmy: I've seen the opposite from you. Didn't you sleep on the gym floor.

Thomas: Well I resting my face muscles (laughs). Now I have to finish up my work.

Timmy: This isn't a good sign.


(Kevin walking in)

Kevin: They torturing me in office today.

Timmy: That doesn't seem financially sound. Anyway I need your help.

Kevin: What's wrong.

Timmy: Is Thomas, Sarah dumped him yesterday.

Kevin: Oh no, how is he doing.

Timmy: He has been energetic than ever. His been in garage since 4:00 this morning.

Kevin: What!

Timmy: I thought must people get sad when they break up.

Kevin: Well son people deal with break ups and everything else with different emotions, how would you react if May break up with you.

Timmy: I can't imagine that.

Kevin: Come on Timmy.

Timmy: No I literally won't imagine that because I would predict I wouldn't feel great.

Kevin: See people deal with heart break differently, I'm going to talk to Thomas.

(Kevin walks into the garage)

Thomas: Hey dad, can you move away from my pee buckets.

Kevin: We going talk about that later. I heard what happened with Sarah.

Thomas: That's old news I'm totally over it.

Kevin: Then what are all those.

(Kevin pointing at Sarah paintings)

Thomas: Ok I might not be totally over Sarah.

Kevin: Thomas, is ok you feel sad about Sarah.

Thomas: I just don't understand what I did wrong though.

Kevin: You didn't you just have to accept things change. I had to learn that after me and your mother divorced.

Thomas: Is it wrong I still care for about her.

Kevin: Of course not.

(Kevin accidentally knocks a bucket over)

Kevin: Please tell me that was a paint bucket.

Thomas: I have a know idea.

(Next day)

Madison High School 

(Thomas,Timmy, Mark, and Freddie walk in the hallway)

(Thomas sees Sarah)

Sarah: Thomas I'm so sorry Thomas. I should've ended things with you like that.

Thomas: No you just felt we needed space and just because we not together doesn't mean our friendship is over.

Sarah: Well see you.

(Sarah walking away)

Timmy: I'm very proud of you, brother.

Mark: You're growing up.

Thomas: Well feels good that Freddie break ups ended even worse than mine. (laughs).

Freddie: Pushing your luck, dude.